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Journals in Arts and humanities

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Acta Poética

  • ISSN: 0185-3082
Acta Poetica es una revista semestral, arbitrada y de acceso abierto (open-acces), que publica artículos, notas, entrevistas y reseñas originales y traducidas, escritas principalmente en español y otras lenguas. Nuestra publicación pertenece al Centro de Poética del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.El propósito de Acta Poetica es ofrecer una plataforma intelectual para los estudiosos de instituciones nacionales y extranjeras y, con ello, aportar reflexiones sustantivas al estudio de la literatura, la crítica literaria y la teoría crítica, sobre aspectos de la literatura y otras expresiones culturales. Nuestra revista está dirigida a estudiosos de la literatura y otras disciplinas relacionadas con arte, cultura y sociedad.El contenido de Acta Poetica refleja la diversidad de las líneas de investigación del Centro de Poética, en el marco inter y multidisciplinario de la teoría crítica: mito, semántica, semiótica, deconstrucción, artes visuales, retórica, poética, teoría de la recepción, hermenéutica, crítica literaria, literatura comparada, estudios culturales, misticismo, filología, el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en el discurso, historia de la literatura, cine, fotografía, arquitectura, artes escénicas, música y su relación con otras disciplinas como la filosofía, la historia, la sociología y la teoría política.
Acta Poética

Advances in Archaeomaterials

  • ISSN: 2667-1360
Archaeological sciences are now more than ever a fully integrated aspect within the field of archaeology. With the enormous wealth of techniques, methodologies, theoretical approaches, and regional case studies that have been published over the past two decades, it is time that a journal dedicated to reporting the "state of the field" of various archaeometric sub-disciplines be issued. For example, review articles can cover the use of a specific technique or methodology within a class or type of materials, a region, or some combination thereof that reports on a body of scientific approaches to the materiality of the past. Beyond excavation, it is these techniques that have delivered some of the greatest archaeological discoveries in the past two decades, and regional or methodological syntheses stand to greatly enhance the dissemination of cutting edge case studies within a broader context. Additionally, Advances in Archaeomaterials will also welcome original research, as long as it is contextualized within an expanded introductory framework, in the fields of archaeological science, cultural and industrial heritage, science and technology studies including history of science, and conservation science-as long as the focus is archaeometric research on human-made materials. Finally, special issues can be published in certain circumstances (contact the editors with queries), and manuscripts of interest to a broad audience published in Chinese can be translated into English and published as an article.This will be the only journal dedicated to:Articles synthesizing archaeological science research results in a regionArticles synthesizing archaeological science research results for a method or techniqueArticles synthesizing archaeological science research results of specific ancient material classes (organic and inorganic)Original research in the fields of archaeological science, cultural and industrial heritage, science and technology studies including history of science, and conservation sciencePublishing English translations of Chinese scholarship to make it available to non-Chinese audiences.Special issues can be published in certain circumstances (contact the editors with queries).
Advances in Archaeomaterials

Anales de Antropología

  • ISSN: 0185-1225
Anales de Antropología es una de las publicaciones antropológicas contemporáneas más importantes en el ámbito académico hispanohablante. Su objetivo principal es la difusión del conocimiento antropológico en sus diversas áreas. Sus metas son: 1) dar a conocer los resultados y los productos de las investigaciones de los académicos del Instituto, y de autores especializados en el campo de la antropología no adscritos al instituto; 2) aprovechar la tecnología digital como un recurso para compartir el conocimiento en forma instantánea y con una audiencia en todo el mundo, y 3) incrementar la visibilidad y el impacto del trabajo de los autores de la revista, de tal manera que sea más fácil localizar los artículos para aumentar el número de lectores y de citas.
Anales de Antropología

Anuario de Letras

  • ISSN: 0185-1373
El Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología es una publicación semestral del Centro de Lingüística Hispánica que se propone impulsar y presentar trabajos de investigación lingüística enfocados al español y su relación con otras lenguas. La revista es arbitrada y sólo publica textos originales escritos en español.El Anuario de Letras. Lingüística y Filología publica artículos, artículos breves en forma de notas y reseñas vinculados a todas las teorías lingüísticas, si bien privilegia el análisis sincrónico o diacrónico de corte funcional y cognoscitivo. También acepta estudios que atienden a fenómenos de variación social y dialectal, así como de adquisición de la lengua materna.Esta revista está dirigida a especialistas en lingüística hispánica nacionales y extranjeros.
Anuario de Letras

Archaeological Research in Asia

  • ISSN: 2352-2267
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.2
  • Impact factor: 0.9
Archaeological Research in Asia presents high quality scholarly research conducted in between the Bosporus and the Pacific on a broad range of archaeological subjects of importance to audiences across Asia and around the world. The journal covers the traditional components of archaeology: placing events and patterns in time and space; analysis of past lifeways; and explanations for cultural processes and change. To this end, the publication will highlight theoretical and methodological advances in studying the past, present new data, and detail patterns that reshape our understanding of it. Archaeological Research in Asia publishes work on the full temporal range of archaeological inquiry from the earliest human presence in Asia with a special emphasis on time periods under-represented in other venues. Journal contributions are of three kinds: articles, case reports and short communications. Full length articles should present synthetic treatments, novel analyses, or theoretical approaches to unresolved issues. Case reports present basic data on subjects that are of broad interest because they represent key sites, sequences, and subjects that figure prominently, or should figure prominently, in how scholars both inside and outside Asia understand the archaeology of cultural and biological change through time. Short communications present new findings (e.g., radiocarbon dates) that are important to the extent that they reaffirm or change the way scholars in Asia and around the world think about Asian cultural or biological history.
Archaeological Research in Asia

Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia

  • ISSN: 1563-0110
This international journal analyzes and presents research relating to the archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia and contiguous regions including the Pacific Rim and the Americas.The journal publishes papers and develops discussions on a wide range of research topics including: •Quaternary geology •Pleistocene and Holocene paleoecology •Methodology of archaeological, anthropological and ethnographical research, including field and laboratory study techniques •Early human migrations •Physical anthropology •Paleopopulation genetics •Prehistoric art •Indigenous cultures and ethnocultural processes.The journal also publishes results of field investigations conducted by archaeologists, anthropologists, and ethnologists, and announcements of symposia and professional meetings. It is the goal of this publication to provide authors with an international forum for the presentation of their materials and ideas.
Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia

Bulletin of Latin American Research

  • ISSN: 0261-3050
AIMS AND SCOPE The Bulletin of Latin American Research publishes original research of current interest on Latin America from all academic disciplines in the general fields of the social sciences and humanities. In addition to long articles of original research the journal publishes shorter contributions on topical matters relevant to the study of Latin America, review articles, research in progress, book reviews and notes.More information can be found at the for Latin American Studies (SLAS) homepage.
Bulletin of Latin American Research

Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage

  • ISSN: 2212-0548
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (DAACH) is an on-line, peer-reviewed journal which publishes innovative research, applications and projects related to digital technologies in archaeology and cultural heritage. Scholars can publish 3D digital models of the world's cultural heritage sites, monuments, and palaeoanthropological remains, accompanied by associated academic articles.The journal aims both to preserve digital cultural heritage models and to provide access to them for the scholarly community to facilitate the academic debate. DAACH offers scholars the opportunity of publishing their models online with full interactivity so that users can explore them at will. It is unique in that its focus is on the application of 3D modeling to cultural heritage. DAACH will provide full peer-review for all 3D models, not just the text, 2D renderings or video fly-throughs, and requires all models to be accompanied by metadata, documentation, and a related article, explaining the history of the subject and its state of preservation, as well as an account of the modeling project itself. The journal focuses on scholarship that either promotes the application of 3D technologies to the fields of archaeology, art and architectural history, and palaeoanthropology or uses 3D technology to make a significant contribution to the study of built structures, works of art or palaeoanthropological remains.The provision of a 3D model is not compulsory for an article to be published in this journal.
Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage


  • ISSN: 0160-9327
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.5
  • Impact factor: 0.5
A quarterly international journal dedicated to the history and philosophy of scienceA proud tradition Endeavour, established in 1942, has, over its long and proud history, developed into one of the leading journals in the history and philosophy of science. Endeavour publishes high-quality articles on a wide array of scientific topics from ancient to modern, across all disciplines. It serves as a critical forum for the interdisciplinary exploration and evaluation of natural knowledge and its development throughout history. Each issue contains lavish color and black-and-white illustrations. This makes Endeavour an ideal destination for history and philosophy of science articles with a strong visual component.Multi-faceted scholarship Endeavour presents the history and philosophy of science in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring the journal is a valuable tool for historians, philosophers, practicing scientists, and general readers.

Estudios de Cultura Maya

  • ISSN: 0185-2574
Estudios de Cultura Maya es el órgano oficial del Centro de Estudios Mayas del Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Publica artículos en español, inglés y francés, y desde 2003 acepta contribuciones en idiomas de la familia lingüística maya.Interesada en dar a conocer el rico y complejo universo de saberes, creencias y prácticas mayas desde el surgimiento de esta cultura hasta la actualidad, la revista admite trabajos de corte histórico en sus distintas manifestaciones, y antropológico en todas sus disciplinas (Arqueología, Antropologías Física y Social, Etnología, Lingüística, Etnohistoria), Epigrafía, Iconografía, etc., sin desdeñar la publicación de textos dedicados a otros campos de la ciencia que se vinculen con el mundo maya. Así, da cuenta, entre otras cosas, del estudio estilístico de los monumentos, la astronomía y sus nexos con manifestaciones culturales como la arquitectura, los códices y los calendarios; informes de exploraciones arqueológicas; lectura y discusión de inscripciones jeroglíficas, textos prehispánicos, coloniales y actuales de y sobre los mayas; ensayos sobre organización social, economía y religión (mitos, rituales, etc.) de los mayas de ayer y hoy, etcétera.Desde sus primeros números se ha enriquecido con la participación de especialistas de la talla de Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, J. Eric Thompson, Alfonso Villa Rojas, George Kubler, Gordon Willey, Evon Z. Vogt, William Holland, Alfredo Barrera Vásquez, Calixta Guiteras Holmes, César Lizardi Ramos y muchos más, dando fe de que Estudios de Cultura Maya es un foro científico y humanístico de alta calidad abierto a todos los mayistas del mundo.
Estudios de Cultura Maya