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Journals in Physical sciences and engineering

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Journal of Catalysis

  • ISSN: 0021-9517
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 6.5
The Journal of Catalysis publishes original, rigorous, and scholarly contributions in the fields of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis including all forms of stimulations of chemical transformations (e.g., photon-, plasmon-, and electron-mediated catalysis). They are based on studies that relate catalytic function to fundamental chemical properties of surfaces and metal complexes. The contributions present novel concepts, the synthesis and kinetic investigations of inorganic solids and homogeneous complexes, spectroscopic methods for characterization of catalysts, studies of probes and reacting species interacting with the catalysts, as well as theoretical methods. The research should be of direct relevance to the science of catalytic processes and should deal with fundamental or application-driven catalysis. Published manuscripts will be of lasting value because of their significant contributions to our understanding and practice of catalysis.
Journal of Catalysis

Journal of Chromatography A

  • ISSN: 0021-9673
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.8
Journal of Chromatography A publishes research papers and critical reviews on all aspects of fundamental and applied separation science. The scope includes chromatography and related techniques (e.g. field-flow fractionation, electromigration techniques, hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques). Manuscripts on sample preparation methods/techniques and detection techniques, especially mass spectrometry are also considered, principally if they have a substantive chromatographic component. In addition, approaches dealing with the automation and miniaturization of separation techniques, and sample preparation and/or detection in combination with separation techniques are welcomed.Journal of Chromatography A values manuscripts describing fundamental research on all aspects of separation science theory and methodology, instrumental developments and analytical and preparative applications of general interest. In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny is placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent it adds to existing knowledge in separation science. Applications should address cutting-edge research questions and present a certain degree of complexity. The journal discourages submissions limited to the analysis of only one or two compounds or those that are straightforward extensions of published methods to new sample matrices. Furthermore, plagiarism and inadvertent lack of citations will be scrutinized extensively, and are a reason for immediate rejection.Journal of Chromatography A applies uniform acceptance criteria to all types of submissions (Full-length Research Papers; Short Communications; Technical Notes; Concept Papers; Review article; Discussions and Tutorials), irrespective of whether these are submitted to Regular Issues, Virtual Special Issues, or Virtual Symposium Special Issues.
Journal of Chromatography A

Journal of Chromatography B

  • ISSN: 1570-0232
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 2.8
CHROMB (Journal of Chromatography B) publishes papers on developments in separation science relevant to biology and biomedical research including both fundamental advances and applications. Analytical techniques which may be considered include the various facets of chromatography, electrophoresis and related methods, affinity and immunoaffinity-based methodologies, hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques, and microanalytical approaches. The journal also considers articles reporting developments in sample preparation, detection techniques including mass spectrometry, and data handling and analysis.Developments related to preparative separations for the isolation and purification of components of biological systems may be published, including chromatographic and electrophoretic methods, affinity separations, field flow fractionation and other preparative approaches.Applications to the analysis of biological systems and samples will be considered when the analytical science contains a significant element of novelty, e.g. a new approach to the separation of a compound, novel combination of analytical techniques, or significantly improved analytical performance. Areas to be considered include:• The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biopolymers including proteins, monoclonal antibodies, peptides and their post-translational modifications as well as nucleic acids and glycans • The comparative analysis of biological systems using proteomics, genomics, metabolomics, lipidomics and other “omics” approaches • Clinical analysis, metabolism, therapeutic drug monitoring, toxicological analysis, doping analysis, veterinary applications, analysis of environmental contaminants in biological systems • The screening and profiling of body fluids, tissues, cells, biological matrices and systems, analysis of endogenous compounds, biomarkers • Identification of new bioactive compoundsApplications which utilize published or commercial analytical or preparative protocols with little or no modification or where the results of the application rather than the analytical methodology comprise the major element of novelty of the manuscript should be directed to more specialized journals. Modifications to a previously published method may be considered for a short communication in cases where the improvement in performance is significant. Reports of analytical methods for compounds in early pharmaceutical development often lack general interest and will not be published unless the authors can demonstrate the broader significance of the methodology involved. Quality control analyses of bulk drugs, natural products or pharmaceutical formulations of small molecules are not within scope.
Journal of Chromatography B

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

  • ISSN: 0021-9797
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 9.4
The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science publishes original research findings on fundamental principles of colloid and interface science, as well as conceptually novel applications of these in advanced materials, nanomedicine, energy, environmental technologies, catalysis, and related fields. Criteria for publication are impact, quality, novelty and originality.The Journal of Colloid and Interface Science emphasizes fundamental scientific innovation within the following categories:A. Colloidal Materials and Nanomaterials B. Soft Colloidal and Self-Assembly Systems C. Adsorption, Catalysis and Electrochemistry D. Interfacial Processes, Capillarity and Wetting E. Biomaterials and Nanomedicine F. Energy Conversion and Storage, and Environmental TechnologiesBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A

  • ISSN: 0097-3165
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1
  • Impact factor: 0.9
The Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A publishes original mathematical research concerned with theoretical and practical aspects of combinatorics in all branches of science. The journal is primarily concerned with finite and discrete structures, designs, finite geometries, codes, combinatorics with number theory, combinatorial games, extremal combinatorics, combinatorics of storage, and other important theory/applications of combinatorics.It is a valuable tool for mathematicians and computer scientists, and for scientists working in information theory.As one of the premier journals in these areas, the journal sets very high standards for publication. Manuscripts accepted by the journal are generally expected to solve or make a significant step towards a solution of an important open problem, to develop a new proof technique, or to substantially advance our knowledge in some other way. The journal imposes even higher standards for accepting very long papers. Survey papers are in general not considered, unless they are of exceptionally high quality, dealing with a fundamentally important and trending topic in combinatorics. Only papers which are well-written and appear to be within these high standards will proceed to a phase of review which involves a detailed refereeing process.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A

Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B

  • ISSN: 0095-8956
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.3
  • Impact factor: 1.2
The Journal of Combinatorial Theory publishes original mathematical research dealing with theoretical aspects of the study of discrete structures. Series B is concerned primarily with the theory of graphs and hypergraphs as well as matroids, and is a valuable resource for mathematicians and computer scientists.As one of the premier journals in these areas, the journal sets very high standards for publication. Manuscripts accepted by the journal are generally expected to solve or make an important step towards a solution of an open problem, to develop a new proof technique, or to substantially advance our knowledge in some other way.The journal imposes even higher standards for accepting very long papers.The editorial process consists of two phases. In the first phase, the journal seeks general opinions from our editorial board and other experts. Only those papers that obtain favourable recommendations in this phase proceed to the second phase which involves a detailed refereeing process.
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B

Journal of Commodity Markets

  • ISSN: 2405-8513
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.7
The aim of the Journal of Commodity Markets (JCM) will be to publish high-quality research in all areas of economics and finance related to commodity markets. The research may be theoretical, empirical, or policy-related. The JCM will place an emphasis on originality, quality, and clear presentation.The purpose of the journal is also to stimulate international dialog among academics, industry participants, traders, investors, and policymakers with mutual interests in commodity markets. The mandate for the journal is to present ongoing work within commodity economics and finance. Topics can be related to financialization of commodity markets; pricing, hedging, and risk analysis of commodity derivatives; risk premia in commodity markets; real option analysis for commodity project investment and production; portfolio allocation including commodities; forecasting in commodity markets; corporate finance for commodity-exposed corporations; econometric/statistical analysis of commodity markets; organization of commodity markets; regulation of commodity markets; local and global commodity trading; and commodity supply chains. Commodity markets in this context are energy markets (including renewables), metal markets, mineral markets, agricultural markets, livestock and fish markets, markets for weather derivatives, emission markets, shipping markets, water, and related markets. This interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary journal will cover all commodity markets and is thus relevant for a broad audience. Commodity markets are not only of academic interest but also highly relevant for many practitioners, including asset managers, industrial managers, investment bankers, risk managers, and also policymakers in governments, central banks, and supranational institutions.For queries related to the journal, please contact [email protected]
Journal of Commodity Markets

Journal of Complexity

  • ISSN: 0885-064X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.4
  • Impact factor: 1.8
The multidisciplinary Journal of Complexity publishes original research papers that contain substantial mathematical results on complexity as broadly conceived. Outstanding review papers will also be published. In the area of computational complexity, the focus is on complexity over the reals, with the emphasis on lower bounds and optimal algorithms. The Journal of Complexity also publishes articles that provide major new algorithms or make important progress on upper bounds. Other models of computation, such as the Turing machine model, are also of interest. Computational complexity results in a wide variety of areas are solicited.Areas Include: • Approximation theory • Biomedical computing • Compressed computing and sensing • Computational finance • Computational number theory • Computational stochastics • Control theory • Cryptography • Design of experiments • Differential equations • Discrete problems • Distributed and parallel computation • High and infinite-dimensional problems • Information-based complexity • Inverse and ill-posed problems • Machine learning • Markov chain Monte Carlo • Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo • Multivariate integration and approximation • Noisy data • Nonlinear and algebraic equations • Numerical analysis • Operator equations • Optimization • Quantum computing • Scientific computation • Tractability of multivariate problems • Vision and image understandingBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Complexity

Journal of Computational Physics

  • ISSN: 0021-9991
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 3.8
The Journal of Computational Physics (JCP) focuses on the computational aspects of physical problems. JCP encourages original scientific contributions in advanced mathematical and numerical modeling reflecting a combination of concepts, methods and principles which are often interdisciplinary in nature and span several areas of physics, mechanics, applied mathematics, statistics, applied geometry, computer science, chemistry and other scientific disciplines as well: the Journal's editors seek to emphasize methods that cross disciplinary boundaries.JCP also encourages the submission of papers that develop innovative methods bridging mathematical, physical modeling and algorithmization, e.g. at the frontier between predictive simulation and machine learning. When addressing problems previously covered by other approaches, a comparison should be provided. As for any paper in JCP, the efficacy, robustness, computational complexity, as well as reproducibility should be addressed.JCP also publishes short notes of 4 pages or less (including figures, tables, and references but excluding title pages). Letters to the Editor commenting on articles already published in this Journal will also be considered. Neither notes nor letters should have an abstract. Review articles providing a survey of particular fields are particularly encouraged. Full text articles have a recommended length of 25 pages for the initial submission. Submissionssignificantly exceeding this limit will not be considered. In order to estimate the page limit, please use our template.Published conference papers are welcome provided the submitted manuscript is a significant enhancement of the conference paper with substantial additions.Reproducibility, that is the ability to reproduce results obtained by others, is a core principle of the scientific method. As the impact of and knowledge discovery enabled by computational science and engineering continues to increase, it is imperative that reproducibility becomes a natural part of these activities. The journal strongly encourages authors to make available all software or data that would allow published results to be reproduced and that every effort is made to include sufficient information in manuscripts to enable this. This should not only include information used for setup but also details on post-processing to recover published results.
Journal of Computational Physics

Journal of Computational Science

  • ISSN: 1877-7503
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 3.1
Computational Science is a rapidly growing multi- and interdisciplinary field. It develops mathematical and computational models and uses advanced computing techniques to simulate these models, driven by data. Its overarching goal is to understand and solve complex problems. It has reached a level of predictive and interventional capability that now firmly complements the traditional pillars of experimentation and theory.The recent advances in experimental techniques have opened up new windows into physical and biological processes at many levels of detail. The resulting data explosion allows for detailed data-driven modeling and simulation which is no longer feasible using traditional analytical approaches alone.This new discipline in science combines computational thinking, modern computational methods, devices and collateral technologies to address problems far beyond the scope of traditional numerical methods.Computational science typically unifies three distinct elements:• Modeling, Algorithms and Simulations (e.g. numerical and non-numerical, discrete and continuous); • Software developed to solve science (e.g., biological, physical, and social), engineering, medicine, and humanities problems; • Computer and information science that develops and optimizes the advanced system hardware, software, networking, and data management components (e.g. problem solving environments).The Journal of Computational Science aims to be an international platform to exchange novel research results in simulation-based science across all scientific disciplines. It publishes advanced innovative, interdisciplinary research where complex multi-scale, multi-domain problems in science and engineering are solved, integrating sophisticated numerical methods, computation, data, networks, and novel devices.The journal welcomes original, unpublished high quality contributions in the field of computational science at large, addressing one or more of the aforementioned elements.
Journal of Computational Science