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Journals in Mechanics elasticity rheology

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European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids

  • ISSN: 0997-7538
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 4.4
The European Journal of Mechanics A/Solids aims to publish high-quality articles in innovative areas of Solid Mechanics bridging fundamentals, physics, mathematics, computational sciences and materials engineering serving challenging technological applications relying on the mechanical behaviour of solids.The following topics are covered: Mechanics of materials; thermodynamics; elasticity; plasticity and damage; creep; fatigue; fracture; composites and multiphase materials; micromechanics; buckling phenomena; stability; dynamics, vibrations and waves in solids; solids for soft robotics; soft matter mechanics; metamaterial mechanics; contact mechanics, friction and wear; coupled problems; microstructural design and optimization; parameter identification for mechanics; biomechanics of soft and hard tissues; mechanics of MEMS and microsystems.
European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids

International Journal of Solids and Structures

  • ISSN: 0020-7683
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.4
The International Journal of Solids and Structures has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research in Mechanics of Solids and Structures as a field of Applied Science and Engineering. It fosters thus the exchange of ideas among workers in different parts of the world and also among workers who emphasize different aspects of the foundations and applications of the field.Standing as it does at the cross-roads of Materials Science, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Design, the Mechanics of Solids and Structures is experiencing considerable growth as a result of recent technological advances. The Journal, by providing an international medium of communication, is encouraging this growth and is encompassing all aspects of the field from the more classical problems of structural analysis to mechanics of solids continually interacting with other media and including fracture, flow, wave propagation, heat transfer, thermal effects in solids, optimum design methods, model analysis, structural topology and numerical techniques. Interest extends to both inorganic and organic solids and structures.The emphasis is placed on contributions, analytical, experimental and numerical, which appear to be of permanent interest to research workers and engineers in the field. If furthering knowledge in the area of principal concern of the Journal, papers of primary interest to the constitutive disciplines of Materials Science, Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Design may be published. Papers which are merely illustrations of established principles and procedures, even though possibly containing new numerical or experimental data, will generally not be published.When outstanding advances are made in existing areas or when new areas have been developed to a definitive stage, special review articles will be considered by the Editors.No length limitations for contributions are set, but only concisely written papers are published. Brief articles are considered on the basis of technical merit. Discussions of previously published papers are welcome.
International Journal of Solids and Structures

Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

  • ISSN: 0377-0257
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.7
The Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics publishes research on flowing soft matter systems. Submissions in all areas of flowing complex fluids are welcomed, including polymer melts and solutions, suspensions, colloids, surfactant solutions, biological fluids, gels, liquid crystals and granular materials. Flow problems relevant to microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip, nanofluidics, biological flows, geophysical flows, industrial processes and other applications are of interest.Subjects considered suitable for the journal include the following (not necessarily in order of importance):Theoretical, computational and experimental studies of naturally or technologically relevant flow problems where the non-Newtonian nature of the fluid is important in determining the character of the flow. We seek in particular studies that lend mechanistic insight into flow behavior in complex fluids or highlight flow phenomena unique to complex fluids. Examples includeInstabilities, unsteady and turbulent or chaotic flow characteristics in non-Newtonian fluids,Multiphase flows involving complex fluids,Problems involving transport phenomena such as heat and mass transfer and mixing, to the extent that the non-Newtonian flow behavior is central to the transport phenomena,Novel flow situations that suggest the need for further theoretical study,Practical situations of flow that are in need of systematic theoretical and experimental research. Such issues and developments commonly arise, for example, in the polymer processing, petroleum, pharmaceutical, biomedical and consumer product industries.This list is meant to be representative, not exhaustive.Mathematical analysis of equations relevant to non-Newtonian flowsNumerical methods suited to problems in flowing complex fluidsDevelopment of rheological constitutive equations for non-Newtonian fluids from both continuum and microstructural starting points.Experimental assessment of predictions from rheological constitutive equations.Devices and methodologies for rheological measurements at both macro- and microscopic levels, including microrheology.Overly abstract, formalistic or artificial developments will not be welcomed.
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

  • ISSN: 0022-5096
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 5
The Journal was founded in 1952 by Rodney Hill, who was its Editor-in-Chief until 1968.The aim of the journal is to publish research of the highest quality and of lasting significance on the mechanics of solids. The scope is broad, from fundamental concepts in mechanics to the analysis of novel phenomena and applications.Solids are interpreted broadly to include both hard and soft materials as well as natural and synthetic structures. The approach can be theoretical, experimental or computational. This research activity sits within engineering science and the allied areas of mathematics, material science, chemistry, biology, and physics.The main purpose of the Journal is to foster scientific understanding of all issues impacting the mechanical response of solid materials, and its relations to the underlying microstructure and physical mechanisms. The content of the Journal reflects the current state of the discipline in analysis, experimental observation, and numerical simulation.Authors are encouraged to consider the significance of their contributions for the field of mechanics and the implications of their results, in addition to describing the details of their work.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids