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Journals in Mathematics and applied mathematics

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Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

  • ISSN: 0022-247X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.3
  • Impact factor: 1.2
The Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications presents papers that treat mathematical analysis and its numerous applications. In applications the journal emphasizes articles devoted to the mathematical treatment of questions arising in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering, particularly those that stress analytical aspects and novel problems and their solutions.Papers are sought in one or more of the following areas:•Analytic number theory •Applied mathematics •Approximation theory •Calculus of Variations •Combinatorics •Complex analysis •Control and Optimization •Dynamical systems •Functional analysis and operator theory •Mathematical biology •Mathematical physics •Numerical analysis •Partial differential equations •Probability •Real and harmonic analysisProspective authors are strongly encouraged to read the Guide for Authors.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

Journal of Mathematical Economics

  • ISSN: 0304-4068
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.9
  • Impact factor: 1
In the Editor's view, the formal mathematical expression of economic ideas is of vital importance to economics. Such expression can determine whether a loose economic intuition has a coherent, logical meaning. Also, a full formal development of economic ideas can itself suggest new economic concepts and intuitions.The primary objective of the Journal is to provide a forum for work in economic theory which expresses economic ideas using formal mathematical reasoning. For work to add to this primary objective, it is not sufficient that the mathematical reasoning be new and correct. The work must have real economic content. The economic ideas must be interesting and important. These ideas may pertain to any field of economics or any school of economic thought.
Journal of Mathematical Economics

Journal of Multivariate Analysis

  • ISSN: 0047-259X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.4
The Journal of Multivariate Analysis (JMVA) is the central venue for the publication of new, relevant methodology and particularly theoretical developments of multivariate statistics combined with innovative applications pertaining to the analysis and interpretation of multidimensional data. Papers making substantial contributions to regression or time series analysis for multidimensional response variables are invited.Please note that a JMVA article is of length 15-25 pages. All proofs of propositions, theorems and lemmas should appear in the main body of the text or an appendix (not in a supplement).The journal welcomes contributions to all aspects of multivariate data analysis and modeling, including:cluster analysis, discriminant analysis, factor analysis, independent component analysis and multidimensional continuous or discrete distribution theory, where the theory should connect to multivariate statistical inference.Topics of current interest include, but are not limited to, inferential aspects of: Change point analysisCopula modelingFunctional data analysisGraphical modelingHigh-dimensional data analysisImage analysisMultivariate extreme-value theoryMultivariate mixed modelsSparse modelingSpatial statistics,Submissions dealing with univariate models, including regression models with a single response variable and univariate time series models, are usually deemed to fall outside the journal's remit.Papers whose content is probabilistic in nature or whose main contribution is to substantive areas (e.g., actuarial science, biostatistics, economics, finance or hydrology) typically fall outside the journal's scope and will only be considered for publication if the statistical methodology used is both novel and broadly applicable.Finally, note that contributors to multivariate survival analysis, reliability theory and statistical quality control should submit their papers to journals specializing in these areas to ensure that their work reaches the targeted audience.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis

Journal of Number Theory

  • ISSN: 0022-314X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.7
  • Impact factor: 0.6
For more information on our journals visit: of Number Theory (JNT) features selected research articles that represent the broad spectrum of interest in contemporary number theory and allied areas. A valuable resource for mathematicians, the journal provides an international forum for the publication of original research in the field.Journal of Number Theory is encouraging submissions of high quality, long articles where most or all of the technical details are included. The journal now considers and welcomes also papers in Computational Number Theory.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require further information or help, please visit our Support Center.AAA
Journal of Number Theory

Journal of Process Control

  • ISSN: 0959-1524
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.3
A journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlThis international journal covers the application of control theory, operations research, computer science and engineering principles to the solution of process control problems. In addition to the traditional chemical processing and manufacturing applications, the scope of process control problems involves a wide range of applications that includes energy processes, nano-technology, systems biology, bio-medical engineering, pharmaceutical processing technology, energy storage and conversion, smart grid, and data analytics among others.Papers on the theory in these areas will also be accepted provided the theoretical contribution is aimed at the application and the development of process control techniques.Topics covered include:• Control applications• Process monitoring• Plant-wide control• Process control systems• Control techniques and algorithms• Process modelling and simulation• Design methodsAdvanced design methods exclude well established and widely studied traditional design techniques such as PID tuning and its many variants. Applications in fields such as control of automotive engines, machinery and robotics are not deemed suitable unless a clear motivation for the relevance to process control is provided.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), access their home page.
Journal of Process Control

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

  • ISSN: 0378-3758
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.9
  • Impact factor: 0.8
The Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference offers itself as a multifaceted and all-inclusive bridge between classical aspects of statistics and probability, and the emerging interdisciplinary aspects that have a potential of revolutionizing the subject. While we maintain our traditional strength in statistical inference, design, classical probability, and large sample methods, we also have a far more inclusive and broadened scope to keep up with the new problems that confront us as statisticians, mathematicians, and scientists, such as clustering, post model selection inference, deep learning and random networks.We publish high quality articles in all branches of statistics, probability, discrete mathematics, machine learning, and bioinformatics. We also especially welcome well written and up to date review articles on fundamental themes of statistics, probability, machine learning, and general biostatistics. Thoughtful letters to the editors, interesting problems in need of a solution, and short notes carrying an element of elegance or beauty are equally welcome.We want to serve as the broadest international platform for high quality research on every aspect of our field, traditional and cutting edge. The quality and the breadth of our editorial board reflects that singular priority.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

Journal of Symbolic Computation

  • ISSN: 0747-7171
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.7
  • Impact factor: 0.6
An international journal, the Journal of Symbolic Computation, founded by Bruno Buchberger in 1985, is directed to mathematicians and computer scientists who have a particular interest in symbolic computation. The journal provides a forum for research in the algorithmic treatment of all types of symbolic objects: objects in formal languages (terms, formulas, programs); algebraic objects (elements in basic number domains, polynomials, residue classes, etc.); and geometrical objects.It is the explicit goal of the journal to promote the integration of symbolic computation by establishing one common avenue of communication for researchers working in the different subareas. It is also important that the algorithmic achievements of these areas should be made available to the human problem-solver in integrated software systems for symbolic computation. To help this integration, the journal publishes invited tutorial surveys as well as Applications Letters and System Descriptions.Research Areas Include:• Computational algebra • Computational geometry (non-linear) • Automated theorem proving • Automatic programming • Design and implementation of symbolic computation languages and systems • Applications in education, science, engineering and industryBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Symbolic Computation

Journal of the Franklin Institute

  • ISSN: 0016-0032
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Engineering and Applied MathematicsAs the second oldest continuously published American journal devoted to science and technology, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has an established reputation for publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics.As a peer-reviewed journal, its goal is to promote inspiring advancements in the fields of engineering and applied mathematics by voices from the scientific and academic communities.As of 2022, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has expanded its content focus to include research under the field of Data Science. The journal welcomes high quality original manuscript submissions that fall under three main topic areas:• Control Systems • Complex Networks & Dynamic Systems • Data Science & Signal ProcessingAside from original manuscripts, the Journal of The Franklin Institute encourages authors to put forth evolving new special issue proposals for publication, provided they fall broadly within the scope of the journal. Special issues with a strong conceptual foundation in newly evolving topics are continuously planned for future issues. These special issues are reviewed based on their novelty and possible lasting value to the field of study.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of the Franklin Institute

Linear Algebra and its Applications

  • ISSN: 0024-3795
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 1
A journal affiliated with the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)Linear Algebra and its Applications publishes articles that contribute new information or new insights to matrix theory and finite dimensional linear algebra in their:algebraic,analytic,arithmetic,combinatorial,geometric,numerical aspects.It also publishes articles that give significant applications of matrix theory or linear algebra to other branches of mathematics and to other sciences provided they contain ideas and/or statements that are interesting from linear algebra point of view.Expository articles are occasionally published provided they concern an essential topic.Articles that have previously been published - fully or in part - in conference or similar proceedings which have been made available outside of the conference should not be submitted for publication in Linear Algebra and Its Applications.In addition to regular issues, special issues are published which focus on a theme of current interest, which honor a prominent individual within the field of linear algebra, or which are devoted to papers presented at a conference. Inquiries should be addressed to one of the editors-in-chief.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.
Linear Algebra and its Applications

Mathematical Biosciences

  • ISSN: 0025-5564
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Mathematical Biosciences publishes work providing new concepts or new understanding of biological systems using mathematical models, or methodological articles likely to find application to multiple biological systems. Papers are expected to present a major research finding of broad significance for the biological sciences, or mathematical biology. Mathematical Biosciences welcomes original research articles, letters, reviews and perspectives.
Mathematical Biosciences