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Journals in General materials science

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  • ISSN: 2590-2385
  • 5 Year impact factor: 18.9
  • Impact factor: 17.3
Matter, a sister journal to Cell, is a monthly journal encompassing the general field of materials science, from nano to macro, fundamentals to application. Recognizing that materials discovery and development facilitate groundbreaking technologies bridging multiple disciplines, Matter will embrace all significant advances in materials research, encompassing the previously unknown and the innovative.A key focus will be on transformative research, related to fundamental structure, synthesis and assembly, properties and performance of emerging material systems, as well as novel characterization methods, thereby encapsulating key aspects of materials science. Materials of focus can be any state, any scale, any composition, i.e., any matter, with scientific or technological interest, theoretical or otherwise.Matter will highlight material type and scale of interest for each study, while also explicitly assessing the stage of material development. In this way, while still stressing fundamental science, materials advancement and progression can be tracked and put into context of potential impact, from concept to societal usage.Matter provides full-length research articles, reviews, topical perspectives, paper previews, opinions, personnel stories, and other editorial content of general interest to the global materials community. The journal aims to be the premier resource for researchers in both academia and industry, providing a platform of inspiration for the next generation of materials scientists.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Matter -


  • ISSN: 0968-4328
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.2
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The International Research and Review Journal for MicroscopyMicron is an interdisciplinary forum for all work that involves new applications of microscopy or where advanced microscopy plays a central role. The journal publishes research papers on the design, methods, application, practice or theory of microscopy and microanalysis, including reports on light optical, electron-beam, X-ray microtomography, ion microscopy and scanning-probe imaging.It also carries review papers, short communications, thematic issues on contemporary developments in microscopy & microanalysis, as well as tutorial papers describing microscopy techniques for current practitioners or newcomers in the field. The journal embraces original research in which microscopy has contributed significantly to knowledge in biology, life science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science and engineering.Authors are encouraged to contact one of the Editors directly to discuss Review or Tutorial proposals: to authorsWe provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.Micron enables researchers to rapidly share their most exciting work with their colleagues. The expected time from submission to final decision is approximately 5 weeks.The journal does not have page limits, so supplementary text is unnecessary and should be avoided.Authors are encouraged to deposit supplementary materials during submission, e.g. videos and research data, in a relevant data repository such as Mendeley Data and cite and link to this dataset in their article. There are several ways you can share your data, which helps you get credit for your work and make your data accessible and discoverable for your peers. To deposit your data please follow the Research Data Guidelines.Note to the authorsNo changes in the list authors will be accepted during the review process or after acceptance unless such a claim is duly justified by the authors.

Nano Energy

  • ISSN: 2211-2855
  • 5 Year impact factor: 16.3
  • Impact factor: 16.8
Nano Energy is a multidisciplinary, rapid-publication forum of original peer-reviewed contributions on the science and engineering of nanomaterials and nanodevices used in all forms of energy harvesting, conversion, storage, utilization and policy. Through its mixture of articles, reviews, communications, research news, and information on key developments, Nano Energy provides a comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic field which joins nanoscience and nanotechnology with energy science. The journal is relevant to all those who are interested in nanomaterials solutions to the energy problem.Description: Nano Energy publishes original experimental and theoretical research on all aspects of energy-related research which utilizes nanomaterials and nanotechnology. Manuscripts of four types are considered: review articles which inform readers of the latest research and advances in energy science; rapid communications which feature exciting research breakthroughs in the field; full-length articles which report comprehensive research developments; and news and opinions which comment on topical issues or express views on the developments in related fields.The editors welcome contributions on a variety of topics such as: • Batteries • Fuel Cells • Hydrogen generation and storage • Light emitting diodes • Optoelectronic devices for efficient energy usage • Photovoltaics • Piezoelectric nanogenerators • Policy and perspectives in energy • Recycling of energy materials • Self-powered nanodevices/nanosystems • Supercapacitors • Thermoelectrics
Nano Energy

Nano Today

  • ISSN: 1748-0132
  • 5 Year impact factor: 14.6
  • Impact factor: 13.2
Nano Today is dedicated to publishing the most influential and innovative work across the whole of nanoscience and technology. The journal considers any article that informs readers of the latest research and advances in the field, research breakthroughs, and topical issues which express views on developments in related fields. Through its unique mixture of peer-reviewed articles, the latest research news, and information on key developments, Nano Today provides comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic field.Nano Today welcomes the most significant original articles and forward-looking reviews on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Contributions include a variety of topics such as:Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials and FilmsFunctionalization and Size-Dependent Properties of Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots and NanowiresProcessing and Templating of Nanotubes and Nanoporous MaterialsTailoring of Polymeric Nanoparticles, Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites and BiohybridsFabrication of Nano and Micro Electro Mechanical SystemsDesign and Engineering of Structural and Functional NanomaterialsNanosystems for Biological, Medical, Chemical, Catalytic, Energy and Environmental ApplicationsNanodevices for Electronic, Photonic, Magnetic, Imaging, Diagnostic and Sensor Applications
Nano Today

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

  • ISSN: 0168-583X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.3
  • Impact factor: 1.4
NIM-B accepts original manuscripts on the fundamental interactions between energetic particle beams and matter, along with related technologies and applications.Relevant manuscripts will address one or more of the following areas:Interactions between matter and beams of charged or neutral particles: Atoms, molecules, atomic clusters, neutrons, photons, electrons, and ions.Experimental, theoretical and modelling work concerning fundamental interaction cross sections and derived information such as stopping powers, defect formation, thermodynamics and kinetics data.Beam-enhanced synthesis and modification of classical and quantum materials as well as surfaces treated with laser-, electron- and high intensity ion beams. This includes radiation-induced amorphization, crystallization, and other microstructural developments resulting from defect production and annealing, controlled modification of physical and chemical properties by ion implantation, micro and nano-structuring of surfaces as well as creation of structures far from thermal equilibrium, such as supersaturated solid solutions and ion tracks.The behaviour of materials subjected to ionising radiation of all kinds as well as the stability of materials exposed to various high radiation environments, including space, fission and fusion reactors, together with basic studies of initial defect generation, defect diffusion and annihilation, phase transformations, atomic clustering and bubble formation, and radiation damage in general.The fundamental physics and technical development of materials analysis using energetic beams - including all forms of ion beam analysis, accelerator mass spectrometry, positron annihilation spectroscopy, neutron scattering and diffraction, as well as synchrotron-based methods.Applications show-casing analytical capabilities or introducing novel possibilities across the whole range from analysis of biological tissues, materials of relevance to earth and planetary sciences, environmental science, materials science, cultural heritage materials, and thin films.Developments in ion beam instrumentation such as sources, optics, small accelerators, charged particle, neutron, X-ray and gamma-ray detectors, data acquisition, simulations, and computer programs enabling new capabilities relevant to the scientific scope of the journal.If this journal seems like a good fit for your research, you can find more information on submission in the Guide for Authors Guide for Authors.Special issues publication: The journal NIM-B offers interested parties the option of publication in topical special issues (including selected works from conferences). For more information please contact our special content specialist or the relevant editor.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

Physica B: Condensed Matter

  • ISSN: 0921-4526
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Physica B: Condensed Matter comprises all condensed matter physics, including theoretical, computational, and experimental research. These contributions must be accompanied by a thorough discussion of relevant phenomena in condensed matter and materials physics. The journal is welcoming submissions exploring the following areas: • Ordered phenomena: magnetism, ferroelectricity and multiferroics; charge and orbital orderings; spin waves; superconductivity and superfluidity; nematic phases; other ordered phases in condensed matter • Disordered phenomena: amorphous materials and glasses; spin glasses and random field systems; Anderson localization; other disordered phases in condensed matter • Optics: nonlinear optical and Kerr effects; photoluminescence; other optical effects in condensed matter • Strongly correlated systems: heavy fermions; Mott insulators; Hubbard model systems; perovskites, ruthenates; superconductors; transition metal dichalcogenides; and other systems and materials with strong electron correlations • Materials physics: exploration of materials’ properties, such as electrical conductivity, optical, mechanical, thermal, and magnetic properties beyond simple characterization, underlying the material behavior. Metals, oxides, metal-organics, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors, alloys, high entropy alloys, composites, and related materials • Nanostructures and nanomaterials: theoretical and experimental exploration of nanoscale systems, including nanoparticles; nanotubes; nanowires; quantum dots, wires, wells; thin films, and other related nanomaterials • Quantum materials: quantum Hall effect, spintronics, topological insulators, spin-liquid, spin-orbit coupling materials; other materials ruled by quantum mechanical effects • Surfaces and interfaces: theoretical and experimental analyses of surface structure, surface chemistry, and interfaces in materials; applications • Computational materials: exploration of simulation methods (including molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo, and density functional theory) and modeling techniques (such as first-principles calculations, tight-binding models, and uses of machine learning) to understand materials properties or workflow developments in materials design. Investigation of materials design strategies, like high-throughput screening and other computational tools, tailored for condensed matter research Along the submission process, authors are requested to choose one of the following sections for their contribution: • Applied Physics • Computational Materials • Materials Physics • Nanostructures and Quantum Materials • Optics and Photonics • Ordered Phenomena • Strongly Correlated Systems Guide for Authors Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Physica B: Condensed Matter

Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

  • ISSN: 0921-4534
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 1.3
Physica C (Superconductivity and its Applications) publishes peer-reviewed papers on novel developments in the field of superconductivity, superfluidity and Bose-Einstein condensation. Topics include novel materials, theoretical models, emergent phenomena, devices and applications.The main goal of the journal is to publish:1. Papers that through experimental methods including synthesis, crystal growth and thin film growth, substantially increase the knowledge about superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation and the associated properties and phenomena.2. Papers that through theoretical and computational methods substantially deepen the understanding of the occurrence and phenomenology of superconductivity, superfluidity, Bose-Einstein condensation and associated properties and phenomena.3. Papers presenting novel superconducting devices, applications and methods leading to improvements in device performance.The editors of the journal will select papers that are well written and based on thorough research that provide truly novel insights.Regular Papers present original research according to the criteria described above.Reviews provide an authoritative review of the literature on a given subject, and are normally on invitation by the Editors. It can be written by a single author or by multiple authors, where at least one of the authors is a well-established expert on the subject of the review.Comments provide a critical analysis of previous publications by other authors. The text should focus on the scientific aspects and avoid polemics. This applies also to a Reply to a Comment. Where Physica C considers a Comment for publication it will invite the authors being commented on to submit a Reply.Keywords: BCS theory, bipolarons, Bose-Einstein condensate, flux creep, Ginzburg-Landau theory, Josephson coupling, order parameter, pairing mechanism, pairing symmetry, penetration depth, superconducting cable, superconducting gap, superconductivity phase diagram, superflow, superfluiditiy, transition temperature, vortices
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications

Progress in Materials Science

  • ISSN: 0079-6425
  • 5 Year impact factor: 41.2
  • Impact factor: 33.6
Progress in Materials Science publishes authoritative and critical reviews of recent advances in the science of materials and their exploitation in engineering and other applications. Authors of reviews in Progress in Materials Science are active leaders in materials science and have a strong scientific track record in the field of the review. Emphasis is placed on the fundamental aspects of the subject, particularly those concerning microstructure and nanostructure and their relationship to properties (mechanical, chemical, electrical, magnetic, optical or biomedical) including the atomistic and electronic nature of condensed phases. Also desirable subject matters are the thermodynamics, kinetics, mechanisms and modelling of processes which occur within solids, liquids and other condensed phases; experiments and models which help in understanding the macroscopic properties of materials in terms of microscopic mechanisms; and work which advances the understanding of the use of materials in engineering, healthcare and other applications. Materials of interest are metallic, ceramic, polymeric, biological, medical and composite in all forms. Manuscripts are generally of greater length than those found in journals specialising in research papers.The focus of the journal is invited reviews, but interested authors may submit a proposal for consideration. The Editors kindly request that all non-invited manuscripts are preceded by the submission of a proposal.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Materials Science

Progress in Surface Science

  • ISSN: 0079-6816
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 8.7
Progress in Surface Science publishes progress reports and review articles by invited authors of international stature. The papers are aimed at surface scientists and cover various aspects of surface science. Papers in the new section Progress Highlights, are more concise and general at the same time, and are aimed at all scientists. Because of the transdisciplinary nature of surface science, topics are chosen for their timeliness from across the wide spectrum of scientific and engineering subjects. The journal strives to promote the exchange of ideas between surface scientists in the various areas. Authors are encouraged to write articles that are of relevance and interest to both established surface scientists and newcomers in the field.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Surface Science

Scripta Materialia

  • ISSN: 1359-6462
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 5.3
Scripta Materialia is a LETTERS journal of Acta Materialia, providing a forum for the rapid publication of short communications on the relationship between the structure and the properties of inorganic materials. The scope and aims of Scripta Materialia are identical to Acta MaterialiaScripta Materialia prioritizes papers that significantly move the field forward, advancing the thinking in the field and providing mechanistic processing-structure-property connections. Explorations of such connections by experiment, computation, theory, data science, and machine learning are all welcome; studies that connect across theory, computation, and experiment through mechanistic means are especially relevant. Materials structure at all scales is of interest, from electronic, atomic, and molecular arrangements to microstructural elements, including crystal defects, polycrystalline and polyphase structures, and spanning to macrostructures formed by processing that impact properties and performance. The connection of these structural features to all kinds of properties is of interest, including mechanical and functional properties, thermodynamics and kinetics, phase transformations, etc. In addition to original contributions, Scripta Materialia publishes comments on papers published in Acta Materialia and Scripta Materialia. The journal also publishes Viewpoints, which are invited short articles focused on topics of current interest within the scope of the journal and coordinated by invited guest editors.
Scripta Materialia