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Journals in Clean air technology

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Atmospheric Environment

  • ISSN: 1352-2310
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.2
Atmospheric composition and its impactsAtmospheric Environment has an open access journal, Atmospheric Environment: X, which covers emissions science and reductions strategies: If you have a paper related to those themes, please submit your paper here. Alternatively, if your paper is related to the scope of Atmospheric Environment (see below) please submit your paper using the link on the left of this page - "submit your paper".Atmospheric Environment is the international journal for scientists in different disciplines related to atmospheric composition and its impacts. The journal publishes scientific articles with atmospheric relevance of emissions and depositions of gaseous and particulate compounds, chemical processes and physical effects in the atmosphere, as well as impacts of the changing atmospheric composition on human health, air quality, climate change, and ecosystems.The overarching aim of Atmospheric Environment is to publish original research, reviews, and perspectives that advance the international scientific community's understanding of the composition of the atmosphere. Atmospheric Environment has adopted a broad perspective of the atmosphere to include the background locations in the troposphere and stratosphere, continental and urban locations, as well as indoor environments and microenvironments that expose humans to atmospheric components.The scope of the journal includes natural and anthropogenic sources, transformations, and transport of atmospheric components, as well as the impacts of atmospheric components on global and regional climate, sensitive ecosystems, visibility, and human health. Atmospheric Environment specifically focuses on policy-relevant science that will influence regulations, management and protection of atmospheric resources, protection of ecosystems and human health, and will drive future scientific research efforts that investigate the atmosphere. Additional information about the evolving and expanding scope of Atmospheric Environment is presented below.The editors of Atmospheric Environment will manage the journal to best advance its goals, whilst serving the atmospheric science community through delivery of the most recent high-quality research.Atmospheric Environment encourages submissions describing novel experimental and modeling studies that advance understanding of the composition of the atmosphere and that elucidate sources, transport and transformations, and impacts from atmospheric components.To be considered for publication in Atmospheric Environment, manuscripts should clearly show that the research directly advances the understanding of the composition of the atmosphere.The following manuscripts will NOT be considered for publication:studies of new experimental methods that are neither applied or do not advance the understanding of the composition of the atmosphere,studies that examine emissions from novel atmospheric sources but do not demonstrate how these emissions impact the composition of the atmosphere,studies that examine atmospheric transport but do not directly show how the investigated transport process impact the composition of the atmosphere,computational studies that do not demonstrate the atmospheric relevancy of the computed chemical pathways or intermediate products, andstudies that focus on well-established or routine monitoring and modeling methods to investigate air pollution issues of local interest.As research tools continue to advance and broaden the understanding of the impacts of atmospheric components, Atmospheric Environment is currently encouraging additional manuscript submissions in these developing areas:indoor air quality,satellites and remote sensing,human health,the use of real-time or semi-continuous experimental observations of the composition of the atmosphere, andthe use of data science to understand sources, transformation, transport, and the impacts of atmospheric components. Please note that studies that utilize novel data science tools that focus on forecasting and do not provide insight into atmospheric sources, processes, and impacts are not suitable for publication in Atmospheric Environment.Atmospheric Environment is open to policy, economic, and environmental justice studies that focus on changes in the composition of the atmosphere but will only consider manuscripts that are appropriately targeted for the readership of Atmospheric Environment.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Atmospheric Environment