BioSystems encourages theoretical, computational, and experimental articles that link biology, evolutionary concepts, and the information sciences. The journal is dedicated to publishing research on self-organizing information systems—with the goal of obtaining a better understanding of the origins of biochemical, genetic, epigenetic, physiological, cognitive, linguistic, sociocultural, and biological organization and evolution.The scope of the journal encompasses the fundamental nature of biological information and (self)-organization. This includes quantum phenomena in information transfer, natural computing, biological coding systems, biological complexity, theoretical biology, artificial life, computational modeling of complex biological systems, evolutionary models of computation, application of biological principles to the design of novel computing systems, and the use of biomolecular materials to synthesize artificial systems that capture essential principles of natural biological information processing.The journal does not publish purely medical, computational, or ecological research, unless it is clearly linked to the basic and conceptual aspects of biological organization.The editors encourage articles that deal, in particular, with the following topics:Biological computationMolecular recognitionPhysical foundations of biologyQuantum phenomena in biological systemsCellular controlNeuromolecular computingBiological coding systemsMolecular computing processesSelf-organizing and self-replicating systemsOrigin of the genetic codeOrigins and evolution of genomesStochastic evolutionary algorithmsOrigins and evolution of mind and languageEcological evolutionary developmental biologyReticulate evolution (symbiosis, symbiogenesis, lateral gene transfer)Simulation of genetic and ecological systemsApplications (neural nets, machine learning, robotics)History and philosophy of scienceIn addition, the editors encourage the following types of papers for submission: Papers that extract novel biological insights from multidimensional data, using AI-driven language modelsBiological hypothesis papers producing new insights based on a body of pre-existing empirical researchPerspectives papers intended to stimulate scientific discussions and provide guidelines for future directions
The Journal of Ecosystem RestorationEcological engineering has been defined as the design of ecosystems for the mutual benefit of humans and nature. The journal is for those involved in designing, monitoring, or restoring ecosystems, and serves as a bridge between the fields of ecology and engineeringSpecific topics covered in the journal include: habitat reconstruction; ecotechnology; synthetic ecology; bioengineering; restoration ecology; ecology conservation; ecosystem rehabilitation; stream and river restoration; reclamation ecology; non-renewable resource conservation. Descriptions of specific applications of ecological engineering are acceptable only when situated within context of adding novelty to current research and emphasizing ecosystem restoration. We do not accept purely descriptive reports on ecosystem structures (such as vegetation surveys), purely physical assessment of materials that can be used for ecological restoration, small-model studies carried out in the laboratory or greenhouse with artificial (waste)water or crop studies, or case studies on conventional wastewater treatment and eutrophication that do not offer an ecosystem restoration approach within the paper.The journal welcomes full papers, short communications, reviews, and letters to the editor. We are pleased to publish papers from multidisciplinary approaches that are pertinent to a wide range of scholars, managers, practitioners, and policymakers across ecological sciences.All papers will be subject to peer review and they will be dealt with as speedily as is compatible with a high standard of presentation.
Environmental Science & Policy advances research in the intersections between environmental science, policy and society. The journal invites scholarship within this broad thematic that fits with one or more of the following four focal areas: 1) Studies of the relationship between the production and use of knowledge in decision making; 2) Studies of the relation between science and other forms of environmental knowledge, including practical, local and indigenous knowledge; 3) Analyses of decision making practices in government, civil society, and businesses and the ways that they engage environmental knowledge; or 4) Studies that present actionable environmental research with a clear description of how it responds to specific policy directives and the pathways by which this research is informing (or could inform) decision-making. Research can address a wide number of environmental issues, such as climate change, food systems, biodiversity loss, human and ecological well-being, resource use- and extraction, land use change, and sustainability more generally. The journal aspires to achieve an appropriate balance between perspectives from the global North as well as the global South and welcomes discussions of (environmental) justice, equity and inclusion. The journal is particularly interested in cutting edge developments in inter- and transdisciplinary work on co-production; arts-based research; integrated nexus and landscape approaches; the trade-offs and synergies between environmental issues and policies; innovations in integrated assessment, monitoring and evaluation; and transitions and transformative change.Editorial Policy: Submitted articles can offer empirical analysis and can also advance new theory, conceptual frameworks or other innovations. To be considered for publication, articles should fit with the aims and scope of the journal. This means that they should address the relation between environmental science and knowledge, policy and society. To be considered, environmental research articles must go beyond simply stating potential societal and policy relevance. Submitted articles should be of international relevance and well embedded in relevant scholarly conversations and debates, and they should consider the scholarship that has been published in the journal. They should provide a compelling objective and specify how they advance the state of the knowledge beyond the current state of the art. In-depth case studies or local issues may be considered if articles clearly and sufficiently articulate their wider international significance.The journal will consider the following article types: research papers, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor. Specific requirements and guidance for each article type can be found in the guide for authors. The journal welcomes proposals or Special Issues, guidance for preparing and submitting a proposal can be found here. Authors should not submit to a special issue unless they have explicit approval by the managing guest editor of the special issue.Benefits to Authors: We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Global and Planetary Change publishes high-quality studies addressing all aspects of Earth System Science. The objective of the journal is to develop a multi-disciplinary understanding of planetary change and to improve knowledge of processes relevant at a global-scale. As such, the journal focuses equally on the geological and historical past as well as present-day and future scenarios based on observational records, experimental studies, and/or modelling. Regional or process-oriented studies are welcome provided that they are useful for understanding aspects of the Earth System.Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, studies of the dynamic Deep Earth and lithosphere to (near-)surface processes; changes in the dynamics and composition of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere; climate change, the carbon cycle, and sea level fluctuations; global ecology, biogeography, and extinction; planetary boundaries and ecosystem resilience/thresholds; and global change impacts on food security, water resources, and urban sustainability.Key criteria for the consideration of manuscripts include (a) their relevance for the global scientific community and/or (b) their wider implications for global-scale problems, preferably combined with (c) having a significance beyond a single discipline. Manuscripts may be submitted as either original research papers or as authoritative review articles. Every effort should be made to present research outcomes in a way that is understandable for a broad international readership.Please ensure your submission fulfils the following checklist of requirements to maximise the likelihood of consideration:A title and abstract that emphases its relevance to global-scale process and/or eventsA list of at least 5 potential reviewers that includes scientists from outside your network selected from across the global communityA short cover letter that concisely explains the wider global implications of your work