Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (COSUST) builds on Elsevier's reputation for excellence in scientific publishing and long-standing commitment to communicating high quality reproducible research. Established in 2010 as part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals, COSUST focuses on peer reviewed polished, concise and timely short reviews of recent literature and synthesis of emerging topics, innovations and perspectives. Since 2019, COSUST has a new companion Gold Open Access journal, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, which focuses on empirically-based research articles. All CO+RE journals leverage the Current Opinion legacy - of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach - to ensure they are a widely read resource that is integral to scientists' workflow.Expertise - Editors and Editorial Board bring depth and breadth of expertise and experience to the journal.Discoverability - Articles get high visibility and maximum exposure on an industry-leading scientific publishing platform that reaches a vast global audience.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability aims to define the new innovative sustainability science discipline by integrating perspectives from the natural and the social sciences on human-environment interactions and management challenges across regional and global systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability thus emphasizes interdisciplinary sustainability research approaches, the solutions it provides and their dissemination and application.Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability aims to stimulate scientifically grounded, interdisciplinary, multi-faceted debate, synthesis and exchange of ideas. Additionally, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability will continue to publish papers on strategic research plans and key findings of leading global-change research networks, it thus serves as an invaluable source of current peer-reviewed and synthesized information for researchers, lecturers, teachers, practitioners, policy makers and students.Most of the issues published by the journal are invited Special Issues addressing current themes around major global-change systems and problems, the emerging new transdisciplinary sustainability science, sustainability governance and transformation, environmental change assessments, international initiatives, as well as more philosophical reflection on approaches to sustainability challenges. Once a year, we publish an Open Issue, which offers an opportunity for authors working on diverse topics to submit an abstract for consideration. In collaboration with the International Science Council (ISC), COSUST also includes a section dedicated to the 'State of Knowledge on Social Transformations to Sustainability', which consist of original or existing peer-reviewed papers, reviewing knowledge on various dimensions of social transformations to sustainability and drawing out implications for research, practice or policy ( of Special Issues and Guest Editors: We welcome proposals for Special Issues consisting of (1) an overview of the theme, and a motivation why it is timely and innovative, and justifies publication in the journal; (2) a list of proposed topics and names of selected authors. As the journal is international, we aim to commission a mixture of nationalities and disciplines with consideration to gender and regions less covered, but obviously the quality of authors and their review is paramount. Proposals that where possible have the first and second choices of authors (with contact details where possible); (3) a short, two-line, description of the intended scope of each review.Working with the Editors of the journal, Guest Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are responsible for inviting authors, reviewing and organizing themes within a special issue.Please contact your Editorial Manager by email if you have any questions, Ms. Alison Langestraat [email protected] articles: Authors write short review and/or synthesis articles supported by recent literature in which they present recent developments in their subject and emerging topics, emphasizing the aspects that, in their opinion, are most important. In addition, they provide short annotations to the papers that they consider to be most interesting from all those published in their topic over the previous year.
About EEHAimsEco-Environment & Health (EEH) is an international and multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal designed for publications on the frontiers of the ecology, environment and health as well as their related disciplines. EEH focuses on the concept of "One Health" to promote green and sustainable development, dealing with the interactions among ecology, environment and health, and the underlying mechanisms and interventions. Our mission is to be one of the most important flagship journals in the field of environmental health.ScopesEEH covers a variety of research areas, including but not limited to ecology and biodiversity conservation, environmental behaviors and bioprocesses of emerging contaminants, human exposure and health effects, and evaluation, management and regulation of environmental risks. The key topics of EEH include:1) Ecology and Biodiversity ConservationBiodiversityEcological restorationEcological safetyProtected area2) Environmental Behaviors and Bioprocesses of Emerging ContaminantsEnvironmental behaviorsEnvironmental processesEnvironmental microbiology3) Human Exposure and Health EffectsEnvironmental exposureEnvironmental toxicologyEnvironmental epidemiologyHuman health risk4) Evaluation, Management and Regulation of Environmental RisksChemical safetyEnvironmental policyHealth policyHealth economicsEnvironmental remediationFeaturesFast peer review and publication.Free figures and language polishing.Highly professional and diverse promotion strategies.Gold Open Access. The Article Publishing charge (APC) will be fully covered by the editorial office for articles submitted until December 31st, 2025.
From theory to practice, from molecules to ecosystems, from regional to globalGlobal Ecology and Conservation (GECCO) is an open access international scientific journal in the disciplines of ecology and conservation biology. The journal publishes articles spanning a diverse range of fields that contribute to ecology and conservation of terrestrial, marine or freshwater organisms and ecosystems. The primary aim of Global Ecology and Conservation is the publication of high-quality papers that advance the field of ecology and theory and practice of conservation. We welcome submissions from across the globe and we are particularly interested in articles from poorly represented regions, species and from authors from diverse origins. Population studies of species with Data Deficient (DD) are welcome.Global Ecology and Conservation also publishes thematic special issues that have a global relevance in terms of the topics, authors' diversity (including countries and gender) or issues addressed, and thus demonstrate applications of conservation biology and ecology.The journal will generally not consider manuscripts without a significant biological component (e.g., studies of pollution chemistry), and particular emphasis is placed on connecting the research to its ecological and/or conservation implications. Papers focused on species inventories, distribution modelling, animal behaviour, plant physiology, and purely technical and methodological papers will not be considered without a clear link to ecology or conservation. GECCO is not a venue of papers that deals with pure aspects of Toxicology or Environmental Science.Papers dealing with Agroecosystems, or Soil ecology will be considered in GECCO only if they have clearly defined implications for ecology and conservation of wild organisms or habitats.
The Journal for Nature Conservation addresses concepts, methods and techniques for nature conservation. This international and interdisciplinary journal encourages collaboration between scientists and practitioners, including the integration of biodiversity issues with social and economic concepts. Therefore, conceptual, technical and methodological papers, as well as reviews, research papers, and short communications are welcomed from a wide range of disciplines, including theoretical ecology, landscape ecology, restoration ecology, ecological modelling, and others, provided that there is a clear connection and immediate relevance to nature conservation.Manuscripts without any immediate conservation context, such as inventories, distribution modelling, genetic studies, animal behaviour, plant physiology, will not be considered for this journal; though such data may be useful for conservationists and managers in the future, this is outside of the current scope of the journal.
The Journal of Arid Environments is an international journal publishing high-quality research papers that provide original insights into critical scientific, environmental, ecological, and people-nature issues in the world's drylands. The journal recognises the value of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches to investigate and better understand the complex scientific and societal issues facing the world's drylands, as well as original single-discipline research. Papers must represent rigorous research from and specifically relevant to hyper-arid, arid, semi-arid or dry-subhumid environments, into past, present, or future conditions.Papers must have international relevance, and address clearly stated aims, hypotheses, or research questions. The journal does not accept case studies. A case study is a report or research that applies existing knowledge to a specific context or place, and does not advance knowledge or its research field sufficiently to have appeal to an international audience.
Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation (PECON) is a scientific journal devoted to improving theoretical and conceptual aspects of conservation science. It has the main purpose of communicating new research and advances to different actors of society, including researchers, conservationists, practitioners, and policymakers. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation publishes original papers on biodiversity conservation and restoration, on the main drivers affecting native ecosystems, and on nature?s benefits to people and human wellbeing. This scope includes studies on biodiversity patterns, the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, biological invasion and climate change on biodiversity, conservation genetics, spatial conservation planning, ecosystem management, ecosystem services, sustainability and resilience of socio-ecological systems, conservation policy, among others.We are mostly interested in articles that deal with tropical and subtropical systems, but without any bias towards particular organisms or ecosystems. Scientific papers must focus on new conceptual or methodological developments with practical implications. Case studies will be considered only if inserted in these more general contexts. Authors are encouraged to submit reviews and essays that provide new perspectives on arising ecological and conservation issues. Purely descriptive papers and studies without a clear link with conservation theory and practice will not be considered.Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation is the official scientific journal of the "Brazilian Association for Ecological Science and Conservation". It is an open access journal, supported by the Boticário Group Foundation for Nature Protection, and thus without any charge for authors. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation was previously published, between 2003 and 2016, as "Natureza & Conservação".Audience Researchers working with biodiversity and ecosystem services, conservationists and practitioners, government, decision and policymakers.