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Journals in Engineering and technology

The Engineering and Technology portfolio includes comprehensive overviews of all major research and practical developments in aerospace and automotive engineering, civil and environmental engineering, mechanical and industrial engineering, materials engineering, electrical engineering, communications engineering, and more. In-depth coverage, innovative state-of-the-art approaches, and real-world case studies provide valuable, actionable insights for researchers, applied engineers and students. The content in Elsevier's Engineering and Technology books program addresses core issues in industry and society, such as sustainability, the circular economy, AI, and automation.

111-120 of 181 results in All results

Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

  • ISSN: 0167-6105
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.2
The Journal of the International Association for Wind EngineeringThe objective of the journal is to provide a means for the publication and interchange of information, on an international basis, on all those aspects of wind engineering that are included in the activities of the International Association for Wind Engineering These are: social and economic impact of wind effects; wind characteristics and structure, local wind environments, wind loads and structural response, diffusion, pollutant dispersion and matter transport, wind effects on building heat loss and ventilation, wind effects on transport systems, aerodynamic aspects of wind energy generation, and codification of wind effects.Papers on these subjects describing full-scale measurements, wind-tunnel simulation studies, computational or theoretical methods are published, as well as papers dealing with the development of techniques and apparatus for wind engineering experiments.Author duties: Submission of a manuscript for publication in the journal carries with it an understanding that the author, when requested, will fulfil an obligation to contribute their expertise to the review of others' manuscripts.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

Journal of the Franklin Institute

  • ISSN: 0016-0032
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Engineering and Applied MathematicsAs the second oldest continuously published American journal devoted to science and technology, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has an established reputation for publishing high quality papers in the field of engineering and applied mathematics.As a peer-reviewed journal, its goal is to promote inspiring advancements in the fields of engineering and applied mathematics by voices from the scientific and academic communities.As of 2022, the Journal of The Franklin Institute has expanded its content focus to include research under the field of Data Science. The journal welcomes high quality original manuscript submissions that fall under three main topic areas:• Control Systems • Complex Networks & Dynamic Systems • Data Science & Signal ProcessingAside from original manuscripts, the Journal of The Franklin Institute encourages authors to put forth evolving new special issue proposals for publication, provided they fall broadly within the scope of the journal. Special issues with a strong conceptual foundation in newly evolving topics are continuously planned for future issues. These special issues are reviewed based on their novelty and possible lasting value to the field of study.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Journal of the Franklin Institute

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials

  • ISSN: 1751-6161
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.3
The Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials is concerned with the mechanical deformation, damage and failure under applied forces, of biological material (at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels) and of biomaterials, i.e. those materials which are designed to mimic or replace biological materials.The primary focus of the journal is the synthesis of materials science, biology, and medical and dental science. Reports of fundamental scientific investigations are welcome, as are articles concerned with the practical application of materials in medical devices. Both experimental and theoretical work is of interest; theoretical papers will normally include comparison of predictions with experimental data, though we recognize that this may not always be appropriate. The journal also publishes technical notes concerned with emerging experimental or theoretical techniques, letters to the editor and, by invitation, review articles and papers describing existing techniques for the benefit of an interdisciplinary readership.The journal offers online submission, a short time to publication, the opportunity for ample space to develop an argument in full, and the services of referees with expertise in mechanical behaviour and an understanding of the special nature of biomedical materials.Examples of relevant subjects include:Stress/strain/time relationships for biological materials (natural and engineered ones)Fracture mechanics of hard tissues (such as bone, teeth, and other mineralized tissues, ceramics and metals and various biomedically relevant alloys)Tribological properties of joint materials and their replacements, including coatings and surface modificationsMechanical characterisation of tissue engineering materials and scaffolds, and the investigation of mechanical cues in the context of biological processesThe mechanical behaviour of cells, including adhesion and failureMechanical properties of biological molecules such as proteins, DNA, and other biomoleculesLong-term fatigue, creep and wear properties of biomaterials used in implants and similar biomedical materialsThe behaviour of the human tissues under impact loading and other extreme conditionsAdditive manufacturing methods of all kinds, for metals, ceramics, polymers, composites, and other biomaterials (in medical, dental, bio-inspired and related fields)Mechanical performance of materials in plants and animals in all natural and engineered ecosystemsNew techniques for the measurement of mechanical properties in biomedical materials, in both laboratory and clinical practiceComputer simulations of material behavior at all time- and length-scales (from molecular to tissue scales), as well as the introduction of new computing techniques (such as machine learning and artificial intelligence) in the modeling and analysis of the mechanical properties of biomedical materialsClinical case histories related to material performanceMechanobiology, focusing especially on the response of cells and tissues to biophysical stimuli at varied length- and time-scalesThe journal publishes papers from the proceedings of the International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues; special issues devoted to particular subjects or events will also be considered.
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials

Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

  • ISSN: 0022-5096
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 5
The Journal was founded in 1952 by Rodney Hill, who was its Editor-in-Chief until 1968.The aim of the journal is to publish research of the highest quality and of lasting significance on the mechanics of solids. The scope is broad, from fundamental concepts in mechanics to the analysis of novel phenomena and applications.Solids are interpreted broadly to include both hard and soft materials as well as natural and synthetic structures. The approach can be theoretical, experimental or computational. This research activity sits within engineering science and the allied areas of mathematics, material science, chemistry, biology, and physics.The main purpose of the Journal is to foster scientific understanding of all issues impacting the mechanical response of solid materials, and its relations to the underlying microstructure and physical mechanisms. The content of the Journal reflects the current state of the discipline in analysis, experimental observation, and numerical simulation.Authors are encouraged to consider the significance of their contributions for the field of mechanics and the implications of their results, in addition to describing the details of their work.
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers

  • ISSN: 1876-1070
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 5.5
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (formerly known as Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers) publishes original works, from fundamental principles to practical applications, in the broad field of chemical engineering with special focus on three aspects: Chemical and Biomolecular Science and Technology, Energy and Environmental Science and Technology, and Materials Science and Technology. Authors should choose for their manuscript an appropriate aspect section and a few related classifications when submitting to the journal online.
Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers

Knowledge-Based Systems

  • ISSN: 0950-7051
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.4
  • Impact factor: 7.2
Knowledge-based Systems is an international and interdisciplinary journal in the field of artificial intelligence. The journal will publish original, innovative and creative research results in the field, and is designed to focus on research in knowledge-based and other artificial intelligence techniques-based systems with the following objectives and capabilities: to support human prediction and decision-making through data science and computation techniques; to provide a balanced coverage of both theory and practical study in the field; and to encourage new development and implementation of knowledge-based intelligence models, methods, systems, and software tools, with applications in business, government, education, engineering and healthcare.This journal's current leading topics are but not limited to:Machine learning theory, methodology and algorithmsData science theory, methodologies and techniquesKnowledge presentation and engineeringRecommender systems and E-service personalizationIntelligent decision support systems, prediction systems and warning systemsComputational Intelligence systemsData-driven optimizationCognitive interaction and brain–computer interfaceKnowledge-based computer vision techniquesSpecial Issue InstructionsKnowledge-based Systems (KBS), an international and interdisciplinary peer-reviewed academic journal in the field of artificial intelligence, welcomes the submission of special issues on timely topics within the scope of the journal. The main objectives of the journal to organize special issues are to bring together state-of-the-art and high-quality research works, to promote key advances in the science and applications in the important field of knowledge-based systems, and to drive emerging research topics and establish flagships in the field.How to submit your Special Issue proposal:Check the selection criteria below for a KBS special issue to make sure your proposal is relevant to the journal,Write your special issue proposal in the structure given below,Submit the special issue proposal to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC),The EiC and KBS special issue assessment panel will then review your proposal and reply with their decision.Guest Editors' Duty and Special Issue Process:After a special issue proposal is accepted by the journal, a call for papers can be formally distributed. All the papers submitted to the special issue will undergo a peer review process. Guest Editors will manage the process and ensure that the reviewing standards for Knowledge-Based Systems regular issues are maintained. A Managing Guest Editor, who will be responsible for distributing submissions to the other Guest Editors, will need to be nominated. After the Guest Editors make recommendations on each paper in the special issue, the EiC will make the final decisions of acceptance for publication. After all papers to be included in the Special Issue are accepted, the Guest Editors will be responsible for either preparing an Editorial (1–2 pages in length) or writing a field survey (5–10 pages in length), which will incorporate the selected papers and related literature relevant to the topic of the special issue.Reproducibility Badge Initiative and Software PublicationReproducibility Badge Initiative (RBI) is a collaboration with Code Ocean (CO), a cloud based computational reproducibility platform that helps the community by enabling sharing of code and data as a resource for non-commercial use. CO verifies the submitted code (and data) and certifies its reproducibility. Code submission will be verified by the Code Ocean team for computational reproducibility by making sure it runs, delivers results and it is self-contained. For more information please visit this help article. Note that an accepted paper will be published independently of the CO application outcome. However, if the paper receives the Reproducibility badge, it will be given additional exposure by having an attached R Badge, and by being citable at the CO website with a DOI.We invite you to convert your open source software into an additional journal publication in Software Impacts, a multi-disciplinary open access journal. Software Impacts provides a scholarly reference to software that has been used to address a research challenge. The journal disseminates impactful and re-usable scientific software through Original Software Publications which describe the application of the software to research and the published outputs.For more information contact us at: [email protected]
Knowledge-Based Systems

Marine Structures

  • ISSN: 0951-8339
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 4
Marine Structures provides a medium for presentation and discussion of the latest developments in research, design, fabrication, transport/installation and in-service experiences relating to the field of Marine Structures .Marine Structures aims to advance knowledge specifically for Marine Structures that are constructed of steel, concrete, or new materials . It publishes topics on the classical areas of ships, fixed, mobile and floating offshore platforms, infrastructures, moorings, pipelines, cables, risers and subsea systems . Submissions on new and emerging research topics, including offshore renewable energies, aquaculture systems, underwater vehicles for offshore operations and related machine learning applications, are particularly welcome.The journal publishes topics including:Ocean environmental design conditions and associated,Loads exerted by waves, currents, wind, tides, ice and ground motions,Seabed foundations, anchoring systems and interaction with marine structural systems,Evaluation of static and dynamic structural responses including collapse behaviour,Fatigue and fracture,Materials selection, corrosion and other forms of degradation applied to marine structures,Formulation and application of design methods and criteria including system reliability analysis, and optimization techniques,Inspection, structural health monitoring, maintenance and lifetime extension,Fabrication, transport, installation and decommissioning techniques,Resilient design of marine systems,Application of machine learning methods and data-driven models for strength and/or load/response predictions of marine structures,Marine Structures does not accept submissions on the following topics:Underwater acoustics,Underwater explosions,Military applications.
Marine Structures

Materials Characterization

  • ISSN: 1044-5803
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.8
An International Journal on Materials Structure and BehaviorMaterials Characterization features original articles and state-of-the-art reviews on theoretical and practical aspects of the structure and behaviour of materials.The Journal focuses on all characterization techniques, including all forms of microscopy (light, electron, acoustic, etc.,) and analysis (especially microanalysis and surface analytical techniques). Developments in both this wide range of techniques and their application to the quantification of the microstructure of materials are essential facets of the Journal.The Journal provides the Materials Scientist/Engineer with up-to-date information on many types of materials with an underlying theme of explaining the behavior of materials using novel approaches. Materials covered by the journal include:Metals & AlloysCeramicsNanomaterialsBiomedical materialsOptical materialsCompositesNatural MaterialsPlease note that not all topics fall within the scope of Materials Characterization. Submissions focused on the topics listed below will not be considered for publication, potential alternative journals are indicated in brackets:i) thin film semiconductors (Thin Solid Films; Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing) ii) polymers or polymer composites (Elsevier polymer titles; Composites structures) iii) mechanical, electrical or other property measurements without any accompanying microstructural characterization (depending on the focus, please consider submitting to Corrosion Science; Wear; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials & Design) iv) computation, theory or analysis papers without an accompanying microstructural characterization component (Computational Materials Science; Materials Science & Engineering A; Materials Science & Engineering B; Materials Science & Engineering C)
Materials Characterization

Materials Letters

  • ISSN: 0167-577X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Materials Letters is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to rapid communications on the science, applications, and processing of materials.Materials Letters is dedicated to publishing novel, cutting edge reports of broad interest to the materials community. The journal provides a forum for materials scientists and engineers, physicists, and chemists to rapidly communicate on the most important topics in the field of materials.Contributions include, but are not limited to, a variety of topics such as:Materials - Metals and alloys, amorphous solids, ceramics, composites, polymers, semiconductors, biomaterials and biological materials, advanced materials, metamaterials, high-entropy alloys, nitrides, and oxides.Applications - Structural, opto-electronic, magnetic, biomedical, MEMS, sensors, electronics, smart materials, additive manufacturing, membranes, materials for energy systems, batteries, photocatalysis.Characterization - Analytical, microscopy, scanning probes, nanoscopic, optical, electrical, magnetic, acoustic, spectroscopic, diffraction.Novel Materials - Micro and nanostructures (nanowires, nanotubes, nanoparticles), nanocomposites, thin films, superlattices, quantum dots.Processing - Crystal growth, thin film processing, sol-gel processing, solvo-hydrothermal processing, mechanical processing, assembly, nanocrystalline processing, sustainable/green processing routes.Properties - Mechanical, magnetic, optical, electrical, ferroelectric/piezoelectric, thermal, interfacial, transport, thermodynamic, photoelectrochemical, photocatalytic, thermoelectric, biological, electrochemical.Synthesis - Quenching, solid state, mechano-chemical, solidification, solution synthesis, vapor deposition, high pressure, explosive, MOVPE and LPE epitaxial processes, single crystal growth.Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence - Materials discovery, design of materials and digital materials science.
Materials Letters

Materials Science and Engineering: A

  • ISSN: 0921-5093
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.2
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and ProcessingMaterials Science and Engineering A provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies related to the load-bearing capacity of materials as influenced by their basic properties, processing history, microstructure and operating environment. Appropriate submissions to Materials Science and Engineering A should include scientific and/or engineering factors which affect the microstructure - strength relationships of materials and report the changes to mechanical behavior.Please be advised that the Aims and Scope for the journal has recently been updated. The journal will no longer consider or publish papers on concrete and cement-based systems nor on polymeric and polymer-based materials. In addition, papers with an emphasis on corrosion or wear are discouraged, unless they specifically address novel mechanical behavior or related phenomena.
Materials Science and Engineering: A