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Journals in Real time control

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  • ISSN: 0005-1098
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 4.8
A Journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic ControlAutomatica is a leading archival publication in the field of systems and control. The field encompasses today a broad set of areas and topics, and is thriving not only within itself but also in terms of its impact on other fields, such as communications, computers, biology, energy and economics. Since its inception in 1963, Automatica has kept abreast with the evolution of the field over the years, and has emerged as a leading publication driving the trends in the field.After being founded in 1963, Automatica became a journal of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) in 1969. It features a characteristic blend of theoretical and applied papers of archival, lasting value, reporting cutting edge research results by authors across the globe. It features articles in distinct categories, including regular, brief and survey papers, technical communiqués, correspondence items, as well as reviews on published books of interest to the readership. It occasionally publishes special issues on emerging new topics or established mature topics of interest to a broad audience.Automatica solicits original high-quality contributions in all the categories listed above, and in all areas of systems and control interpreted in a broad sense and evolving constantly. They may be submitted directly to a subject editor or to the Editor-in-Chief if not sure about the subject area. Editorial procedures in place assure careful, fair, and prompt handling of all submitted articles. Accepted papers appear in the journal in the shortest time feasible given production time constraints.Additional information about Automatica, including a list of recently accepted papers and a cumulative table of contents (1963-present), can be found at the website Papers should be submitted using the on-line review management system Pampus

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

  • ISSN: 0952-1976
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.4
  • Impact factor: 7.5
The International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time AutomationA journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a major role in the fourth industrial revolution and we are seeing a lot of evolution in various machine learning methodologies. AI techniques are widely used by the practicing engineer to solve a whole range of hitherto intractable problems. This journal provides an international forum for rapid publication of work describing the practical application of AI methods in all branches of engineering. Submitted papers should report some novel aspects of AI used for a real world engineering application and also validated using some public data sets for easy replicability of the research results.Papers which do not respect the 4 following conditions will be desk-rejected without being sent to reviewers:Papers on new metaphor-based metaheuristics are very rarely accepted by EAAI (see details on this in the guide online).The abstract should clearly specify which is the contribution in AI and which is the application in engineering.The use of undefined acronyms in the title and in the abstract is forbidden.The papers must be formatted in single-column format.Focal points of the journal include, but are not limited to innovative applications of:Internet–of–things and cyber-physical systemsIntelligent transportation systems & smart vehiclesBig data analytics, understanding complex networksNeural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systemsDeep learning and real world applicationsSelf-organizing, emerging or bio-inspired systemGlobal optimization, Meta-heuristics and their applications: Evolutionary Algorithms, swarm intelligence, nature and biologically inspired meta-heuristics, etc.Architectures, algorithms and techniques for distributed AI systems, including multi-agent based control and holonic controlDecision-support systemsAspects of reasoning: abductive, case-based, model-based, non-monotonic, incomplete, progressive and approximate reasoningApplications of chaos theory and fractalsReal-time intelligent automation, and their associated supporting methodologies and techniques, including control theory and industrial informaticsKnowledge processing, knowledge elicitation and acquisition, knowledge representation, knowledge compaction, knowledge bases, expert systemsPerception, e.g. image processing, pattern recognition, vision systems, tactile systems, speech recognition and synthesisAspects of software engineering, e.g. intelligent programming environments, verification and validation of AI-based software, software and hardware architectures for the real-time use of AI techniques, safety and reliabilityIntelligent fault detection, fault analysis, diagnostics and monitoringIndustrial experiences in the application of the above techniques, e.g. case studies or benchmarking exercisesRoboticsEngineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence publishes:Survey papers/tutorialsContributed papers — detailed expositions of new research or applicationsCase studies or software reviews — evaluative and descriptive reviews of existing available AI software systems, discussing the experience gained and lessons learnt from using or developing AI systems for engineering applicationsIFAC EAAI Forum — problems arising from engineering practice, needing to be solved by somebody; solutions to problems discussed in this forum or elsewhere; critiques of a position or claim found in the literatureThe Editors of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence wish to inform authors that this journal will not publish papers that propose "novel" metaphor-based metaheuristics, unless the authors: present their method using the normal, standard optimization terminology;show that the new method brings useful and novel concepts to the field;motivate the use of the metaphor on a sound, scientific basis;present a fair comparison with other state-of-the-art methods using state-of-the-art practices for benchmarking algorithms.For more details on the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), visit their home page at http://www.ifac-control.orgSoftware publicationWe invite you to convert your open source software into an additional journal publication in Software Impacts, a multi-disciplinary open access journal. Software Impacts provides a scholarly reference to software that has been used to address a research challenge. The journal disseminates impactful and re-usable scientific software through Original Software Publications which describe the application of the software to research and the published outputs.For more information contact us at: [email protected]
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Systems & Control Letters

  • ISSN: 0167-6911
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Founded in 1981 by two of the pre-eminent control theorists, Roger Brockett and Jan Willems, Systems & Control Letters is one of the leading journals in the field of control theory. The aim of the journal is to allow dissemination of relatively concise but highly original contributions whose high initial quality enables a relatively rapid review process. All aspects of the fields of systems and control are covered, especially mathematically-oriented and theoretical papers that have a clear relevance to engineering, physical and biological sciences, and even economics. Application-oriented papers with sophisticated and rigorous mathematical elements are also welcome. Expressly excluded from SCL's scope are the following topics: fractional-order systems, designs employing fuzzy-neural network approximations, all but the most mathematically sophisticated embodiments of sliding-mode control, "dynamic surface control", adaptive control under unknown sign of high-frequency gain (Nussbaum gain algorithms), the so-called "multi-dimensional" systems (discrete-time/discrete-space systems inspired by image processing), all applications not entailing significant theoretical advances, and all papers with analytical developments not resulting in rigorous "theorem-proof" formulations of the results.Articles published in SCL rarely exceed 8-10 pages in Elsevier's two-column format. However, submission on topics of a technically demanding nature (for example, stochastic control, PDE control, etc.), where even concisely crafted proofs cannot fit into the said page limit, are also welcome, as long as their initial quality is high and permits editorial processing that typically takes no more than two rounds of review. (Initial quality refers to originality, relevance, correctness, clarity of exposition, and comprehensive awareness of literature in the paper's first draft.)Following the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, signed by Elsevier and over 2,000 organizations and 16,000 researchers, authors of submissions to SCL should cite primary literature, in which observations are first reported, rather than limiting themselves to citing surveys and predominantly recent contributions. Additionally, geographically limited perspectives on the literature are not appropriate for submissions to a global journal like SCL. This policy aims for a proper attribution of credit, authors' adequate assessment of their own contributions, and those undertaking follow-up research effort not being misguided regarding the state of the art on a topic to which they will dedicate much time and their career hopes. The editors may reject an article containing such lapses, either after the deficiencies are not corrected to the editors' satisfaction upon being pointed out by editors or reviewers, or immediately upon submission if the deficiencies require a degree of editorial input that is more commonly associated with acting as a coauthor than as an editor or reviewer.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Systems & Control Letters