Aerospace Science and Technology publishes articles related to aerospace research, fundamental and applied, potential applications of which are clearly related to: The design and the manufacture of aircraft, helicopters, missiles, launchers and satellitesThe control of their environmentThe study of various systems they are involved in, as supports or as targets.Authors are invited to submit papers on new advances in the following areas of aerospace engineering and applications:• Aeroacoustics • Aerodynamics • Aeroelasticity • Aerostructures • Air transport systems • Air vehicle engineering • Combustion • Complex system engineering • Decision aid • Earth observation • Energetics and propulsion • Flight Mechanics • Fluid dynamics • Information processing • Instrumentation • Navigation, guidance and control • Robotics and intelligent systems • Test facilities • Turbomachinery • Space vehicle and satellite engineering
Applied Acoustics is a leading international journal that publishes full-length original research articles and solicited reviews in acoustics with broad impact in engineering applications. Applied Acoustics spans a wide range of fields including:Architectural and building acousticsUnderwater acousticsEngineering noise controlEnvironmental and industrial noiseAcoustic materialsAcoustic signal processingAeroacousticsPhysical acoustics, metamaterials, ultrasonicsSoundscape, sound quality and psychoacousticsPapers should include an experimental component or experimental validation of a proposed theoretical or numerical model, with application to a practical acoustical problem. Papers describing laboratory experiments must demonstrate significant advances in methodology or new insights provided by the data. Cutting-edge multidisciplinary research that includes advances in acoustics are welcome.
Join our growing Twitter presence, shared with the journal Applied Acoustics and join the conversation: @AcousticalSciThe Journal of Sound and Vibration (JSV) is an independent journal devoted to the prompt publication of original papers, both theoretical and experimental, that communicates new knowledge or reviews on important aspects of sound or vibration. There is an emphasis on fundamental work that has potential for practical application within a wider context than the specific situation reported.JSV was founded and operates on the premise that the subject of sound and vibration requires a journal that publishes papers of a high technical standard across the various subdisciplines, thus facilitating awareness of techniques and discoveries in one area that may be applicable in others.Papers published in JSV should contain new insights of value to the acoustics and vibration community.JSV welcomes papers in the following subject areas: A. Active and adaptive control of sound and vibration: Analysis, design, smart structures and materials B. Passive control of sound and vibration: Damping processes, design optimization, meta-materials, materials for optimum damping C. Measurement techniques and hardware; transducers with sound/vibration as input or as output D. Inverse problems in acoustics and vibration (linear); techniques for source or system identification; statistical methods E. Engineering sources of noise and vibration (including combustion, high-speed flow, aeroacoustic or aeroelastic instabilities, and fluid machinery) F. Structural vibration/elastic wave propagation (including fluid-loaded structures, piezoelectric materials, and granular media); Numerical modelling or physical experiments; dynamics of nano-systems* G. Acoustics/vibroacoustics (including sound propagation in the atmosphere and ocean, structure-acoustic coupling, flow ducts, and porous materials): Numerical modelling or physical experiments; Distributed Propulsion H. High-frequency approximations for wave propagation or multimode system response: Ray methods, SEA, power flow, semiclassical refinements; probabilistic descriptions of complex systems I. Nonlinear aspects of sound and vibration; dynamical systems applications; perturbation methods; nonlinear impact dynamics, damage, fatigue and transient loads** J. Analytical methods and modeling for linear vibration and acoustics; benchmark solutions K. Signal processing for sound and vibration applications, including source/system identification and active control; data reduction and filtering M. Human and biologically-related issues in sound and vibration, including human and human-induced vibrations, effects of sound and vibration on, or caused by, other living organisms*** N. Multiphysics*Category F — Guidance Notes: It is now part of JSV editorial policy not to consider submissions that predict the dynamics of nano-systems based on the continuum theories unless a comparison is included with either molecular simulations or experiments** Category I — Guidance Notes: It is now part of formalised JSV editorial policy not to publish papers whose original contribution is solely in the mathematical treatment of a system of ODEs of motion, unless the method of solution is demonstrable shown (a) to be novel and superior to existing methods or (b) to be applicable to significant physical problems in such a way that it clearly and unambiguously engenders new insights*** Category M — Guidance Notes:In all cases submissions should address the physics of the phenomena through appropriately advanced theoretical approaches or by experimental investigations. Submissions based on experimental work should give new insight into the physics of the system dynamics, for example by including comparison with predictions from models or numerical simulationsAreas of interest: whole body vibration, hand-arm vibration, human-structure interaction, dynamic interaction with structures, seats, hand tools, etc., sound production, auditory systemOutside of scope: empirical studiesBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Marine Structures provides a medium for presentation and discussion of the latest developments in research, design, fabrication, transport/installation and in-service experiences relating to the field of Marine Structures .Marine Structures aims to advance knowledge specifically for Marine Structures that are constructed of steel, concrete, or new materials . It publishes topics on the classical areas of ships, fixed, mobile and floating offshore platforms, infrastructures, moorings, pipelines, cables, risers and subsea systems . Submissions on new and emerging research topics, including offshore renewable energies, aquaculture systems, underwater vehicles for offshore operations and related machine learning applications, are particularly welcome.The journal publishes topics including:Ocean environmental design conditions and associated,Loads exerted by waves, currents, wind, tides, ice and ground motions,Seabed foundations, anchoring systems and interaction with marine structural systems,Evaluation of static and dynamic structural responses including collapse behaviour,Fatigue and fracture,Materials selection, corrosion and other forms of degradation applied to marine structures,Formulation and application of design methods and criteria including system reliability analysis, and optimization techniques,Inspection, structural health monitoring, maintenance and lifetime extension,Fabrication, transport, installation and decommissioning techniques,Resilient design of marine systems,Application of machine learning methods and data-driven models for strength and/or load/response predictions of marine structures,Marine Structures does not accept submissions on the following topics:Underwater acoustics,Underwater explosions,Military applications.
Last updated December 2024Ocean Engineering aims to provide a medium for the publication of original research and development work in the field of ocean engineering.The journal seeks papers in the following topics:Ocean Engineering including: fixed and floating offshore platforms; pipelines and risers; cables and mooring; buoy technology; foundation engineering; ocean mining; marine and offshore renewable energy; aquaculture engineering; environmental protection; subsea engineering.Naval Architecture including: ship and special marine vehicle design; intact and damaged stability; technology for energy efficiency and green shipping; ship production technology; decommissioning and recycling.Polar and Arctic Engineering including: ice mechanics; ice-structure interaction; polar operations; polar design; environmental protection.Automatic Control of Marine Systems including: automatic control; automation and autonomy for marine vehicles and systemsUnderwater Technology including: AUV/ROV design; AUV/ROV hydrodynamics; maneuvering and control; underwater-specific communicating and sensing systems for AUV/ROVs.In these fields, papers on the following technical topics are welcome.Hydro- and Aerodynamics: CFD; vortex induced vibrations; fluid-structure interaction; hydroelasticity; linear and non-linear wave mechanics; buoyancy and stability; ship resistance and propulsion; seakeeping and controls; ship maneuvering; ship-radiated noise; wind-assisted propulsion; energy-efficient devices; hydroacoustics; aeroacoustics from offshore wind turbines.Structural Mechanics: materials; limit state prediction and assessments; fatigue; fracture; structural health monitoring; collision and crash worthiness, degradation; ship strength.Stochastic Calculations: stochastic processes; safety and reliability; risk and limit state design.Experimental Approaches: instrumentation; full-scale measurements; model tests.Marine equipment: risers; pipelines; ballast water treatment; air emissions treatment; underwater noise mitigation; and associated components or equipment.Ocean Environmental Predictions: only for ocean structures and vessel operation and design: extreme event predictions; extreme statistics; wave groups; tsunamis; short-term environment predictions; impact of climate change. Note that broader environmental and climate models, sensing, and data sets should be submitted to climate and oceanographic journals.Automatic Control of Marine Systems: Papers submitted in this subject area should have genuine value in naval architecture and maritime engineering and should include the validation of results preferably, by full-scale measurements or model-scale tests or, when this is not possible, by high-fidelity simulations. Methods used in papers should be validated in conditions that represent realistic marine environments. Research on civilian applications of underwater imaging, target detection, acoustic target recognition and image enhancement techniques related to marine automation is also within the scope.Human Factors and Maritime Safety including: Maritime accidents; fatigue management; risk assessment; situational awareness; maritime training; human errors; human performance in operation; human factors in maritime accidents; safety culture; human factors taxonomy; all related to maritime engineering.Out of scope topics last updated December 2024Ocean Engineering does not accept submissions on marine engines and auxiliary systems, heating and cooling systems, pumps, valves, underwater explosions, sediment transport, sediment disturbance and erosion, chloride penetration, dam break phenomena, or purely theoretical papers without any application to ocean engineering. Broad material science and corrosion studies without a focus on naval architecture or offshore engineering are also outside the journal's scope. Furthermore, the journal does not consider studies related to wind turbines unless there is a direct application to offshore engineering (such as offshore wind turbines). Research focusing on the mechanics of robotic devices or wireless power transfer systems also falls outside the journal’s scope.Additionally, Ocean Engineering does not accept submissions focusing solely on military applications. While the journal is currently open to papers on submarine hydrodynamics, it must be ensured that no sensitive or military-related content is included. The aim of any manuscript submitted to Ocean Engineering should be the worldwide dissemination of scientific knowledge, focusing on civilian applications that advance the broader field of ocean and maritime engineering.*Authors are requested to complete a Review Proposal Form for Editorial approval prior to submission of the review article. Proposals can be submitted to [email protected] or one of the Editors.
The journal aims to encourage and enhance the role of mechanics and other disciplines as they relate to earthquake engineering by providing opportunities for the publication of the work of applied mathematicians, engineers and other applied scientists involved in solving problems closely related to the field of earthquake engineering and geotechnical earthquake engineering.Emphasis is placed on new concepts and techniques and case histories are considered only if they enhance the presentation and understanding on new technical concepts associated with analysis.Fields Covered:Seismology and Geology relevant to earthquake engineering problems with emphasis on modeling and methodologies and consideration of their effects on the analysis and design of structures.Wave propagation, wave scattering and dynamic crack propagation in soils and rocks under elastic or inelastic material behavior.Dynamic constitutive behavior of materials.Dynamic interaction problems (soil-structure interaction, fluid-structure interaction and tsunamis if only related to its geotechnical and structural systems).Seismic analysis and design of steel and reinforced concrete structures, retaining walls, dams, slopes.Effect of moving loads on bridges and pavements and vibration isolation in geotechnical structures.Inverse problems, identification and structural health monitoring in earthquake engineering.Instrumentation and experimental methods in earthquake engineering.Applied mathematical methods and artificial intelligence for earthquake engineering analysis and design.Performance-based seismic design of structures.Probabilistic methods in earthquake engineering including risk analysis and reliability Earthquake case histories and lessons learned from catastrophic ground motions.Earthquake case histories and lessons learned from catastrophic ground motions only if they include modeling and geotechnical/structural analysis.
Wave Motion is devoted to the cross fertilization of ideas, and to stimulating interaction between workers in various research areas in which wave propagation phenomena play a dominant role. The description and analysis of wave propagation phenomena provides a unifying thread connecting diverse areas of engineering and the physical sciences such as acoustics, optics, geophysics, seismology, electromagnetic theory, solid and fluid mechanics.The journal publishes papers on analytical, numerical and experimental methods. Papers that address fundamentally new topics in wave phenomena or develop wave propagation methods for solving direct and inverse problems are of interest to the journal.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterPlease see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center