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Journals in Optics and lasers

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ISA Transactions

  • ISSN: 0019-0578
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.9
  • Impact factor: 6.3
Published by the ISAISA Transactions is a journal of advances and state-of-the-art in the science and engineering of measurement and automation, of value to leading-edge industrial practitioners and applied researchers.The topics of measurement include: sensors, perception systems, analyzers, signal processing, filtering, data compression, data rectification, fault detection, inferential measurement, soft sensors, hardware interfacing, etc.; and any of the techniques that support them such as artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, communication systems, and process analysis. The topics of automation include: statistical and deterministic strategies for discrete event and continuous process control, modelling and simulation, event triggers, scheduling and sequencing, system reliability, quality, maintenance, management, loss prevention, etc.; and any equipment, techniques and best practices that support them such as optimization, learning systems, strategy development, security, and human interfacing and training.The intended audience is research and development personnel from academe and industry in the fields of control systems, process instrumentation, systems, and automation.The journal seeks to bridge the theory and practice gap. This balance of interests requires simplicity of technique, credible demonstration, fundamental grounding, and connectivity to the state of the art in both theory and practice.If you would like more information please visit the ISA Transactions society homepageBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
ISA Transactions

Optics & Laser Technology

  • ISSN: 0030-3992
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.4
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Optics & Laser Technology aims to provide a vehicle for the publication of a broad range of high quality research and review papers in those fields of scientific and engineering research appertaining to the development and application of the technology of optics and lasers. Papers describing original work in these areas are submitted to rigorous refereeing prior to acceptance for publication.The scope of Optics & Laser Technology encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas: •development in all types of lasers •developments in optoelectronic devices and photonics •developments in new photonics and optical concepts •developments in conventional optics, optical instruments and components •techniques of optical metrology, including interferometry and optical fibre sensors •LIDAR and other non-contact optical measurement techniques, including optical methods in heat and fluid flow •applications of lasers to materials processing, optical NDT display (including holography) and optical communication •research and development in the field of laser safety including studies of hazards resulting from the applications of lasers (laser safety, hazards of laser fume) •developments in optical computing and optical information processing •developments in new optical materials •developments in new optical characterization methods and techniques •developments in quantum optics •developments in light assisted micro and nanofabrication methods and techniques •developments in nanophotonics and biophotonics •developments in imaging processing and systemsThe Journal publishes and, from time to time commissions, review articles pertaining to important areas of optical and laser technology. Short communications and technical notes are also published. Short papers for rapid communication of important innovations or observations will receive fast-track treatment.Optics & Laser Technology aims to provide the widest possible coverage of world research and development in its chosen field.
Optics & Laser Technology

Optics and Lasers in Engineering

  • ISSN: 0143-8166
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.2
  • Impact factor: 3.5
Optics and Lasers in Engineering aims at providing an international forum for the interchange of information on the development of optical techniques and laser technology in engineering. Emphasis is placed on contributions targeted at the practical use of methods and devices, the development and enhancement of solutions and new theoretical concepts for experimental methods.Optics and Lasers in Engineering reflects the main areas in which optical methods are being used and developed for an engineering environment. Manuscripts should offer clear evidence of novelty and significance. Papers focusing on parameter optimization or computational issues are not suitable. Similarly, papers focussed on an application rather than the optical method fall outside the journal's scope. The scope of the journal is defined to include the following:Optical Metrology Optical Methods for 3D visualization and virtual engineering Optical Techniques for Microsystems Imaging, Microscopy and Adaptive Optics Computational Imaging Laser methods in manufacturing Integrated optical and photonic sensors Optics and Photonics in Life Science Hyperspectral and spectroscopic methods Infrared and Terahertz techniques
Optics and Lasers in Engineering


  • ISSN: 0030-4026
International Journal for Light and Electron OpticsOptik publishes articles on all subjects related to light and electron optics and offers a survey on the state of research and technical development within the following fields:Optics:Optics design, geometrical and beam optics, wave opticsOptical and micro-optical components, diffractive optics, devices and systemsPhotoelectric and optoelectronic devicesOptical properties of materials, nonlinear optics, wave propagation and transmission in homogeneous and inhomogeneous materialsInformation optics, image formation and processing, holographic techniques, microscopes and spectrometer techniques, and image analysisOptical testing and measuring techniquesOptical communication and computingPhysiological opticsAs well as other related topics.Electron optics:All methods strongly related to light optics, e.g. geometrical electron optics, imaging theories and methods, GRIN optics, geometrical aberrationInstrumentation and equipments for guiding, focusing and imaging of charged particles, spectrometers and beam lithographyImage reconstruction and analysis, holographic methodsIt publishes original papers and short notes on theoretical and experimental research in English. OPTIK addresses itself especially to scientific and technical working specialists in this field.Contact: Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics [email protected]

Precision Engineering

  • ISSN: 0141-6359
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.5
Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and NanotechnologyPrecision Engineering - Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology is devoted to the multidisciplinary study and practice of high accuracy engineering, metrology, and manufacturing. The journal takes an integrated approach to all subjects related to research, design, manufacture, performance validation, and application of high precision machines, instruments, and components, including fundamental and applied research and development in manufacturing processes, fabrication technology, and advanced measurement science. The scope includes precision-engineered systems and supporting metrology over the full range of length scales, from atom-based nanotechnology and advanced lithographic technology to large-scale systems, including optical and radio telescopes and macrometrology.Precision Engineering was first published in January 1979; since 1986 it has also been known to many of its readers as the Journal of the American Society of Precision Engineering. Since January 2000, it is known as the Journal of the International Societies for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology.In addition to its continuing association with the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE), the journal is associated with two further bodies: the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN) and the Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE), founded in 1933.
Precision Engineering