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Journals in Reliability engineering safety

Aircraft Design

  • ISSN: 1369-8869
AIMS AND SCOPEThe Journal aims to serve as a forum for worldwide exchange of up-to-date knowledge between the academic world and industry on progress in aircraft design technology. The basic engineering disciplines (mechanical, aerodynamic, electrical, electronic and materials science) are integrated with principles of design functionality, ergonomics, environmental acceptability and sustainable engineering. The journal therefore invites contributions which are essentially applications orientated in the following areas:• Design specifications and missions • Integration of new technologies •Design of specific aircraft (projects) • Advanced aerospace propulsion systems and engines • Aerodynamic design • Structural materials and design • Handling qualities, flight control technology and simulation • Aircraft systems • Production and Manufacturing technology • Design Concepts and patents • Operational requirements and procedures • Maintainability, reliability, supportability • Design-to-cost, value engineering • Weight engineering • Design automation and information technology • Multi-discipline optimization • Systems engineering

Analytic Methods in Accident Research

  • ISSN: 2213-6657
  • 5 Year impact factor: 12.3
  • Impact factor: 12.5
Analytic Methods in Accident Research publishes manuscripts that deal with the development and/or application of innovative statistical and econometric methods to the study of vehicle crashes and other transportation and non-transportation-related accidents. The intent of the journal is to demonstrate how such innovative methodological approaches can be used to provide new insights and quantification of the factors that affect the frequency and severity of accidents - thus providing new guidance for the implementation of appropriate countermeasures. While the focus of the journal is on the underlying analytic approach, acceptable application areas include all elements of transportation safety (road, pedestrian, air, rail, and water safety), construction safety, and any area of study where the unintended consequences of human behavior, machine failures or system failures result in property damage and/or bodily injury.

Deep Resources Engineering

  • ISSN: 2949-9305
Deep Resources Engineering is a gold open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the rapid publication and global dissemination of the latest findings in the field of deep engineering. The journal bridges the gap between research scientists and engineers who work in diverse disciplines related to deep resources engineering. It also provides a forum for publishing high-quality papers that report cutting-edge research on the topic.The journal mainly focuses on theories, methods, techniques, experiences and cases that are new in the field of deep resources engineering. Topics covered include, but are not limited to:Geology for deep engineering: Hydrogeology and engineering geology; Structural geology; Deep resources exploration; Ore deposit detecting; Digital ore deposit; Crustal stress; Coring; Geological model; Mine thermal physics.Deep metal mines: Deep open-pit mines; Deep mining method; Mining planning, design, sequence and optimization; mechanized mining and intelligent methods; Stope; Backfill; Rock burst; Large deformation; Mining-seismicity; Intelligent mining; Theoretical analysis and numerical modelling for mining; Instrumentation and monitoring; Site investigation for mining; In-situ and mining induced stress; Ground control; Pre-conditioning and de-stress techniques; Rockmass classification.Rock mechanics for deep engineering: Deep rock and rockmass testing and instruments; Multiply field coupling process; Multiply phase flow; Dynamic and static rock mechanics; Novel numerical methods; Rupture dynamic response and transmission; Time-dependent behaviour; Micromechanics and multi-scale methods; Inverse analysis and stochastic methods; Fractured and porous media; Rock fracturing; Induced seismicity; Cap rock integrity; Reservoir simulation; Fault reactivation; Reactive transport; Rock-fluid interaction.Excavation for deep engineering: Drilling, blasting, TBM tunnelling; Deep shaft, tunnelling and cavern; Theoretical analysis and numerical modelling for excavation; Instrumentation and monitoring for excavation; Support and ground improvement; Energy-absorbing bolt; Grouting; Shaft lining; Intelligent construction; Site investigation for excavation; Excavation for underground oil and gas storage; Excavation in geothermal energy exploration.Safety for deep engineering: Ventilation & cooling; Physics and engineering of safety; Control and management techniques; Risk assessment, warning and mitigation; Emergency management and technology; Mine safety science and technology; Environment and sustainable development; Disaster-causing mechanisms; Instability analysis, evaluation and control; Maintenance and rehabilitation.Editorial Board

Fire Safety Journal

  • ISSN: 0379-7112
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.4
An international journal devoted to research on Fire Safety Science and Engineering Official Journal of the International Association for Fire Safety ScienceFire Safety Journal is the leading publication dealing with all aspects of fire safety engineering. Its scope is purposefully wide, as it is deemed important to encourage papers from all sources within this multidisciplinary subject, thus providing a forum for its further development as a distinct engineering discipline. This is an essential step towards gaining a status equal to that enjoyed by the other engineering disciplines.It is impossible to give a comprehensive list of topics which are considered acceptable and the following list is intended for guidance only:• Fire chemistry and physics • Fire dynamics (including gas explosions) • Active fire protection systems, including detection and suppression • Passive fire protection methods • People/fire interactions (physical, physiological and psychological) • Fire safety management • Assessment and quantification of fire risk (including acceptability of risk) • Fire investigation • Fire safety design (including consumer items, industrial plant, transportation, buildings) • Fire safety legislation • Fire safety education.Original contributions relating to any of the above topics are invited, particularly if they incorporate a quantitative approach to the subject in question.

Journal of Dynamic Disasters

  • ISSN: 2950-5763
The Journal of Dynamic Disasters is an international journal dedicated to publishing authoritative articles on dynamic disasters. Topics of interest include earthquake, wind, wave, explosion, shock, vehicle and environmental vibrations. The journal features original research and case studies focusing on the dynamical analysis, disaster mechanisms, disaster prevention, disaster monitoring, disaster assessment and post-disaster restoration for engineering structures (such as civil engineering structures, mechanical engineering structures, aerospace structures, marine structures). The journal welcomes interdisciplinary studies, covering topics such as sensing, signal processing, intelligent management and control of dynamic disasters.Dynamical analysis of structuresDisaster mechanism of structuresAnalysis on generation and propagation of vibration wavesDisaster prevention of structuresHealth monitoring of structuresDisaster assessment of structuresPost-disaster restoration of structuresSensing and signal processing of structures or dynamic disastersPost-disaster restoration of structuresIntelligent management and control of dynamic disastersEditorial Board

Journal of Industrial Safety

  • ISSN: 2950-2764
Journal of Industrial Safety (JINSE) publishes original and innovative research in all areas of industrial safety science, engineering, and technology. It aims to provide an international exchange forum to bridge the gap between researchers and industry and accelerate the transition of R & D efforts to the workplace.JINSE is a multi-disciplinary journal that encompasses multiple industries including but not limited to mining & processing, construction, manufacturing, and environmental safety. It welcomes high-quality, critical state-of-the-art reviews, accident investigations, case studies, and scholarly contributions on occupational safety and health, safety regulations & policy, and safety risk assessment.Papers of common interest to multiple industries are also welcome, such asfire and explosion prevention and controlaccident preventive measuresprocess automation safetydevelopments in safety monitoring, alarm, and sensing technologiesEditorial Board

Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science

  • ISSN: 2468-0133
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.5
  • Impact factor: 13
Peer review under responsibility of Shanghai Jiaotong UniversityJournal of Ocean Engineering and Science (JOES) provides a medium for the publication of original research and latest development work in the field of ocean engineering and science.JOES welcomes papers in aspects of ocean engineering and science. Specific themes include, but are not limited to:Aquacultural Engineering Linear and Nonlinear Water Waves Ocean Acoustics Polar and Arctic Engineering Buoyancy and Stability (Static and Dynamic) Marine Environmental Engineering Ocean Engineering Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology Cable, Mooring, Buoy Technology Marine Structural Mechanics Ocean Mining Safety and Reliability CFD and VIV Model Tests Ocean Renewable Energy Instrumentation and Full-Scale Tests Coastal Engineering Seakeeping and Control Systems Measurements Ocean Space Utilization Ship Resistance and Propulsion Dynamic Positioning Naval Architecture Oceanographical Engineering Underwater Technology Fluid-Structure Interaction Physical Oceanography Hydroelasticity Biological Oceanography Offshore Technology Marine Chemistry Hydrodynamics Oceanophysics Pipeline and Riser Technology Stochastic Processes

Journal of Safety and Sustainability

  • ISSN: 2949-9267
Journal of Safety and Sustainability serves as an international medium for research in the science and technology of safety & sustainability. Papers related to safety extend from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as mining engineering, geological engineering, as well as every other field focused on monitoring and control of accidents, disasters and man's hazardous activities.The journal covers the physics and engineering of safety & sustainability; the assessment and management of safety risks and sustainability threats; the effectiveness of control, intervention and management techniques for safety and sustainability; standardization, inspection, costing aspects, human behaviour and safety & sustainability and the like.The journal will play an important role in human safety and health, as well as the engineering realizing. In order to vigorously support the international development of safety & sustainability research and practice, promoting the innovation of theory, management, and engineering technology of safety & sustainability, papers addressing the interfaces between technology, people and machines are especially welcome.The journal focuses primarily on original research papers across its whole scope, but also welcomes reviews as well as views & comments from across the full range of disciplines concerned with safety and sustainability.

Marine Structures

  • ISSN: 0951-8339
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4
  • Impact factor: 4
Marine Structures provides a medium for presentation and discussion of the latest developments in research, design, fabrication, transport/installation and in-service experiences relating to the field of Marine Structures .Marine Structures aims to advance knowledge specifically for Marine Structures that are constructed of steel, concrete, or new materials . It publishes topics on the classical areas of ships, fixed, mobile and floating offshore platforms, infrastructures, moorings, pipelines, cables, risers and subsea systems . Submissions on new and emerging research topics, including offshore renewable energies, aquaculture systems, underwater vehicles for offshore operations and related machine learning applications, are particularly welcome.The journal publishes topics including:Ocean environmental design conditions and associated,Loads exerted by waves, currents, wind, tides, ice and ground motions,Seabed foundations, anchoring systems and interaction with marine structural systems,Evaluation of static and dynamic structural responses including collapse behaviour,Fatigue and fracture,Materials selection, corrosion and other forms of degradation applied to marine structures,Formulation and application of design methods and criteria including system reliability analysis, and optimization techniques,Inspection, structural health monitoring, maintenance and lifetime extension,Fabrication, transport, installation and decommissioning techniques,Resilient design of marine systems,Application of machine learning methods and data-driven models for strength and/or load/response predictions of marine structures,Marine Structures does not accept submissions on the following topics:Underwater acoustics,Underwater explosions,Military applications.

Nuclear Engineering and Design

  • ISSN: 0029-5493
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Nuclear Engineering and Design is the International Journal devoted to all aspects of Nuclear Fission Energy. The journal is affiliated with the European Nuclear Society (ENS) and with the International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, e.v. (IASMiRT).Nuclear Engineering and Design covers the wide range of disciplines involved in the engineering, design, safety, and construction of nuclear fission reactors. We welcome papers both on applied and innovative aspects and developments in nuclear science and technology.Fundamentals of Reactor Design include:Thermal-Hydraulics (including or not including Core Physics)Safety Analysis, Risk Assessment (PSA)Structural and Mechanical EngineeringRadioprotectionNeutron PhysicsMaterials ScienceFuel Behavior and DesignStructural Plant Design including seismic analysisEngineering of Reactor ComponentsExperimentsAspects beyond fundamentals of Reactor Design covered:Accident Analysis and Mitigation MeasuresBalance of Plant optimizationReactor Control SystemsLicensing IssuesSafeguard EngineeringEconomy of PlantsFuel cycle including Reprocessing / Waste DisposalApplications of Nuclear Energy: "nuclear-space", nuclear-transportation (ships and not only) . H2 production, desalination (or clean water from sea water),etc.MaintenanceDecommissioningPapers on new reactor ideas and developments such as SMR, and microreactors, then Generation IV reactors (e.g. inherently safe modular HTRs), High Performance LWRs/HWRs, Molten Salt reactors and LMFBs/GFR will be considered; Actinide Burners, Accelerator Driven Systems, and other special designs of power and research reactors and their applications are also encouraged.