Motion is the essence of any mechanical system. Analyzing a system’s dynamical response to distinct motion parameters allows for increased understanding of its performance thresholds and can in turn provide clear data to inform improved system designs.Modeling of Complex Dynamic Systems: Fundamentals and Applications equips readers with significant insights into nonlinear vibration phenomenology through a combination of advanced mathematical fundamentals and worked-through modeling experiments. To guide them in determining novel stabilization characteristics for complex moving objects, coupled structures, as well as the stochastic stability of mechanical systems, the technical and methodological analysis is accompanied by industry-relevant practical examples, contributing much sought-after applicable knowledge.The book is intended for use by postgraduate students, academic researchers, and professional engineers alike.
Time-Dependent Reliability Theory and Its Applications introduces the theory of time-dependent reliability and presents methods to determine the reliability of structures over the lifespan of their services. The book contains state-of-the-art solutions to first passage probability derived from the theory of stochastic processes with different types of probability distribution functions, including Gaussian and non-Gaussian distributions and stationary and non-stationary processes. In addition, it provides various methods to determine the probability of failure over time, considering different failure modes and a methodology to predict the service life of structures. Sections also cover the applications of time-dependent reliability to prediction of service life and development of risk cost-optimized maintenance strategy for existing structures. This new book is for those who wants to know how to predict the service life of a structure (buildings, bridges, aircraft structures, etc.) and how to develop a risk-cost, optimized maintenance strategy for these structures.
The Rise of Smart Cities: Advanced Structural Sensing and Monitoring Systems provides engineers and researchers with a guide to the latest breakthroughs in the deployment of smart sensing and monitoring technologies. The book introduces readers to the latest innovations in the area of smart infrastructure-enabling technologies and howthey can be integrated into the planning and design of smart cities. With this book in hand, readers will find a valuable reference in terms of civil infrastructure health monitoring, advanced sensor network architectures, smart sensing materials, multifunctional material and structures, crowdsourced/social sensing, remote sensing and aerial sensing, and advanced computation in sensornetworks.
Space Safety and Human Performance provides a comprehensive reference for engineers and technical managers within aerospace and high technology companies, space agencies, operators, and consulting firms. The book draws upon the expertise of the world’s leading experts in the field and focuses primarily on humans in spaceflight, but also covers operators of control centers on the ground and behavior aspects of complex organizations, thus addressing the entire spectrum of space actors. During spaceflight, human performance can be deeply affected by physical, psychological and psychosocial stressors. Strict selection, intensive training and adequate operational rules are used to fight performance degradation and prepare individuals and teams to effectively manage systems failures and challenging emergencies. The book is endorsed by the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS).
Disaster Resilient Cities: Concepts and Practical Examples discusses natural disasters, their complexity, and the exploration of different ways of thinking regarding the resilience of structures. The book provides a blueprint for structural designers to better prepare structures for all types of natural hazards during the design stage. Brief and readable, this book analyzes various examples of disaster damage from earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods, together with their causal mechanisms. Practical methods to plan and design structures based on their regions, cities, as well as the particular countermeasures are also included for study.
Structural Health Monitoring with Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors, Second Edition provides an authoritative theoretical and experimental guide to this fast-paced, interdisciplinary area with exciting applications across a range of industries. The book begins with a detailed yet digestible consolidation of the fundamental theory relating to structural health monitoring (SHM). Coverage of fracture and failure basics, relevant piezoelectric material properties, vibration modes in different structures, and different wave types provide all the background needed to understand SHM and apply it to real-world structural challenges. Moving from theory to experimental practice, the book then provides the most comprehensive coverage available on using piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) to detect and quantify damage in structures. Updates to this edition include circular and straight-crested Lamb waves from first principle, and the interaction between PWAS and Lamb waves in 1-D and 2-D geometries. Effective shear stress is described, and tuning expressions between PWAS and Lamb waves has been extended to cover axisymmetric geometries with a complete Hankel-transform-based derivation. New chapters have been added including hands-on SHM case studies of PWAS stress, strain, vibration, and wave sensing applications, along with new sections covering essential aspects of vibration and wave propagation in axisymmetric geometries.
Reliability of Large and Complex Systems, previously titled Reliability of Large Systems, is an innovative guide to the current state and reliability of large and complex systems. In addition to revised and updated content on the complexity and safety of large and complex mechanisms, this new edition looks at the reliability of nanosystems, a key research topic in nanotechnology science. The author discusses the importance of safety investigation of critical infrastructures that have aged or have been exposed to varying operational conditions. This reference provides an asymptotic approach to reliability; its methodology, whilst largely mathematical, is designed to help the reader understand and construct general models of large and systems in a wide range of engineering fields.
The subject of system reliability evaluation has never been so extensively and incisively discussed as in the present volume. The book fills a gap in the existing literature on the subject by highlighting the shortcomings of the current state-of-the-art and focusing on on-going efforts aimed at seeking better models, improved solutions and alternative approaches to the problem of system reliability evaluation. The book's foremost objective is to provide an insight into developments that are likely to revolutionize the art and science in the near future. At the same time it will help serve as a benchmark for the reader not only to understand and appreciate the newer developments but to profitably guide him in reorienting his efforts. This book will be valuable for people working in various industries, research organizations, particularly in electrical and electronics, defence, nuclear, chemical, space and communciation systems. It will also be useful for serious-minded students, teachers, and for the laboratories of educational institutions.
Seismic Risk and Engineering Decisions attempts to bridge the gap in decision making between earthquake characteristics and structural behavior. The book begins by providing the background on earthquake generation and characteristics. It reviews the present state of matters in seismicity assessment and treats uncertainties explicitly. The impact of earthquakes on large bodies of water and structures is also discussed. These discussions set the stage for the final part of the book, which deals with the principles and implications of seismic design decision analysis. The book also delves into the selection of instruments for seismological research and engineering applications, with emphasis on widely used conventional seismological equipment. This book is intended to help experienced consulting engineers in assessing seismic risk and making rational decisions when locating and designing important engineering works and when drafting building codes and land use regulations. It will also provide advanced students of engineering with bases for benefiting from his future experience.
The development of modern technologies has enlarged the scope of quality, to include aspects concerning the time varying performances of systems. The general property of a system, to conserve its performance in time, is known as reliability. The concept of reliability, developed on the basis of electronic technology, can be generalized to describe any system, be it technical, biological or even social. This work is concerned with technological systems, but many of its ideas can be applied successfully outside the purely technical field. A comprehensive treatment of the various models and methodologies employed in the reliability field is given. The mathematical, physical and engineering concepts related to reliability are presented from a unitary point of view. Moreover, the book provides the theoretical background for the methodologies of reliability assurance and assessment. A global model of system reliability is specified by classical estimation of its parameters from experimental data. The practical difficulties related to the amount of data needed for an accurate estimation is examined in detail.A major improvement on the accuracy of a model is provided by the application of Bayesian statistical theory, thereby making use of all the information available on the reliability of the system. The next section describes the relationship between reliability and stress. It introduces the models of reliability extrapolation and the theory of accelerated life tests. The global model is extended to systems that are subject to renewal and leads to specific reliability indices of system effectiveness. A comparison is given on structural models of system reliability together with the appropriate methods of analysis. The limitations and the areas of application of different models are clearly outlined.The book maintains a good balance between the theoretical and the practical point of view. It is sufficiently theoretical to cover most technical systems, but is not restricted to purely mathematical aspects. The interpretations and the applications of the models are presented in detail, enabling the practitioner to make direct use of many results.