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Journals in Building and construction

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Automation in Construction

  • ISSN: 0926-5805
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.6
  • Impact factor: 9.6
Design & Engineering — Construction Technology — Maintenance & ManagementAutomation in Construction is an international journal for the publication of original research papers. The journal publishes refereed material on all aspects pertaining to the use of Information Technologies in Design, Engineering, Construction Technologies, and Maintenance and Management of Constructed Facilities. The scope of Automation in Construction is broad, encompassing all stages of the construction life cycle from initial planning and design, through construction of the facility, its operation and maintenance, to the eventual dismantling and recycling of buildings and engineering structures. The following list of topics is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather to indicate topics that fall within the journal's purview:• Computer-aided design, product modeling, decision support systems, classification and standardization, product data interchange • Computer-aided engineering, process simulation models, graphics • Robotics, metrology, logistics, automated inspection, demolition/remediation • Facilities management, management information systems, intelligent control systems.This journal is supported by the following organisations: - Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) - International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC) - International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (C.I.B.)
Automation in Construction

Building and Environment

  • ISSN: 0360-1323
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.2
  • Impact factor: 7.1
The International Journal of Building Science and its ApplicationsAimsBuilding and Environment is international journal that publishes original research papers, comprehensive review articles, editorials, and short communications related to building science, urban physics, and human interaction with the indoor and outdoor built environment.The Journal is focused on innovative, cutting edge technologies and knowledge, rigorously verified with measurement and analysis. The Journal publishes articles related to the environmental performance of the built environment in a wide range of spatial scales, ranging from cities, communities, buildings, to building systems and assemblies as well as other built environments such as those related to transportation and industrial settings. We encourage submission of collaborative, multi-disciplinary research results with broader significance.ScopeTopics covered in the Journal include, but are not limited to, the following themes:• Technologies, especially smart technologies and integrated systems for high performance buildings and cities:- Advanced building envelopes - Advanced building control technologies and principles - Artificial intelligence as applied to buildings or building systems - Automation in the built environment using brain-computer interfaces - Data management and digital twins for automation in the built environment - Smart space conditioning systems that are responsive to comfort - Sustainable, hybrid, and smart heating and air conditioning technologies• Thermal comfort, ventilation, acoustic and visual performance in buildings and their impacts on human beings:- Building acoustics and lighting - Building ventilation, including occupant-centered ventilation for improving microclimates - Health, productivity, and well-being related to the built environment - Human thermoregulation mechanisms and their interactions with the indoor and outdoor environments - Thermal comfort indoors, outdoors and in transition spaces - Monitoring and assessing the impact of indoor and urban pollution on people• Air quality and airborne infection control in building science and engineering- Airborne pollutants (including physical, chemical, and microbiological) formation, transport, and measurement in buildings - Self-decontaminating materials for occupant protection in health care and other high health risk-built environments - Innovative indoor air cleaning and decontamination technologies - Indoor environments in buildings and transportation vehicles - Indoor pollutant sources and control strategies for contaminant removal - Airborne infectious disease control of the built environment - Personalized technologies for prevention of indoor cross-contamination• Advanced tools for the design and decision-making communities, including tested computational, economic, educational and policy tools:- Building performance and advanced simulation tools - Modeling and simulation of building stocks at different scales - Policy studies related to buildings and the environment - Thermal analysis of buildings - Urban physics measurement and modeling• Solutions for mitigating environmental impacts and achieving low carbon, resilient, and sustainable built environments:- Building resilience (not including structures, seismic performance, flooding, fire, etc.) related to current and/or future climates - Carbon capture and sustainable systems - Circular building systems and technologies - Decarbonization technologies for building systems and communities - Global warming as related to building and urban environments - Green buildings and sustainable systems and their impacts on the urban environment - Life cycle assessment of building environmental impacts - Climate-neutral buildings and communities - Sustainable and innovative solutions and measures for mitigation of the urban heat island
Building and Environment

Cement and Concrete Composites

  • ISSN: 0958-9465
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.2
  • Impact factor: 10.8
Cement and Concrete Composites is designed to reflect current developments and advances being made in the general field of cement-concrete composites technology and in the production, use, and performance of cement-based construction materials. The word cement is interpreted in a wide sense, including not only Portland cement but also blended cements and other binding materials. In addition to novel aspects of conventional concrete materials, the journal covers a wide range of composite materials such as fiber-reinforced cement composites, polymer cement composites, polymer impregnated composites, ferrocement, and cement composites containing special aggregate inclusions or waste materials. Original papers dealing with microstructure (as it relates to engineering properties), material properties, testing and test methods, fracture mechanics, durability aspects, composite mechanics/technology, modelling, design, fabrication and practical applications of these materials form the major themes of the journal. Provided there is sufficient linkage to properties defined at the material scale, papers concerning the behavior of structural components and systems, in situ performance, and field studies will also be accepted for review, as well as those concerning the repair and maintenance, serviceability behavior, and sustainability of structures made with these materials.The journal has within the above context several specific objectives. It wants to foster a better understanding of construction materials, provide a forum for unusual and unconventional materials, encourage the development of low cost energy saving materials and bridge the gap between materials science, engineering performance, environmental effects, in situ behavior, design/service life and construction. It is the intention of the journal to also publish special issues devoted to topics of current or emerging interest. The journal aims to provide a unifying basis for collaboration between materials scientists, engineers, designers and fabricators.
Cement and Concrete Composites

Cement and Concrete Research

  • ISSN: 0008-8846
  • 5 Year impact factor: 14.4
  • Impact factor: 10.9
The aim of Cement and Concrete Research is to publish the best research on the materials science and engineering of cement, cement composites, mortars, concrete and other allied materials that incorporate cement or other mineral binders. In doing so, the journal will focus on reporting major results of research on the properties and performance of cementitious materials; novel experimental techniques; the latest analytical and modelling methods; the examination and the diagnosis of real cement and concrete structures; and the potential for improved materials. The fields which the journal aims to cover are:• Processing: Cement manufacture, admixtures, mixing, rheology and hydration. While the majority of articles will be concerned with Portland cements, we encourage articles on other mineral binders, such as alumino-silicates (often referred to as geopolymers), calcium aluminates, calcium sulfoaluminates, magnesia-based cements, as well as in a more limited way on lime and/or gypsum-based materials. • Chemical, microstructural and structural characterization of the unhydrated components and of hydrated systems including: the chemistry (structure, thermodynamics and kinetics), crystal structure, pore structure of cementitious materials, characterization techniques, and the modelling on atomistic, microstructural and structural levels. • The properties and modelling of cement and concrete, including: fundamental physical properties in both fluid and hardened state; transport, mechanical and other properties; the processes of degradation of cementitious materials; and the modelling of properties and degradation processes, as a means of predicting short-term and long-term performance, of relating a material's structure to its properties and of designing materials of improved performance, in particular with lower environmental impact. Papers dealing with corrosion will be considered provided their clearly relate to process fundamentally affected by the interplay between steel reactivity and a surrounding cementitious material. • Applications for cement, mortar and concrete keeping a clear focus on fundamental questions of materials science and engineering focus will be welcome on topics including: concrete technology, rheology control, fiber reinforcement, waste management, recycling, life cycle analysis, novel concretes and digital fabrication.The journal's principal publications are original articles containing new information, major reviews and selected papers from important conferences. Discussion of published material and rapid communications will form part of the journal where appropriate. The journal will focus on papers with a broad interest, based upon their subject area, the quality of the research, the novelty of the results and the potential for assimilation of the findings.Cement and Concrete Research is the companion title to the open access journal Cement.
Cement and Concrete Research

Design Studies

  • ISSN: 0142-694X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 3.2
Design Studies The Interdisciplinary Journal of Design ResearchMission Our mission at Design Studies is to foster contemporary discourse and discoveries in the field of design. We commit to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and champion inclusivity in academic contributions. We welcome submissions from a diverse spectrum of individuals and perspectives globally. We invite an engaged community of authors to advance design through research, scholarship and creative practice.Aims Design Studies is a leading international academic journal dedicated to the comprehensive examination and discourse of design.The editorial aim is to publish work that is relevant to a broad audience of researchers, educators, and practitioners. We welcome original scholarly research papers concerned with the process, perspectives and outcomes of designing in all its application areas. Insights into the process of design from experimental or empirical research, the design of objects, environments, and systems and their impacts on society and the environment, and critical theory and analysis should galvanize thought leadership and community.Design Studies fills a unique niche among design publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between theoretical and practical modes of inquiry, to produce critical understandings of design practice and its effects in society through the following distinctive aims.Foster Interdisciplinary Design Discussions: Create a space for interdisciplinary discussions on fundamental design elements, including process, cognition, and philosophy, while emphasising research, theory, and innovative outcomes.Explore Design's Theoretical Evolution: Assess the history and future of design by examining its development and contributing to future practices, focusing on rigorous research approachesCritically Analyse Design Practices: Encourage critical evaluations of design methodologies and outcomes, including ethical, social, and environmental considerations.Embrace Diverse Design Contexts: Examine design within various cultural, socio-economic, organisational and political settings, highlighting its impact on social change, sustainability, and community empowerment.Expand the Design Conversation: Welcome a wide range of contributions, including practical case studies, theoretical explorations, and methodological critiques, to engage in a comprehensive design discourse.Scope Design Studies seeks to expand the boundaries of design knowledge and practice. We invite authors to submit papers that not only challenge traditional norms and methodologies but also promote a forward-thinking and inclusive dialogue within the design community. Our scope encompasses a wide range of design domains, including but not limited to engineering design, industrial design, product design, systems design, innovation, and current design thinking paradigms within the overarching research context.Design Studies welcomes articles on a wide range of topic areas across design's core facets centred on the main aims of the journal.Design Theory • Design Process • Philosophy of Design • Design Conceptualisations and Perspectives • Design ThinkingDesign Research and Methodology • Design Research Methods • Interdisciplinary Design Research • Co-DesignDesign Practice • Practice-led Design Research • Design Innovation • Design JusticeDesign Education • Design Pedagogy • Design Teaching and Learning • Design DialogueDesign Impact • Human Factors in Design • Design Manufacturing and Materials • Product Engineering • Design Sustainability
Design Studies

Energy and Buildings

  • ISSN: 0378-7788
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 6.6
An international journal devoted to investigations of energy use and efficiency in buildingsEnergy and Buildings is an international journal publishing articles with explicit links to energy use in buildings. The aim is to present new research results, and new proven practice aimed at reducing the energy needs of a building and improving indoor environment quality. Energy and Buildings considers and publishes articles considerably advancing Building Science. Preference is given to practical and experimental research articles reporting considerable innovations. Articles reporting advances in theoretical and simulation methods are welcome once results are fully validated using appropriate experimental data, and so are the articles reporting application of numerical or theoretical methods for the analysis of new technology and materials and innovative designs.Topics covered include: Energy demands and consumption in existing and future buildings - prediction and validationIndoor environment quality, including health and thermal comfort vis-à-vis energyNatural, mechanical and mixed ventilationAir distribution in buildingsApplication of solar and other renewable energy sources in buildingsEnergy balances in building complexes (residential, commercial, industrial, public and other buildings)Energy efficiency improvement measures of HVAC&R and other technical systems in residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, and semi open built spacesHeat recovery systems in buildingsBuildings and district heating and coolingEnergy conservation in built environmentEnergy efficient buildingsBuilding physicsEnergy sustainability, resilience and climate adaptability of buildingsEvaluation and control of indoor thermal and lighting systemsBuilding's total performance and intelligent buildingsLinks between architectural design, mechanical and lighting systemsNew materials in buildings and their impact on energy demandsExternal and internal design conditions for energy efficient buildingsBuilding envelope materials and structure energy performanceThermal energy storage and thermally active building systems - TABSEnergy performance of buildings and modeling predictive controlZero CO2 emission - zero energy and energy plus buildings and their smart grid harmonized operationResidential/municipal energy refurbishment and renovationLife cycle energy efficiency of buildings and embodied energyArchitectural structure - construction energy efficiencyEnergy related aspects of buildings after catastrophic events Papers with results based on simulations are welcome but those with clear links to laboratory or field measurements are preferred. These links may include calibration, benchmarking, or comparisons of results. Replication Studies: This journal encourages the submission of replication studies. When submitting your manuscript ensure the original study is clearly referenced, and provide a link to the original study. Replication studies should include [brief] introduction and discussion sections that succinctly report the goal of the original paper. The original paper should be the work of a different author or group of authors. For replication studies please also deposit your data in Mendeley data or another trusted repository and ensure your data is properly cited. Please refer to the section on Research data for further guidance on data deposition and citation.Please follow and tag the journal on one of our Social media accounts if you are sharing a link to your paper on ScienceDirect: Twitter (@ENBJournal) and LinkedIn.
Energy and Buildings

Fire Safety Journal

  • ISSN: 0379-7112
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.4
An international journal devoted to research on Fire Safety Science and Engineering Official Journal of the International Association for Fire Safety ScienceFire Safety Journal is the leading publication dealing with all aspects of fire safety engineering. Its scope is purposefully wide, as it is deemed important to encourage papers from all sources within this multidisciplinary subject, thus providing a forum for its further development as a distinct engineering discipline. This is an essential step towards gaining a status equal to that enjoyed by the other engineering disciplines.It is impossible to give a comprehensive list of topics which are considered acceptable and the following list is intended for guidance only:• Fire chemistry and physics • Fire dynamics (including gas explosions) • Active fire protection systems, including detection and suppression • Passive fire protection methods • People/fire interactions (physical, physiological and psychological) • Fire safety management • Assessment and quantification of fire risk (including acceptability of risk) • Fire investigation • Fire safety design (including consumer items, industrial plant, transportation, buildings) • Fire safety legislation • Fire safety education.Original contributions relating to any of the above topics are invited, particularly if they incorporate a quantitative approach to the subject in question.
Fire Safety Journal

Journal of Constructional Steel Research

  • ISSN: 0143-974X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.2
  • Impact factor: 4
The Journal of Constructional Steel Research provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest developments in structural steel research and their applications. It is aimed not only at researchers but also at those likely to be most affected by research results, i.e. designers and fabricators. Original papers of a high standard dealing with all aspects of steel and metal structures including theoretical and experimental research on elements, assemblages, connection and material properties are considered for publication.Those presenting research findings in a form suitable for practical use are especially welcome. Papers reporting work in progress will also be included, provided the long-term practical implications of the research are evident, as will state-of-the-art papers, or those by designers and fabricators dealing with issues bearing directly on research.The journal will also present technical notes, book reviews, discussions and letters to the Editor. It is intended that at intervals summaries will be included indicating current research activities throughout the world, and reports of conferences and meetings related specifically to constructional steelwork. Announcements of conference and symposia are also included in the form of a calendar.
Journal of Constructional Steel Research

Journal of Terramechanics

  • ISSN: 0022-4898
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 2.4
The Journal of Terramechanics publishes articles on the interaction between vehicles/machinery and deformable surfaces, such as terrestrial terrain, seabed, and extraterrestrial soils; and on the terramechanics-vehicle-environment impact topics and applications, including modeling and simulation with verification and validation; design and control; and operation and testing with statistical confidence of crewed and uncrewed off-road vehicles of various levels of autonomy, robots, extraterrestrial rovers, and terrain engaging-earth moving machinery, the latter of which implements working with agricultural soil/crop systems, construction equipment, forestry machinery, and tools for extraterrestrial surface exploration.As the publishing organ of the International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems (ISTVS), the journal provides a forum for disseminating the latest scientific and technical information in the field by both members and non-members of ISTVS. The journal presents a cross-section of technical papers, reviews, comments, and discussions, and serves as a medium for recording recent progress in the field.
Journal of Terramechanics

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

  • ISSN: 0927-0248
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 6.3
An International Journal Devoted to Photovoltaic, Photothermal, and Photochemical Solar Energy ConversionSolar Energy Materials & Solar Cells is intended as a vehicle for the dissemination of research results on materials science and technology related to photovoltaic, photothermal and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion. Materials science is taken in the broadest possible sense and encompasses physics, chemistry, optics, materials fabrication and analysis for all types of materials.Of particular interest are: Solar Cells, covering single crystal, polycrystalline and amorphous materials utilising homojunctions and heterojunctions, Schottky barriers, liquid junctions and their applications. Also of interest is analysis of component materials, individual cells and complete systems, including their economic aspects. Photothermal Devices, in the broadest sense, including solar absorber devices, heat storage materials, radiative cooling systems and their applications. Photoelectrochemical and Photochemical Devices, covering photoelectrodes, photocatalysis, photoconversion and solar desalination systems and their applications. Optical Properties of materials, including light trapping, texturising, solar concentrators which include imaging and non-imaging optical collectors. Light Control, including systems for energy efficient architecture and daylighting, chromogenics and smart windows.The pertinent issues are comprehensive and encompass bulk materials, coatings and thin films and surface treatments, from basic as well as from applications-oriented and manufacturing related perspectives.Manuscripts of general interest not being suitable for Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells can be submitted to Refocus, which publishes magazine-style feature articles concerning all aspects of renewable energy. Please e-mail David Hopwood, Editor for further details ([email protected]) and visit articles not specifically related to the materials aspects of Solar Energy conversion can be submitted to Solar Energy, the official journal of the International Solar Energy Society. For details, visit journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells