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Journals in Energy conservation and environment

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Energy Conversion and Management

  • ISSN: 0196-8904
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.8
  • Impact factor: 9.9
The journal Energy Conversion and Management provides a forum for publishing original contributions and comprehensive technical review articles of interdisciplinary and original research on all important energy topics.The topics considered include energy generation, utilization, conversion, storage, transmission, conservation, management and sustainability. These topics typically involve various types of energy such as mechanical, thermal, nuclear, chemical, electromagnetic, magnetic and electric. These energy types cover all known energy resources, including renewable resources (e.g., solar, bio, hydro, wind, geothermal and ocean energy), fossil fuels and nuclear resources.Papers are welcome that investigate or consider the prospects of energy technologies, devices, systems, materials, processes, operation, performance, maintenance and control.Priority may be given to interdisciplinary energy subjects that deal with advanced technologies and that consider more than one of these methodologies: modeling, experimental, analysis and optimization, with appropriate verifications of the findings.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy).
Energy Conversion and Management

Energy Policy

  • ISSN: 0301-4215
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.4
  • Impact factor: 9.3
The International Journal of the Political, Economic, Planning, Environmental and Social Aspects of EnergyEnergy Policy is an international peer-reviewed journal addressing the policy implications of energy supply and use from their economic, social, planning and environmental aspects. Papers may cover global, regional, national, or even local topics that are of wider policy significance, and of interest to international agencies, governments, public and private sector entities, local communities and non-governmental organisations. Within this broad spectrum, topics of particular interest include energy and environmental regulation, energy supply security, the quality and efficiency of energy services, the effectiveness of market-based approaches and/or governmental interventions, technological innovation and diffusion, and voluntary initiatives where the broader policy implications can be recognised. Policy prescriptions are required to be supported by rigorous analysis and balanced appraisal.Given the aims and scope of Energy Policy, all submitted papers should explicitly address policy issues involving energy supply or use.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy).Special issue proposals Prospective guest editor(s) should submit written proposals that incorporate the rationale for the special issue topic, positions it in the literature, and include some illustrative topics and proposed contributors. Guest Editors should complete and submit this Special Issue Proposal template to be considered for publication in the Journal.
Energy Policy

Energy and Buildings

  • ISSN: 0378-7788
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 6.6
An international journal devoted to investigations of energy use and efficiency in buildingsEnergy and Buildings is an international journal publishing articles with explicit links to energy use in buildings. The aim is to present new research results, and new proven practice aimed at reducing the energy needs of a building and improving indoor environment quality. Energy and Buildings considers and publishes articles considerably advancing Building Science. Preference is given to practical and experimental research articles reporting considerable innovations. Articles reporting advances in theoretical and simulation methods are welcome once results are fully validated using appropriate experimental data, and so are the articles reporting application of numerical or theoretical methods for the analysis of new technology and materials and innovative designs.Topics covered include: Energy demands and consumption in existing and future buildings - prediction and validationIndoor environment quality, including health and thermal comfort vis-à-vis energyNatural, mechanical and mixed ventilationAir distribution in buildingsApplication of solar and other renewable energy sources in buildingsEnergy balances in building complexes (residential, commercial, industrial, public and other buildings)Energy efficiency improvement measures of HVAC&R and other technical systems in residential, commercial, public and industrial buildings, and semi open built spacesHeat recovery systems in buildingsBuildings and district heating and coolingEnergy conservation in built environmentEnergy efficient buildingsBuilding physicsEnergy sustainability, resilience and climate adaptability of buildingsEvaluation and control of indoor thermal and lighting systemsBuilding's total performance and intelligent buildingsLinks between architectural design, mechanical and lighting systemsNew materials in buildings and their impact on energy demandsExternal and internal design conditions for energy efficient buildingsBuilding envelope materials and structure energy performanceThermal energy storage and thermally active building systems - TABSEnergy performance of buildings and modeling predictive controlZero CO2 emission - zero energy and energy plus buildings and their smart grid harmonized operationResidential/municipal energy refurbishment and renovationLife cycle energy efficiency of buildings and embodied energyArchitectural structure - construction energy efficiencyEnergy related aspects of buildings after catastrophic events Papers with results based on simulations are welcome but those with clear links to laboratory or field measurements are preferred. These links may include calibration, benchmarking, or comparisons of results. Replication Studies: This journal encourages the submission of replication studies. When submitting your manuscript ensure the original study is clearly referenced, and provide a link to the original study. Replication studies should include [brief] introduction and discussion sections that succinctly report the goal of the original paper. The original paper should be the work of a different author or group of authors. For replication studies please also deposit your data in Mendeley data or another trusted repository and ensure your data is properly cited. Please refer to the section on Research data for further guidance on data deposition and citation.Please follow and tag the journal on one of our Social media accounts if you are sharing a link to your paper on ScienceDirect: Twitter (@ENBJournal) and LinkedIn.
Energy and Buildings

Energy for Sustainable Development

  • ISSN: 0973-0826
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.4
Published on behalf of the International Energy Initiative, Energy for Sustainable Development is the journal for decision makers, managers, consultants, policy makers, planners and researchers in both government and non-government organizations. It publishes original research and reviews about energy in developing countries, sustainable development, energy resources, technologies, policies and interactions.The board also wants to promote the publication of articles on, or that are relevant to, energy issues in developing countries and on North-South and South-South cooperation in energy technology development and application. The Board considers the publication of highly specialized work more appropriate to other professional journals. The criteria for acceptance of the papers in_Energy for Sustainable Development_ are therefore quality of the work and its presentation and breadth of interest, irrespective of whether the paper reports research or development, theory or experiment, original work or review.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support CenterThis journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities)
Energy for Sustainable Development

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

  • ISSN: 0360-3199
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.3
  • Impact factor: 8.1
Official Journal of the International Association for Hydrogen EnergyThe International Journal of Hydrogen Energy aims to provide a central vehicle for the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, technology developments and research results in the field of Hydrogen Energy between scientists and engineers throughout the world. The emphasis is placed on original research, both analytical and experimental, covering all aspects of Hydrogen Energy, including production, storage, transmission, utilization, enabling technologies, environmental impact, economic and international aspects of hydrogen and hydrogen carriers such as NH3, CH4, alcohols, etc.The utilization includes thermochemical (combustion), photochemical, electrochemical (fuel cells) and nuclear conversion of hydrogen, hydrogen isotopes and/or hydrogen carriers to thermal, mechanical and electrical energies, and their applications in transportation (including aerospace), industrial, commercial and residential sectors.When outstanding new advances are made, or when new areas have been developed to a definitive stage, special review articles will be considered. Shorter communications are also welcome.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews

  • ISSN: 1364-0321
  • 5 Year impact factor: 16.8
  • Impact factor: 16.3
The mission of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews is to communicate the most interesting and relevant critical thinking in renewable and sustainable energy in order to bring together the research community, the private sector and policy and decision makers. The aim of the journal is to share problems, solutions, novel ideas and technologies to support sustainable development, the transition to a low carbon future and achieve our emissions targets as established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews publishes review papers, original research, case studies and new technology analyses that have a significant review element, which may take the form of a critique, comparison, or analysis. The journal also publishes a new paper type, Expert Insights, which are commissioned mini-reviews from field leaders on topics of significant interest. Case studies will only be considered if they also demonstrate the applicability of the work to other regions and/or inform the broader field of renewable and sustainable energy. A bibliographic or literature review, without critical thinking is not considered suitable.The journal considers articles on the following themes, provided the link to renewable and sustainable energy is clear and thoroughly examined:Energy resources - bioresources (e.g. biomass, waste), fossil fuels (including natural gas), geothermal, hydrogen, hydropower, nuclear, marine and ocean energy, solar and windApplications - buildings, industry and transport including information communication systemsUtilization - batteries, conversion technologies, fuel cells, storage technologies, technical developments and technology scalingEnvironment - atmosphere, climate issues, meteorology, mitigation technologies (e.g. carbon capture and storage (CCS), carbon capture and utilization (CCU), solar radiation management)Techno-socio-economic aspects - health, industry, policy, political, regulatory, social (e.g. access, education, equality, equity)Systems - carbon accounting, energy-food-water nexus, energy modelling, life cycle assessment (LCA), nutrient-energy-water (NEW) nexus, smart infrastructureSustainability - the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)Space systems - satellite technology, planetary exploration and habitation, environmental protection of space and the solar systemOcean systems - ocean technology, ocean exploration, environmental protection of the ocean.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews

Renewable Energy

  • ISSN: 0960-1481
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.1
  • Impact factor: 9
The journal, Renewable Energy, seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge on the various topics and technologies of renewable energy systems and components. The journal aims to serve researchers, engineers, economists, manufacturers, NGOs, associations and societies to help them keep abreast of new developments in their specialist fields and to apply alternative energy solutions to current practices.Renewable Energy is an international, multi-disciplinary journal in renewable energy engineering and research. The journal aims to be a leading peer-reviewed platform and an authoritative source of original research and reviews related to renewable energy.Renewable Energy covers research in the following areas:Biomass ConversionPhotovoltaic Technology ConversionSolar Thermal ApplicationsWind Energy TechnologyDesalinationSolar and Low Energy ArchitectureClimatology and MeteorologyGeothermal TechnologyWave, Tide and Ocean Thermal EnergiesHydro PowerHydrogen Production Technology and Fuel CellsSocio-economic and Policy IssuesThe journal also welcomes papers on other related topics provided that such topics are within the context of the broader multi-disciplinary scope of Renewable Energy. It should be noted, however, that papers are within scope only if they are concerned with power generation and that the power is generated in a renewable or sustainable way. For instance, a paper concerning development and characterisation of a material for use in a renewable energy system, without any measure of the energy that this new material will convert, would be out of scope.Renewable Energy accepts original research papers and review papers (the latter by invitation of the Editor-in-Chief only). Interested authors of review papers need to send the outline of the review together with a short CV of the main author/s to the Editor-in-Chief before submission of the paper.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)
Renewable Energy