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Journals in Industrial chemistry

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Process Safety and Environmental Protection

  • ISSN: 0957-5820
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7
  • Impact factor: 6.9
Publication of the Institution of Chemical Engineers Official Journal of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering: Part BPSEP aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in the branches of engineering concerned with the safety of industrial processes and the protection of the environment.Papers that deal with new developments in safety or environmental aspects, demonstrating how research results can be used in process engineering design and practice, are particularly encouraged. Experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research will also be considered. The journal is especially interested in contributions that extend the boundaries of traditional engineering as well as in multidisciplinary papers.Papers related to environmental protection must take an integrated pollution control approach, demonstrating clearly that any proposed treatment method does not simply transfer pollution from one environmental medium to another, for example, from air to water or from water to solid waste. All such papers must discuss how any treatment effluents, spent adsorbents, etc., can be treated or disposed of safely, avoiding transfer of pollution to another environmental medium.For environmental protection, papers that are outside the scope are those that lack engineering aspects, including those that:use experimental techniques primarily to prepare and/or characterise various materials without considerations of process engineering design and practice;present primarily laboratory experiments of the effects of different parameters on behaviour of materials and pollutants (e.g. pH, temperature, mass of adsorbent, etc.) without further insights into the implications for engineering design and practice;focus primarily on adsorption models and curve fitting (e.g. Freundlich, Langmuir etc.); andcontain only chemical, physical and/or thermodynamic analyses.Core topic areas:Risk Assessment and Reliability Engineering • Risk assessment, risk management, consequence analysis, and uncertainty quantification. • Supply chain risk management. • Cyber and physical security vulnerability assessment. • Risk assessment of hydrogen-based technologies. • Human reliability analysis (HRA) and human-machine interface (HMI). • Reliability predictions of integrated systems and high-temperature power electronics. • Integrity management and reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM).Technical Safety and Loss Prevention • Fire and gas detection. • Firewater systems. • Functional safety and safety integrity levels (SIL) • Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) • Bowtie analysis. • Emergency response • HAZOP and other hazard/risk identification techniques.Modelling • Modelling liquid, gaseous, and two-phase releases and dispersion. • Consequence modelling, including: fire, explosion, toxic, eco-toxic effects and projectile impacts. • Methods, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD). • Accident investigation and modelling.Chemical Toxicity and Exposure Assessment • Toxic releases and exposure assessment. • Process plant health issues.Process Pipelines, Storage and Security • Process pipelines security and terrorism. • Pipeline leak detection and measurement and corrosion assessment. • Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and CO2 transport.Fire and Explosion • Fire, combustion, and explosion phenomena. • Dust explosions. • Fire and blast protection and survivability.Human Factors in Design and Management • HSE performance measurement including leading and lagging indicators. • Human and organizational factors in safety cases. • Human performance optimization by design. • SIMOPS (simultaneous operations). • Situational awareness. • Communications and risk control systems. • Resilience engineering. • Technical assurance and workforce training.Inherent Safety and Inherently Safer Design • Hazard identification • Design and development of new processes and equipment. • Methodologies for ranking inherent safety. • Retrofitting inherently safer solutions and upgrading existing plant for improved safety.Nuclear Safety • Waste disposal. • Design for decommissioning. • Passively safe reactor designs. • Nuclear reactor protective and monitoring systems.Reaction Hazards • Chemical thermal stability and thermal reaction hazards. • Influence of impurities on reaction hazards. • Development of reactivity hazard index ranking tools. • Runaway reactions, including detection and mitigation. • Compatibility/reactivity of chemicals involved in a chemical process.Industrial Hazards and Safety Cases • Major accident hazards • ALARP and cost-benefit analysis. • Industrial safety cases.Incident investigations and case histories • Case histories of incidents and lessons learned integration into design and operations. • Technical analysis of incidents. • Computational modelling to simulate actual incidents • Use of incidents in training and improvement of safety performance • Incident investigation methodologies • Incident databases and their applications.Air pollution prevention and treatment • Methods and technologies for prevention and treatment of air pollution • Air dispersion modelling • Prediction and mitigation of air pollution incidents • Health impacts from air pollutionResource and waste management • Recovery and recycling of materials and products • Energy from waste and alternative resources • Waste minimisation • Waste treatment technologies • Waste management: systems and processes for energy and material recovery and waste treatment; disposal • Landfill and waste repository design, operation and management • Land remediation and recoveryWater pollution prevention and treatment • Industrial, pure and ultrapure water production • Municipal and industrial effluent treatment • Potable water treatment • Sludge processing, energy recovery and disposal • Mitigation of water pollution incidents • Water pollution dispersion modelling • Health impacts from water pollutionFor more information on the IChemE journals published in partnership with Elsevier and to find out about some of the top research published in the journals, please see this page:
Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Progress in Organic Coatings

  • ISSN: 0300-9440
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6
  • Impact factor: 6.5
The aim of this international journal is to analyse and publicise the progress and current state of knowledge in the field of organic coatings and related materials. The Editors and the Editorial Board members will solicit both review and research papers from academic and industrial scientists who are actively engaged in research and development or, in the case of review papers, have extensive experience in the subject to be reviewed. Unsolicited manuscripts will be accepted if they meet the journal's requirements. The journal publishes papers dealing with such subjects as:• Chemical, physical and technological properties of organic coatings and related materials• Problems and methods of preparation, manufacture and application of these materials• Performance, testing and analysis.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Progress in Organic Coatings

Radiation Measurements

  • ISSN: 1350-4487
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.5
  • Impact factor: 1.6
Radiation Measurements provides a forum for the presentation of the latest developments in the broad field of ionizing radiation detection and measurement. The journal publishes original papers on both fundamental and applied research.The journal seeks to publish papers that present advances in the following areas: spontaneous and stimulated luminescence (including scintillating materials, thermoluminescence, and optically stimulated luminescence); electron spin resonance of natural and synthetic materials; the physics, design and performance of radiation measurements (including computational modelling such as electronic transport simulations); the novel basic aspects of radiation measurement in medical physics. Studies of energy-transfer phenomena, track physics and microdosimetry are also of interest to the journal.Applications relevant to the journal, particularly where they present novel detection techniques, novel analytical approaches or novel materials, include: personal dosimetry (including dosimetric quantities, active/electronic and passive monitoring techniques for photon, neutron and charged-particle exposures); environmental dosimetry (including methodological advances and predictive models related to radon); cosmic and high-energy radiation measurements (including dosimetry, space radiation effects, and single event upsets); dosimetry-based archaeological and Quaternary dating; dosimetry-based approaches to thermochronometry; accident and retrospective dosimetry (including activation detectors), and dosimetry and measurements related to medical applications. Generally excluded are topics related to dosimetry and environmental radioactivity for risk assessment, particularly using standard and well-established techniques, where the emphasis is on the results of the measurements rather than on the measurement techniques.Review articles are periodically solicited by the Editors.The journal aims to publish papers containing substantial novelty and scientific impact. The Editors reserve the rights to reject, with or without external review, papers that do not meet these criteria. Please note that rejected papers will not be considered when resubmitted in any form, or to an alternative Editor.
Radiation Measurements

Radiation Physics and Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0969-806X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.8
The Journal for Radiation Physics, Radiation Chemistry and Radiation Processing A multidisciplinary journal linking science and industryRadiation Physics and Chemistry is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a medium for publication of substantial and original papers, reviews, and short communications which focus on research and developments involving ionizing radiation in radiation physics, radiation chemistry and radiation processing.Radiation Physics and Chemistry aims to publish articles with significance to an international audience, containing substantial novelty and contributions to science. We expect that articles present new insight or hypothesis testing, that they focus on radiation effects or applications of ionizing radiation, provide uncertainties and statistical analysis where relevant, and present their findings in context with discussion of past and recent literature. The editors reserve the right to reject, with or without external review, articles which do not meet these criteria. This could include articles which are very similar to previous publications, except that target substrates, materials, analyzed sites or experimental methods have been changed.A fuller though not exhaustive list of topics that are considered for publication include:Radiation PhysicsFundamental processes in radiation physics • Interaction mechanisms for example scattering and absorption of photon and particle radiations • Attenuation coefficients • X-ray fluorescence • Cherenkov effect • Polarization • Effects of periodic structures (Bragg diffraction, channelling, parametric x-radiation, etc) • Mathematical methods in radiation physics, reference dataRadiation sources and detectors • Accelerator and radionuclide spectra and other properties • Radiation fields from point and extended sources • Detector response functions • Basic physics of Dosimetry • Radiation transport • Buildup factorsRadiation Chemistry• Ionizing radiation induced ionic and radical reactions • Kinetics and mechanism of radiolysis reactions • Pulse radiolysis technique and measurements • Nanoparticle production by ionizing radiation • Radiation induced chain reactions, polymerization • Irradiation effects on polymers • Dose and dose rate effects • LET effects on chemical reactions • Pollutant removal by ionizing radiation • Computational models on radiation chemical reactionsPapers on photochemistry, microwave chemistry and thermochemistry are believed to belong to the scope of RPC only if they have strong relevance to radiation chemistry. EPR papers will only be considered for publication when the method is used for clarifying radiation chemical processes, e.g. by determining the nature of the transient intermediates. Radiochemistry papers such as tracer technique, radon or other radionuclide measurements, isotopic constitutions fall outside the scope of the journal.Radiation ProcessingRadiation Sterilization • Microbiology • Toxicology • Biocompatibility • ValidationFood irradiation • Microbiological quality • Chemical effects • Nutrition • Detection induced radioactivityPolymers • Synthesis • Polymerization • Curing • Grafting • Crosslinking • Degradation • CompositesEnvironmental • Effluent gas • Waste water • Water purification • Toxin reduction • Sludge • Recycling of wastesRadiation effects • Semiconductors • Gemstones • Crystals • CeramicsDosimetry and process control • Dosimeter systems • Analytical instrumentation • Environmental influence • Measurement uncertaintyRadiation sources and facilities for radiation processing • Electron Accelerators • Gamma and x-ray facilities • Safety issues • Transport of radioisotopes
Radiation Physics and Chemistry

Separation and Purification Technology

  • ISSN: 1383-5866
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.6
  • Impact factor: 8.1
Separation and Purification Technology is a journal dedicated to the dissemination of novel methods for separation and purification in chemical and environmental engineering for homogeneous solutions and heterogeneous mixtures. This includes any separation and/or purification of liquids, vapors and gases, carbon capture and separation, with the exception of methods intended for analytical purposes. Soil science, polymer science and metallurgy are outside the scope of the journal.Separation and Purification Technology welcomes contributions focused on experimental studies and theoretical analyses of phenomena associated with and arising from separation and purification as well as process development and simulation, equipment design and fabrication. Preparation and modification of materials used in separation and/or purification operations can be considered if the intended separation and/or purification is an essential part of the work rather than a tool for characterization of a material. Such new materials should allow for separations that cannot be achieved with existing materials; alternative materials for e.g., adsorption are not sufficiently novel.Contributions should be always related to new or improved separation methods or principles; applications are welcome provided that they are not a direct implementation of known separation methods. Of particular interest are articles aimed at solving separation problems encountered in the emerging technologies including fields such as biotechnology, biobased feedstocks/products, green technology, carbon capture, utilization and sequestration, energy storage and conversion, and resource recovery and recycling.Review papers should be written by an author with proven expertise in the field, and provide a critical assessment of the state-of-the-art in a specific topic related to novel approaches in separation and purification.
Separation and Purification Technology

The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

  • ISSN: 0896-8446
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.4
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids is an international journal devoted to the fundamental and applied aspects of supercritical fluids and processes. The Journal aims to provide a focused platform for academic and industrial researchers to report their findings and to have ready access to the advances in this rapidly growing field. Its coverage is multidisciplinary and includes both basic and applied topics. It publishes original contributions in all aspects of the science and technology of supercritical fluids, as well as timely review articles*. Submissions on novel research that bring insightful contributions regarding sustainability are particularly welcomed. The Journal publishes topics including: Thermodynamics and phase equilibria, transcritical phenomena, reaction kinetics and rate processes, thermal and transport properties, and all topics related to processing such as separations (extraction, fractionation, purification, particle generation, nucleation and growth, impregnation, chromatography). Accounts of specific engineering applications such as those encountered in natural products, food, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals, medical devices and implants, (nano)materials, aerogels, minerals, fuels, chemicals and polymer industries.Novel research that brings insightful contributions regarding sustainability. Papers dealing with modern energy systems, energy conversion technologies, supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle, or with biomass utilization, waste remediation and advanced oxidation processes. Latest advances in process design, process intensification and waste minimization, or microfluidics in sub-critical or supercritical environments.High pressure equipment design, analytical techniques, sensors, novel instrumentation, new experimental methodologies and techniques, predictive procedures, process analytical technology (PAT) and process control methodologies, or life cycle assessment as related to systems under pressure. However, research reporting on experimental optimization of procedures, correlation of results with neural networks, statistical analyses or similar methods will only be considered when they provide substantial new insight into the theory and practice of supercritical fluids and are compared with present theoretical models or molecular-based simulations. The Journal does not accept submissions on studies containing methods or evaluations related to animal research.*Authors are requested to complete a Review Proposal Form for Editorial approval prior to submission of the review article. Proposals can be submitted to Professor Elisabeth Badens ([email protected]).
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids

Vibrational Spectroscopy

  • ISSN: 0924-2031
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.7
Vibrational Spectroscopy provides a vehicle for the publication of original research which covers infrared, near-infrared and Raman spectroscopies. VIBSPEC publishes papers dealing with developments in applications, theory, techniques and instrumentation.The topics covered by the journal include: Sampling techniques,Vibrational spectroscopy coupled with separation techniques,Instrumentation (Fourier transform, conventional and laser based),Data manipulation,Spectra-structure correlation and group frequencies.The application areas covered include: Analytical chemistry,Bio-organic and bio-inorganic chemistry,Catalysis,Environmental science,Industrial chemistry,Materials science,Physical chemistry,Polymer science,Process control,Specialized problem solving.VIBSPEC provides its readership with a concise picture of the state of the art of vibrational spectroscopy on a regular basis. In order to achieve this goal, VIBSPEC publishes review articles, research papers and short communications.
Vibrational Spectroscopy