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Journals in Building and construction


  • ISSN: 2666-5492
Overview and Aim: Cement is a vital component of concrete, the most used human-made material on the planet. Roughly half of all products manufactured every year are comprised of cementitious materials. It is crucial and exciting to have an open access journal detailing the most innovative findings including translational research regarding cementitious binders. The aim of CEMENT is to broadly disseminate innovative research related to cementitious binders, concrete and composites incorporating these binders (e.g. reinforced concrete) in an open access format.CEMENT is a spinoff partner of Cement and Concrete Research.Scope: The journal will focus on thematic areas related to cement and the influence of the binder characteristics on cement-based composites including sustainability, durability, and innovative solutions, with an emphasis on increasing understanding and rapid translation of high-impact research.SustainabilityNovel cementitious materials, blended cements and individual and blended supplementary cementitious materials that present quantifiable and achievable solutionsThe development and use of cementitious materials to meet the needs of society both from an economical and a resource perspective (e.g. CO2 footprint, embodied energy, energy usage, water demand)Research which addresses social justice and the role of cementitious materials in this aspect of sustainability, including broadening societal access to reliable and modern infrastructureDurabilityService-life prediction tools, including accelerated test methods and model validations on the grounds of experimental work and/or case studies for the long-term performance of cementitious materials, in particular reinforced concreteEnhanced understanding of mechanisms behind premature deterioration and/or innovative solutions to substantially reduce or eliminate particular forms of deterioration.Investigations into combined forms of chemical, electrochemical or physical attackInnovative SolutionsComputational approaches that bring greater understanding to cementitious materials and facilitate their designNovel applications and solutions using cementitious materials to solve grand challenges in science and engineeringSolutions at the interface of fields where cementitious materials are keys to advancement such as socio-economic improvements, post-crisis transition andcountries with developing economies.Types of Papers CEMENT Considers CEMENT accepts original research manuscripts, technical notes and review articles. Special issues related to hot topics and critical needs within cement and cement-based materials are also encouraged and should be coordinated with the Editor-in-Chief.Papers related solely to structural aspects or mechanics of concrete or cement-based materials are not within the scope of CEMENT; there must be a significant focus on improvements to or understanding of the cementitious component.

Developments in the Built Environment

  • ISSN: 2666-1659
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.5
  • Impact factor: 6.2
Developments in the Built Environment (DIBE) is a new peer-reviewed gold open access (OA) journal whereby upon acceptance all articles are permanently and freely available. DIBE publishes original papers and short communications resulting from research in civil engineering and the built environment. This journal covers all topics related to construction materials and building sustainability, leading to a holistic approach that will benefit the community.DIBE will strive to offer you the fastest possible speed of publication, without compromising on the quality of our peer-review process.Developments in the Built Environment covers the following topics (but are not limited to):Innovative building materials;Building performance;Maintenance and repair work assessment;Smart Design;(Up/re)cyclability, transformability, reusability of materials and components;Structural Health Monitoring;Construction engineering management, materials and technology;Building Information Modelling (BIM);Computer aided-design and simulation;Energy efficiency, energy harvesting;Indoor environment;Life cycle assessment;Structural analysis, assessment, design, and testing;Sustainable buildings and construction;System safety and reliability.Developments in the Built Environment welcomes the following types of papers:Full research papers;Short communications: suitable for providing fast dissemination of important new outcomes and technical discussion in the field of built environment. They are short papers (max. submitted length of 6 pages incl. references) addressing new ideas that may still be in a preliminary stage, opinions, and results.
Developments in the Built Environment

Energy and Built Environment

  • ISSN: 2666-1233
Energy and Built Environment is an academic journal dedicated to research on built environments and associated energy technologies. The built environment covered in this journal includes those across diverse spatial scales, encompassing the city-scale down to the building-scale, as well as other built environments such as those related to transportation hubs and industrial facilities. The aim is to publish qualified articles related to the performance of built environments, environment control technologies and strategies, and energy materials and technologies that are currently implemented or have the potential for future applications in built environments. Topics covered in the journal include, but are not limited to, the following themes:·Energy engineering, especially sustainable energy utilization and integrated energy systems which are applied or can be potentially applied in built environment in the future-Clean/renewable energy technologies-Integrated energy system, encompassing renewable energy, clean energy, mechanical energy, and the like-High-performance components and equipment of energy system-Energy storage materials and technologies-Energy modelling and prediction-Smart energy management ·Performance of indoor and outdoor built environment and solutions to achieve resilient and sustainable built environment-Sustainable and resilient built environment design-Sustainable built environment materials including concrete, wood, glazing, and the like-Smart built infrastructure-Modelling and performance prediction of built environment-Acoustic, visual and thermal performance related to built environment-Thermal comfort and human thermoregulation mechanism-Pyrolysis, combustion, and smoke control for fire safety related to built environment-Pressure environment and related aerodynamics -Air quality and pollution control related to built environment-Performance and energy saving for heating and cooling technologies-Energy efficiency improvement technologies of built environment-Information technologies for built environment-Policy and regulatory frameworks for built environment regulation and carbon emission controlEditorial Board
Energy and Built Environment


  • ISSN: 2405-8440
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 3.4
Heliyon considers research from all areas of the physical, applied, life, social and medical sciences. We publish manuscripts reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards. As such Heliyon publishes new insights as well as extensions on existing theories, negative/null results and replication studies.Submissions covering arts, humanities and law are not considered in Heliyon. Authors of these submissions are encouraged to submit directly to our partner journal Social Sciences & Humanities Open.Heliyon classifies manuscripts/articles into different sections based on the research topic discussed. Some sections exclude certain types of studies from their scope. To know more and to see the kind of manuscripts the various sections publish, please visit: dedicated in-house editorial office team, internal editors as well as external academic section and associate editors handle your manuscript and manage the publication process, giving your research the editorial support and quality control it deserves.If it's important to you, it's important to us. Submit your paper today.

Indoor Environments

  • ISSN: 2950-3620
Indoor Environments is the new official gold open access journal of International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ).People spend most of their time indoors. Exposure to indoor pollutants impacts public health. Indoor climate is important for thermal comfort and societal adaptation to climate change.As an international, multi-disciplinary and research journal dedicated to indoor environmental sciences, Indoor Environments publishes original research papers and review papers related to indoor environments, health, comfort, and climate change adaption and mitigation associated with indoor climate. The journal focuses on multi-disciplinary research towards healthy and comfortable indoor environments for people. Contributions from different disciplines (engineering, architecture, public health, health interventions, psychology, epidemiology, toxicology, chemistry, microbiology, and physics, etc.) are welcomed.The topics covered in the Journal include, but are not limited to, the following:• Source characterization, monitoring, prediction, and evaluation of physical, chemical, and biological pollutants • Ventilation, air cleaning and other novel control methods • Exposure, health effects and epidemiology • Climate, sustainability, and environmental impacts • Thermal comfort and heat-resilient indoor environment • Transmission of pathogens • Acoustics and lighting • Novel research methods
Indoor Environments

Smart Energy

  • ISSN: 2666-9552
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.4
  • Impact factor: 5.4
A companion journal to ENERGY, the international journalSmart Energy is an international, multi-disciplinary journal with a focus on smart energy systems design, analysis, planning and modelling. The journal aims to be a leading platform and an authoritative source of information related to the green transformation of energy supply and demand systems into future smart renewable energy and sustainable solutions.The journal covers technical and energy engineering research of technologies and system designs with a focus on energy systems. Research is welcome on the role of smart energy technologies and energy infrastructures into an energy systems context such as energy conversion, energy efficiency, energy storage, electrification, power-to-heat, power-to-gas, power-to-liquids, electrofuels, district heating, district cooling and renewable energy.The journal aims at further developing the cross-sectorial approach in smart energy systems exploiting synergies between energy efficiency and use of different energy storages also considering smart electricity grids, smart thermal grids as well as smart gas grids. Research related to such technologies in renewable energy systems focusing on system re-design, transitions, renewable energy integration, analysis, energy planning, management, financing, market designs, public regulation, economics, modelling, as well as use of smart meters, data, AI and digitalization is welcome provided such topics are within the context of the broader multi-disciplinary scope of Smart Energy.We thank Storywise for providing original design of the cover image.This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy)
Smart Energy

Water Research X

  • ISSN: 2589-9147
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.5
  • Impact factor: 7.2
In association with the International Water AssociationWater Research X is a Gold Open Access sister journal of Water Research, featuring concise, letter-style, leading-edge research papers, visionary perspectives and editorials, and mini-reviews of emerging topics. The Journal welcomes contributions on all aspects of the science and technology of the anthropogenic water cycle, water quality, and its management worldwide. A broad outline of the journal's scope includes:• Treatment processes for water and wastewaters (municipal, agricultural, industrial, and on-site treatment), including resource recovery and residuals management; • Urban hydrology including sewer systems, storm water management, and green infrastructure; • Drinking water treatment and distribution; • Potable and non-potable water reuse; • Sanitation, public health, and risk assessment; • Anaerobic digestion, solid and hazardous waste management, including source characterization and the effects and control of leachates and gaseous emissions; • Contaminants (chemical, microbial, anthropogenic particles such as nanoparticles or microplastics) and related water quality sensing, monitoring, fate, and assessment; • Anthropogenic impacts on inland, tidal, coastal and urban waters, focusing on surface and ground waters, and point and non-point sources of pollution; • Environmental restoration, linked to surface water, groundwater and groundwater remediation; • Analysis of the interfaces between sediments and water, and between water and atmosphere, focusing specifically on anthropogenic impacts; • Mathematical modelling, systems analysis, machine learning, and beneficial use of big data related to the anthropogenic water cycle; • Socio-economic, policy, and regulations studies.Water Research X is an interdisciplinary journal with an applied edge. This means that papers that go into too many details of one of the supporting disciplines (such as chemistry, toxicology, microbiology, material sciences, etc.) without making a good link with water research in general may be rejected up-front. Water Research X has changed its paper structures, please find details in Guide for Authors (with a link to the page).EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Professor Zhiguo Yuan, The University of Queensland Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology, Brisbane, Australia
Water Research X