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Journals in Pulmonary pharmacology

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Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics

  • ISSN: 1094-5539
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (formerly Pulmonary Pharmacology) is concerned with lung pharmacology from molecular to clinical aspects. The subject matter encompasses the major diseases of the lung including asthma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary circulation, ARDS, carcinoma, bronchitis, emphysema and drug delivery. Laboratory and clinical research on man and animals will be considered including studies related to chemotherapy of cancer, tuberculosis and infection. In addition to original research papers the journal will include review articles and book reviews.Research Areas Include:• All major diseases of the lung • Physiology • Pathology • Drug delivery • Metabolism • Pulmonary ToxicologyBefore submitting, please note the "Rules of 5" defining immediate rejection criteria of PPT:1. Out of scope: The paper should report on the use of pharmacological or toxicological studies (positive or negative) that are directly related to Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.Immediate rejection criteria are: a) Testing of extracts or plant parts that are not characterized b) Case Reports or n=1 studies2. Too preliminary: A paper must be based on a thorough and extensive study, using proper controlsImmediate rejection criteria are: a) In vitro studies with a single dose, or very high concentration b) Single dose studies with very few animals, no dose-response studies c) No proper controls. d) Repetition or confirmation of an earlier work3. Unethical: The study must have been carried under appropriate ethical approval for the study (either animal or human).4. Inappropriate experiments or lacking essential detailImmediate rejection criteria are: a) Wrong species or lacking details on the exact number of animals/subjects used b) No details of structure if a new drug is used for the first time5. Lack of novelty: The study must represent a novel approach to the field.Immediate rejection criteria are: a) Repetition of well known data b) No advance of knowledge in the fieldNote that only manuscripts written in good English will be considered by the Editors (British usage is preferred).
Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics