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Journals in Neuroscience general

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Brain and Cognition

  • ISSN: 0278-2626
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.2
Brain and Cognition is a forum for the integration of the neurosciences and cognitive sciences. B&C publishes peer-reviewed research articles, theoretical papers, case histories that address important theoretical issues, and historical articles into the interaction between cognitive function and brain processes. The focus is on rigorous studies of an empirical or theoretical nature and which make an original contribution to our knowledge about the involvement of the nervous system in cognition. Coverage includes, but is not limited to memory, learning, decision making, emotion, perception, movement, music or praxis in relationship to brain structure, function or development. Scholarly articles on environmental influences—social, physical, catastrophic—on aspects of brain and cognition are also welcome.Published articles will typically address issues relating some aspect of cognitive function to its neurological substrates with clear theoretical import, formulating new hypotheses or refuting previously established ones. Clinical papers are welcome if they raise issues of theoretical importance or concern and shed light on the interaction between brain function and cognitive function. We welcome review articles that clearly contribute a new perspective or integration, beyond summarizing the literature in the field; authors of review articles should make explicit where the contribution lies. We also welcome proposals for special issues on aspects of the relation between cognition and the structure and function of the nervous system. Such proposals can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief from individuals interested in being guest editors for such collections.
Brain and Cognition

Brain, Behavior, and Immunity

  • ISSN: 0889-1591
  • 5 Year impact factor: 9.8
  • Impact factor: 8.8
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, founded in 1987, is the official journal of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society (PNIRS). This innovative journal publishes peer-reviewed basic, experimental, and clinical studies dealing with behavioral, neural, endocrine, and immune system interactions in humans and animals. It is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to original research in neuroscience, immunology, integrative physiology, behavioral biology, psychiatry, psychology, and clinical medicine and is inclusive of research at the molecular, cellular, social, and whole organism level. The journal features online submission and review. Manuscripts are typically peer-reviewed and returned to authors within 30 days of submission, leading to timely publication of experimental results. There are no submission fees or page charges for Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, which is published eight times a year. Detailed instructions for authors can be found at areas include:Physiological mechanisms that convey messages between the immune and nervous systems and regulate their functionsStress and immunity, including the role of stress-related hormones and neurotransmitters on the immune system.Actions of cytokines, growth factors and PAMP activation on neuronal and glial cells that regulate behavior, learning, memory and neurogenesisRole of hormones, growth factors and cytokines in the immune and central or peripheral nervous systemsInteractions between the immune system and brain that are involved in development of neurological, psychiatric, and mental health disordersRole of immunological processes in neurodegenerative disordersThe effects of psychotropic medications on immunological mechanisms and their potential relevance to therapeutic interventionsNeuroimaging studies examining how immunological mechanisms affect brain structure and functionClinical trials and experimental studies testing the effects on both immune stimulation and immune suppression on brain and behaviorThe role of microglia in pain, psychological processes and in psychiatric disordersImmunological mechanisms involved in traumatic brain injury and its resolutionImmunologic disorders, infection and behaviorRole of the immune system in development and maintenance of inflammatory and chronic painImmune mechanisms that regulate the blood-brain-interface (BBI)Immune factors that affect health psychologySleep, exercise, immunity and healthImmune system interactions that affect behavior following use of psychotropic drugs, alcohol and other drugs of abuseHealthy aging of the immune system and brainRole of inflammation and stress during perinatal developmentCancer and its treatment, stem cells and their effects on brain behavior and immunityReciprocal communication between the microbiome, immune and nervous systemsRegulation of nerve injury and repair by the immune systemPsychosocial, behavioral, and neuroendocrine influences on immunity and on the development and progression of immunologically-mediated diseasesNutrition, inflammation, obesity and behaviorGenomics of behavior and immunityManuscripts exploring translational relevance in these research areas can be submitted to the journal?s open access companion title, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity


  • ISSN: 0092-8674
  • 5 Year impact factor: 49
  • Impact factor: 45.5
Cell publishes findings of unusual significance in any area of experimental biology, including but not limited to cell biology, molecular biology, neuroscience, immunology, virology and microbiology, cancer, human genetics, systems biology, signaling, and disease mechanisms and therapeutics. The basic criterion for considering papers is whether the results provide significant conceptual advances into, or raise provocative questions and hypotheses regarding, an interesting and important biological question. In addition to primary research articles in four formats, Cell features review and opinion articles on recent research advances and issues of interest to its broad readership in the leading edge section.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Cell -


  • ISSN: 0010-9452
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.7
  • Impact factor: 3.2
A Journal devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior.CORTEX is an international journal devoted to the study of cognition and of the relationship between the nervous system and mental processes, particularly as these are reflected in the behaviour of patients with acquired brain lesions, normal volunteers, children with typical and atypical development, and in the activation of brain regions and systems as recorded by functional neuroimaging techniques. It was founded in 1964 by Ennio De Renzi.

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

  • ISSN: 0959-4388
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Current Opinion in Neurobiology publishes short annotated reviews by leading experts on recent developments in the field of neurobiology. These experts write short reviews describing recent discoveries in this field (in the past 2-5 years), as well as highlighting select individual papers of particular significance.The journal is thus an important resource allowing researchers and educators to quickly gain an overview and rich understanding of complex and current issues in the field of Neurobiology. The journal takes a unique and valuable approach in focusing each special issue around a topic of scientific and/or societal interest, and then bringing together leading international experts studying that topic, embracing diverse methodologies and perspectives.Journal Content: The journal consists of 6 issues per year, covering 8 recurring topics every other year in the following categories:Neurobiology of DiseaseNeurobiology of BehaviorCellular NeuroscienceSystems NeuroscienceDevelopmental NeuroscienceNeurobiology of Learning and PlasticityMolecular NeuroscienceComputational NeuroscienceIn addition, every year 2 issues are allocated to Hot Topics. Section Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are appointed by the Editors-in-Chief of the journal to commission reviews from experts on each topic that they have selected. Review articles in Current Opinion in Neurobiology are by invitation only.The journal is part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals and is a companion title to the primary research, open access journal, Current Research in Neurobiology . CO+RE journals leverage the?Current Opinion?legacy of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach which ensures they are a widely-read resource, integral to a scientist?s workflow.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Drug and Alcohol Dependence

  • ISSN: 0376-8716
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.1
  • Impact factor: 3.9
An International Journal on Biomedical and Psychosocial Approaches Sponsored by the College on Problems of Drug DependenceDrug and Alcohol Dependence is an international journal devoted to publishing original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and dependence. Articles range from studies of the chemistry of substances of abuse, their actions at molecular and cellular sites, in vitro and in vivo investigations of their biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural actions, laboratory-based and clinical research in humans, substance abuse treatment and prevention research, and studies employing methods from epidemiology, sociology, and economics.The rationale for this extensive coverage is the conviction that drug, alcohol and tobacco use/dependence cannot be understood in their entirety from a single perspective and that without an understanding of other areas of research, studies by individual investigators may be limited. The goal of the journal is to provide researchers, clinicians, and policy makers access to material from all perspectives in a single journal in a format that is understandable and which has received rigorous editorial review. The hope of its editors is to promote mutual understanding of the many facets of drug abuse to the benefit of all investigators involved in drug and alcohol research, and to facilitate the transfer of scientific findings to successful treatment and prevention practices.The accepted abbreviation for Drug and Alcohol Dependence for bibliographic citation is Drug Alcohol Depend.Drug and Alcohol Dependence is currently being distributed to all the members of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), the oldest scientific organization in the United States concerned with research on problems of drug dependence. Members of the CPDD are provided with both the print version as well as access to the full text of the current issue and back issues dating back to Vol. 46, Issue no. 1 of the online version as a benefit of membership.The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), formerly the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, has been in existence since 1929 and is the longest standing group in the United States addressing problems of drug dependence and abuse. From 1929 until 1976, the CPDD was associated with the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Since 1976, the organization has functioned as an independent body affiliated with other scientific and professional societies representing various disciplines concerned with problems of drug dependence and abuse. In 1991, the CPDD evolved into a membership organization with the new name of College on Problems of Drug Dependence.CPDD serves as an interface among governmental, industrial and academic communities maintaining liaisons with regulatory and research agencies as well as educational, treatment, and prevention facilities in the drug abuse field. It also functions as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence

Epilepsy & Behavior

  • ISSN: 1525-5050
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.3
Epilepsy & Behavior is the fastest-growing international journal uniquely devoted to the rapid dissemination of the most current information available on the behavioral aspects of seizures and epilepsy.Epilepsy & Behavior presents original peer-reviewed articles based on laboratory and clinical research. Topics are drawn from a variety of fields, including clinical neurology, neurosurgery, neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, and neuroimaging.Epilepsy & Behavior publishes papers on the study of:• Localization of ictal and postictal behaviors • Neuroendocrine aspects of epilepsy • Psychiatric and psychosocial aspects of epilepsy • Behavioral aspects of epilepsy surgery • Cognitive and affective effects of seizure treatment • Functional imaging • Animal modelsLetters to the Editor will only be considered if they comment on articles that were previously published in Epilepsy & Behavior. The journal does not publish Case Reports. Authors who submit these to Epilepsy & Behavior will be offered a transfer or asked to resubmit their Case Reports to the journal?s companion title, Epilepsy & Behavior Reports .Cited in MEDLINE/PubMed and Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Science Citation Index-Expanded, NeuroScience Citation Index, PsychINFO, and EMBASE.
Epilepsy & Behavior

Epilepsy Research

  • ISSN: 0920-1211
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2
Epilepsy Research provides for publication of high quality articles in both basic and clinical epilepsy research, with a special emphasis on translational research that ultimately relates to epilepsy as a human condition. The journal is intended to provide a forum for reporting the best and most rigorous epilepsy research from all disciplines ranging from biophysics and molecular biology to epidemiological and psychosocial research. As such the journal will publish original papers relevant to epilepsy from any scientific discipline and also studies of a multidisciplinary nature. Clinical and experimental research papers adopting fresh conceptual approaches to the study of epilepsy and its treatment are encouraged. The overriding criteria for publication are novelty, significant clinical or experimental relevance, and interest to a multidisciplinary audience in the broad arena of epilepsy. Review articles focused on any topic of epilepsy research will also be considered, but only if they present an exceptionally clear synthesis of current knowledge and future directions of a research area, based on a critical assessment of the available data or on hypotheses that are likely to stimulate more critical thinking and further advances in an area of epilepsy research.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as Share Links, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Epilepsy Research

European Neuropsychopharmacology

  • ISSN: 0924-977X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.3
  • Impact factor: 6.1
An Official Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology European Neuropsychopharmacology is the official publication of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP). In accordance with the mission of the College, the journal focuses on clinical and basic science contributions that advance our understanding of brain function and human behaviour and enable translation into improved treatments and enhanced public health impact in psychiatry. Recent years have been characterized by exciting advances in basic knowledge and available experimental techniques in neuroscience and genomics. However, clinical translation of these findings has not been as rapid. The journal aims to narrow this gap by promoting findings that are expected to have a major impact on both our understanding of the biological bases of mental disorders and the development and improvement of treatments, ideally paving the way for prevention and recovery.European Neuropsychopharmacology is the official journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP).Electronic usage: An increasing number of readers access the journal online via ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information.Average monthly article downloads for this journal: 29,000
European Neuropsychopharmacology

Experimental Neurology

  • ISSN: 0014-4886
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Experimental Neurology publishes original research in the area of neuroscience with a focus on research concerning basic mechanisms underlying neurological disorders.The journal publishes Special Issues in which leading experts are invited to serve as Guest Editors to compile a collection of reviews, and occasionally original articles, around a particular topical theme in neuroscience research. The list of recent Special Issues can be found here. Suggestions for Special Issues can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
Experimental Neurology

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