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Journals in Molecular neuroscience

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Brain Mechanisms

  • ISSN: 0891-0618
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.7
The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy publishes scientific reports relating the functional and biochemical aspects of the nervous system with its microanatomical organization. The scope of the journal concentrates on reports which combine microanatomical, biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural approaches.Papers should offer original data correlating the morphology of the nervous system (the brain and spinal cord in particular) with its biochemistry. The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy is particularly interested in publishing important studies performed with up-to-date methodology utilizing sensitive chemical microassays, hybridoma technology, immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization and receptor radioautography, to name a few examples.The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy is the natural vehicle for integrated studies utilizing these approaches. The articles will be selected by the editorial board and invited reviewers on the basis of their excellence and potential contribution to this field of neurosciences. Both in vivo and in vitro integrated studies in chemical neuroanatomy are appropriate subjects of interest to the journal. These studies should relate only to vertebrate species with particular emphasis on the mammalian and primate nervous systems.
Brain Mechanisms

Brain Mechanisms

  • ISSN: 3050-6425
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.7
The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy publishes scientific reports relating the functional and biochemical aspects of the nervous system with its microanatomical organization. The scope of the journal concentrates on reports which combine microanatomical, biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural approaches.Papers should offer original data correlating the morphology of the nervous system (the brain and spinal cord in particular) with its biochemistry. The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy is particularly interested in publishing important studies performed with up-to-date methodology utilizing sensitive chemical microassays, hybridoma technology, immunocytochemistry, in situ hybridization and receptor radioautography, to name a few examples.The Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy is the natural vehicle for integrated studies utilizing these approaches. The articles will be selected by the editorial board and invited reviewers on the basis of their excellence and potential contribution to this field of neurosciences. Both in vivo and in vitro integrated studies in chemical neuroanatomy are appropriate subjects of interest to the journal. These studies should relate only to vertebrate species with particular emphasis on the mammalian and primate nervous systems.
Brain Mechanisms

Current Opinion in Neurobiology

  • ISSN: 0959-4388
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.7
  • Impact factor: 4.8
Current Opinion in Neurobiology publishes short annotated reviews by leading experts on recent developments in the field of neurobiology. These experts write short reviews describing recent discoveries in this field (in the past 2-5 years), as well as highlighting select individual papers of particular significance.The journal is thus an important resource allowing researchers and educators to quickly gain an overview and rich understanding of complex and current issues in the field of Neurobiology. The journal takes a unique and valuable approach in focusing each special issue around a topic of scientific and/or societal interest, and then bringing together leading international experts studying that topic, embracing diverse methodologies and perspectives.Journal Content: The journal consists of 6 issues per year, covering 8 recurring topics every other year in the following categories:Neurobiology of DiseaseNeurobiology of BehaviorCellular NeuroscienceSystems NeuroscienceDevelopmental NeuroscienceNeurobiology of Learning and PlasticityMolecular NeuroscienceComputational NeuroscienceIn addition, every year 2 issues are allocated to Hot Topics. Section Editors, who are major authorities in the field, are appointed by the Editors-in-Chief of the journal to commission reviews from experts on each topic that they have selected. Review articles in Current Opinion in Neurobiology are by invitation only.The journal is part of the Current Opinion and Research (CO+RE) suite of journals and is a companion title to the primary research, open access journal, Current Research in Neurobiology . CO+RE journals leverage the?Current Opinion?legacy of editorial excellence, high-impact, and global reach which ensures they are a widely-read resource, integral to a scientist?s workflow.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology

Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience

  • ISSN: 1044-7431
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience publishes original research of high significance covering all aspects of neurosciences indicated by the broadest interpretation of the journal's title. In particular, the journal focuses on synaptic maintenance, de- and re-organization, neuron-glia communication, and de-/regenerative neurobiology. In addition, studies using animal models of disease with translational prospects and experimental approaches with backward validation of disease signatures from human patients are welcome.The journal publishes Special Issues in which leading experts are invited to serve as Guest Editors to compile a collection of reviews, and occasionally original articles, around a particular topical theme in neuroscience research. The list of recent Special Issues can be found here. Suggestions for Special Issues can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief.
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience


  • ISSN: 0143-4179
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The aim of Neuropeptides is the rapid publication of original research and review articles, dealing with the structure, distribution, actions and functions of peptides in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The explosion of research activity in this field has led to the identification of numerous naturally occurring endogenous peptides which act as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, or trophic factors, to mediate nervous system functions. Increasing numbers of non-peptide ligands of neuropeptide receptors have been developed, which act as agonists or antagonists in peptidergic systems.The journal provides a unique opportunity of integrating the many disciplines involved in all neuropeptide research. The journal publishes articles on all aspects of the neuropeptide field, with particular emphasis on gene regulation of peptide expression, peptide receptor subtypes, transgenic and knockout mice with mutations in genes for neuropeptides and peptide receptors, neuroanatomy, physiology, behaviour, neurotrophic factors, preclinical drug evaluation, clinical studies, and clinical trials.Original papers predominate. Manuscripts may be of any length, but must be complete studies; preliminary communications are not accepted. Review articles and hypothesis papers are welcomed, and will be evaluated in the same way as experimental papers. Authors intending to submit a review are advised to communicate their intentions to the Editor, to avoid possible duplication.


  • ISSN: 0028-3908
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Neuropharmacology publishes high quality, original research within the discipline of neuroscience. The emphasis of Neuropharmacology is on the study and understanding of the actions of known exogenous and endogenous chemical agents on neurobiological processes in the mammalian nervous system. Work with non-mammalian and invertebrate species may be considered in exceptional circumstances. The journal does not usually accept clinical research, although neuropharmacological studies in humans may be considered on the condition that they provide novel insight into either the actions of drugs and/or neurobiological mechanisms. The journal only considers submissions in which the chemical structures and compositions of experimental agents are readily available in the literature or disclosed by the authors in the submitted manuscript. Similarly, manuscripts describing the use of natural products will only be considered if the active ingredient is known and disclosed.The journal publishes Special Issues in which leading experts are invited to serve as Guest Editors to compile a collection of reviews, and occasionally original articles, around a particular topical theme in neuroscience research. The list of recent Special Issues can be found here. Suggestions for Special Issues can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief.Neuropharmacology also publishes topical narrative reviews on subjects within its remit. These reviews are commissioned by the Editorial Team or arise after correspondence with potential authors. Unsolicited reviews will be considered, but authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief of their intention to submit a review. Potential review authors should clearly indicate in the cover letter their expertise in the area, the timeliness of the topic, and how the review differs from, and adds to, recent published reviews on related topics. Authors are expected to have an established experimental track record in the topic of the review, and should provide full citations, including URLs/DOIs, of recent experimental papers in peer-reviewed journals relevant to the topic of the review in their cover letter. In the absence of an experimental track record, authors should provide a justification for why they believe they are the right persons to author this review article at this point in time. The absence of any such evidence of relevant experimental expertise or an explanation of author appropriateness will result in the return of the manuscript to the authors. On the basis of the case made by authors, potential overlap with planned Neuropharmacology content, and discussions with the Editorial Team, the Editor-in-Chief will provide authors with a prompt decision regarding the proposed review. Systematic reviews, meta- or bibliographic analyses will not be considered unless they are a necessary part of a Special Issue and conducted by experts in the field, and even then only under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.


  • ISSN: 0306-4522
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3
  • Impact factor: 2.9
Neuroscience is an international journal under the editorial direction of IBRO.Neuroscience publishes papers describing the results of original research on any aspect of the scientific study of the nervous system. Any paper, however short, will be considered for publication provided that it reports significant, new and carefully confirmed findings with full experimental details. Neuroscience is the sister journal of IBRO Neuroscience Reports

Trends in Neurosciences

  • ISSN: 0166-2236
  • 5 Year impact factor: 15
  • Impact factor: 14.6
For over four decades, Trends in Neurosciences (TINS) has been a prominent source of inspiring reviews and commentaries across all disciplines of neuroscience. TINS is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal, and its articles are curated by the Editor and authored by leading researchers in their respective fields. The journal communicates exciting advances in brain research, serves as a voice for the global neuroscience community, and highlights the contribution of neuroscientific research to medicine and society.Visit the Cell Press website for more information about Trends in Neurosciences -
Trends in Neurosciences