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Journals in Behavioral neuroscience

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  • ISSN: 0028-3908
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.6
Neuropharmacology publishes high quality, original research within the discipline of neuroscience. The emphasis of Neuropharmacology is on the study and understanding of the actions of known exogenous and endogenous chemical agents on neurobiological processes in the mammalian nervous system. Work with non-mammalian and invertebrate species may be considered in exceptional circumstances. The journal does not usually accept clinical research, although neuropharmacological studies in humans may be considered on the condition that they provide novel insight into either the actions of drugs and/or neurobiological mechanisms. The journal only considers submissions in which the chemical structures and compositions of experimental agents are readily available in the literature or disclosed by the authors in the submitted manuscript. Similarly, manuscripts describing the use of natural products will only be considered if the active ingredient is known and disclosed.The journal publishes Special Issues in which leading experts are invited to serve as Guest Editors to compile a collection of reviews, and occasionally original articles, around a particular topical theme in neuroscience research. The list of recent Special Issues can be found here. Suggestions for Special Issues can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief.Neuropharmacology also publishes topical narrative reviews on subjects within its remit. These reviews are commissioned by the Editorial Team or arise after correspondence with potential authors. Unsolicited reviews will be considered, but authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief of their intention to submit a review. Potential review authors should clearly indicate in the cover letter their expertise in the area, the timeliness of the topic, and how the review differs from, and adds to, recent published reviews on related topics. Authors are expected to have an established experimental track record in the topic of the review, and should provide full citations, including URLs/DOIs, of recent experimental papers in peer-reviewed journals relevant to the topic of the review in their cover letter. In the absence of an experimental track record, authors should provide a justification for why they believe they are the right persons to author this review article at this point in time. The absence of any such evidence of relevant experimental expertise or an explanation of author appropriateness will result in the return of the manuscript to the authors. On the basis of the case made by authors, potential overlap with planned Neuropharmacology content, and discussions with the Editorial Team, the Editor-in-Chief will provide authors with a prompt decision regarding the proposed review. Systematic reviews, meta- or bibliographic analyses will not be considered unless they are a necessary part of a Special Issue and conducted by experts in the field, and even then only under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.


  • ISSN: 0028-3932
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2
Neuropsychologia is an international interdisciplinary journal devoted to experimental and theoretical contributions that advance understanding of human cognition and behavior from a neuroscience perspective. The journal will consider for publication studies that directly link brain function with cognitive processes, including perception, attention and consciousness, action and motor control, executive functions and cognitive control, memory, language, and emotion and social cognition. Submission of papers using methodologies such as functional and structural neuroimaging, cognitive electrophysiology, and brain stimulation to significantly advance cognitive and psychological theory is strongly encouraged.Neuropsychologia has a long history of publishing lesion-deficit studies, and these remain highly appropriate for the journal. Animal studies are also welcome, provided they have a direct and explicitly specified impact on understanding the brain basis of human cognition and behavior. Studies that employ a purely behavioral approach in neurologically healthy participants are not appropriate for the journal unless the findings have a direct and significant bearing on the understanding of the neural mechanisms or systems supporting cognition and behavior. Studies of clinical populations that are primarily descriptive or intended to elucidate a clinical disorder, or that evaluate a therapeutic intervention, are not appropriate for the journal. Special issues and Review Papers are published regularly with the aim of providing authoritative surveys of topics of major interest.

Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews

  • ISSN: 0149-7634
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.7
  • Impact factor: 7.5
Official journal of the International Behavioral Neuroscience SocietyThe journal publishes review articles which are original and significant and deal with all aspects of neuroscience, where the relationship to the study of psychological processes and behavior is clearly established. Conversely, the journal will also publish articles whose primary focus deals with psychological processes and behavior, and which have relevance to one or more aspects of neuroscience.Submissions to the journal are actively encouraged which deal with topics not only in the more traditional areas, but also in the following areas, whenever the reviews bring new insights into brain-behavior relations:• Neuropsychology • Cognitive neuroscience • Brain imaging • In vivo monitoring of the brain's electrical and biochemical activities • Molecular biology • Genetics • NeurocomputationTheoretical articles and mini-reviews, for which the scope and literature coverage are more restricted, will also be published. We do not publish empirical papers. We welcome review articles from clinical researchers whose submission exceeds the high quality threshold for the journal and significantly advances our understanding of a field.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior

  • ISSN: 0091-3057
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.2
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior publishes original reports in the areas of pharmacology and biochemistry in which the primary emphasis and theoretical context are behavioral. Contributions may involve clinical, preclinical, or basic research. Purely biochemical or toxicology studies will not be published.Papers describing the behavioral effects of novel drugs in models of psychiatric, neurological and cognitive disorders, and central pain must include a positive control unless the paper is on a disease where such a drug is not available yet.Papers focusing on physiological processes (e.g., peripheral pain mechanisms, body temperature regulation, seizure activity) are not accepted as we would like to retain the focus of Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior on behavior and its interaction with the biochemistry and neurochemistry of the central nervous system.Papers describing the effects of plant materials are generally not considered, unless the active ingredients are studied, the extraction method is well described, the doses tested are known, and clear and definite experimental evidence on the mechanism of action of the active ingredients is provided.Benefits to authors We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior

Physiology & Behavior

  • ISSN: 0031-9384
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.9
  • Impact factor: 2.4
Physiology & Behavior is aimed at the causal physiological mechanisms of behavior and its modulation by environmental factors. The journal invites original reports in the broad area of behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, where the interaction of physiology and behavior is the prerequisite for all published material. The range of subjects includes behavioral neuroendocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, learning and memory, ingestion, taste, social behavior, exercise (as it relates to behavior), studies related to the mechanisms of psychopathology and studies using animal models with the purpose of translating the findings to humans. Purely pharmacological studies (either using natural compounds or synthetic chemicals), studies on improving human performance beyond physiological adaptations, or studies on improving livestock production are not in the focus of the Journal.We also welcome contemporary reviews and theoretical articles, and the Editors invite such proposals from interested authors. Thematic issues and more comprehensive studies are also considered for publication, subject to the same review standards and process. All articles will be published in English.Benefits to authors We provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Physiology & Behavior