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Journals in Developmental genetics

Stem Cell Research

  • ISSN: 1873-5061
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.1
  • Impact factor: 0.8
Stem Cell Research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to Stem Cell Research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem cells, embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancer stem cells, developmental studies, and genomics or translational research. Special focus of SCR are Lab Resource articles which allow authors to report on the development of new pluripotent stem cell lines, genetically modified stem cell line, or stem cell-related laboratory protocols using a condensed and structured format. The reporting of new human pluripotent stem cell lines is carried out in partnership with the human pluripotent stem cell registry ( to enable standardization and findability of stem cell lines for the stem cell research community.The journal publishes:o Research articleso Short communicationso Reviewso Graphical Reviewso Lab Resource: New stem cell lineso Lab Resource: Genetically modified stem cell lineso Lab Resource: Protocols