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Journals in Agricultural and biological sciences

The Agricultural and Biological Sciences collection advances science-based knowledge for the improvement of animal and plant life and for secure food systems that produce nutritious, novel, sustainable foods with minimal environmental impact. Food Science titles include not only those products from agriculture but all other aspects from food production to nutrition, health and safety, chemistry to security, policy, law and regulation. Biological Sciences address animal behaviour and biodiversity, organismal and evolutionary biology, entomology, marine biology and aquaculture, plant science and forestry.

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  • ISSN: 0031-4056
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2
Pedobiologia (Journal of Soil Ecology) publishes peer reviewed articles describing original work in the field of soil ecology, which includes the study of soil organisms and their interactions with factors in their biotic and abiotic environments. Analysis of biological structures, interactions, functions, and processes in soil is fundamental for understanding the dynamical nature of terrestrial ecosystems, a prerequisite for appropriate soil management.The scope of this journal consists of fundamental and applied aspects of soil ecology; key focal points include interactions among organisms in soil, organismal controls on soil processes, causes and consequences of soil biodiversity, and aboveground-belowground interactions.The journal publishes:original research that tests clearly defined hypotheses addressing topics of current interest in soil ecology (including studies demonstrating nonsignificant effects);descriptions of novel methodological approaches, or evaluations of current approaches, that address a clear need in soil ecology research;innovative syntheses of the soil ecology literature, including metaanalyses, topical in depth reviews and short opinion/perspective pieces, and descriptions of original conceptual frameworks; andshort notes reporting novel observations of ecological significance.

Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

  • ISSN: 1433-8319
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 3.5
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (PPEES) publishes outstanding and thought-provoking articles of general interest to an international readership in the fields of plant ecology, evolution and systematics. Of particular interest are in-depth articles that provide a broad understanding of key topics in the field. There are four issues per year.To maintain high scientific standards, manuscripts are submitted to two or more reviewers for evaluation of their scientific soundness and significance. Authors will be generally notified of acceptance, rejection, or need for revision of their manuscripts within three months.Biological flora series (monographs of model species) PPEES is particularly interested in contributions to the knowledge of species that are flagship species for conservation, invasive species of particular concern, or species that are frequently used as models in ecological research. Prospective authors should contact the editorial office of PPEES before starting to write a contribution and enquire whether their planned manuscript would be of interest to PPEES.Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics is included in the Research4Life program. Research4Life is a partnership of United Nations agencies, universities, and publishers that makes journal articles available for free or at very low cost to institutions in developing countries. For more details go to:
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology

  • ISSN: 0048-3575
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.6
  • Impact factor: 4.2
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology publishes original scientific articles pertaining to the mode of action of plant protection agents such as insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and similar compounds, including nonlethal pest control agents, biosynthesis of pheromones, hormones, and plant resistance agents. Manuscripts may include a biochemical, physiological, or molecular study for an understanding of comparative toxicology or selective toxicity of both target and nontarget organisms. Particular interest will be given to studies on the molecular biology of pest control, toxicology, and pesticide resistance.Research Areas Emphasized Include the Biochemistry and Physiology of:• Comparative toxicity • Mode of action • Pathophysiology • Plant growth regulators • Resistance • Other effects of pesticides on both parasites and hostsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology

Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology

  • ISSN: 0885-5765
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 2.8
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology provides an International forum for original research papers, reviews, and commentaries on all aspects of the molecular biology, biochemistry, physiology, histology and cytology, genetics and evolution of plant-microbe interactions.Papers on all kinds of infective pathogen, including viruses, prokaryotes, fungi, and nematodes, as well as mutualistic organisms such as Rhizobium and mycorrhyzal fungi, are acceptable as long as they have a bearing on the interaction between pathogen and plant.Research Areas Include:• Recognition in plant immunity • Cell biology of plant-microbe interactions • Plant molecular defense responses, including transcriptome, proteome, miRNA profiling, metabolome • Mechanisms of specific resistance, induced resistance and non-host -resistance • Plant hormones and regulators in plant-microbe interactions • Molecular biology of phytoalexins and other secondary metabolites of the host and their roles in resistance • Pathogen effectors involved in pathogenicity and interaction with the host • Pathogen infection mechanisms and host defense suppression • Novel approaches for disease control • Induction of plant immunity and biotechnology of resistance • Pathogen molecular diagnostic.
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

  • ISSN: 0981-9428
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.2
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Integrating molecular, cellular, and organismal plant biologyPlant Physiology and Biochemistry publishes original theoretical, experimental and technical contributions in the various fields of plant physiology (biochemistry, physiology, structure, genetics, plant-microbe interactions, etc.) at diverse levels of integration (molecular, subcellular, cellular, organ, whole plant, environmental). Opinions expressed in the journal are the sole responsibility of the authors and publication does not imply the editors' agreement.Manuscripts describing molecular-genetic and/or gene expression data that are not integrated with biochemical analysis and/or actual measurements of plant physiological processes are not suitable for PPB. Also "Omics" studies (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, etc.) reporting descriptive analysis without an element of functional validation assays of investigated genes (DEGs), will not be considered. Similarly, applied agronomic or phytochemical studies that generate no new, fundamental insights in plant physiological and/or biochemical processes are not suitable for publication in PPB. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry publishes several types of articles: Reviews, Papers and Short Papers. Authors interested in writing a review article should contact one of the review editors in advance by submitting a summary of the intended manuscript. The editor may then send an official letter of invitation with further instructions. Reviews should not exceed 40 typewritten pages and Short Papers no more than approximately 8 typewritten pages. The fundamental character of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry remains that of a journal for original results.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Plant Science

  • ISSN: 0168-9452
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 4.2
An international journal of experimental plant biologyThis journal has no page charges, publication is free of charge.Plant Science will publish in the minimum of time, research manuscripts as well as commissioned reviews, method papers (technical papers) and commentaries recommended by its referees in all areas of experimental plant biology with emphasis in the broad areas of genomics, proteomics, biochemistry (including enzymology), physiology, cell biology, development, genetics, functional plant breeding, systems biology and the interaction of plants with the environment. Although manuscripts containing large data are welcomed, they must contain functional validation.Manuscripts for full consideration should be written concisely and essentially as a final report. The main criterion for publication is that the manuscript must contain original and significant insights that lead to a better understanding of fundamental plant biology. Papers centering on plant cell culture should be of interest to a wide audience and methods employed result in a substantial improvement over existing established techniques and approaches. Methods papers are welcome only when the technique(s) described is novel or provides a major advancement of established protocols.Plant Science is not a publication vehicle for preliminary observations, for studies that are merely confirmatory of results accomplished in other plant systems, or that are addressed only to a specialized readership. Submitted manuscripts describing studies of preliminary nature, that are merely confirmatory in scope or of limited scope and interest to the general readership of the journal will be returned without formal review. As a general policy, the journal will no longer consider manuscripts just describing the cloning, sequencing and expression patterns of gene sequences that have been identified and characterized in other plant species, expression of a protein without proper characterization of the recombinant product and native form, the isolation, purification and characterization of enzymes extensively analyzed in other plants, description of molecular markers and plant genetic diversity without any relevant biological information, cell culture and/or transformation of plant species (or closely related species) already established in the literature and basic transcriptomic approaches with no further relevant functional characterization of genes of interest.
Plant Science

Postharvest Biology and Technology

  • ISSN: 0925-5214
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.9
  • Impact factor: 6.4
Postharvest Biology and Technology is devoted exclusively to the publication of original papers, review articles and frontiers articles on biological and technological postharvest research of horticultural crops including fruit, vegetables, grapes, flowers, tea and nuts, but excluding grains, seeds, forages and spices.All aspects of postharvest research throughout the supply chain will be considered, including storage technologies, treatments and underpinning mechanisms, quality evaluation, packaging, handling, and distribution.The following research areas will be considered if they directly affect postharvest science: preharvest factors, ripening and senescence, product safety, systems biology, bioinformatics, entomology, plant physiology, plant pathology, (bio)chemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, engineering, modelling, economics, and technologies for non-destructive testing.Manuscripts on the effect of treatments on the storage life of a product should have a mechanistic component and must include research on the physiological effects and working principles of the treatments. Manuscripts that report on non-destructive testing should relate to the biological processes of the product and should include a strong relationship with postharvest biology and technology. Manuscripts reporting novel fundamental and interdisciplinary research that addresses biological, technological, and socio-economic issues that impact technology acceptance, are encouraged.The focus of this journal is on fresh horticultural products. Manuscripts on products that will be further processed after postharvest storage, or on treatments beyond refrigeration, packaging and minimal processing will be considered but only if linked strongly to the quality and provenance of the products at the time of harvest.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Postharvest Biology and Technology

Preventive Veterinary Medicine

  • ISSN: 0167-5877
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.5
  • Impact factor: 2.2
An International Journal reporting on Methodological and Applied Research in Veterinary Epidemiology, Animal Disease Prevention & Control and Animal Health Economics, and on the contributions of Veterinary Epidemiology to One Health, including Environmental HealthPreventive Veterinary Medicine is one of the leading international resources for scientific reports on animal health programs and preventive veterinary medicine. The journal follows the guidelines for standardizing and strengthening the reporting of biomedical research which are available from the CONSORT, MOOSE, PRISMA, REFLECT, STARD, and STROBE statements. The journal focuses on:Epidemiology of health events relevant to domestic and wild animals;Economic impacts of epidemic and endemic animal and zoonotic diseases;Latest methods and approaches in veterinary epidemiology;Disease and infection control or eradication measures;The "One Health" concept and the relationships between veterinary medicine, human health, animal-production systems, and the environment;Development of new techniques in surveillance systems and diagnosis;Evaluation and control of diseases in animal populations.The journal encourages the submission of clinical and field-trial studies, particularly those related to new vaccines and other preventive measures. These studies, however, should follow the Consort Statement ( or Reflect Statement ( studies may be considered for publication, but only if the results are likely to be of international interest (i.e. it must be possible to generalize the findings using scientifically based approaches). For these studies, key considerations in the review process will include (but are not limited to): consideration of both animal-level and herd-level demographics in the sampling design; the study population's relevance to the authors' described target population; the potential for confounding; and how well the sample-size justification assures high precision. The sensitivity and specificity of non-perfect tests used must be declared; the true rather than the apparent prevalence must be presented.Submissions of reviews of relevant topics are also encouraged, but these should follow the systematic-review process addressed by the guidelines in the following two websites:; Veterinary Medicine does not publish studies on experimental development of diagnostic assays without the appropriate field evaluation. Guidelines for the evaluation of diagnostic assays are followed in the review process (
Preventive Veterinary Medicine

Process Biochemistry

  • ISSN: 1359-5113
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Process Biochemistry is an application-orientated research journal devoted to reporting advances with originality and novelty, in the science and technology of the processes involving bioactive molecules and living organisms. These processes concern the production of useful metabolites or materials, or the removal of toxic compounds using tools and methods of current biology and engineering. Its main areas of interest include novel bioprocesses and enabling technologies (such as nanobiotechnology, tissue engineering, directed evolution, metabolic engineering, systems biology, and synthetic biology) applicable in food (nutraceutical), healthcare (medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic), energy (biofuels), environmental, and biorefinery industries and their underlying biological and engineering principles.Main topics covered include, with most of possible aspects and domains of application: • Fermentation, biochemical and bioreactor engineering • Biotechnology processes and their life science aspects • Biocatalysis, enzyme engineering and biotransformation • Downstream processing • Modeling, optimization and control techniques.Particular aspects related to the processes, raw materials and products, also include: • Quantitative microbial physiology, stress response, signal transduction • Genetic engineering and metabolic engineering • Proteomics, functional genomics, metabolomics, and bioinformatics • Chiral compounds production, cell free protein system, high-throughput screening, in-vivo/in-vitro evolution, enzyme immobilization, enzyme reaction in non-aqueous media • Mass transfer, mixing, scale-up and scale-down, bioprocess monitoring, bio-manufacturing • Cell, tissue and antibody engineering: animal and plant cells/tissues, algae, micro-algae, extremophile, antibody screening and production • Environmental biotechnology: biodegradation, bioremediation, wastewater treatment, biosorption and bioaccumulation • Bio-commodity engineering: biomass, bio-refinery, bio-energy • Bioseparation, purification, protein refolding. • Other new bioprocess and bioreactor related topics especially on application to healthcare sectors
Process Biochemistry

Progress in Lipid Research

  • ISSN: 0163-7827
  • 5 Year impact factor: 15.7
  • Impact factor: 14
Publishing Invited ReviewsThe importance of lipids as one of the fundamental classes of biological compounds is well established. The application of our of the biochemistry, chemistry and physiology of lipids to biotechnology, the fats and oils industry and medicine have continued to expand apace. In addition new dimensions such as lipid biophysics, especially with relevance to membranes and lipoproteins, and basic liposome research and applications have been added. To cope with all these advances in knowledge a journal is needed to review recent progress in particular fields and to set current research against its historical background. Progress in Lipid Research fulfils this role.Each volume contains up-to-date surveys of special aspects of lipid research. The invited reviews are comprehensive enough to provide sufficient overview but concentrate on reporting and critically appraising the most recent data. Subjects are chosen for their timeliness or because major developments have taken place in the last few years. They include methodological reviews as well as chemical, biochemical and medical articles. All lipid compounds and derivatives are covered, ranging from fatty acids and other simple molecules, through steroids, terpenoids and phospho- or glycolipids to complex structures such as lipoproteins and biological membranes. We hope that those whose main interest is in lipid biophysics and liposome research will join as new readers, benefiting from the journal's classical aspects of lipid metabolism, lipids in signal transduction and lipid enzymology, and that current readers will benefit from the exposure to top quality research on the new aspects.PLR solely publishes review articles and submissions are by invitation only. If you have not been invited, but would like to have a review article considered, please send your proposal to the Editorial Office (Ms. Carly Middendorp at [email protected]), thereby indicating which editor has the most appropriate expertise to handle the manuscript.Proposals must include a short abstract, proposed table of contents/chapters, a representative figure (if relevant) and list of key references. If possible please supply a timeline for submission of your article. After assessment of the proposal by the Editors, we will let you know whether it is suitable for inclusion in the journal.Editors and their expertise:Makoto Arita: Polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-derived mediators; LC-MS/MS-based lipidomics; role of lipid mediators in inflammation and tissue homeostatis; eosinophils; cyclooxygenases, lipoxygenases, and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases.Kent Chapman: Plant lipid metabolism; plant lipid signaling; membranes; oilseeds; lipid storage; compartmentalization; organelle biogenesis; lipid analysis.John Harwood: Metabolism and function of acyl lipids; n-3 polyunsatruated fatty acids; oil accumulation in crops; algal lipids; regulation of metabolism; lipids in disease.Gabor Tigyi: Lysophospholipids, lysophosphatidic acid, sphingosine-1-phosphate, lipid signaling, radiation biology, drug discovery.Markus Wenk: Structure, function and metabolism of membrane lipids; application of lipidomics in drug and biomarker development; role of lipid metabolism in neurobiology.
Progress in Lipid Research