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Journals in Veterinary anatomy

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Research in Veterinary Science

  • ISSN: 0034-5288
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 2.2
The Official Journal of the Association for Veterinary Teaching and Research WorkResearch in Veterinary Science is an International multi-disciplinary journal publishing novel original research and high-impact reviews of great scientific and ethical standard in all aspects of veterinary and comparative biomedical research.The primary aim of the journal is to inform the veterinary and biomedical research community of significant scientific advances and teaching methods in the field of veterinary education, and to provide a multidisciplinary forum for the discussion and debate of novel biomedical research and teaching within a "One-Health" context. The journal achieves these goals through the prompt promotion and dissemination of high-quality scientific knowledge to a broad range of professionals globally.The journal encourages the submission of high-quality novel research that has clear implications for the prevention, treatment, or control of zoonotic and animal diseases, including improved understanding of disease pathogenesis and epidemiology, and that therefore contribute to a substantial improvement of animal and human health. Papers studying the origin, pathogenesis, and spread of diseases, as well as new or improved methods of diagnosis and treatment, or describing novel aspects of immunology, physiology and welfare in animals of veterinary concern are explicitly welcome.Studies that lack novelty or scientific rigor, including studies without a robust scientific hypothesis or that are preliminary or of low scientific impact, are not appropriate for the journal. Furthermore, poorly designed and controlled studies, studies that lack appropriate replication or that for other reasons lack generalizability including studies that are not generalizable beyond a local or limited geographic area, and case studies or field reports lacking an advancement in general knowledge do not fall within the scope of the journal. While systematic reviews and meta-analyses are explicitly welcome, the journal publishes only a very limited number of high-quality and high-impact narrative reviews. Authors are encouraged to follow accepted reporting guidelines, such as the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) in developing their reviews.
Research in Veterinary Science