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Journals in Computational biology

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  • ISSN: 0303-2647
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.8
  • Impact factor: 2
BioSystems encourages theoretical, computational and experimental articles that link biology, evolutionary concepts, and the information processing sciences. The journal is dedicated to developing the consequences of the discoveries of biological information and of the genetic code - with the view of obtaining a better understanding of the origins and evolution of biological organization, biological adaptability, and the origin of mind and language.The scope of the journal encompasses the fundamental nature of biological information processing. This includes quantum phenomena in information transfer, natural computing, biological coding systems, biological complexity, theoretical biology, artificial life, computational modeling of complex biological systems, evolutionary models of computation, application of biological principles to the design of novel computing systems, and the use of biomolecular materials to synthesize artificial systems that capture essential principles of natural biological information processing.The journal does not publish purely medical, computational, or ecological research, unless it is clearly linked to the basic and conceptual aspects of biological organization.The editors encourage articles that deal, in particular, with the following topics: Biological computationMolecular recognitionPhysical foundations of biologyQuantum phenomena in biological systemsCellular controlNeuromolecular computingBiological coding systemsMolecular computing processesSelf-organizing and self-replicating systemsOrigins and evolution of the genetic mechanismStochastic evolutionary algorithmsOrigins and evolution of mind and languageSimulation of genetic and ecological systemsApplications (neural nets, machine learning, robotics)In addition, the editors encourage the following types of papers for submission: Papers that extract novel biological insights from multidimensional data using AI-driven language modelsBiological hypothesis papers producing new insights based on a body of pre-existing empirical research

Computational Biology and Chemistry

  • ISSN: 1476-9271
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.6
  • Impact factor: 2.6
Computational Biology and Chemistry publishes original research papers and review articles in all areas of computational life sciences. High quality research contributions with a major computational component in the areas of nucleic acid and protein sequence research, molecular evolution, molecular genetics (functional genomics and proteomics), theory and practice of either biology-specific or chemical-biology-specific modeling, and structural biology of nucleic acids and proteins are particularly welcome. Exceptionally high quality research work in bioinformatics, systems biology, ecology, computational pharmacology, metabolism, biomedical engineering, epidemiology, and statistical genetics will also be considered.Given their inherent uncertainty, protein modeling and molecular docking studies should be thoroughly validated. In the absence of experimental results for validation, the use of molecular dynamics simulations along with detailed free energy calculations, for example, should be used as complementary techniques to support the major conclusions. Submissions of premature modeling exercises without additional biological insights will not be considered.Review articles will generally be commissioned by the editors and should not be submitted to the journal without explicit invitation. However prospective authors are welcome to send a brief (one to three pages) synopsis, which will be evaluated by the editors.
Computational Biology and Chemistry

Mathematical Biosciences

  • ISSN: 0025-5564
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.3
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Mathematical Biosciences publishes work providing new concepts or new understanding of biological systems using mathematical models, or methodological articles likely to find application to multiple biological systems. Papers are expected to present a major research finding of broad significance for the biological sciences, or mathematical biology. Mathematical Biosciences welcomes original research articles, letters, reviews and perspectives.
Mathematical Biosciences