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Journals in Food processing equipment

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Food Chemistry

  • ISSN: 0308-8146
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.2
  • Impact factor: 8.5
The Aims and Scope of Food Chemistry are assessed and modified on an annual basis to reflect developments in the field. This means that research topics that have been deemed in scope previously may now fall outside of the scope of the journal as our scientific and technical understanding of the fields evolve and topics become less novel, original or relevant to Food Chemistry .Food Chemistry publishes papers dealing with the advancement of the chemistry and biochemistry of foods or the analytical methods/approach used. All papers should focus on the novelty of the research carried out. The assessment of the manuscripts considers a number of elements including novelty, scientific rigour, scientific advancement of a particular field and the overall interest to the readership.Research advancing the theory and practice of molecular sciences of foods or cure/prevention of human diseases will not be considered for inclusion in Food Chemistry .Topics featured in Food Chemistry include:Chemistry relating to major and minor components of food, their nutritional, physiological, sensory, flavour and microbiological aspects;Bioactive constituents of foods, including antioxidants, phytochemicals, and botanicals. Data must accompany sufficient discussion to demonstrate their relevance to food and/or food chemistry;Chemical and biochemical composition and structure changes in molecules induced by processing, storage, distribution and domestic conditions;Effects of processing including novel ones and different extraction methods on the composition, quality and safety of foods, co-products, bio-based materials, , and processing wastes;Chemistry of food additives, contaminants, processing aids, and agro-chemicals, together with their metabolism, toxicology and food fate.We also accept Analytical Papers related to the microbiological, sensory, nutritional, physiological, authenticity and origin aspects of food. Papers should be primarily concerned with new or novel methods (especially instrumental or rapid) provided adequate validation is described including sufficient data from real samples to demonstrate robustness. Papers dealing with significant improvements to existing methods, or data from application of existing methods to new foods, or commodities produced in unreported geographical areas, will also be considered.For Analytical Papers, especially those dedicated to the development and validation of methods, authors are encouraged to follow internationally recognized guidelines, such as EURACHEM - for chemical compounds ( or FDA - for microbiological data ( and proper statistical methods should be applied. Special attention should be given to linearity, selectivity, determination of LOD/LOQ, repeatability and reproducibility of the analysis. Authors should also pay attention to trueness and, when possible (quantitative methods), determine the uncertainty of measurement. Overall, real samples should be analyzed by the state-of-the-art and the newly developed method for validation purposes. The results from new and novel methods (including sensors) should be compared with an acceptable reference method as part of the validation procedure (e.g. AOAC, CEN etc).Methods for the determination of both major and minor components of food especially nutrients and non-nutrient bioactive compounds (with putative health benefits) with proper validation in real samples will be considered.Results of method inter-comparison studies and development of food reference materials for use in the assay of food components;Methods concerned with the chemical forms in food, nutrient bioavailability and nutritional status;General authentication and origin [e.g. Country of Origin Labelling (COOL), Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), Certificate of Specific Character (CSC)] determination of foods (both geographical and production including commodity substitution, and verification of organic, biological and ecological labelling) using chemical markers, providing sufficient data from authentic samples should be included to ensure that interpretations are meaningful.The following topics/manuscripts will not be considered for publication in Food Chemistry, unless otherwise stated.Clinical or engineering papers without contribution to chemistryPharmaceutical or non-food herbal remedies;Traditional or folk medicines;Food supplements, botanicals and herbal extract including Royal Jelly and Propolis, bee pollen and pollen, unless they are added to food as part of functional food development;Survey/surveillance data;In silico studies and/or network pharmacology, or computational simulations without proper validation in vitro/in vivo;Papers containing a high proportion of molecular based content (these papers will be offered a transfer to our companion journal Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences);Work that is incremental and does not present significant advances in current scientific knowledge.
Food Chemistry

Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

  • ISSN: 1466-8564
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.5
  • Impact factor: 6.3
An official scientific journal of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST)Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies (IFSET) aims to provide the highest quality original contributions on new developments in food science innovations and emerging technologies. The work described should be innovative in the approach and/or in the methods used. The significance of the information for the food science and food R & D community must be specified. Only papers which advance current scientific knowledge and understanding or with high technical relevance will be considered.IFSET does not publish preliminary or confirmatory results. The journal publishes research and invited review papers dealing with key advances in food science, food engineering and technology, safety, security and sustainability, fundamental, kinetics and mechanistic aspects of promising emerging food processing technologies as well as key food science innovations.Each article should make clear contribution to further understanding of a given food science and technology area. Articles may address combinations of more than one technology as well as interdisciplinary research including mechanical, chemical or material engineering, food-biotechnology, nutrition, material science or issues of global challenges.Topics of interest include: Innovations for foods and food constituents Process-structure-function relationships at macro, micro or nanoscale Tailor-made foods Food process structure properties as well as process-packaging-food interactions Resource-efficient, gentle and scalable processes Food science - nutrition interaction Consumer preference/acceptance/needs guided processesExamples of emerging technologies include: High hydrostatic pressure Pulsed electric fields or pulsed lights Radiofrequency or ohmic heating Cold atmospheric plasma Electron beams, UV and IR lights Dense gases as well as other emerging thermal Non-thermal or sub-zero processes Food constituents carrier and delivery systems Biopolymers and membrane processes
Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies

Trends in Food Science & Technology

  • ISSN: 0924-2244
  • 5 Year impact factor: 16.4
  • Impact factor: 15.1
An official journal of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST), and the International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST)Trends in Food Science & Technology is one of the premier international peer-reviewed journals publishing critical and comprehensive reviews and commentaries of current technology, food science and human nutrition. Its role is to fill the gap between the specialized primary journals and general trade magazines by focusing on the most promising new research developments and their current and potential food industry applications in a readable, scientifically rigorous way.Topics include novel food materials such as bioactive substances, alternative protein and novel food ingredients; advances in food engineering and manufacturing technologies including processing, preservation, packaging and digital transformation; molecular, micro- and macro-structure of foods; new developments in food security, sustainability and/or waste management; advanced technological applications including nanoscience and biotechnology; quality assurance including advanced methodology and applications of various -omics techniques; food traceability and authenticity; food safety including the risk assessment of chemical and/or biological hazards; food allergies and intolerances; food function and its relationships with food structure, food composition, nutrition and health benefits; consumer attitude, and policy/regulation.This journal primarily publishes critical and comprehensive reviews and does not publish original research papers.Subjects not considered for publication:Reviews on plant science, agronomics, plant breeding, veterinary issues or on non-food applications such as drug development, cosmetics, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, medical/health orientated papers, or bibliometric analysis as such will not be considered.
Trends in Food Science & Technology