Official journal of the Aquacultural Engineering Society (AES)Aquacultural Engineering is concerned with the design and development of effective aquacultural systems for marine and freshwater facilities. The journal aims to apply the knowledge gained from basic research which potentially can be translated into commercial operations.Problems of scale-up and application of research data involve many parameters, both physical and biological, making it difficult to anticipate the interaction between the unit processes and the cultured animals. Aquacultural Engineering aims to develop this bioengineering interface for aquaculture and welcomes contributions in the following areas:– Engineering and design of aquaculture facilities – Engineering-based research studies – Construction experience and techniques – In-service experience, commissioning, operation – Materials selection and their uses – Quantification of biological data and constraintsMore basic studies in supporting disciplines (e.g. imaging, computer sciences, mechanical engineering) with little reference to aquacultural engineering will not be considered for publication.Style of presentation is flexible, but those papers dealing with specific problems should attempt to define them clearly in terms of systems engineering, quantifying the constraints, proposing solutions, implementing and detailing the design, and finally evaluating the outcome.
The aim of Aquaculture is to publish and make available the highest quality international scientific contributions concerning to aquaculture. The Journal publishes disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary aquaculture research related to the science of aquaculture. The scope of Aquaculture includes the traditional priorities of its sections, but also includes papers from non-traditional scientific areas such as sustainability science, social-ecological systems, as well as aquaculture of various species for ornamental, conservation and restoration purposes.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center. Original research papers and reviews with a regional context and focus, can be submitted to Aquaculture's open access companion title, Aquaculture Reports .
Aquaculture and Fisheries welcomes original research articles, technical notes, review papers and short communications in the multidisciplinary fields of aquaculture and fisheries encompassing: Aquaculture;Aquaculture Engineering;Management in Aquaculture;Aquaculture Nutrition;Disease & Immunology;Fish Biochemistry, Genetics, and Molecular Biology;Fish Physiology & Endocrinology;Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology of Aquatic Organisms;Aquatic Biology, Environment, and Ecology;Aquatic Ecological Conservation and Restoration Techniques;Fishery Resource Habitats and Management;Application of GIS in Fisheries;Fishing Gear, Vessels, and Engineering;Fisheries Machinery and Instruments;Fisheries Economics and Management;Preservation & Processing Technologies of Aquatic Products.Both theoretical and empirical studies, and research in application of science and technology are welcomed, but interdisciplinary studies of broad scopes are particularly encouraged.Editorial Board
An International Scientific Journal dealing with Applied and Fundamental Research on Macroscopic Submerged, Floating and Emergent Plants in Marine and Freshwater EcosystemsAquatic Botany offers a platform for papers relevant to a broad international readership on fundamental and applied aspects of marine and freshwater macroscopic plants in a context of ecology or environmental biology. This includes molecular, biochemical and physiological aspects of macroscopic aquatic plants as well as the classification, structure, function, dynamics and ecological interactions in plant-dominated aquatic communities and ecosystems. It is an outlet for papers dealing with research on the consequences of disturbance and stressors (e.g. environmental fluctuations and climate change, pollution, grazing and pathogens), use and management of aquatic plants (plant production and decomposition, commercial harvest, plant control) and the conservation of aquatic plant communities (breeding, transplantation and restoration). Specialized publications on certain rare taxa or papers on aquatic macroscopic plants from under-represented regions in the world can also find their place, subject to editor evaluation. Studies on fungi or microalgae will remain outside the scope of Aquatic Botany.Interesting for further reading:Editorial: What is a plant? and what is aquatic botany?Elisabeth M. Gross, Thomas Wernberg, Jorge Terrados Aquatic botany since 1975: Have our views changed?Jan E. Vermaat, Elisabeth M. Gross
Aquatic Data is an open access journal that publishes peer-reviewed articles describing research data from fundamental and applied research, as well as citizens' involvement in the field of aquatic sciences.We publish three novel publication types:Data in Context Articles are the perfect companion to books, journal articles, presentations, or posters that contain research data. They are short and include a preformatted table that characterises your data. Please use our\_\_data/assets/file/0004/222556/Aquatic-Data-in-Context-Article-template\_20161113.zipData in Context Article template;Data in Focus Articles bring together and harmonise collections of research data from already published and unpublished sources. They are more detailed and include statistical distributions of data. Please use our\_\_data/assets/file/0008/222578/Aquatic-Data-in-Focus-Article-template2\_20161113.zipData in Focus Article template;Data Perspective Articles highlight the latest initiatives, tools and opportunities that may improve data sharing, discovery and reuse in aquatic sciences. They are short review type articles. Please use our\_\_data/assets/file/0006/222567/Aquatic-Data-in-Perspective-Article-template\_20161113.docxData Perspective Article template.Aquatic Data Articles follow Creative Commons user licenses CC-BY 4.0 permitting third party (re)use (see Data has an open access fee, also known as article publishing charge (APC), which needs to be paid by the authors or on their behalf e.g. by their research funder or institution. The discounted fee per Open Access Article for 2016 and 2017 is 500 US Dollars per Article.Research data refers to the results of observations or experimentation that are necessary to validate research findings, including raw and processed data, video, code, software, algorithms, protocols, and methods.Aquatic Data is the place to publish your research data describing:Pelagic, deep sea, benthic, coastal and shore habitats;Oceanic, shelf, estuarine, brackish, freshwater river and lake systems;Interactions with ice, land and atmosphere systems, and global climate.Before submitting your article, you must deposit your data in a free-to-use, open access repository. Elsevier Database Linking services are available for supported data repositories, offering easy access to data from your published article online. Aquatic Data recommends the following data archives:Mendeley offers basic curation services for any type of research data. You can also deposit your data at the same time as your article using Elsevier's integrated Mendeley Data upload system. Your data can be deposited privately at Mendeley. Private access will be given to the reviewers of the article and your data will become publicly available when the article is published.PANGAEA offers advanced curation services for environmental data.INSDC offers advanced curation services for nucleotide sequence data.Contextual data improves sharing, discovery and reuse of your research data. Aquatic Data enriches them with FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) contextual data. The Article templates include an Excel file that we ask you to fill as best as you can and to submit along with the manuscript. The editorial team will assist you in improving your contextual data and will generate corresponding tables online. The costs of this service are currently included in the open Access fee.Contextual Data comprises the following 7 components:Environments provide a list of geographic places, political and economic zones, ecosystems, habitats, and any environmental features that relate to your data. It includes links to quality-controlled terms in gazetteers and ontologies;Events provide spatial and/or temporal references for any field and/or experimental work. The granularity of an event can range from an entire study/experiment to each deployment/use of an instrument over the course of a study. Events with different granularity can be organised in a hierarchical way as needed;Methods provide a list of sampling and/or experimental protocols, instrumentation, formulae, equations, codes, or models used in your work. It includes links to methods published in specialised journals such as MethodsX and SoftwareX or registered in online resources such as GitHub and;Samples provide a list of physical samples used in your work, including those used-up during analyses and those preserved in collections. It includes links to sample descriptors registered in online resources;Entities provide a list of chemical and biological entities described in your work (e.g. proteins, organisms), including "sub" entities (e.g. molecular bonds, body parts) and "super" entities (e.g. "algae", "colony"). It includes links to quality-controlled terms in online resources such as chemical registers and taxonomic registers;Qualities provide a list of qualitative parameters (e.g. colour, shape, treatment) and their values used in your work, including traits (e.g. blue, red, round, elongated), and natural or artificial conditions used during experiments (e.g. elevated CO2 levels). It provides links to quality-controlled terms in morphological traits data bases and ontologies;Quantities provide a list of quantitative parameters/variables used in your work, detailing their quantity kind, name, abbreviation, dimension, units, quartiles, accuracy and precision. It includes links to quality-controlled terms in online ontologies.Elsevier's Content Innovation apps allows you to enrich the content of your online article. Aquatic Data encourages you to use the following apps:AudioSlides are brief, webinar-style presentations that are shown next to the online article on ScienceDirect. This gives authors the opportunity to summarize their research in their own words and to help readers understand what the paper is about;Interactive Map Viewer (Google) provides annotated geospatial information on an interactive (Google) map. This is enabled by listing events in the Data in Context Section of the manuscript. You can also include KML or KMZ files with your article submission;Interactive Graphic Viewer (.csv) provides easy visualisation and access to data used in online Figures. Readers can switch between plots and table view, download data or hover over data points to see the value. This is enabled when your data is archived in .csv or tab-delimited format;Interactive Graphic Viewer (MATLAB) provides easy visualisation and access to figures created in MATLAB. This is enabled by submitting figures in .fig format with your article.Interactive 2D Viewer The award winning Virtual Microscope lets your reader explore high resolution microscopic images that are featured in your article. This is enabled by submitting 2D images with your article;Interactive 3D Viewer lets your reader explore high resolution 3D images that are featured in your article. This is enabled by submitting 3D images with your article.
Aquatic Procedia is not accepting new publication proposals. For more information on above and questions related to Procedia, contact us: Neelima Dondapati [email protected]
Aquatic Toxicology publishes significant contributions that increase the understanding of the impact of harmful substances (including natural and synthetic chemicals) on aquatic organisms and ecosystems.
Aquatic Toxicology considers both laboratory and field studies with a focus on freshwater/marine environments. The journal strives to attract high quality original scientific papers, critical reviews and expert opinion papers in the following areas:
Effects of harmful substances on molecular, cellular, sub-organismal, organismal, population, community, and ecosystem level;
Mechanisms of toxicity;
Genetic disturbances, transgenerational effects, behavioral and adaptive responses;
Impacts of harmful substances on structure, function of and services provided by aquatic ecosystems;
Mixture and multiple toxicity assessment;
Acute and chronic exposure;
Environmental realistic scenarios;
Impact of emerging substances and environmental pollutants of high actuality;
Statistical approaches to predict exposure to and hazards of contaminants.
The journal also considers manuscripts in other areas, such as the development of innovative concepts, approaches, and methodologies, which promote the wider application of toxicological datasets to the protection of aquatic environments and inform ecological risk assessments and decision making by relevant authorities.
Aquatic Toxicology does not publish articles that focus on the health of aquaculture organisms associated with aquaculture practices, unless these studies enhance our understanding of the potential effects of chemical stressors associated with aquaculture (e.g. pesticides use, water quality degradation) on aquatic organisms and/or ecosystems.
Aquatic Toxicology does not consider articles that focus on monitoring the presence of chemicals in the environment unless these studies further investigate the impacts of the chemicals on aquatic organisms and/or ecological systems. Furthermore, studies that characterize the potential risks of contaminated fish or other aquatic food products on humans or livestock are outside of the scope of the journal.
An International Journal on Fisheries Science, Fishing Technology and Fisheries Management This journal provides an international forum for the publication of papers in the areas of fisheries science, fishing technology, fisheries management and relevant socio-economics. The scope covers fisheries in salt, brackish and freshwater systems, and all aspects of associated ecology, environmental aspects of fisheries, and economics. Both theoretical and practical papers are acceptable, including laboratory and field experimental studies relevant to fisheries. Papers on the conservation of exploitable living resources impacted by fisheries are welcome. Review and Viewpoint articles are also published. As the specified areas inevitably impinge on and interrelate with each other, the approach of the journal is multidisciplinary, and authors are encouraged to emphasise the relevance of their own work to that of other disciplines. The journal is intended for fisheries scientists, biological oceanographers, gear technologists, economists, managers, administrators, policy makers and legislators. Fisheries Research does not accept submissions on aquaculture and related studies, such as diets, domestication, breeding conditions, and genetics. Studies should be of interest to the wide readership of the journal. Studies with a purely local focus should be submitted to a relevant regional journal. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
The journal Food Webs publishes original research articles, focused reviews and short communication papers examining the species interactions that structure ecological communities. This interdisciplinary journal encompasses both experimental and theoretical research that seeks a mechanistic understanding of the influence of these interactions on the composition of communities and functioning of ecosystems. As such, articles focus on a multitude of areas within the area of food web biology.These include, but are not limited to, the following: • simple trophic relationships and cascading effects between levels of a community • multi-species interactions and the structuring of populations and communities • effect of competition and co-existence of species in defining trophic relationships • effect of perturbation on species and interaction pathways • quantifying direct and indirect effects on populations • stability and productivity of food webs • empirical and theoretical assessment of food web structure and complexity • models explaining food web structure and trophic relationshipsFood Webs will consider papers from terrestrial, freshwater and marine systems, without any bias for the taxa being studied or techniques used
This journal provides a forum to promote knowledge of harmful microalgae and macroalgae, including cyanobacteria, as well as monitoring, management and control of these organisms. Both original research and review papers will be considered.Papers dealing with the following aspects of harmful microalgae and cyanobacteria in marine and fresh waters will be considered: • The distribution, life histories and taxonomy of harmful microalgae; • The physiology and toxicology of harmful microalgae; • Harmful microalgal bloom ecology; • Trophic, socio-economic, public health and aquacultural impacts of harmful microalgal bloom events; • Occurrence, methods of detection and chemical structure of toxins in harmful microalgae, cyanobacteria, foodwebs and seafood; • Factors controlling toxin production, biosynthesis and chemical ecology.Note: Papers dealing with pharmacology fall outside of the scope of the journal.All papers will be subject to peer review. Authors will receive proofs. The editors, referees, and publisher will make every effort to expedite publication, the co-operation of authors in this task is welcomed.Cover picture by Joe Hlebica, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Multi-Media Group