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Journals in Crop breeding and genetics

Cells & Development

  • ISSN: 0925-4773
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Cell and Developmental Biology and their Quantitative approaches The Official Journal of The International Society of Developmental BiologistsCells & Development is an international journal covering the areas of cell biology and developmental biology. In addition to publishing work at the interphase of these two disciplines, we also publish work that is purely cell biology as well as classical developmental biology.C&D is the official journal of The International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) which supports the world-wide community of developmental biologists.Cells & Development will consider papers in any area of cell biology or developmental biology, in any model system like animals and plants, using a variety of approaches, such as cellular, biomechanical, molecular, quantitative, computational and theoretical biology.Areas of particular interest include:Cell and tissue morphogenesisCell adhesion and migrationCell shape and polarityBiomechanicsTheoretical modelling of cell and developmental biologyQuantitative biologyStem cell biologyCell differentiationCell proliferation and cell deathEvo-DevoMembrane trafficMetabolic regulationOrgan and organoid developmentRegenerationPublications at the interface of physics and biology often include theoretical work which is summarised in a short form in a Supplementary Text or Supplementary Theory. Authors may want to further describe, extend and give higher visibility to the theoretical work that they have published in this way. We are therefore pleased to announce that Cells & Development will now consider submissions of extended and more detailed versions of Supplementary Theory material published in other biological or generalist journals. To be considered, these articles must introduce significant additional material and discussion of previously published results. They must explicitly refer to the article where the Supplementary Theory text was originally published. Reproduction of the previously published figures or text materials should be minimal and appropriately referenced, in accordance with copyright requirements of the other journal.With this initiative, Cells & Development is aiming at promoting quantitative approaches to biology by giving the opportunity to theorists to better explain and highlight their contribution to multidisciplinary studies.Cells & Development does not publish descriptive studies of gene expression patterns and molecular screens; for submission of such studies see Gene Expression Patterns .
Cells & Development

Cells & Development

  • ISSN: 2667-2901
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 2.1
Cell and Developmental Biology and their Quantitative approaches The Official Journal of The International Society of Developmental BiologistsCells & Development is an international journal covering the areas of cell biology and developmental biology. In addition to publishing work at the interphase of these two disciplines, we also publish work that is purely cell biology as well as classical developmental biology.C&D is the official journal of The International Society of Developmental Biologists (ISDB) which supports the world-wide community of developmental biologists.Cells & Development will consider papers in any area of cell biology or developmental biology, in any model system like animals and plants, using a variety of approaches, such as cellular, biomechanical, molecular, quantitative, computational and theoretical biology.Areas of particular interest include:Cell and tissue morphogenesisCell adhesion and migrationCell shape and polarityBiomechanicsTheoretical modelling of cell and developmental biologyQuantitative biologyStem cell biologyCell differentiationCell proliferation and cell deathEvo-DevoMembrane trafficMetabolic regulationOrgan and organoid developmentRegenerationPublications at the interface of physics and biology often include theoretical work which is summarised in a short form in a Supplementary Text or Supplementary Theory. Authors may want to further describe, extend and give higher visibility to the theoretical work that they have published in this way. We are therefore pleased to announce that Cells & Development will now consider submissions of extended and more detailed versions of Supplementary Theory material published in other biological or generalist journals. To be considered, these articles must introduce significant additional material and discussion of previously published results. They must explicitly refer to the article where the Supplementary Theory text was originally published. Reproduction of the previously published figures or text materials should be minimal and appropriately referenced, in accordance with copyright requirements of the other journal.With this initiative, Cells & Development is aiming at promoting quantitative approaches to biology by giving the opportunity to theorists to better explain and highlight their contribution to multidisciplinary studies.Cells & Development does not publish descriptive studies of gene expression patterns and molecular screens; for submission of such studies see Gene Expression Patterns .
Cells & Development

Crop Design

  • ISSN: 2772-8994
Crop Design will be an international journal focused on the advanced research on field crops, particularly theory and applications of the best crop cultivar improvement and production. A comprehensive list of areas of interest is shown below.Presents fundamental science papers of direct relevance to crop improvement plants using molecular engineering, large-scale omics technology, computational biology, and biotechnology.Reports contemporary methods of molecular genetics and genomic analysis, structural and functional genomics in crops, proteomics and metabolic profiling, abiotic stress and field evaluation of transgenic crops containing particular traits.Demonstrate how the theory and field experiments, crop protection (diseases, pests, weeds) and artificial intelligence contribute to a better understanding of the bio-physical processes related to the best crop growth.Publishes relevant articles addressing intellectual property issues, regulation and public attitudes to plant biotechnologyCovers significant technology advances in applied plant molecular biology and (trans)gene expression technology
Crop Design

European Journal of Agronomy

  • ISSN: 1161-0301
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5
  • Impact factor: 4.5
The Official Journal of the European Society for AgronomyThe European Journal of Agronomy, the official journal of the European Society for Agronomy, publishes original research papers reporting experimental and theoretical contributions to field-based agronomy and crop science. The journal will consider research at the field level for agricultural, horticultural and tree crops, that uses comprehensive and explanatory approaches. The EJA covers the following topics:crop physiologycrop production and management including irrigation, fertilization and soil managementagroclimatology and modellingplant-soil relationshipscrop quality and post-harvest physiologyfarming and cropping systemsagroecosystems and the environmentcrop-weed interactions and managementorganic farminghorticultural cropspapers from the European Society for Agronomy bi-annual meetingsprecision farmingIn determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny is placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in agronomy. Confirmatory research and results routine cultivar or agronomy trials in which there are no identified biological processes will not normally be considered for publication. Modelling studies have to be informative and innovative and used to illustrate important generic issues facing agronomy. Studies in which a model is only tested against observed data for its goodness-of-fit are not generally welcome. Field experiments need to be either multi-locational or multi-year and normally three at least and be accompanied by appropriate statistical analysis. Glasshouse experiments are only accepted in exceptional circumstances. Review articles are normally written on invitation from the Editor-in-Chief. Authors intending to prepare review papers for the Journal are advised to consult the Editor-in-Chief before writing their reviews. Forthcoming special issues are focusing on uncertainty analysis in models and the status of non-renewable resources in agriculture.
European Journal of Agronomy

Field Crops Research

  • ISSN: 0378-4290
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.1
  • Impact factor: 5.6
SCIENTIFIC NOVELTYField Crops Research is an international journal publishing scientific articles on:√ Original experimental and modelling research, meta-analysis of published data. √ Articles must demonstrate new scientific insights, original technologies or novel methods at crop, field, farm and landscape levels.FOCUS and SCOPEThe focus of Field Crops Research is crop ecology, crop physiology, agronomy, and crop improvement of field crops for food, fibre, feed and biofuel. The inclusion of yield data is encouraged to demonstrate how the field experiments contribute to the understanding of the bio-physical processes related to crop growth, development and the formation and realisation of yield. Articles on quality (grain, fibre, fodder), breeding and genetics, crop protection (diseases, pests, weeds), phenotyping, remote and non-contact sensing, soils, climate and greenhouse gas emissions, are encouraged, provided they are integrated with crop ecology, crop physiology, crop improvement and/or agronomy. Articles containing new insights into resource-use efficiency, crop intensification, precision and digital agriculture, climate smart practices and molecular and/or physiological breeding are welcome. Studies at lower levels of organisation (plant to molecular) must demonstrate scaling up to crop level or higher.SCIENTIFIC and PRESENTATION STANDARDManuscripts must be written in grammatically sound English.Objectives must flow from complete, brief, unbiased and updated review of the literature.Experimental design must match objectives.Field experiments must be repeated in at least two seasons or locations.Key agronomic practices and environmental conditions (soil, weather) must be detailed, and weather information should be shown in relation to crop phenology.Data must be analysed with appropriate statistics, and results have to be concise and address objectives.A separate discussion must not repeat results but place findings in agronomic context with conclusions fully justified by data.OUT of SCOPEResearch that is corroborative, descriptive, or only of local significance.Studies carried-out exclusively under controlled-environment (greenhouse, pot, or any system that constricts root growth) conditions.Studies on natural grasslands, horticultural (i.e., vegetable and fruit species), woody perennial and non-cultivated species.One-year field studies in one location or environment.Articles on crop storage, transportation and usage, and social studies on crops and cropping systems.
Field Crops Research

Forest Ecology and Management

  • ISSN: 0378-1127
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Science to Sustain the World’s ForestsForest Ecology and Management focuses on scientific articles linking forest ecology with forest management, with potential application of biological and ecological knowledge to the management and conservation of plantations and natural forests.The journal encourages communication between scientists in disparate fields who share a common interest in ecology and forest management, bridging the gap between scientists and forest managers. A peer-review process ensures the quality and international interest of the manuscripts accepted for publication. Authors are invited to benefit from editorials that provide advice for constructing strong papers.We encourage submission of papers that will be of strong interest and value to the Journal's international readership. Some key features of papers with strong interest include: 1. Clear connections between the ecology and management of forests; 2. Novel ideas or approaches to important challenges in forest ecology and management; 3. Studies that address a population of interest beyond the scale of single research sites (see the editorial, Three key points in the design of forest experiments, Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 2022-2023); 4. Review Articles on timely, important topics. Authors are invited to contact one of the Editors to discuss the suitability of a potential review manuscript, which can be a regular review, an Mini review or a Tamm review (see the Guide for Authors for details about each type of review article).We invite to read the following editorial article with more advice in relation to preferred articles: How to avoid having your manuscript rejected: Perspectives from the Editors of Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 473, 1 October 2020, 118321.The Journal encourages proposals for special issues examining important areas of forest ecology and management. Potential guest editors should contact one of the Editors to initiate a discussion about topics, potential papers, and other details.
Forest Ecology and Management

Gene Expression Patterns

  • ISSN: 1567-133X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1
  • Impact factor: 1
Gene Expression Patterns is devoted to the rapid publication of high quality studies of gene expression in development. Studies using cell culture are also suitable if clearly relevant to development, e.g., analysis of key regulatory genes or of gene sets in the maintenance or differentiation of stem cells. Key areas of interest include:In-situ studies such as expression patterns of important or interesting genes at all levels, including transcription and protein expressionTemporal studies of large gene sets during developmentTransgenic studies to study cell lineage in tissue formation"Omic" studies: In addition of the aims described above, Gene Expression Patterns will publish "Omics" studies (genomics, transcriptomic, proteomics, including single cell RNAseq, etc) relevant for embryo development.
Gene Expression Patterns

Horticultural Plant Journal

  • ISSN: 2468-0141
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.5
  • Impact factor: 5.7
Horticultural Plant Journal (HPJ) is an international open access publication. HPJ covers all aspects of horticultural crop sciences, including, but not limited to:Genetics, genomics and breedingCellular and molecular biologyBiochemistryBiotechnologyPlant pathologyGermplasm resourcesPhysiologyPostharvest processingHPJ publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications. The strict peer-review procedure guarantees a high academic level and has led to the journal being indexed in many important databases, including SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), Scopus, Biological Abstracts (BA) & BIOSIS Previews (BP), the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), CABI Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database) and CSTPCD (China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database).Editorial Board
Horticultural Plant Journal

New Crops

  • ISSN: 2949-9526
New Crops is dedicated to serving crop researchers and breeders by publishing novel findings that have gone through rigorous peer-review and have significant impact to the field. The journal covers a very wide range of area, including Crop Science, Plant Science and related cross-disciplines.New Crops publishes Original Research Paper, Review Article, Short Communication, Correspondence and Mini Review. Topics include, but not limited to:Crop geneticsCrop genomicsPlant molecular biology Plant biotechnologyPlant physiology and biochemistryCrop pathologyPlant-microbe interactionPlant protectionGermplasm resourcesBreedingPlant nutritionEditorial Board
New Crops

Oil Crop Science

  • ISSN: 2096-2428
OIL CROP SCIENCE (OCS) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Oil Crops Research Institute (OCRI), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) (OCRI-CAAS). It publishes high-quality, novel research on oil-bearing plants such as rapeseed, soybean, peanut, sesame, sunflower, oil flax, safflower, castor bean, and other woody oil plants such as oil-tea camellia, oil palm, olive and walnut, etc.Original research articles on novel discoveries focusing on any aspects of oil crops, including crop biotechnology, genetics and breeding, germplasm resources, physiology and biochemistry, tillage and cultivation, plant protection, plant nutrition, soil and fertilization, oil detection and quality inspection, lipid chemistry and nutrition, functional oil processing are welcomed. In addition, the journal also publishes Review articles, Editorial views, and Comments on current, significant events and topics in global oil crop research and industry area.OCS is an OPEN ACCESS journal, which is indexed in the Scopus, DOAJ, CABI, FSTA, CSCD, WANFANG DATA, CQVIP, and CNKI databases. OCS provides many author benefits, such as open access in ScienceDirect in order to ensure the highest possible public exposure; quality peer-review; easy online submission.Editorial Board
Oil Crop Science