Heliyon considers research from all areas of the physical, applied, life, social and medical sciences. We publish manuscripts reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research, which adheres to accepted ethical and scientific publishing standards. As such Heliyon publishes new insights as well as extensions on existing theories, negative/null results and replication studies.Submissions covering arts, humanities and law are not considered in Heliyon. Authors of these submissions are encouraged to submit directly to our partner journal Social Sciences & Humanities Open.Heliyon classifies manuscripts/articles into different sections based on the research topic discussed. Some sections exclude certain types of studies from their scope. To know more and to see the kind of manuscripts the various sections publish, please visit: https://www.cell.com/heliyon/sectionsA dedicated in-house editorial office team, internal editors as well as external academic section and associate editors handle your manuscript and manage the publication process, giving your research the editorial support and quality control it deserves.If it's important to you, it's important to us. Submit your paper today.
Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia serves as the official journal for the Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists (AVA), the American College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ACVAA), and the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ECVAA). Its primary objective is to provide accessible and trustworthy resources in the field of veterinary anaesthesia, analgesia, and matters concerning animal ethics and welfare.The journal publishes a wide range of content, including original peer-reviewed articles spanning all aspects of anaesthesia and pain relief in animals, such as companion animals, equids, wildlife, exotic animals, laboratory animals, and food-producing animals. This content encompasses clinical and basic science research studies, pre-approved research protocols, systematic, scoping and narrative review articles, special features, historical insights, critically appraised topics, editorials, case reports, "case of the month", letters to the editor, and book reviews.Additionally, the journal welcomes articles related to the following topics within the realm of anaesthesia and analgesia:Fundamental scientific principlesPathophysiology of diseases and its implications for anaesthetic managementEquipment and technologySustainability in veterinary practicesIntensive care practicesChemical restraint of animals, including laboratory animals, wildlife, and exotic animalsWelfare concerns associated with pain and distressPalliative careEuthanasiaEducational initiatives in the field of veterinary anaesthesia and analgesiaThe journal also includes a correspondence section, encouraging ongoing dialogue and communication within the veterinary anaesthesia community.