A Journal of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research and the American College of Preventive MedicineAJPM Focus is the official open access journal of the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research and the American College of Preventive Medicine. The aim of this journal is to serve as the academic open access repository for high-quality prevention evidence across the global spectrum of health. The journal's scope spans all aspects of public health and preventive medicine practice, teaching, and research, including: community medicine, community health, and global health; assessment, policy development, and assurance; health promotion, health protection, and disease prevention; population medicine, population health, and population health management, such as health systems and services delivery; and clinical preventive medicine, integrative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. Papers that interconnect or thoughtfully dissect topics within these foci are desirable.Original papers, reviews, and editorials based on quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methodologies, including all experimental and observational designs, are welcomed. The journal also encourages the submission of other scholarly articles such as case studies; articles that report pilot data analyses and preliminary results; studies with null or negative results; replication studies; primary or secondary research protocols; program evaluations, quality improvement findings, and policy analyses; and implementation, translation, and synthesis science studies. Lastly, the journal publishes AJPM papers devoted to areas of interest to public health and preventive medicine when funders mandate publication in a fully open access journal.
Affiliated with the Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA)Advances in Integrative Medicine (AIMED) is an international peer-reviewed, evidence-based research and review journal that is multi-disciplinary within the fields of Integrative and Complementary Medicine.The journal focuses on rigorous quantitative and qualitative research including systematic reviews, clinical trials and surveys, whilst also welcoming medical hypotheses and clinically-relevant articles and case studies disclosing practical learning tools for the consulting practitioner.By promoting research and practice excellence in the field, and cross collaboration between relevant practitioner groups and associations, the journal aims to advance the practice of IM, identify areas for future research, and improve patient health outcomes.International networking is encouraged through clinical innovation, the establishment of best practice and by providing opportunities for cooperation between organisations and communities.
A Journal of the American College of Preventive Medicine and the Association for Prevention Teaching and ResearchThe American Journal of Preventive Medicine is the official journal of the American College of Preventive Medicine and the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. It publishes articles in the areas of prevention research, teaching, practice and policy. Original research is published on interventions aimed at the prevention of chronic and acute disease and the promotion of individual and community health.Of particular emphasis are papers that address the primary and secondary prevention of important clinical, behavioral and public health issues such as injury and violence, infectious disease, women's health, smoking, sedentary behaviors and physical activity, nutrition, diabetes, obesity, and substance use disorders. Papers also address educational initiatives aimed at improving the ability of health professionals to provide effective clinical prevention and public health services. Papers on health services research pertinent to prevention and public health are also published. The journal also publishes official policy statements from the two co-sponsoring organizations, review articles, media reviews, and editorials. Finally, the journal periodically publishes supplements and special theme issues devoted to areas of current interest to the prevention community.For information on the American College of Preventive Medicine (ACPM) and the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research (APTR), visit their web sites at the following URLs: http://www.acpm.org/ and http://www.aptrweb.org
Official Journal of the Indian Clinical Epidemiology Network Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (CEGH) is a multidisciplinary journal and it is published six times a year. The mandate of CEGH is to promote articles on clinical epidemiology with focus on developing countries in the context of global health. We also accept articles from other countries.It publishes original research work across all disciplines of medicine and allied sciences, related to clinical epidemiology and global health. The journal publishes Original articles, Review articles, Evidence Summaries, Letters to the Editor. All articles published in CEGH are peer-reviewed and published online for immediate access and citation.Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health is indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, Emerging Sources Citation Index, and Embase.INDIACLEN's goal is to strengthen national health care systems and improve health practices by providing professionals in the field with the tools to analyze the efficacy, efficiency, and equity of interventions and preventive measures. Through CEGH, INDIACLEN provides a platform for publishing research works, building capacity for cutting edge research by continuing education, improving practices and policy by evidence updates.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: https://service.elsevier.com/app/home/supporthub/publishing.
The European Journal of Integrative Medicine (EuJIM) is an international, peer reviewed journal that aims to publish high quality, rigorous and ethical research on a wide range of complementary and integrative health care disciplines from across the globe. We welcome submissions that aim to inform the safe and effective use of traditional, complementary and integrative medicine, including self-care interventions for health.Target audience EuJIM provides an innovative, international and interdisciplinary platform for linking researchers and clinicians interested in integrative medicine and health. The target audience includes healthcare practitioners, health care organisations, researchers, educationalists, students, and all those who seek objective and critical information on integrative medicine. Submissions from early career researchers are encouraged.Focus EuJIM is interested in the diverse range of interventions within integrative medicine, including novel interventions, traditional medical systems, and complex, multicomponent interventions.The journal aims to publish research from the bench to the bedside, with a primary focus on original clinical research such as randomized controlled trials and systematically conducted reviews, and basic science research informed by the process of bidirectional research translation. We also welcome other types of clinical, qualitative, observational, health services, health economics, and epidemiological studies, as well as innovations in methodology and translating research into clinical guidelines and policy.
Official Publication of Society for Nutrition Education and BehaviorThe Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior (JNEB), the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, since 1969, serves as a global resource to advance nutrition education and behavior related research, practice, and policy. JNEB publishes original research, as well as papers focused on emerging issues, policies and practices broadly related to nutrition education and behavior. These topics include, but are not limited to, nutrition education interventions; theoretical interpretation of behavior; epidemiology of nutrition and health; food systems; food assistance programs; nutrition and behavior assessment; and public health nutrition. Strategies to implement nutrition education, such as policy, systems, and environmental approaches or technological advances are also considered. Skill development within interventions, such as food procurement and culinary expertise; physical activity partnered with nutrition education; and strategies to reduce food insecurity are valued.In addition to Research Articles and Briefs, JNEB accepts Intervention Methods, Questionnaire Development Methods, Perspectives, Reports, Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews, and GEMS (Great Educational Materials that have an evaluative component). Reviews of Educational Materials are invited. JNEB encourages data sharing to enhance scientific integrity. The procedure for submitting possible topics for position papers of SNEB can be found at https://www.jneb.org/content/policy_position_papers, and calls for papers related to specific themed issues are also available at https://www.jneb.org/.
The Journal of Transport & Health (JTH) is devoted to publishing research that advances our knowledge on the many interactions between transport and health and the policies that affect these. In general, we will prioritise papers that evaluate or inform the development of interventions and policies to improve population health, or that make a genuinely original contribution, rather than being basic descriptive studies. The journal aims to cover transport and health issues in all countries; in general, studies should have a context, or lessons, that can be transferred to other locations. Interactions between transport and health include, for instance:the impacts on public health and inequalities of:active modes of transport;noise and air pollution generated by transport;road travel injuries (see below);community severance;road danger and its reduction (see below):actual safety and security hazards associated with transport;perceptions of danger and factors affecting these;factors affecting transport choices:urban form;location and accessibility of health and other facilities;age, gender, health and disability;socio-economic inequalities;rurality;leisure travel;synergies between sustainability and health impacts of transport;economic and health impact assessmentsmethodological advances, including considerations of complex systems; andpolicies and interventions that promote or discourage healthy and sustainable transport modes, transport systems and communities (see below).We wish the Journal of Transport & Health to publish articles at the cutting-edge that are significant for policy and practice. The readership is international and multi-disciplinary; articles need to be understood by intelligent readers from a broad range of specialties and places. We are particularly keen to encourage submissions that are cross-disciplinary or inter-disciplinary. The journal has three particular aims:to promote dialogue and collaboration between the two research communities it serves;to improve the methods and the quality and appropriate use of data to better understand the relationships between transport and health; andto encourage transfer of research into practice.Is my manuscript in scope for Journal of Transport & Health?The journal's original scope remains largely unchanged, but with the experience of the past few years, we now offer more guidance for articles about active travel (walking and cycling, including to/from public transport [transit]) and road travel collisions and injury. We seek papers that advance our knowledge or use innovative designs and analyses that expand and contribute significantly to an already established literature.Active TravelThere is a well-established connection between active travel, primarily walking and cycling, and population health. We are looking for innovative designs and analyses that expand and contribute significantlyto an already established literature.We encourage submission of papers that evaluate or inform the development of interventions and policies to improve population health or that make a genuinely original contribution, rather than being basic, descriptive studies, even if from countries without previous published papers on the topic.In general, we will no longer consider cross-sectional analyses of children's school travel, even if yours is the first such study in a particular location. Studies producing substantial, transferable new information may be considered.Road travel injuries (fatal and non-fatal)There are many journals that focus on transport crashes and injuries, any unintentional injuries, and engineering; we do not wish to duplicate these. We are therefore restricting the scope of our journal to those that are more public health-focused, are more cross-disciplinary, and do not have an engineering or laboratory basis.We will no longer consider manuscripts that relate to collisions or crash severity that have little or no health focusWe will continue to consider manuscripts that focus on:road travel injuries, both fatal and non-fatal, and their long-term health consequences; andsocial and environmental determinants of road travel injury and health outcomes (acute and/or chronic).In general, we will not consider manuscripts where numbers are used rather than rates when exploring associations with danger or safety, whether as a cross-sectional association or in longitudinal studies examining change. The fact that more people are injured where, or when, more people travel is not very enlightening.In countries without suitable travel-related denominator data (distances travelled, time spent travelling, or number of trips), population-based denominators will be accepted. For example, when describing the proportion of casualties by age or by travel mode, it is important to compare those with the proportions in the general population.We require all authors to avoid the word 'accident' except where it is in the reference of a document they are citing. Although it means 'unintentional', it is often interpreted as meaning 'unavoidable'. More importantly, 'accident' is sometimes used to refer to the event (crash/collision/fall) and sometimes to the consequence (casualty/injury/fatality). It is not always clear which is meant. See BMJ 2001;322:1320 for a longer explanation.Your manuscript is definitely not suitable for the Journal of Transport and Health if it does not focus on transport and health.Your manuscript is probably unsuitable for the Journal of Transport & Health:it is full of acronyms; orthere are three or more pages of formulae.
Under the guidance of Editor Mark A. Moyad, MD, MPH, Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine provides a one-stop resource for the latest evidence on the use of alternative medicine in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, including cancer. In each quarterly issue, you will find critical analyses of alternative measures for both the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases, including comparisons of the efficacy of alternative versus traditional treatments.Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine will present information based on reports from clinical trials to provide guidance in developing individualized patient health plans. Dr. Moyad has developed a unique and fundamental framework for disease prevention that recognizes the importance of evidence-based, objective investigations of both alternative and traditional treatments.Seminars in Preventive and Alternative Medicine is a valuable resource for all practitioners treating patients with chronic diseases, such as breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, depression, arthritis and chronic pain.The journal includes reviews of treatment options and preventive measures from leaders in the field; results of clinical trials; examinations of the benefits and limitations of new products or screening tests; updates on nutritional therapies, supplements and diets; Dr. Moyad's review of chronic conditions and alternative treatments based on the clinical evidence.
The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle (JARLife) is an e-only gold open access peer-reviewed journal committed to publishing high-quality research on all areas related to lifestyle and aging.
The Journal has five initial sections that aim to cover the broad spectrum of lifestyle research during aging:
Physical activity, exercise and aging;Nutrition and aging;
Cognitive stimulation and aging;
Geroscience and lifestyle;
Digital aspects, lifestyle and aging.
Research on other lifestyle topics not covered in the above mentioned sections are also welcome.
Original investigations using all types of study designs, from observational investigations to interventions, but also qualitative studies, are accepted, as well as other types of articles, such as Reviews, Meta-Analyses, Comments/Perspectives, Letters-to-the-Editor, Methodological papers and Research Protocols.
High priority is given to studies investigating the interactions of multiple health behaviors during aging, in particular, clinical trials of multidomain lifestyle interventions (when two or more lifestyle interventions are combined), as well as observational longitudinal studies that have assessed several lifestyle behaviors over time. Reports using a life-course perspective are also welcome.
Although our main focus regards research in humans, cutting-edge animal studies may be considered.
The Journal of Aging Research & Lifestyle is indexed in PubMed Central.