Brain and Development Case Reports is an official Open Access journal of the Japanese Society of Child Neurology with a companion to the Brain and Development. Brain and Development Case Reports provides an open forum for child neurologists, pediatricians, and related medical personnel by publishing important cases in all fields of child neurology, including neurodevelopmental disorders, epilepsy, neuromuscular disorders and other related cases.All submissions are peer reviewed on scientific validity, sound methodology, and high ethical standards-not on perceived significance. Only those submissions strictly adhere to the CARE guidelines ( are accepted for publication. If accepted for publication, following payment of Article Processing Fee, the article is made universally available to all on ScienceDirect.
Global Pediatrics is an international open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed pediatric research in all aspects of health care in infants (including fetal and neonatal development), children, and adolescents. Global Pediatrics seeks to publish multidisciplinary original work ranging from basic to clinical from around the globe and as such, aims to serve clinicians and researchers in addressing the ongoing topics in the field of pediatric medicine. As a Gold Open Access journal, all accepted articles are immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.