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Journals in Medical informatics

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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

  • ISSN: 0933-3657
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.1
  • Impact factor: 6.1
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and health care.Artificial intelligence in medicine may be characterized as the scientific discipline pertaining to research studies, projects, and applications that aim at supporting decision-based medical tasks through knowledge- and/or data-intensive computer-based solutions that ultimately support and improve the performance of a human care provider.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine considers for publication manuscripts that have both:• Potential high impact in some medical or healthcare domain; • Strong novelty of method and theory related to AI and computer science techniques.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine papers must refer to real-world medical domains, considered and discussed at the proper depth, from both the technical and the medical points of view. The inclusion of a clinical assessment of the usefulness and potential impact of the submitted work is strongly recommended.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine is looking for novelty in the methodological and/or theoretical content of submitted papers. Such kind of novelty has to be mainly acknowledged in the area of AI and Computer Science. Methodological papers deal with the proposal of some strategy and related methods to solve some scientific issues in specific domains. They must show, usually through an experimental evaluation, how the proposed methodology can be applied to medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and health care, respectively. They have also to provide a comparison with other proposals, and explicitly discuss elements of novelty. Theoretical papers focus on more fundamental, general and formal topics of AI and must show the novel expected effects of the proposed solution in some medical or healthcare field.Following the information explosion brought by the diffusion of Internet, social networks, cloud computing, and big-data platforms, Artificial Intelligence in Medicine has broadened its perspective. Particular attention is given to novel research work pertaining to:AI-based clinical decision making;Medical knowledge engineering;Knowledge-based and agent-based systems;Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine;Intelligent and process-aware information systems in healthcare and medicine;Natural language processing in medicine;Data analytics and mining for biomedical decision support;New computational platforms and models for biomedicine;Intelligent exploitation of heterogeneous data sources aimed at supporting decision-based and data-intensive clinical tasks;Intelligent devices and instruments;Automated reasoning and meta-reasoning in medicine;Machine learning in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and healthcare;AI and data science in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and healthcare;AI-based modeling and management of healthcare pathways and clinical guidelines;Models and systems for AI-based population health;AI in medical and healthcare education;Methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in healthcare, medically-oriented human biology, and medicine.If you are considering submitting to Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, make sure that your paper meets the quality requirements mentioned above. English exposition must also be clear and revised with due care. Authors are kindly requested to revise their manuscripts with the help of co-authors that are fluent in English or language editing services before submitting their contribution. Papers written in poor English are likely to be rejected.The mere application of well-known or already published algorithms and techniques to medical data is not regarded as original research work of interest for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, but it may be suitable for other venues.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine features the following kinds of papers:Original research contributions: Theoretical and/or methodological papers about novel approaches;Methodological reviews/surveys: Papers that collect, classify, describe, and critically analyze research designs, methods and procedures;Position papers: Papers that gather, describe, and analyze the scientific challenges of a specific field, founding them on the related literature;Editorials: Editors will occasionally publish editorials;Guest editorials: Editors can invite guest editors of special issues to publish editorials. Unsolicited editorials will not be considered;Letters to the editor: Letters from readers shortly discussing and commenting on a topic of interest, for example based on recently published articles in the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;Book reviews: A critical review of recently published books;Erratum: Some specific corrections to results previously published in the journal Artificial Intelligence in Medicine;Historical perspectives: Papers that describe and critically review some specific aspects in the history of scientific contributions and applications;In memoriam: Papers describing the life and the main scientific contributions of scientists passed away, having had an important role in the area of artificial intelligence in medicine;PhD projects: Early publications about more recent research trends, having the goal of allowing PhD candidates to explain their PhD research project and to share it with other scientists interested in the topic. Such type of papers should focus on the overall goals and approaches of PhD research projects, without considering in detail the specific scientific results obtained, which would be the focus of other research articles.Special Issues are regularly published and included among regular issues. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine special issues deal with current theoretical/methodological research or convincing applications related to AI in medicine. Special Issues are managed by one or more guest editors who are outstanding experts on the selected topic.Special Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine are directly proposed to potential guest editors by the Editor in Chief, also according to suggestions from the editorial board members."External" proposals of Special Issues will no longer be considered.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine does not publish conference volumes or conference papers. However, selected and high-quality research results presented earlier at conferences may be published in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, in the form of a thoroughly revised (rephrased) and extended (including new research results) original research paper.Information for authors and further details about the editorial process can be found in the Guide for Authors section of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine web page.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

  • ISSN: 0167-9473
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.7
  • Impact factor: 1.5
The Official Journal of the Network Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics) and the International Association of Statistical Computing (IASC)Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (CSDA), an Official Publication of the network Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics) and of the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC), is an international journal dedicated to the dissemination of methodological research and applications in the areas of computational statistics and data analysis. The journal consists of four refereed sections which are divided into the following subject areas:I) Computational Statistics - Manuscripts dealing with:the explicit impact of computers on statistical methodology (e.g., Bayesian computing, bioinformatics, computer graphics, computer intensive inferential methods, data exploration, data mining, expert systems, heuristics, knowledge based systems, machine learning, neural networks, numerical and optimization methods, parallel computing, statistical databases, statistical systems), the development, evaluation and validation of statistical software and algorithms. Software and algorithms can be submitted with manuscripts and will be stored together with the online article.II) Statistical Methodology for Data Analysis - Manuscripts dealing with: novel and original data analytical strategies and methodologies applied in biostatistics (design and analytic methods for clinical trials, epidemiological studies, statistical genetics, or genetic/environmental interactions), chemometrics, classification, data exploration, density estimation, design of experiments, environmetrics, education, image analysis, marketing, model free data exploration, pattern recognition, psychometrics, statistical physics, image processing, robust procedures. Statistical methodology includes, but not limited to: bootstrapping, classification techniques, clinical trials, data exploration, density estimation, design of experiments, pattern recognition/image analysis, parametric and nonparametric methods, statistical genetics, Bayesian modeling, outlier detection, robust procedures, cross-validation, functional data, fuzzy statistical analysis, mixture models, model selection and assessment, nonlinear models, partial least squares, latent variable models, structural equation models, supervised learning, signal extraction and filtering, time-series modelling, longitudinal analysis, multilevel analysis and quality control.III) Special Applications - Manuscripts at the interface of statistics and computing (e.g., comparison of statistical methodologies, computer-assisted instruction for statistics, simulation experiments). Advanced statistical analysis with real applications (social sciences, marketing, psychometrics, chemometrics, signal processing, medical statistics, environmentrics, statistical physics).IV) Statistical Data Science - The manuscripts concern with well-founded theoretical and applied data-driven research, with a significant computational or statistical methodological component for data analytics. Emphasis is given to comprehensive and reproducible research, including data-driven methodology, algorithms and software. This journal section serves as a complementary component to the network Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics).
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis

Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

  • ISSN: 0169-2607
  • 5 Year impact factor: 5.5
  • Impact factor: 4.9
To encourage the development of formal computing methods, and their application in biomedical research and medical practice, by illustration of fundamental principles in biomedical informatics research; to stimulate basic research into application software design; to report the state of research of biomedical information processing projects; to report new computer methodologies applied in biomedical areas; the eventual distribution of demonstrable software to avoid duplication of effort; to provide a forum for discussion and improvement of existing software; to optimize contact between national organizations and regional user groups by promoting an international exchange of information on formal methods, standards and software in biomedicine.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine covers computing methodology and software systems derived from computing science for implementation in all aspects of biomedical research and medical practice. It is designed to serve: biochemists; biologists; geneticists; immunologists; neuroscientists; pharmacologists; toxicologists; clinicians; epidemiologists; psychiatrists; psychologists; cardiologists; chemists; (radio)physicists; computer scientists; programmers and systems analysts; biomedical, clinical, electrical and other engineers; teachers of medical informatics and users of educational software.Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine is the companion title to the open access journal Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Update.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine

Computers in Biology and Medicine

  • ISSN: 0010-4825
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.7
  • Impact factor: 7
Computers in Biology and Medicine, a companion title to Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, is a medium of international communication of the revolutionary advances being made in the application of the computer to the fields of bioscience and medicine.The Journal will focus on such areas as:Analysis of Biomedical Systems: Solutions of EquationsSynthesis of Biomedical Systems: SimulationsSpecial Medical Data Processing MethodsSpecial Purpose ComputersClinical Data Processing for Real TimeClinical and Experimental UseMedical Diagnosis and Medical Record ProcessingBiomedical EngineeringMedical InformaticsBioinformaticsMedical Applications of the Internet and World Wide WebHuman GenomicsProteomicsFunctional Brain StudiesThe publication policy is to publish:New, original articles that have been appropriately reviewed by competent scientific people,Surveys of developments in the fields,Pedagogical papers covering specific areas of interest, andBook reviews pertinent to the field.Articles which examine the following topics of special interest are being featured in Computers in Biology and Medicine: Computer aids to the analysis of biochemical systems, computer aids to biocontrol-systems engineering, neuronal simulation by digital-computer gating components, automatic computer analysis of pictures of biological and medical importance, use of computers by commercial pharmaceutical and chemical organizations, radiation-dosage computers, and accumulating and recalling individual medical records, real-time languages, interfaces to patient monitors, clinical chemistry equipment, data handling and display in nuclear medicine and therapy.
Computers in Biology and Medicine

Gait & Posture

  • ISSN: 0966-6362
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.7
  • Impact factor: 2.2
Official Journal of: Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS), European Society of Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Società Italiana di Analisi del Movimento in Clinica (SIAMOC), and the International Society for Posture and Gait Research (ISPGR) Gait & Posture publishes new and innovative basic and clinical research on all aspects of human movement, locomotion and balance.The topics covered include: Techniques for the measurement of gait and posture, and the standardization of results presentation; Studies of normal and pathological gait; Treatment of gait and postural abnormalities; Biomechanical and theoretical approaches to gait and posture; Mathematical models of joint and muscle mechanics; Neurological and musculoskeletal function in gait and posture; The evolution of upright posture and bipedal locomotion; Adaptations of carrying loads, walking on uneven surfaces, climbing stairs etc, running and performing other movements. Spinal biomechanics only if they are directly related to gait and/or dynamic posture and are of general interest to our readers; The effect of aging and development on gait and posture; Psychological and cultural aspects of gait; Patient education. The journal is primarily focused on dynamic aspects of human movement and postural control.Index bound in last issue of year.For details of the GCMAS, ESMAC, SIAMOC, ISPGR please visit their web sites through these links.
Gait & Posture

International Journal of Medical Informatics

  • ISSN: 1386-5056
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.6
  • Impact factor: 3.7
Official journal of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) and IMIA.International Journal of Medical Informatics provides an international medium for dissemination of original results and interpretative reviews concerning the field of medical informatics. The Journal emphasizes the evaluation of systems in healthcare settings. The scope of journal covers:Information systems, including national or international registration systems, hospital information systems, departmental and/or physician's office systems, document handling systems, electronic medical record systems, standardization, systems integration etc.;Computer-aided medical decision support systems using heuristic, data structure, algorithms, statistical methods as exemplified in decision theory, protocol development, artificial intelligence and, machine learning studies among other techniques to new knowledge discovering. Thus, it is recommended to follow the IJMI editorial that provides clear guidance to the articles on medical Artificial Intelligence. (Cabitza, G; Campagner A) The need to separate the wheat from the chaff in medical informatics: introducing a comprehensive checklist for the (self-)assessment of medical AI studies. computer based programs pertaining to medical informatics or medicine in general;Organizational, economic, social, clinical impact, ethical and cost-benefit aspects of IT applications in health care.Short technical communications concerning (solved) problems in implementing or using existing information systems are welcome. Review articles concerning subjects falling in the scope of the journal are also invited.
International Journal of Medical Informatics

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

  • ISSN: 0895-4356
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.5
  • Impact factor: 7.3
The Journal of Clinical Epidemiology aims at promoting the quality of clinical and patient-oriented health care research through the advancement and application of innovative methods of:conducting and presenting primary research;synthesizing research results;disseminating results;and translating results into optimal clinical practice;with special attention to the training of new generations of scientists and clinical practice leaders.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Medical Engineering & Physics

  • ISSN: 1350-4533
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 1.7
Official Publication of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)Medical Engineering & Physics provides a forum for the publication of the latest developments in biomedical engineering, and reflects the essential multidisciplinary nature of the subject. The journal publishes in-depth critical reviews, scientific papers and technical notes. Our focus encompasses the application of the basic principles of physics and engineering to the development of medical devices and technology, with the ultimate aim of producing improvements in the quality of health care. Topics covered include biomechanics, biomaterials, mechanobiology, rehabilitation engineering, biomedical signal processing and medical device development. Medical Engineering & Physics aims to keep both engineers and clinicians abreast of the latest applications of technology to health care.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Medical Engineering & Physics

Medical Image Analysis

  • ISSN: 1361-8415
  • 5 Year impact factor: 11.9
  • Impact factor: 10.7
An official journal of the MICCAI SocietyMedical Image Analysis provides a forum for the dissemination of new research results in the field of medical and biological image analysis, with special emphasis on efforts related to the applications of computer vision, virtual reality and robotics to biomedical imaging problems. The journal publishes the highest quality, original papers that contribute to the basic science of processing, analysing and utilizing medical and biological images for these purposes. The journal is interested in approaches that utilize biomedical image datasets at all spatial scales, ranging from molecular/cellular imaging to tissue/organ imaging. While not limited to these alone, the typical biomedical image datasets of interest include those acquired from:Magnetic resonanceUltrasoundComputed tomographyNuclear medicineX-rayOptical and Confocal MicroscopyVideo and range data imagesThe types of papers accepted include those that cover the development and implementation of algorithms and strategies based on the use of various models (geometrical, statistical, physical, functional, etc.) to solve the following types of problems, using biomedical image datasets: representation of pictorial data, visualization, feature extraction, segmentation, inter-study and inter-subject registration, longitudinal / temporal studies, image-guided surgery and intervention, texture, shape and motion measurements, spectral analysis, digital anatomical atlases, statistical shape analysis, computational anatomy (modelling normal anatomy and its variations), computational physiology (modelling organs and living systems for image analysis, simulation and training), virtual and augmented reality for therapy planning and guidance, telemedicine with medical images, telepresence in medicine, telesurgery and image-guided medical robots, etc.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Medical Image Analysis


  • ISSN: 0968-4328
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.2
  • Impact factor: 2.5
The International Research and Review Journal for MicroscopyMicron is an interdisciplinary forum for all work that involves new applications of microscopy or where advanced microscopy plays a central role. The journal publishes research papers on the design, methods, application, practice or theory of microscopy and microanalysis, including reports on light optical, electron-beam, X-ray microtomography, ion microscopy and scanning-probe imaging.It also carries review papers, short communications, thematic issues on contemporary developments in microscopy & microanalysis, as well as tutorial papers describing microscopy techniques for current practitioners or newcomers in the field. The journal embraces original research in which microscopy has contributed significantly to knowledge in biology, life science, nanoscience and nanotechnology, materials science and engineering.Authors are encouraged to contact one of the Editors directly to discuss Review or Tutorial proposals: to authorsWe provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.Micron enables researchers to rapidly share their most exciting work with their colleagues. The expected time from submission to final decision is approximately 5 weeks.The journal does not have page limits, so supplementary text is unnecessary and should be avoided.Authors are encouraged to deposit supplementary materials during submission, e.g. videos and research data, in a relevant data repository such as Mendeley Data and cite and link to this dataset in their article. There are several ways you can share your data, which helps you get credit for your work and make your data accessible and discoverable for your peers. To deposit your data please follow the Research Data Guidelines.Note to the authorsNo changes in the list authors will be accepted during the review process or after acceptance unless such a claim is duly justified by the authors.