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Volume 8: Hyphenated Methods Starting with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and continuing through GCxGC–MS, LC–MSn, and LC–NMR–MS, hyphenated methods have revolutioni… Read more
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Volume 8: Hyphenated Methods
Starting with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) and continuing through GCxGC–MS, LC–MSn, and LC–NMR–MS, hyphenated methods have revolutionized chemical analysis. This volume covers that revolution in two parts. The first (Chapters 1–4) describes principles, instrumentation, and technology, and the second (Chapters 5–10) organizes major application areas in GC–MS and LC–MS.
After a general introduction (Chapter 1), attention is paid to principles and instrumentation of GC–MS (Chapter 2) and LC–MS (Chapter 3). Other hyphenated methods, including online combinations of capillary electromigration methods and supercritical fluid chromatography with mass spectrometry, are in Chapter 4.
Applications are then covered in the remaining chapters. The application-oriented chapters are focused on the role of mainly LC–MS in the pharmaceutical field (Chapter 5) and biochemical and biotechnological applications (Chapter 10), and the application of both GC–MS and LC–MS in relation to environmental analysis (Chapter 6), food safety and food analysis (Chapter 7), characterization of natural products (Chapter 8), and clinical, toxicological, and forensic analysis (Chapter 9).
Chapter 1: General IntroductionHyphenation, Principles, Aims and General Issues (W.M.A. Niessen)Principles and Instrumentation of MS–MS (W.M.A. Niessen)Data Acquisition Strategies for Multiresidue Analysis and Screening (W.M.A. Niessen)High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry and Accurate-Mass Determination (W.M.A. Niessen)Chapter 2: GC–MS: Principles and InstrumentationGC–MS, Principles, Ionization and Instrumentation (H.-J. Stan)Analyte Derivatization Strategies for GC–MS (J.M. Halket & V.G. Zaikin)Instrumental Aspects and Application of (Ultra)Fast GC–MS (K. Maštovská)Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (J. Harynuk & P. Marriott)Surface Ionization and Its Application to GC–MS (A. Ishii, O. Suzuki& Y. Katsumata)Principles and Applications of Pyrolysis–GC–MS (J.M. Jones, A.B. Ross& A. Williams)Principles and Applications of GC–Isotope-Ratio-MS (W. Kulik)Analyte Identification Using Library Searching in GC–MS and LC–MS (H.H. Maurer & F.T. Peters)Analysis of VOCs by Purge-and-Trap GC–MS and Related Techniques, Technology and Applications (P. Roose, J. Dewulf, H.Van Langenhove & U.A.Th. Brinkman)Chapter 3: LC–MS: Principles and InstrumentationHistory of LC–MS Development and Interfacing (P.J. Arpino)Perspectives of EI in LC–MS, Particle-Beam and Other Approaches (A. Cappiello, G. Famiglini & P. Palma)Technologies for Atmospheric-Pressure Ionization in LC–MS (A.P. Bruins)Instrumental Developments in Interfacing ESI to FTICR-MS Instruments (R.M.A. Heeren)Electrospray Ionization: How and When It Works (N.B. Cech & C.G. Enke)Electrospray Ionization in LC–MS: Concentration-Sensitive or Mass-Flow Sensitive (J. Abian)Microelectrospray and Nanoelectrospray for LC–MS and CE–MS (W.M.A. Niessen & B. Bruyneel)Instrumentation and Applications of Micro-Chip Electrospray Devices (J. Henion)APCI Interfacing and Ionization for LC–MS (W.M.A. Niessen)APPI Interfacing and Ionization for LC–MS (T.J. Kauppila& R. Kostiainen)Information from Atmospheric-Pressure Ionization Mass Spectra (W.M.A. Niessen)Liquid Chromatographic Aspects of LC–MS (W.M.A. Niessen)Multiplexed and Parallel LC–MS (D.A. Volmer & L. Sleno)LC–ICP-MS Coupling, Principles and Instrumentation (Both LR and HR) (K. DeNicola Cafferky, J.A. Caruso & V. Gergely)The Role of LC–ESI-MS for Element Speciation Analysis (E. Rosenberg)Coupling of LC and MALDI-MS, Techniques, Instrumentation and Application (J.B. Young & L. Li)Principles and Applications of LC–Chemical Reaction Interface–MS (P. Lecchi)Chapter 4: Other Hyphenated Methods: Instrumentation and ApplicationMembrane-Introduction Mass Spectrometry, Principles and Applications (T. Kotiaho & R.A. Ketola)Thin-Layer Chromatography–MS (M.R. Clench, A.C. Crecelius, V. Parr & D.S. Richards)Coupling and Interfacing Strategies for CE–MS (P. Schmitt-Kopplin& M. Frommberger)CE–ICP-MS, Principles, Instrumentation and Applications (J. Aupiais)Capillary Electrochromatography–Mass Spectrometry, Principles, Instrumentation and Application (C.W. Klampfl)On-line MEKC–MS, Principles and Application (G.W. Somsen)Interfaces for SFC–MS, Principles and Applications (J.D. Pinkston)Microdialysis Coupled to MS, Principles and Applications (Y.T. Wu & T.-H. Tsai)Liquid Injection Field Desorption Ionization (LIFDI), Principles and Applications (H. B. Linden)Laser Spray for LC–MS and Protein Studies (K. Hiraoka)Principles and Applications of Liquid-Ionization-MS (M. Tsuchiya)Principles, Instrumentation and Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance Mass Spectrometry (D. Nedelkov & R.W. Nelson)Chapter 5: Pharmaceutical ApplicationsThe Role of LC–MS in Drug Discovery and Development, An Overview (M. Honing)Impurity Profiling of Drugs Using LC–MS (S. Leonard, A.Van Schepdael, E. Adams & J. Hoogmartens)LC–MS Controlled (Mass-Directed) Fractionation in Preparative HPLC (D.B. Kassel)Understanding and Managing Matrix Effects in Quantitative Bioanalysis Using HPLC–MS (B.K. Matuszewski)Strategies in High-Throughput Quantitative Bioanalysis Using LC–MS in Early Drug Discovery Studies (Y. Hsieh)Multidimensional SPE Approaches in Quantitative Bioanalysis and Clinical Analysis Using LC–MS (J.-L. Veuthey & S. Rudaz)Turbulent-Flow LC–MS, Principles and Applications (J.L. Herman)The Power of Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography in Quantitative Bioanalysis (W. Naidong, Q. Song & W.Z. Shou)Identification of Metabolites by Multi-Instrument Strategies (LC–MS–MS on Various Platforms) (G. Hopfgartner)Directly Coupled LC–NMR–MS for Metabolite Identification (J.C. Lindon, J.K. Nicholson & I.D. Wilson)Use of H/D-Exchange in Metabolite Identification Using LC–MS (D.Q. Liu & C.E.C.A. Hop)CE–MS in the Analysis and Characterization of Chiral Drugs and Other Compounds (G.K.E. Scriba)SFC–MS in the Analysis of Chiral Compounds (S.H. Hoke II)LC–MS: Core Technology in Metabolomics Research (R. van der Heijden, T. Hankemeier & J. van der Greef)On-line Ultrafiltration-Mass Spectrometry, Principles and Applications (R.B. van Breemen)Mass Spectrometry-Based Screening Methods in Drug Discovery (R. Derks, D.A. van Elswijk & H. Irth)Chapter 6: Environmental ApplicationsHigh-Resolution GC Coupled to High-Resolution MS in the Analysis of Dioxins and Related Substances, Principles and Applications (G. Eppe, J.-F. Focant & E. De Pauw)Dioxins in Environmental Samples Using GC-Ion-Trap MS (F.J. Santos & M.T. Galceran)Human Biomonitoring of Persistent Toxicants Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography and Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (J.-F. Focant, A. Sjödin & D.G. Patterson Jr.)Analysis of Polyhalogenated Alkanes by Combined Chromatography-MS (GC–MS, LC–MS) (Z. Zencak)The Use of GC–MS and LC–MS in the Environmental Monitoring of Brominated Flame Retardants (J. de Boer)Pesticide Target Compound Analysis in Environmental Water Using LC–MS (A.C. Hogenboom)Identification of Unknown Environmental Contaminants Using Multidimensional LC–MS Strategies Involving TOF-MS, Ion-Trap MSn, and Q-TOF-MS–MS (E.M. Thurman & I. Ferrer)Strategies for the GC–MS and LC–MS Analysis of Endocrine Disruptors in Environmental Compartments (C. Zwiener)Identification and Quantitation of Surfactant Residues in Environmental Samples Using LC–MS 610 (H.Fr. Schröder)Application of Multidimensional LC–MS in Monitoring Pesticides and Their Degradation Products in Environmental and Biological Samples (F. Hernández, J.V. Sancho & O.J. Pozo)The Role of GC–MS and LC–MS in Occupational Health Studies (P.Manini)Chapter 7: Application in Food Safety and Food AnalysisAnalysis of Flavors and Fragrances in Food Products Using GC–MS and GC–MS-Olfactometry (GC-Snif) (M.G. López & R.I. Guzmán-Gerónimo)Analysis of Triglycerides and Related Compounds in Food Using LC–MS Techniques (W.C. Byrdwell)The Role of GC–MS and LC–MS in Monitoring and Regulatory Analysis of Contaminants in Food (M. Careri& A. Mangia)Multiresidue Screening of Pesticides in Food Using LC–MS (Y. Picó)Screening, Identification and Quantitation of Anabolic Steroids in Animal Products Using GC–MS and LC–MS (B. Le Bizec, D. Maume, E. Bichon, Y. Deceuninck, J.P. Antignac, F. Monteau, P. Marchand, F. Courant & F. André)Screening, Quantitation and Confirmation of Antibiotics in Animal Products Using LC–MS (G. Balizs & W.M.A. Niessen)Analysis and Identification of Mycotoxins in Food Using LC–MS (E. Razzazi-Fazeli)Analysis and Identification of Marine Biotoxins in Food Using LC–MS (E. Razzazi-Fazeli)Chapter 8: Applications in Characterization of Natural ProductsThe Use of GC–MS in Petrochemical Applications (K. Qian & C.C. Walters)Analysis and Characterization of Essential Oils Using GC–MS (A. Gauvin)GC–MS in Perfume Analysis (G. van Buuren & A. van Asten)Dereplication of Flavonoids using Multidimensional LC–MS Techniques (J.-L. Wolfender& K. Hostettmann)Hydrophilic Interaction LC in Natural Products Research with LC–MS (M.A. Strege)Characterization of Components in Traditional Chinese Medicinal Products Using LC–MS (W. Chan & Z. Cai)Chapter 9: Clinical, Toxicological and Forensic ApplicationsGC–MS Steroid Profiling: Diagnosis of Disorders Affecting Steroid Synthesis and Metabolism (C.H.L. Shackleton & J. Marcos)Therapeutic Drug Monitoring: Measurement of Immunosuppressants Using HPLC with Mass-Spectrometric Detection (D.A. McKeown, T.D. Lee & D.W. Holt)Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Using LC–MS: Protease Inhibitors in AIDS Treatment (K. Rentsch)ESI-MS–MS and LC–ESI-MS–MS in the Diagnosis and Screening for Inherited Metabolic Diseases (M.S. Rashed)General Unknown Screening Using GC–MS (T. Stimpfl)General Unknown Screening Using LC–MS (P. Marquet)GC–MS in Analysis of Drugs of Abuse (L. Skender)The Role of LC–MS in the Determination of Drugs of Abuse (M.J. Bogusz)Sports Doping Analysis Using LC–MS (D.H. Catlin, B. Starcevic, Y.-C. Chang & C.K. Hatton)The Role of GC–MS and LC–MS in the Analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents (R.M. Black)Chapter 10: Biochemical and Biotechnological ApplicationsThe Role of LC–MS for Protein Characterization in Proteomic Research (I. Neverova)Two-Dimensional Nano-LC–MS in Proteomics Research (E. Nägele)LC–MS Strategies in the Characterization of Glycoproteins (N. Kawasaki, S. Itoh & T. Kawanishi)LC–MS Strategies in the Characterization of Phosphorylation of Proteins (N.A. Morrice)Analysis of Protein Phosphorylation by Capillary Liquid Chromatography–Elemental Mass Spectrometry (LC–ICP-MS) (R. Krüger & W.D. Lehmann)Use of Electromigration Techniques Coupled to MS in the Analysis of Peptides and Proteins—Unique Utility, Typical Applications and Perspectives (C. Neusüss M. Pelzing)Ion-Mobility Spectrometry Combined with Mass Spectrometry, Principles and Applications in Protein Characterization (S. Myung, S.J. Valentine & D.E. Clemmer)Detection and Identification of Potential Biological Warfare Agent Bacterial Peptide Toxins by LC–MS (B.L.M. van Baar)Analysis and Quantitation of Neuropeptides in Biological Samples by LC–MS (M. Noga, A. Drabik, T. Dylag, J. Kotlinska & J. Silberring)Identification and Quantitation of DNA Adducts by NanoLC–MS (E.L. Esmans)LC–MS of Nucleic Acids (C.G. Huber, B.M. Mayr & S.P. Quinten)Bioprocess Monitoring of Carbohydrates Using Microdialysis Sampling Coupled Online to High-Performance Anion Exchange Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (N. Torto)