Roots of Brazil’s Relative Economic Backwardness explains Brazil’s development level in light of modern theories regarding economic growth and international economics. It focuses on both the proximate and fundamental causes of Brazil’s slow development, turning currently dominant hypotheses upside down. To support its arguments, the book presents extensive statistical analysis of Brazilian long-term development, with some new series on per capita GDP, population ethnical composition, and human capital stock, among others. It is an important resource in the ongoing debate on the causes of Latin American underdeveloped economies.
Libraries are burdened with increased demand for resources and services and inflating expectations against shrinking or stagnant budgets. An individual library cannot cope with the situation. Hence, libraries form alliances for cooperation and sharing. Emerging changes in the publishing industry are phenomenal and have forced libraries to move toward a strategic partnership called library consortia. Information technology has played a vital role in developing such partnerships. Publishers offer packages of resources to library consortia benefitting all member libraries. Library consortia protect the interests of individual members while considering the business interests of publishers. This book is a start-up guide to libraries and librarians desiring to form library consortia. It covers the various facets of library consortia and corresponding activities. The chapters are presented with different consortia models, formations, business negotiations and various licensing schemes.
What is text mining, and how can it be used? What relevance do these methods have to everyday work in information science and the digital humanities? How does one develop competences in text mining? Working with Text provides a series of cross-disciplinary perspectives on text mining and its applications. As text mining raises legal and ethical issues, the legal background of text mining and the responsibilities of the engineer are discussed in this book. Chapters provide an introduction to the use of the popular GATE text mining package with data drawn from social media, the use of text mining to support semantic search, the development of an authority system to support content tagging, and recent techniques in automatic language evaluation. Focused studies describe text mining on historical texts, automated indexing using constrained vocabularies, and the use of natural language processing to explore the climate science literature. Interviews are included that offer a glimpse into the real-life experience of working within commercial and academic text mining.
Fund Custody and Administration provides an overall perspective of investment funds without limiting its analysis to specific fund structures, as other books do. Since governance and oversight of investment funds are now major regulatory requirements, administrators and custodians must place greater emphasis on the custody and safekeeping of fund assets, on the independent and robust valuation of the assets, and on collateral management. By focusing on both the asset transactions made by the investment manager for the portfolio and on the transactions in the shares or units of the fund itself, it gives readers insights about the essential elements of investment fund management and administration, regardless of their geographical backgrounds.
Biological Distance Analysis: Forensic and Bioarchaeological Perspectives synthesizes research within the realm of biological distance analysis, highlighting current work within the field and discussing future directions. The book is divided into three main sections. The first section clearly outlines datasets and methods within biological distance analysis, beginning with a brief history of the field and how it has progressed to its current state. The second section focuses on approaches using the individual within a forensic context, including ancestry estimation and case studies. The final section concentrates on population-based bioarchaeological approaches, providing key techniques and examples from archaeological samples. The volume also includes an appendix with additional resources available to those interested in biological distance analyses.
Overcoming Information Poverty: Investigating the Role of Public Libraries in The Twenty-First Century considers the role of public libraries in alleviating information poverty and targeting social exclusion, using a three-level information poverty framework. The book proposes a model for understanding the concept of information poverty, develops indicators for its measurement, and provides recommendations for service improvement based on analysis of public library services at macro (strategic), meso (community) and micro (individual) levels. The topic is of theoretical and practical importance when considering the changing role of public libraries today. The book is the first time a macro, meso, and micro model of information poverty indicators has been developed and applied to illustrate the impact of public libraries at strategic, community, and personal levels.
The Socio-Political Complex: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Political Life explores the socio-political complex and the whys of politics. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, this book covers topics ranging from political science and other sciences to political culture; man's physiological and psychological drives; groups and group dynamics; metaphysical and material variations of values; social semantics; and bourgeois nationalism. This monograph is comprised of 14 chapters and opens with a discussion on man's psychological, anthropological, social, economic, and socio-psychological dimensions. A historical review of the conversion of power into authority is then presented, and bourgeois nationalism is described as the pervasive shape of contemporary politics. The last two chapters consider the contours of political institutions, processes, behavior, and systems, with emphasis on pluralism, government, and the Constitution. A brief epilogue reflects on some political phenomena that furnish the fabric for ""the emperor's new clothes."" This book will appeal to both social and political scientists, as well as students and that segment of the general public interested in social problems and politics.
International Series in Experimental Social Psychology, Volume I: Culture in Contact: Studies in Cross-Cultural Interaction is part of a series of books that presents development in the field of social psychology; each volume contains materials such as empirical research, research procedures, theoretical formulations, and critical reviews of the relevant literature. This particular volume covers the processes and outcomes of cross cultural encounters. The book consists of eight chapters, which are organized into three parts. Part I discusses various types and purposes of cross-cultural contact and reviews the major empirical findings relating to the field. Part II deals with the processes underlying effective communication between culturally diverse persons. Part III concerns itself with practical outcomes of culture contact, such as the reactions of the persons engaged in the meeting. The text will be of great interest to researchers and professionals concerned with the nature of cross-cultural interactions, such as sociologists and social psychologists.
Positive Mental Health for Children and Adolescents: Fighting Stigma and Promoting Resiliency examines the main mechanisms involved in improving mental health in children and adolescents, including social and biological processes, as well as effective treatments. By taking into account diverse settings and cultures, the book combines academic, research, and clinical contributions and sets forth how it can be translated into effective clinical practice. In addition, the book promotes the study, treatment, care, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders and disabilities involving children, adolescents, and their families, and includes emerging knowledge on mental health problems and good practice in child and adolescent psychiatry as relayed by experts from around the world.
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology continues to be one of the most sought after and cited series in this field. Containing contributions of major empirical and theoretical interest, this series represents the best and brightest in new research, theory, and practice in social psychology. This serial is part of the Social Sciences package on ScienceDirect, and is available online beginning with volume 32 onward.