Physical Security: 150 Things You Should Know, Second Edition is a useful reference for those at any stage of their security career. This practical guide covers the latest technological trends for managing the physical security needs of buildings and campuses of all sizes. Through anecdotes, case studies, and documented procedures, the authors have amassed the most complete collection of information on physical security available. Security practitioners of all levels will find this book easy to use as they look for practical tips to understand and manage the latest physical security technologies, such as biometrics, IP video, video analytics, and mass notification, as well as the latest principles in access control, command and control, perimeter protection, and visitor management.
Transliteracy in Complex Information Environments considers this relatively new concept, which has attracted a great deal of interest in the library and information field, particularly among practitioners. The notion of transliteracy arises in the context of increasingly complex information and communication environments characterised by multimodality and new roles of creators and consumers. Transliteracy concerns the ability to apply and transfer a range of skills and contextual insights to a variety of settings. Rather than focusing on any one skillset or technology, transliteracy is about fluidity of movement across a range of contexts. This book is concerned with processes of learning and knowledge creation. An understanding of transliteracy emergesfrom research data gathered in university and high school settings. Transliteracy is considered in relation to other literacies as an overarching framework. Applications in education and lifelong learning are discussed. Social aspects of transliteracy are considered in relation to academic cultures and broader social trends, particularly hybrid cultures
Measuring and Enhancing the Student Experience provides insights on how student experiencemeasures could be used to inform improvements at institutional, course, unit of study and teacherlevel. The book is based on a decade of research and practitioner views on ways to enhance thedesign, conduct, analysis, reporting and closing the loop on student feedback data. While the bookis largely based on Australian case studies, it provides learning experiences for other countries wherestudent experience measures are used in national and institutional quality assurance. Consisting of 13chapters, the book includes a wide range of topics including the role and purpose of student feedback,the use of student feedback in staff performance reviews, staff and student engagement, a studentfeedback and experience framework, the first year experience, use of qualitative data, engagingtransnational students in feedback, closing the loop on feedback, student engagement in nationalquality assurance, use of learning analytics and the future of the student experience. Mahsood Shah is an Associate Professor and Deputy Dean (Learning and Teaching) with School ofBusiness and Law at CQUniversity, Australia. In this role Mahsood is responsible for enhancing theacademic quality and standard of courses. Mahsood is also responsible for learning and teachingstrategy, governance, effective implementation of policies, and enhancement of learning and teachingoutcomes across all campuses. In providing leadership for learning and teaching, Mahsood workswith key academic leaders across all campuses to improve learning and teaching outcomes of coursesdelivered in various modes including face-to-face and online. At CQUniversity, he provides leadershipin national and international accreditation of academic courses. Mahsood is also an active researcher. His areas of research include quality in higher education,measurement and enhancement of student experience, student retention and attrition, studentengagement in quality assurance, international higher education, widening participation and privatehigher education. Chenicheri Sid Nair is the incoming Executive Director, Tertiary Education Commission (TEC), Mauritius.Prior to joining TEC, he was Professor, Higher Education Development at the University of WesternAustralia (UWA), Perth where his work encompassed the improvement of the institutions teachingand learning. Before this appointment to UWA, he was Quality Adviser (Research and Evaluation) inthe Centre for Higher Education Quality (CHEQ) at Monash University, Australia. He has an extensiveexpertise in the area of quality development and evaluation, and he also has considerable editorialexperience. Currently, he is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Quality Assurance inEngineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE). He was also a Managing Editor of the ElectronicJournal of Science Education (EJSE). Professor Nair is also an international consultant in a number ofcountries in quality, student voice and evaluations.
Strategic Financial Management Casebook strategically uses integrative case studies—cases that do not emphasize specific subjects such as capital budgeting or value based management—to provide a framework for understanding strategic financial management. By featuring holistic presentations, the book puts readers into the shoes of those responsible for the world’s largest wealth creators. It covers strategies of growth, mergers and acquisitions, financial performance analysis over the past decade, wealth created in terms of stock returns since its listing in stock market, investment and financial decisions, cost of capital, and corporate valuation. In addition, the casebook also discusses corporate restructuring activities undertaken by each company. Each chapter follows a template to facilitate learning, and each features an Excel-based case analysis worksheet that includes a complete data set for financial analysis and valuation.
One Hundred Pages for the Future: Reflections of the President of the Club of Rome aims to show the nature and depth of human crisis and the dangers that threaten the survival of man as a species if the downward global trends are not stopped and reversed. The book first underscores the end of self-regulating mechanisms, age of great revolutions, and growth of population. The text then elaborates on the syndromes of decline, including devastation of nature, increasing threats on security, economic problems, and the ambiguity and ambivalence of science. The manuscript takes a look at the paths to change, giving importance to the contributions of The Club of Rome in defining the problems that imperil human future. The text also highlights the need to adopt policies and strategies that can effectively respond to the global interests of humankind, as well as assuring the governability of the human system. The book is a vital reference for readers interested in studying human crisis and the dangers posed to mankind in the midst of increasingly destructive global trends.
This dictionary reflects developments in physical metallurgy, namely the growth of strong ties to the physics of metals. Thus the terms relating to lattice defects and their properties and to laboratory tests revealing their effects on macroscopic behaviour of metallic materials, are extensively covered. Theory of dislocations and work hardening, high temperature deformation, fatigue and fracture, metallography and phase changes are all broadly covered, whilst terms related to technical operations such as heat and mechanical treatment as well as the corresponding equipment have been incorporated to a lesser extent.The work is based on the Dictionary of Scientific Terms from Physical Metallurgy published in parts during the years 1968-1976 in the Czechoslovak journal Metallic Materials and on its revised and extended version published in 1981 by Veda, the publishing house of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The Czech and Slovak languages of the two preceding versions have been omitted, and Spanish has been included; the Russian part has been substantially complemented by synonyms.The dictionary provides university students, research workers and engineers with the vocabulary of basic terms used in this branch of science. It is also a useful tool for translators.
Becoming an International Humanitarian Aid Worker draws on the experiences of those currently working and those hiring people to work in humanitarian aid today, and an analysis of job postings over a 9-month period. It provides relevant information and advice to help jobseekers make more informed decisions about what steps to take. It first pushes prospective job seekers to reflect on whether this is the right career path for them. It then provides tried and tested strategies for preparing for a humanitarian career and being competitive in the humanitarian job market, serving as a comprehensive guide for those thinking about a career in international humanitarian aid.
Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Services provides the latest on the trend to a more product-centered and service-centered practice, eschewing traditional economic evaluation techniques that focus on product-to-product comparisons in favor of evaluating processes that measure costs and health outcomes. Complete with examples focusing on best practices, including various study designs, types of pharmacy services, and types of outcomes being evaluated, the book emphasizes case studies and examples that help readers understand economic evaluation techniques. Many of these techniques are transferable across countries, especially where there are advanced and stable health systems in place. With the help of this practical guide, readers will gain a thorough understanding of the application of economic evaluation of pharmacy services.
International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities provides an ongoing scholarly look at research into the causes, effects, classification systems, and syndromes, etc. of developmental disabilities. Contributors come from wide-ranging perspectives, including genetics, psychology, education, and other health and behavioral sciences.
Contemporary Digital Forensic Investigations of Cloud and Mobile Applications comprehensively discusses the implications of cloud (storage) services and mobile applications on digital forensic investigations. The book provides both digital forensic practitioners and researchers with an up-to-date and advanced knowledge of collecting and preserving electronic evidence from different types of cloud services, such as digital remnants of cloud applications accessed through mobile devices. This is the first book that covers the investigation of a wide range of cloud services. Dr. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo and Dr. Ali Dehghantanha are leading researchers in cloud and mobile security and forensics, having organized research, led research, and been published widely in the field. Users will gain a deep overview of seminal research in the field while also identifying prospective future research topics and open challenges.