Engineering Investment Process: Making Value Creation Repeatable explores the quantitative steps of a financial investment process.The authors study how these steps are articulated in order to make any value creation, whatever the asset class, consistent and robust.The discussion includes factors, portfolio allocation, statistical and economic backtesting, but also the influence of negative rates, dynamical trading, state-space models, stylized facts, liquidity issues, or data biases.Besides the quantitative concepts detailed here, the reader will find useful references to other works to develop an in-depth understanding of an investment process.
Strategic Financial Management Casebook strategically uses integrative case studies—cases that do not emphasize specific subjects such as capital budgeting or value based management—to provide a framework for understanding strategic financial management. By featuring holistic presentations, the book puts readers into the shoes of those responsible for the world’s largest wealth creators. It covers strategies of growth, mergers and acquisitions, financial performance analysis over the past decade, wealth created in terms of stock returns since its listing in stock market, investment and financial decisions, cost of capital, and corporate valuation. In addition, the casebook also discusses corporate restructuring activities undertaken by each company. Each chapter follows a template to facilitate learning, and each features an Excel-based case analysis worksheet that includes a complete data set for financial analysis and valuation.
Bank Risk Management in Developing Economies: Addressing the Unique Challenges of Domestic Banks provides an up-to-date resource on how domestically-based banks in emerging economies can provide financial services for all economic sectors while also contributing to national economic development policies. Because these types of bank are often exposed to risky sectors, they are usually set apart from foreign subsidiaries, and thus need risk models that foreign-based banks do not address. This book is the first to identify these needs, proposing solutions through the use of case studies and analyses that illustrate how developing economic banking crises are often rooted in managing composite risks. The book represents a departure from classical literature that focuses on assets, liabilities, and balance sheet management, by which developing economy banks, like their counterparts elsewhere, have not fared well.
Handbook of Frontier Markets: The European and African Evidence provides novel insights from academic perspectives about the behavior of investors and prices in several frontier markets. It explores finance issues usually reserved for developed and emerging markets in order to gauge whether these issues are relevant and how they manifest themselves in frontier markets. Frontier markets have now become a popular investment class among institutional investors internationally, with major financial services providers establishing index-benchmarks for this market-category. The anticipation for frontier markets is optimistic uncertainty, and many people believe that, given their growth rates, these markets will be economic success stories. Irrespective of their degrees of success, The Handbook of Frontier Markets can help ensure that the increasing international investment diverted to them will aid in their greater integration within the global financial system.
Handbook of Frontier Markets: Evidence from Asia and International Comparative Studies provides novel insights from academic perspectives about the behavior of investors and prices in several frontier markets. It explores finance issues usually reserved for developed and emerging markets in order to gauge whether these issues are relevant and how they manifest themselves in frontier markets. Frontier markets have now become a popular investment class among institutional investors internationally, with major financial services providers establishing index-benchmarks for this market-category. The anticipation for frontier markets is optimistic uncertainty, and many people believe that, given their growth rates, these markets will be economic success stories. Irrespective of their degrees of success, The Handbook of Frontier Markets can help ensure that the increasing international investment diverted to them will aid in their greater integration within the global financial system.
Fund Custody and Administration provides an overall perspective of investment funds without limiting its analysis to specific fund structures, as other books do. Since governance and oversight of investment funds are now major regulatory requirements, administrators and custodians must place greater emphasis on the custody and safekeeping of fund assets, on the independent and robust valuation of the assets, and on collateral management. By focusing on both the asset transactions made by the investment manager for the portfolio and on the transactions in the shares or units of the fund itself, it gives readers insights about the essential elements of investment fund management and administration, regardless of their geographical backgrounds.
Computational Finance Using C and C#: Derivatives and Valuation, Second Edition provides derivatives pricing information for equity derivatives, interest rate derivatives, foreign exchange derivatives, and credit derivatives. By providing free access to code from a variety of computer languages, such as Visual Basic/Excel, C++, C, and C#, it gives readers stand-alone examples that they can explore before delving into creating their own applications. It is written for readers with backgrounds in basic calculus, linear algebra, and probability. Strong on mathematical theory, this second edition helps empower readers to solve their own problems. *Features new programming problems, examples, and exercises for each chapter. *Includes freely-accessible source code in languages such as C, C++, VBA, C#, and Excel.. *Includes a new chapter on the history of finance which also covers the 2008 credit crisis and the use of mortgage backed securities, CDSs and CDOs. *Emphasizes mathematical theory.
Efficiency and Competition in Chinese Banking gives a comprehensive analysis of the industry, including cost, technical, profit, and revenue efficiency. The Chinese banking industry is of global importance. The book estimates the competitive condition of the sector using the Boone indicator, Panzar-Rosse Histatistic, Lerner index, and concentration ratio. The author investigates the impact of competition on efficiency in Chinese banking while controlling for comprehensive determinants of bank efficiency. This title complements Yong Tan’s previous book, Performance, Risk, and Competition in the Chinese Banking Sector, also published by Chandos.
A One-Year Accounting Course: In Two Parts, Part II presents the historical context of accounting practice. This book examines the development as well as the advantages of the accounting profession. Organized into 10 chapters, this book begins with an overview of the method of book-keeping system before the development of double-entry accounting. This text then examines the traditional cash book and considers the form of the three-column cash book. Other chapters provide a brief description of some feature of the mechanical function of a keyboard accounting machine to know the detailed workings of the equipment. This book discusses as well the alternative methods of depreciation, including the reducing-balance method, the machine-hours method, the valuation method, and the net present value method. The final chapter deals with the technique of process costing. This book is a valuable resource for professional auditors and accountants. First-year students in accounting will also find this book useful.
Foreign Direct Investment in Brazil: Post-Crisis Economic Development in Emerging Markets explores both the inward and outward ways foreign direct investment (FDI) can help Brazil sustain economic growth and development in the sometimes hostile post-global crisis era. Inward and outward FDI have major roles to play in reviving Brazil’s growth momentum and the country’s transition to a new growth paradigm less dependent on commodity exports. The book provides a comprehensive discussion on the analytical framework of FDI and the policy environment influencing the patterns and development of FDI in Brazil. It compares Brazil to other developing countries, but its focus rests on how, and to what extent, the global crisis is shaping the Brazilian institutional environment and its implications for FDI.