Commercial Banking: Distinct Value, Roles, and Methods is a thorough, applied, and accessible introduction to the modern theory and practice of financial intermediation as enabled by commercial banks. This textbook considers key issues in banking, regulation, coping with bank risk, competition amongst banks, global banking, careers in banking, and future directions. Throughout the book, emphasis is placed on differentiating between bank and non-bank financial firms, the impact of technology on banking, evolving regulatory environments, the economic importance of banking, and innovation in banking services.Perfect for undergraduate, graduate level, and professional courses in banking, bank management, and commercial banking, this book is reinforced with full-color figures, charts, tables, learning objectives, and key term definitions, as well as lecture slides hosted on an accompany instructor site to support teaching and understanding.
Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume Three: Web3, AI, Privacy and Greentech presents the latest technological developments and innovations occurring in cryptocurrency. The book explores the hottest topics in this fast-moving area, emphasizing the financial opportunities made possible by cryptocurrencies, such as DePIN and decentralized finance while also presenting the theories and advances that have the potential to create additional opportunities in the convergence of blockchain with AI and privacy technology. Users will find this to be an important resource that bridges the gap between practical usability and academic perspective.This new volume continues the tradition of the first two, focusing on the latest trends, including Web3, Zero Knowledge Proof, Machine learning, Quantum Technologies, the Internet of Things in ESG, decentralized networks, digitalization, and more. It will serve as a valuable reference to an international audience that wants to learn not only about their own fields of specialization but also related fields.
Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instruments, and Big Data, Second Edition offers readers new ways to learn about subjects outside their specialties and provides authoritative background and tools for those whose primary source of information is journal articles. Encompassing currencies, payment methods, and computer communication protocols, digital currencies are growing in use and importance. The book's comprehensive view of the field covers history, technical, IT, finance, economics, legal, tax, and the regulatory environment. For those coming from different backgrounds with different questions in mind, this new edition is an essential starting point.
The Economic and Financial Impacts of the COVID-19 Crisis Around the World: Expect the Unexpected provides an informed, research-based in-depth understanding of the COVID-19 crisis, its impacts on households, nonfinancial firms, banks, and financial market participants, and the effectiveness of the reactions of governments and policymakers in the United States and around the world. It provides reflections and perspectives on the social costs and benefits of various policies undertaken and a toolkit of preventive measures to deal with crises beyond the COVID-19 crisis. Authors Allen N. Berger, Mustafa U. Karakaplan, and Raluca A. Roman apply their expertise to the research and data on the COVID-19 economic crisis as well as draw on their own rich research experience. They take a holistic approach that compares and contrasts this crisis with other economic and financial crises and assesses economic and financial behavior and government policies in the booms before crises and the aftermaths following them, as well as the crises themselves. They do all this with a keen eye on “Expecting the Unexpected” future crises, and policies that might anticipate them and provide better outcomes for society.
Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance, volume 1 of the new series, Handbook of the Economics of Corporate Finance, provides comprehensive and accessible updates of central theoretical and empirical issues in corporate finance. The demand for these updates reflects the rapid evolution of corporate finance research, which has become a dominant field in financial economics. The chapters are written by leading researchers and experts that remain active in their respective areas of interest. These are intended to make the economics of corporate finance and governance accessible not only to doctoral students but also researchers not intimately familiar with this important field.
International Money and Finance, Tenth Edition presents an institutional and historical overview of international finance and international money, illustrating how key economic concepts can illuminate real world problems. Updated throughout, this latest edition functions as a finance book that includes an international macroeconomics perspective in its final section. It emphasizes the newest trends in research, neatly defining the intersection of macro and finance. Successfully used worldwide in both finance and economics departments at both undergraduate and graduate levels, the book features current data, revised test banks, and sharp insights about the practical implications of decision-making.
Financial Trading and Investing, Third Edition provides a useful introduction to trading and market microstructure for advanced undergraduate as well as master’s students. Without demanding a background in econometrics, the book explores alternative markets and highlights recent regulatory developments, implementations, institutions and debates. The text offers explanations of controversial trading tactics (and blunders) such as high-frequency trading, dark liquidity pools, fat fingers, insider trading and flash orders, emphasizing links between the history of financial regulation and events in financial markets. It includes coverage of valuation and hedging techniques, particularly with respect to fixed income and derivative securities. The text adds a chapter on financial utilities and institutions that provide support services to traders and updates regulatory matters. Combining theory and application, this book provides a practical beginner's introduction to today's investment tools and markets with a special emphasis on trading.
Algorithmic Trading Methods: Applications using Advanced Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Techniques, Second Edition, is a sequel to The Science of Algorithmic Trading and Portfolio Management. This edition includes new chapters on algorithmic trading, advanced trading analytics, regression analysis, optimization, and advanced statistical methods. Increasing its focus on trading strategies and models, this edition includes new insights into the ever-changing financial environment, pre-trade and post-trade analysis, liquidation cost & risk analysis, and compliance and regulatory reporting requirements. Highlighting new investment techniques, this book includes material to assist in the best execution process, model validation, quality and assurance testing, limit order modeling, and smart order routing analysis. Includes advanced modeling techniques using machine learning, predictive analytics, and neural networks. The text provides readers with a suite of transaction cost analysis functions packaged as a TCA library. These programming tools are accessible via numerous software applications and programming languages.
Financial crises are recurring phenomena that result in the financial distress of systemically important banks, making it imperative to understand how to best respond to such crises and their consequences. Two policy responses became prominent for dealing with these distressed institutions since the last Global Financial Crisis: bailouts and bail-ins. The main questions surrounding these responses touch everyone: Are bailouts or bail-ins good for the financial system and the real economy? Is it essential to save distressed financial institutions by putting taxpayer money at risk in bailouts, or is it better to use private money in bail-ins instead? Are there better options, such as first lines of defense that help prevent such distress in the first place? Can countercyclical prudential and monetary policies lessen the likelihood and severity of the financial crises that often bring about this distress? Through careful analysis, authors Berger and Roman review and critically assess the extant theoretical and empirical research on many resolution approaches and tools. Placing special emphasis on lessons learned from one of the biggest bailouts of all time, the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), while also reviewing other programs and tools, TARP and Other Bank Bailouts and Bail-Ins around the World sheds light on how best to protect the financial system on Wall Street and the real economy on Main Street.
Contemporary Financial Intermediation, 4th Edition by Greenbaum, Thakor, and Boot continues to offer a distinctive approach to the study of financial markets and institutions by presenting an integrated portrait that puts information and economic reasoning at the core. Instead of primarily naming and describing markets, regulations, and institutions as is common, Contemporary Financial Intermediation explores the subtlety, plasticity and fragility of financial institutions and credit markets. In this new edition every chapter has been updated and pedagogical supplements have been enhanced. For the financial sector, the best preprofessional training explains the reasons why markets, institutions, and regulators evolve they do, why we suffer recurring financial crises occur and how we typically react to them. Our textbook demands more in terms of quantitative skills and analysis, but its ability to teach about the forces shaping the financial world is unmatched.