Explosion Blast Response of Composites contains key information on the effects of explosions, shock waves, and detonation products (e.g. fragments, shrapnel) on the deformation and damage to composites. The book considers the blast response of laminates and sandwich composites, along with blast mitigation of composites (including coating systems and energy absorbing materials). Broken down under the following key themes: Introduction to explosive blast response of composites, Air explosion blast response of composites, Underwater explosion blast response of composites, and High strain rate and dynamic properties of composites, the book deals with an important and contemporary topic due to the extensive use of composites in applications where explosive blasts are an ever-present threat, such as military aircraft, armoured vehicles, naval ships and submarines, body armour, and other defense applications. In addition, the growing use of IEDs and other types of bombs used by terrorists to attack civilian and military targets highlights the need for this book. Many terrorist attacks occur in subways, trains, buses, aircraft, buildings, and other civil infrastructure made of composite materials. Designers, engineers and terrorist experts need the essential information to protect civilians, military personnel, and assets from explosive blasts.
Rockbolting: Principles and Applications brings current theoretical and practical developments in the most widely used support device for underground rock excavations. Today, one cannot find any rock excavation project that does not use rockbolts for rock support. The worldwide annual assumption of rockbolts is in the billions, with pieces applied to mines, tunnels and other types of geotechnical projects for rock and soil reinforcement. The text is based on over 25 years of experience of the author both as academic and practitioner. The book introduces the principles and background concepts of rock support, and then offers a comprehensive overview of the mechanics of rockbolting, as well as current rock bolt types such as mechanical, grouted, self-drilling, grouted cables, frictional and yield rockbolts. Installation and performance assessment are covered next including load-displacement curves and energy-absorption capacities. Two chapters on design and quality control, respectively, cover failure mechanics, the selection process and the connections with other supporting devices. On quality control, the author explains the usual tests and displacement measurements. The final chapter brings current case studies that combine the concepts presented in the whole book. The book is a professional reference for engineers in the mining and geotechnical industries and can be used as research material for academics in rock mechanics and stability studies.
Mathematics Applied in Engineering presents a wide array of applied mathematical techniques for an equally wide range of engineering applications, covering areas such as acoustics, system engineering, optimization, mechanical engineering, and reliability engineering. Mathematics acts as a foundation for new advances, as engineering evolves and develops. This book will be of great interest to postgraduate and senior undergraduate students, and researchers, in engineering and mathematics, as well as to engineers, policy makers, and scientists involved in the application of mathematics in engineering.
Fire Pump Arrangements at Industrial Facilities, Third Edition delivers a practical reference from an author with a successful professional career in fire protection and loss prevention engineering in the oil and gas industry. While most regulatory standards are left to interpretation and try to cover multiple industries in one location, this book focuses on the equipment, standards and operations specific to the petroleum industry, covering quality controls, pump drivers and scheduled maintenance and audits so the equipment remains in safety compliance. Enhanced with new sections on human factors, case studies for modeling fire accidents and a look at recent events that have further shaped the safety and testing of fire pumps, the book provides the engineer and manager with a critical oil and gas resource for every aspect of firewater pumps.
Records Classification: Concepts, Principles and Methods: Information, Systems, Context introduces classification, an early part of the research lifecycle. Classification ensures systematic organization of documents and facilitates information retrieval. However, classification systems are not prevalent in records management when compared to their use in other information fields. This book views classification from the records management (RM) perspective by adopting a qualitative approach, with case studies, to gather data by means of interview and document content analysis. Current development of information systems do not take into account the concept of classification from a RM perspective. Such a model is required because the incorporation of information and communication technology (ICT) in managing records is inevitable. The concept of classification from an RM perspective ought to be extended to the ICT team to enable the development of a RM system not limited to storage and retrieval functions, but also with relation to disposal and preservation processes. This proposed model introduces function-based classification to ensure records are classified in context.
Distributed Generation Systems: Design, Operation and Grid Integration closes the information gap between recent research on distributed generation and industrial plants, and provides solutions to their practical problems and limitations. It provides a clear picture of operation principles of distributed generation units, not only focusing on the power system perspective but targeting a specific need of the research community. This book is a useful reference for practitioners, featuring worked examples and figures on principal types of distributed generation with an emphasis on real-world examples, simulations, and illustrations. The book uses practical exercises relating to the concepts of operating and integrating DG units to distribution networks, and helps engineers accurately design systems and reduce maintenance costs.
Decision-Making in Water Resource Policy and Management: An Australian Perspective presents the latest information in developing new decision-making processes. Topics covered include key aspects of water resources planning, recent water resource policy changes in irrigation, urban, and environmental considerations, the evolution of a water market, a number of case studies that provide real examples of improved decision-making, transfer of the Australian experience overseas, and challenges for the future. Many countries are experiencing major water scarcity problems which will likely intensify with the continued impacts of climate change. In response to this challenge, there is increased worldwide focus on the development of more sustainable and integrated water resource policies. The Australian experience over the past three decades has led to major improvements in the decision-making processes in water resources policy and management, particularly in response to drought and climate change, providing a great model on which other nations can use and adapt. This information is essential to early to mid-career practitioners engaged in policy, planning and operational roles in all fields of water resource policy and management, and catchment management.
Nanomaterials Characterization Techniques, Volume Two, part of an ongoing series, offers a detailed analysis of the different types of spectroscopic methods currently being used in nanocharacterization. These include, for example, the Raman spectroscopic method for the characterization of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). This book outlines the different kinds of spectroscopic tools being used for the characterization of nanomaterials and discusses under what conditions each should be used. The book is intended to cover all the major spectroscopic techniques for nanocharacterization, making it an important resource for both the academic community at the research level and the industrial community involved in nanomanufacturing.
Light Robotics – Structure-Mediated Nanobiophotonics covers the latest means of sculpting of both light and matter for achieving bioprobing and manipulation at the smallest scales. The synergy between photonics, nanotechnology and biotechnology spans the rapidly growing field of nanobiophotonics. Nanoscale resolutions enable optical scientists to assess ever more accurate information. However, scientific hypothesis testing demands tools, not only for observing nanoscopic phenomena, but also for reaching into and manipulating nanoscale constituents. Taking an application based focus, this book explores how nanophotonics can productively be used in both the biomedical and life sciences, allowing readers to clearly see how structure-mediated nanobiophotonics can be used to increase our engineering toolbox for biology at the smallest scales. This book will be of great use to researchers and scientists working in the fields of optics and photonics. It will also be of great value to those working in the field of biotechnology, showcasing how nanotechnology can help provide new, effective ways to solve biomedical problems.
Thermal Hydraulics of Water-Cooled Nuclear Reactors reviews flow and heat transfer phenomena in nuclear systems and examines the critical contribution of this analysis to nuclear technology development. With a strong focus on system thermal hydraulics (SYS TH), the book provides a detailed, yet approachable, presentation of current approaches to reactor thermal hydraulic analysis, also considering the importance of this discipline for the design and operation of safe and efficient water-cooled and moderated reactors. Part One presents the background to nuclear thermal hydraulics, starting with a historical perspective, defining key terms, and considering thermal hydraulics requirements in nuclear technology. Part Two addresses the principles of thermodynamics and relevant target phenomena in nuclear systems. Next, the book focuses on nuclear thermal hydraulics modeling, covering the key areas of heat transfer and pressure drops, then moving on to an introduction to SYS TH and computational fluid dynamics codes. The final part of the book reviews the application of thermal hydraulics in nuclear technology, with chapters on V&V and uncertainty in SYS TH codes, the BEPU approach, and applications to new reactor design, plant lifetime extension, and accident analysis. This book is a valuable resource for academics, graduate students, and professionals studying the thermal hydraulic analysis of nuclear power plants and using SYS TH to demonstrate their safety and acceptability.