Comprehensive Organic Synthesis, Third Edition, Eleven Volume Set builds upon the highly respected previous editions, including the 2nd edition which won the 2015 PROSE Award for Multivolume Reference/Science from the Association of American Publishers. This new edition continues to draw together the common themes that underlie the many disparate areas of organic chemistry, supporting effective and efficient synthetic strategies. With around 200 advanced chapters, it offers a comprehensive overview of this important discipline, making it essential for both experienced practitioners and those new to organic synthesis.This fully revised and updated edition provides an authoritative overview of core concepts, serving as a valuable resource for synthetic chemists requiring essential facts in new areas and students completely new to the field. The work remains an invaluable source for anyone seeking information on solving synthetic problems, ensuring it continues to be an essential reference work for all in the field of organic chemistry.
Mathematical modelling is an interdisciplinary field that studies the nature of different systems. Methods of Mathematical Modeling: Advances and Applications covers advances in the field of mathematical modelling by incorporating new methods and their applications in a variety of domains. Some of the key modeling advances covered in the book include convergence analysis involving nonlinear integral equations and boundary value problems, Navier-Stokes equations in Sobolev-Gevrey spaces, magneto-hydrodynamics of ternary nanofluids with heat transfer effects, vortex nerve complexes in video frame shape approximation, hybrid scheme for computing hyperbolic conservation laws, procedures to handle wave interactions, solutions to new fractional differential equations, dynamics of Leslie-Gower type predator-prey models, and models for the dynamics of generic crop and water availability. Readers will find a range of new methods, approaches, and techniques, as well as a diversity of applications, which are required for modelling various physical and natural systems. Each chapter has been developed in a self-contained style, allowing readers to independently investigate information in the chapters and apply the modelling examples to their own research and projects in development. Researchers, students, educators, scientists, and practitioners involved in many aspects of modelling will find the book useful.
Powder Metallurgy: Characterization, Processing, and Optimization Techniques covers the fundamental and evolving role of powder metallurgy in producing parts for a range of different applications, with a particular focus on the tribological performances of powder metallurgy materials. It features insight on powder metallurgy processes such as sintering, electrolytic methods, atomization techniques, cold compaction, and cold isostatic pressing as well as techniques for measurement, testing, and characterization of powder metallurgy materials and particles. Sustainability in powder metallurgy, as well as modeling and optimization of the powder metallurgy process using artificial intelligence are also covered. Applications discussed include aerospace, defense, automotive, consumer products, industrial products, and more.
Recent Developments in Theory and Applications of Fractional Order Systems presents a rigorous and thorough analysis of various aspects of Fractional Calculus. The book provides readers with a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts and methods of applied mathematics utilized in a variety of scientific and engineering disciplines. The authors present each computational modeling concept with a definition, methods, theorems, and observations followed by typical application problems and step-by-step solutions. Each topic is covered in detail, followed typically by several meticulously worked out examples and a problem set containing many additional related problems. In addition, the book discusses recent developments and the latest research on Fractional Calculus and its applications, demonstrating important applications in Engineering, Computer Science, Management, Social Science, and the Humanities.
State-of-the-Art Geothermal Well Drilling Case Studies provides updated information on technological advances and research on the state-of-the-art performance of recent geothermal wells drilled for energy in the global push to reduce greenhouse gases. The book provides advances in a rapidly growing market that has adopted and adapted oilfield technologies to rapid scale development and production as demonstrated through global examples in a case-study format. Different geologic formations and well trajectories require different drilling tools and drilling parameters to yield optimum results.Showcasing current examples of successful global geothermal well-drilling applications, this text provides readers, researchers, and industry professionals with the keys needed to rapidly scale geothermal drilling operations, a clean and abundant source of energy that supports sustainability and reduction of carbon emissions.
Elementary Kinetic Modelling in Catalytic Reaction Engineering is a practical focused text that brings together the relevant basics for reaction engineering and shows their applications to a wide variety of examples, whilst looking at the intrinsic kinetics data acquisition, reaction mechanism elucidation, elementary step-based modelling and model-based design and optimization involved.The book aims at spanning the entire process from acquisition of the relevant data in dedicated experimental set-ups, over the proper treatment of the data and the corresponding interpretation up to the quantification of the gained understanding in a model. The latter aspect allows the reader to challenge the interpretation made of the data and design subsequent experiments or improve the interpretation/model formulation. The coverage is not just limited to the generic (theoretical) principles but will also carefully consider and explain their application to a variety of real-life applications including gas- and liquid-phase reactions, heterogeneously catalyzed reactions involving adsorption either in the Henry regime or at full saturation of the catalyst or combined homogeneous-heterogeneous reactions.Elementary Kinetic Modelling in Catalytic Reaction Engineering is written primarily for graduate students and postdoc researchers in chemical engineering or applied industrial chemistry studying chemical reaction engineering and catalysis, as well as physical chemists studying kinetics.
Recent Advances in Hemodynamics and Blood Mimetics is a comprehensive compilation of recent developments in biofluid mechanics and biomimetics, covering topics such as numerical modeling, biomedical applications of microfluidics, biomimetic flows, biomedicine applications, and organ-on-chip technology. The book explores blood hemodynamics at different scales, including application to diseases, the relationship between blood biomechanics and rheology, the mimetization of blood properties at arterial and capillary level, including the study of blood mechanical and flow properties, flow and surface properties of blood cells, and mimetization of these same properties in fluid/particle systems.These concepts are applied to the development of organ-on-chip to improve the replication of biological processes in the human body. The book organizes recent knowledge on hemodynamics and blood mimetics and is representative of the different lines of research in the field, showing an integrated view of blood biomechanics encompassing all scales to create a valuable resource where different research lines can be found and their principles understood.
Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Concept, Methods, and Challenges provides a concise guide to the modeling of PEM fuel cells. The book offers detailed methodologies, codes, and algorithms on every aspect of PEM fuel cells, from cold start to degradation. Chapters cover the development, basic principles, and components of PEM fuel cells, discuss the transport phenomena and mathematical formulation of macro-scale PEM fuel cell models, single cell and stack-level models, and model validation, and explain multi-phase transport modeling in PEM fuel cells, including different multiphase models like flow in gas flow channels, porous electrodes, and multi-phase model validation.The book also addresses multiphase mixture formulation, finite-volume, direct numerical simulation, Lattice Boltzmann, and pore network models, along with a section on modeling the cold start process of PEM fuel cells, including the non-isothermal transient cold start model, reduced-dimensional transient model, and the impact of different parameters on the cold start performance. Final sections cover the degradation and lifetime modeling of PEM fuel cells, including stress-induced degradation mechanisms, physics-based and data-driven modeling methods, and coupled performance-degradation models. Finally, recent progress on multi-scale and multi-dimensional modeling of PEM fuel cells, including micro and nano-scale modeling and multi-scale coupled models, is covered.
Pulp and Paper Industry: Advanced Technologies in Wastewater Treatment provides detailed discussion on the characteristics, environmental hazards, and human health effects of pulp and paper wastewater. The book discusses their different treatment methods and related challenges. These techniques start from physical methods such as sedimentation and froth flotation, followed by physiochemical treatments including activated carbon filtration, chemical precipitation, as well as biological techniques like aerobic and anaerobic processes. The book also covers application of advanced and novel wastewater treatment techniques in pulp and paper industries, such as ozonation, photocatalysis, advanced oxidation process, electrolysis, microbial fuel cells, etc., as well as challenges of industries, economic assessments, and future perspectives of pulp and paper wastewaters treatments.
Drug Delivery and Biomedical Applications of Porous Silicon-Based Nanocarriers delivers an up-to-date and complete overview of the range of biomedical applications for porous silicon nanomaterials, with a special emphasis on drug delivery. This book introduces the fundamentals and beneficial properties of porous silicon, including thermal properties and stabilization, photochemical and nonthermal chemical modification, protein modification, and biocompatibility. The book then builds on the systematic detailing of each biomedical application using porous silicon, such as vaccine development, drug delivery, and tissue engineering. It also contains new insights on in-vivo assessment of porous silicon, photodynamic and photothermal therapy, micro- and nanoneedles, cancer immunotherapy, and more. Drug Delivery and Biomedical Applications of Porous Silicon-Based Nanocarriers is of interest to researchers in the fields of materials science, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical science, biomedical engineering, and cancer research.