Backstepping Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems addresses both the fundamentals of backstepping control and advances in the field. The latest techniques explored include ‘active backstepping control’, ‘adaptive backstepping control’, ‘fuzzy backstepping control’ and ‘adaptive fuzzy backstepping control’. The reference book provides numerous simulations using MATLAB and circuit design. These illustrate the main results of theory and applications of backstepping control of nonlinear control systems. Backstepping control encompasses varied aspects of mechanical engineering and has many different applications within the field. For example, the book covers aspects related to robot manipulators, aircraft flight control systems, power systems, mechanical systems, biological systems and chaotic systems. This multifaceted view of subject areas means that this useful reference resource will be ideal for a large cross section of the mechanical engineering community.
Management of Concentrate from Desalination Plants provides an overview of the alternatives for managing concentrate generated by brackish water and seawater desalination plants, as well as site-specific factors involved in the selection of the most viable alternative for a given project, and the environmental permitting requirements and studies associated with their implementation. The book focuses on widely used alternatives for disposal of concentrate, including discharge to surface water bodies; disposal to the wastewater collection system; deep well injection; land application; evaporation; and zero liquid discharge. Direct discharge through new outfall; discharge through existing wastewater treatment plant outfall; and co-disposal with the cooling water of existing coastal power plant are thoroughly described, and design guidance for the use of these concentrate disposal alternatives is presented with engineers and practitioners in the field of desalination in mind. Key advantages, disadvantages, environmental impact issues, and possible solutions are presented for each discharge alternative. Easy-to-use graphs depicting construction costs as a function of concentrate flow rate are provided for all key concentrate management alternatives.
3D Printing in Medicine and Surgery: Applications in Healthcare is an advanced book on surgical and enhanced medical applications that can be achieved with 3D printing. It is an essential handbook for medical practitioners, giving access to a range of practical methods, while also focusing on applied knowledge. This comprehensive resource features practical experiments and processes for preparing 3D printable materials. Early chapters cover foundational knowledge and background reading, while later chapters discuss and review the current technologies used to engineer specific tissue types, experiments and methods, medical approaches and the challenges that lie ahead for future research. The book is an indispensable reference guide to the various methods used by current medical practitioners working at the forefront of 3D printing applications in medicine.
This unique text blends together state estimation and chemometrics for the application of advanced data-processing techniques. State Estimation in Chemometrics, second edition describes the basic methods for chemical analysis—the multicomponent, calibration and titration systems—from a new perspective. It succinctly reviews the history of state estimation and chemometrics and provides examples of its many applications, including classical estimation, state estimation, nonlinear estimation, the multicomponent, calibration and titration systems and the Kalman filter. The concepts are introduced in a logical way and built up systematically to appeal to specialist post-graduates working in this area as well as professionals in other areas of chemistry and engineering. This new edition covers the latest research in chemometrics, appealing to readers in bio-engineering, food science, pharmacy, and the life sciences fostering cross-disciplinary research.
User interface (UI) design rules and guidelines, developed by early HCI gurus and recognized throughout the field, were based on cognitive psychology (study of mental processes such as problem solving, memory, and language), and early practitioners were well informed of its tenets. But today practitioners with backgrounds in cognitive psychology are a minority, as user interface designers and developers enter the field from a wide array of disciplines. HCI practitioners today have enough experience in UI design that they have been exposed to UI design rules, but it is essential that they understand the psychological basis behind the rules in order to effectively apply them. In Designing with the Mind in Mind, best-selling author Jeff Johnson provides designers with just enough background in perceptual and cognitive psychology that UI design guidelines make intuitive sense rather than being just a list of rules to follow.
Nuclear Corrosion: Research, Progress and Challenges, part of the “Green Book” series of the EFC, builds upon the foundations of the very first book published in this series in 1989 (“Number 1 - Corrosion in the Nuclear Industry”). This newest volume provides an overview on state-of-the-art research in some of the most important areas of nuclear corrosion. Chapters covered include aging phenomena in light water reactors, reprocessing plants, nuclear waste disposal, and supercritical water and liquid metal systems. This book will be a vital resource for both researchers and engineers working within the nuclear field in both academic and industrial environments.
Handbook of Waterborne Coatings comprehensively reviews recent developments in the field of waterborne coatings. Crucial aspects associated with coating research are presented, with close attention paid to the essential aspects that are necessary to understand the properties of novel materials and their use in coating materials. The work introduces the reader to progress in the field, also outlining applications, methods and techniques of synthesis and characterization that are demonstrated throughout. In addition, insights into ongoing research, current trends and challenges are previewed. Topics chosen ensure that new scholars or advanced learners will find the book an essential resource.
Cross-Cultural Family Research and Practice broadens the theoretical and clinical perspectives on couple and family cross-cultural research with insights from a diverse set of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, communications, economics, and more. Examining topics such as family migration, acculturation and implications for clinical intervention, the book starts by providing an overarching conceptual framework, then moves into a comparison of countries and cultures, with an overview of cross-cultural studies of the family across nations from a range of specific disciplinary perspectives. Other sections focus on acculturation, migrating/migrated families and their descendants, and clinical practice with culturally diverse families.
Fluid-Solid Reactions, Second Edition takes a detailed and thorough look at the scope of fluid-solid reaction systems, focusing on the four phenomena: external mass transfer, pore diffusion, chemical reaction, and adsorption/desorption. This completely revised new edition builds on the classic original edition through the introduction of cutting-edge new theories and applications, including the formulation and application of a new and convenient law that governs fluid-solid reaction kinetics. This book will be of primary interest to practicing engineers engaged in process research, development, and design in the many fields where fluid-solid reactions are critical to workflow and research. Fluid-solid reactions play a major role in the technology of most industrialized nations. These reactions encompass a very broad field, including the extraction of metals from their ores, the combustion of solid fuels, coal gasification, and the incineration of solid refuse.
Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics, Third Edition presents sound coverage of the fundamentals of lightwave technology, along with material on pulse compression techniques and rare-earth-doped fiber amplifiers and lasers. The book's chapters include information on fiber-optic communication systems and the ultrafast signal processing techniques that make use of nonlinear phenomena in optical fibers. This book is an ideal reference for R&D engineers working on developing next generation optical components, scientists involved with research on fiber amplifiers and lasers, graduate students, and researchers working in the fields of optical communications and quantum information.