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Books in Environmental sciences

2271-2280 of 2688 results in All results

Newts and Salamanders of Europe

  • 1st Edition
  • Richard A. Griffiths
  • English
Nearly thirty years after the publication of the last detailed book on the newts and salamanders of Europe, this book at last provides a much needed, modern coverage of the ecology, behavior, evolution, and conservation of these fascinating amphibians. The author abandons the popular conception of amphibians as a primitive group poorly adapted to life on land. Indeed, he shows how the diversity of newt and salamanders life-styles underlines how this relatively small group of animals have survived in such diverse habitats as underground caves, mountain tops, tropical forests, and the Siberian tundra. Delightfully illustrated and fully referenced throughout, the book synthesizes much recent research into a lively and readable format that will be of interest to both experienced and inexperienced herpetologists and natural historians. Given recent concern over global amphibian declines, newts and salamanders have been the focus of considerable media attention and scientific work in recent years. This book describes how an understanding of the ecology and habitat requirements of these animals can lead to more effective conservation measures.

Field Guide to the Mammals of the Indian Subcontinent

  • 1st Edition
  • K. K. Gurung + 1 more
  • English
This book is a field guide to the mammals of this unique subcontinent and includes the best places to watch them. It describes each of the 100 plus species that can be recognized in the field, including identification, habitat, range, behavior, diet, breeding, status, and similar species. The Field Guide also contains color illustrations of each mammal as well as tracks of the more prominent species, and mammal lists and maps for each national park.

Herons and Egrets of the World

  • 1st Edition
  • James A. Hancock
  • English
In this book, the only complete review of the world's herons currently in print, James Hancock distills his knowledge into a concise review of all 47 species and recognized subspecies. The text comprises a thumbnail sketch, including descriptions of the appearance, distribution, conservation status, feeding, and breeding ecology of each species. Over 150 wonderful color photographs, most by the author, show all the recognizable forms of each species, illustrating the variety and beauty of these birds. As a valuable reference and a fine photo collection, this book will find a place on the shelves of bird lovers everywhere.

Birds of the Wetlands

  • 1st Edition
  • James A. Hancock
  • English
Birds of the Wetlands combines stunning photography with snapshot prose pictures of some of the most important and spectacular wetlands in the world. The beauty of the bird life is set against telling explanations of how wetland habitats work and of their place in the international conservation scene. Still a haven for huge breeding populations of herons, storks, ibises, spoonbills, anhingas, cormorants, wildfowl, waders, and birds of prey, wetlands are some of the world's last and best wild places. Based on the author's own wide experience, this book considers the important questions of conservation in these increasingly threatened environments, highlighting both future dangers and past mistakes, all discussed in a global context.Beautifully illustrated throughout in color from the author's own collection of photographs taken during many visits to these areas over the past thirty years, this spectacular book is the work of one of the world's most-travelled authorities on wetland birds.

Herons of North America

  • 1st Edition
  • James A. Hancock
  • English
Herons, the graceful predators of swamps, wetlands and lake margins, are often the abiding memory for birdlovers after a days birding in the marshes. For the general nature lover, they are a portrait symbol of the wild free places and the grandeur of the natural world.North American herons live in a complex world. Most of them congregate in colonies either large or small, and they are joined by many birds who share their nesting sites. Most of these different species live together in harmony, but inevitably such gatherings attract predators and scavengers.James Hancock, a veteran traveler and lover of herons the world over, gives a pocket guide in words and photographs to the lives of these birds and their, sadly, often endangered habitats. The book seeks to describe the many and varied creatures that make up the world of the Herons.

Storks, Ibises, and Spoonbills of the World

  • 1st Edition
  • James A. Hancock + 2 more
  • English
Some of the world's largest and most spectacular birds are to be found among this group of wading birds. Tragically, they also include many of the world's most endangered species, as changes in land use erode their wetland habitats. Some, like the White stork, have lived alongside humans for hundreds of years and are well known from numerous scientific studies. Others, like the Storm's Stork and the Ibises of West Africa, South-East Asia and South America live so secluded a life in the remote corners of the globe that they will probably be extinct before even the most basic details of their biology are known.In this definitive monograph, three authors and two artists have combined their skills to capture what is known of these birds, and to picture them in beautiful paintings and photographs. The text opens with general chapters on taxonomy and feeding, and breeding behavior, following which, each species is dealt with in detail. Between them, the authors have personal experience of most of the species in five continents, and pay particular attention to documenting the current status of the threatened and rare species.

Insects in a Changing Environment

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 17
  • Richard Harrington + 1 more
  • English
Environmental change has been seen as an increasingly focused area for ecological study, and one for which insect populations can act as a sensitive indicator. This latest volume in the RESL Symposium Series offers papers focusing on change in climate, pollution and atmosphere, and land use, and their impact on insect populations and distribution.

Methods in Stream Ecology

  • 1st Edition
  • Bozzano G Luisa
  • English
Stream ecologists have devised numerous methods for evaluating the health and function of streams. Methods in Stream Ecology provides a comprehensive series of field and laboratory protocols in stream ecology. The scope covers five important areas of stream ecology: Physical Stream Ecology, Material Storage and Transport, Stream Biota, Community Interactions, and Ecosystem Processes. Each chapter is specifically designed to be both cutting-edge and comprehensive to anyone beginning a study of stream ecology. The only book of its kind, it provides readers with detailed instructions and background in conducting practical stream measurements and analyses. Useful as a textbook for a course in stream ecology, this book is also a critical reference for those who are not str eam ecologists, but are required to evaluate the status of streams. Environmental impact assessors, terrestrial ecologists, governmental ecologists, and policy making land managers will find this book useful as well.

Energy Demand

  • 1st Edition
  • David Hawdon
  • English
The demand for energy plays an important role both as an essential factor in economic development and in the current debate about environmental issues. During the last two decades substantial movements in energy prices and taxes created a unique experimental framework for assessing the responsiveness of energy demand to economic factors. The aims of this book are to assess what has been learned about substitutability between sources of energy in different markets. Several distinguished academic economists review the methods and results of empirical work, present original research dealing with the demand for energy in the residential, industrial, transport and electricity sectors, explore the applicability of advanced econometric techniques, and assess the quality of producer forecasts of energy demand.