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Books in Environmental engineering

51-59 of 59 results in All results

Wind Power in View

  • 1st Edition
  • March 27, 2002
  • Martin Pasqualetti + 2 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 2 1 0 3 - 9
More than ever, travelers are encountering a different sort of landscape, one not only of nature but of technology. Wind Power in View is the first authoritative discourse on the aesthetic impact of wind turbines on the landscape and what can be done about it. It is a detailed and thoroughly illustrated discussion of the issue from several different perspectives. The book also provides an overview of the status of wind energy at the dawn of the new millennium, examines some of the ongoing battles, and offers guidelines on minimizing its visual impact.Taking examples from the United States, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, and Sweden, Wind Power in View is the first book to tackle the thorny land use questions raised by wind energy's hard won respectability. What will be the future of wind energy? Will it be welcomed as savior, or will it be opposed as a new-age intrusion on open space and landscape preservation? These 11 essays, international in nature and written by objective experts, address landscape issues in creative, original ways.

Dictionary of Water and Waste Management

  • 1st Edition
  • March 20, 2002
  • Paul G Smith
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 2 4 6 7 - 2
The first edition of the Dictionary of Waste and Water Treatment was published in 1981 and was aimed at treatment and treatment design. Over the last 20 years, areas such as air pollution control, solid waste management, hazardous waste management, pipeline management (leakage control, pipeline and sewer renewal) and environmental management systems have all become increasingly important. To reflect this shift, this completely revised and updated edition now covers water and waste management as well as treatment.The dictionary contains definitions of around 7000 terms used in:Water resources and hydrologyDrinking water qualityWaterborne diseasesPublic HealthWater treatmentWastewater treatmentSludge treatmentAir pollution & air pollution controlSolid Waste ManagementHazardous Waste ManagementPipeline Management (leakage control, pipeline & sewer renewal)Environmental Management systems (ISO 14000, EMAS)The dictionary has been completely revised and updated to encompass all the changes of the last 20 years to become the most comprehensive dictionary of water and waste management available.

Green Profits

  • 1st Edition
  • April 13, 2001
  • Nicholas P Cheremisinoff + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 0 7 6 0 - 6
Green Profits covers two tightly connected topics, environmental management systems (EMS) and pollution prevention (P2), in a single volume. Authored by an environmental engineer and an economist/planner, Green Profits shows how to implement an EMS, especially ISO 14001, so that it leads to profitable pollution prevention innovations, and how to identify and implement pollution prevention measures in a sound strategic business framework. Green Profits provides the knowledge and tools for enterprise managers to achieve the benefits of both EMS and P2, and to do so in ways that fit in with existing management systems in their enterprises.Environmental management systems are planned and organized ways for an enterprise to manage its interactions with the environment, in particular those interactions that consume resources, degrade the environment, and create human health risk. Part I of Green Profits provides a thorough and practical understanding of the elements of EMSs in general and ISO 14001 in particular, tools and techniques for implementing an EMS and achieving ISO 14001 certification, and help with getting the implementation process started.Pollution prevention involves replacing process technologies that generate pollution with those that do not or that do so much less. It focuses on improving production processes to minimize waste rather than treating effluents or emissions, which add to costs. Part II of Green Profits provides tools such as step-by-step guides to conducting a P2 audit and energy and material balances for identifying P2 opportunities in an enterprise; examples of P2 practices in specific industry sectors; and a set of tools for assessing potential P2 investments from a bottom-line point of view.With this New Handbook -- · Bring your facility into compliance · Improve your corporate image · Reduce your company's environmental liabilities · Identify and save millions of dollars from pollution prevention projects This New Handbook Includes -- · A step-by-step approach to implementing ISO 14001 · A step-by-step approach to implementing Pollution Prevention · Contains nearly 100 useful charts and tables used by the experts in establishing environmental action plans, gap analyses, establishing an Environmental Management System · Contains dozens of useful charts and calculation methods with examples for evaluating the costs and savings to your company in implementing Pollution Prevention · Dozens of industry-specific case studies that you can learn and profit from · Shows you in stepwise fashion how project financing principles and environmental cost accounting methods, when coupled with EMS can save your company moneyThis New Handbook is unique because unlike other volumes that separately cover Environmental Management Systems and Pollution Prevention, you have it all in one single volume, written by Experts that are Practitioners.

Life Cycle Engineering of Plastics

  • 1st Edition
  • January 23, 2001
  • L. Lundquist + 3 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 3 8 8 6 - 3
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 3 5 4 7 - 0
"This book adds much to the already evolving field of Design for Environment; but it goes far beyond most works on this subject by surrounding the central notions of life cycle assessment with a scientific body of knowledge and with a more practical slant reflecting the reality of the organizations in which product development occurs. Through a focus on plastic products, the authors show the importance of making ties between basic technical knowledge and the process of life cycle engineering. Their approach offers a practical, deliberate way to make ecologically and economically sensible decisions about product reuse and recycling and other critical dimensions of product life behavior. They demonstrate a positive approach to designing products that fits into a sustainable economy through down-to-earth cases. While the book focuses on the life cycle engineering of plastics, it is only a short step to other materials and products. Beyond contributing to the technology of life cycle engineering, this text adds to the growing body of knowledge that argues for an fundamentally new way of thinking about economic and social activity--a new paradigm for sustainable social and industrial problem solving. Industrial ecology is such a new system for thinking about and implementing sustainability that draws its core set of ideas from the ecological world. Industrial ecology brings to the surface the idea of interdependence among members of a community-- natural or economic, and notes the material cycles that are central to a stable ecosystem. The life cycle engineering framework, coupled with sound scientific knowledge of materials behavior as articulated in this book, makes a giant step towards bringing the model of industrial ecology into everyday practice." From the Preface by John R. EhrenfeldDirector, MIT Technology, Business and Environment ProgramCenter for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development

Technology, Humans, and Society

  • 1st Edition
  • January 23, 2001
  • Richard C. Dorf
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 1 8 6 5 - 7
A number of factors, from soaring fuel prices to genetically modified agricultural products, have greatly refocused worldwide attention on the interrelationship between technology and society and the necessity for sustainable engineering and business practices. Technology, Humans, and Society focuses on building a model for business and engineering that will lead to a sustainable world. The challenge for engineering is to develop new technologies that enable economic growth and do not deplete irreplaceable resources and destroy ecological systems. No longer solely the domain of environmentalists and ecologists, "sustainable" or "green" business practices and engineering designs are becoming a central part of the planning of many of the world's most influential companies, such as Hewlett-Packard, Honeywell, Dow, and Agilent. Companies are overwhelmingly not only finding that sustainable business and engineering practices are good for environment, but also improve the image of the company and quite frequently the "bottom-line." Dorf's 1975 publication, Technology and Society (ISBN: 0878350470), sold over 70,000 copies. The completely new Technology, Humans, and Society is created to meet the swelling demand for unified practices of both business people and technologists in the creation of a "greener" sustainable world.

Macro-Engineering and the Earth

  • 1st Edition
  • November 1, 1998
  • U W Kitzinger + 1 more
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 1 - 8 9 8 5 6 3 - 5 9 - 4
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 7 8 2 4 2 - 0 5 8 - 3
This work delivers ideas, comments and projects on energy, communications, transport, management, human resources, and financial and legal issues which macroengineering can contribute towards the solution of the Earth's environmental problems. Some 20 engineers and scholars identify problems in the next century whose solutions call for international policy planning and a more collaborative, peaceful and prosperous world order.Imaginative concepts employ forward thinking for applying technology in revolutionary projects. The book presents results of research on a triple helical turbine capable of extracting vast amounts of energy from slow-moving water, an invention which could harness rivers and ocean currents, rendering high dams (with their political, social and ecological implications) redundant. These turbines are already in mass production in the USA for use in the Gulf Stream to produce energy and hydrogen fuel, and can also be used to harness power from the wind.Another project, for which the technology is already available, will harvest solar energy by satellites stationed beyond our atmosphere and beam it to the Earth; and yet another calls for planetary defence of Earth against asteroid collisions. The environmental section discusses large projects for changing our climate, planning and costing for a sub-Mediterranean aqueduct connecting the River Rhone in France with Algeria, and plans for intensive fish farming of the oceans. The role of satellites includes telemedicine, and there are Swiss plans for further tunnelling through the Alps. Project management sections include the formation of a military-civilian conservation corps, financial and legal issues, macro-projects in China, and a forecast of 21st century macro-problems.

Unit Operations in Environmental Engineering

  • 1st Edition
  • December 31, 1994
  • Robert Noyes
  • Robert Noyes
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 8 1 5 5 - 1 9 4 4 - 7
This book discusses the practical aspects of environmental technology organized into eight chapters relating to unit operations as follows: 1. Biological Technology2. Chemical Technology3. Containment and Barrier Technology4. Immobilization Technology5. Membrane Technology6. Physical Technology7. Radiation and Electrical Technology8. Thermal Destruction TechnologyTraditional technologies have been included, as well as those that can be considered innovative and emerging. The traditional approaches have been the most successful, as contractors are careful about bidding on some of the newer technologies. However, as regulatory requirements increase, markets will open for the innovative and emerging processes. There will be increasing pressure to break down complex waste streams, with each subsequent stream demanding separate treatment. In addition, a number of technologies have been developed by combining processes directly, or in a treatment train, and these developments are expected to assume increasing importance. However, such concerns as uncertainties due to liability, regulatory approval, price competition, and client approval have limited the application of some of these newer technologies.

Managing the Environment

  • 1st Edition
  • October 26, 1993
  • John R. Beaumont + 2 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 9 2 8 8 - 5
Managing the Environment offers an interdisciplinary and multi-functional management approach to the environmental issues affecting business practice.Many of the books published on this subject have so far been written by environmental scientists or from a strictly economic viewpoint. Managing the Environment aims to redress the balance by considering the impacts of environmental issues on various management functions, including accounting and finance, marketing, production and operations, information systems and organizational behaviour and culture. Each chapter includes review and study questions, and case studies form an important part of the book.

Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology: Volume 5

  • 1st Edition
  • November 18, 1992
  • Paul Cheremisinoff
  • English
  • Hardback
    9 7 8 - 0 - 8 7 2 0 1 - 2 5 8 - 5
As landfills are closed and new and stricter legislation enacted, the problems of waste and pollution grow ever larger. Re-engineering production lines to reduce the source of unusable by-products is one answer, and developing new technologies to make use of these materials another. Recycling provides an immediate solution, and it is one that is becoming more and more popular in a variety of industries ranging from styrene to steel to newsprint. Like the other titles in the "Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology" series, this volume draws on contributors from around the world who are engaged in finding ways to solve the problems of waste and devising new strategies for recycling.