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Books in Sedimentology

61-70 of 85 results in All results

Clays, Muds, and Shales

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 44
  • November 10, 1989
  • C.E. Weaver
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 9 5 8 - 2
This book provides a comprehensive and critical summary of clay mineral literature that relates to geology and geologic processes, making it useful both as a reference book for geologists and as a text for the specialist.The book encompasses the full scope of clay-shale geology. An introductory chapter provides basic background terminology and classification. This is followed by a relatively long chapter on the structure and composition of the various clay minerals. Chapter 3 provides an introduction to soil formation, chemical weathering, microbial alteration and the pedogenic formation of clay minerals. Chapters 4 and 5 cover the continental and marine transport, and deposition of clays. Both mechanisms and examples are presented, ranging from biodepositional to the nepheloid layer. Chapter 6 reviews data on the low to high temperature formation of clay minerals from marine volcanics, and the growth of authigenic clays in shallow marine, brackish, and evaporite environments. Chapter 7, Diagenesis Metamorphism, covers both burial diagenesis and the processes occurring during the conversion of shale to clay. Chapter 8 discusses the formation of authigenic-diagenetic formation of clays in sandstones. Chapter 9 describes the temperal distribution of clay minerals in North and South America, Europe, Africa and the Atlantic Ocean. The clay suites are related to factors such as continental drift, tectonics, climate and environment. The final brief chapter covers compaction, lithification and some general features of shales.The book is liberally sprinkled with x-ray patterns, chemical analyses, and SEM and TEM pictures, in addition to hundreds of examples.

Enhanced Oil Recovery, II

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 17B
  • July 1, 1989
  • E.C. Donaldson + 2 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 8 7 3 - 8
Written by foremost experts in the field, and formulated with attention to classroom use for advanced studies in reservoir characterization and processes, this book reviews and summarises state-of-the-art progress in the field of enhanced oil recovery (EOR). All of the available techniques: alkaline flooding; surfactant flooding; carbon dioxide flooding; steam flooding; in-situ combustion; gas injection; miscible flooding; microbial recovery; and polymer flooding are discussed and compared. Together with Volume I, it presents a complete text on enhanced recovery technology and, hence, is an almost indispensible reference text.This second volume compliments the first by presenting as complete an analysis as possible of current oilfield theory and technology, for accomplishment of maximum production of oil. Many different processes have been developed and field tested for enhancement of oil recovery. The emerging philosophy is that no single process is applicable to all petroleum reservoirs. Each must be treated as unique, and carefully evaluated for characteristics that are amenable to one or two of the proven technologies of EOR. This book will aid the engineer in field evaluation and selection of the best EOR technology for a given oilfield. Even the emerging technology of microbial applications to enhance oil recovery are reviewed and explained in terms that are easily understood by field engineers.The book is presented in a manner suitable for graduate studies. The only addition required of teachers is to supply example problems for class work. An appendix includes a reservoir mathematic model and program for general application that can also be used for teaching.

Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 46
  • April 1, 1989
  • C.H. Moore
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 9 6 0 - 5
Carbonate diagenesis is a subject of enormous complexity because of the basic chemical reactivity of carbonate minerals. These carbonate minerals react quickly with natural waters that either dissolve the carbonates, or precipitate new carbonates to bring the water into equilibrium with the host carbonate sediments and rocks. These rock-water interactions either create porosity by dissolution, or destroy porosity by the precipitation of carbonate cements into pore spaces. Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity examines these important relationships in detail.This volume is published in co-operation with OGCI, and is based on training courses organised by OGCI and taught by Dr. Moore. It is intended to give the working geologist and university graduate student a reasonable overview of carbonate diagenesis and its influence on the evolution of carbonate porosity. It starts with a discussion of the major differences between carbonates and siliciclastics so that the novice will have an appreciation of the basic nature of the carbonate system. Carbonate porosity, its nature and its classification is then discussed so that the relationship between diagenesis and porosity can be established. Environments of diagenesis and their characteristics are outlined, stressing the nature of pore fluids found in each environment. Tools for the recognition of these environments are then discussed with stress on the constraints suffered by each technique. Each major diagenetic environment is then discussed in detail with petrographic, geochemical characteristics outlined, and an in depth discussion of the impact of the environment's diagenetic processes on porosity development and evolution. Diagenetic models are developed where appropriate and criteria for recognition listed. Case histories illustrating these concepts and models are presented for each major diagenetic environment and sub-environment.Over 160 line drawings illustrate the book. Petrographic characteristics of porosity and diagenetic fabrics and textures are illustrated using numerous photomicrographs taken specifically for the book by the author. The book has been extensively indexed, and includes a large, current reference section.This book should be useful to any geologist interested in, or working with, carbonate sediments and rocks. It will be particularly useful to the industrial geologist concerned with the exploration or exploitation of hydrocarbons from carbonate rock sequences where an understanding of porosity development, evolution, and prediction are important. In addition, this book will be a good text for advanced carbonate courses at graduate level, and an appropriate reference book for graduate students working in, or interested in, carbonate rock sequences and sediments.

Diagenesis, II

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 43
  • December 1, 1988
  • G.V. Chilingarian + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 9 5 7 - 5
Diagenesis is a highly developed, interdisciplinary field of study. It is reciprocal in that it borrows from numerous scientific or technological specialities and then, in turn, repays them with useful results. Too often, however, the information gained and concepts developed remain unintegrated instead of being utilized quickly by several related earth-science fraternities. This volume, the second of a multi-volume work, attempts to bring together such information, thereby assisting the individual and the research group in keeping up with the data explosion.There is no end in sight to diagenetic research because of its wide practical and intellectual appeals. Consequently, periodic reviews, such as presented in this volume, are greatly needed.

Green Marine Clays

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 45
  • November 1, 1988
  • G.S. Odin
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 9 5 9 - 9
Green Marine Clays provides a comparative study of four authigenic marine clays: the well-known glaucony marine facies; the newly-identified sedimentary facies - verdine; the old oolitic ironstone facies; and the celadonite-bearing facies.The book demonstrates that the sea bottom plays host to a variety of clay minerals specific to the marine environment: ferric di-trioctahedral ``serpentine'', ferric chlorite, ferric smectite, ferric mica, ferric ``swelling chlorite'', all widespread in present oceans and all fundamentally formed by crystal growth and recrystallization processes in semi-confined marine microenvironments.A unique feature of the book is the inclusion of the first detailed study of the verdine facies characterized by a variety of authigenic green clays, some of which are new clay mineral species widespread in all tropical oceans. The celadonite-bearing facies has been studied intensively in the last few years and new results are obtained from deep sea samples and from land outcrops. The current knowledge is synthesized and reviewed in comparison with the glaucony facies. A new approach is adopted in the description of the old oolitic ironstone facies in which a comparison is made with the recent verdine facies.The material is abundantly illustrated throughout by 133 figures and 59 tables; 36 of the figures consist of plates showing 170 selected pictures obtained at different scales of observation including the field, binocular microscope, thin sections, transmission electron miscroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, high resolution transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction. A subject index completes the book.The information presented here will help geologists construct a clearer picture of environmental and depositional history of rocks. It will appeal to sedimentologists interested in the processes by which, and the environment in which, clay minerals form. Clay mineralogists will find much useful information on a variety of iron rich minerals, and geochemists interested in the iron in the sea and those working with sedimentary iron ores will also benefit from the book.

Diagenesis, I

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 41
  • July 1, 1988
  • G.V. Chilingarian + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 9 5 5 - 1
Diagenesis is a highly developed, interdisciplinary field of study. It is reciprocal in that it borrows from numerous scientific or technological specialities and then, in turn, repays them with useful results. Too often, however, the information gained and concepts developed remain unintegrated instead of being utilized quickly by several related earth-science fraternities. This volume, the first of a multi-volume work, attempts to bring together such information, thereby assisting the individual and the research group in keeping up with the data explosion.There is no end in sight to diagenetic research because of its wide practical and intellectual appeals. Consequently, periodic reviews, such as presented in this volume, are greatly needed.

Carbonate-Clastic Transitions

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 42
  • December 1, 1987
  • Laurence (Hy) Doyle + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 6 9 5 6 - 8
Over the years, the field of sedimentology has become subdivided into various specialities. Two of the largest groups are those who study clastic rocks and those who study carbonates. There is little communication between the two: journals appear which are exclusively devoted to one or the other, and research conferences tend to be mutually exclusive. On the other hand, rocks themselves cannot be "pigeon-holed" in this way - the facies change from clastic to carbonate both laterally and through time. This volume stems from the editors' observations of such changes in the Gulf of Mexico and their realization that these geologically important transitions were being largely ignored because of professional compartmentilization.The book opens with a chapter which gives an overview of the whole picture of global patterns of carbonate and clastic sedimentation. It then proceeds to a discussion of sedimentary models of siliciclastic deposits and coral reef relationships. The rest of the book comprises eight case studies on carbonate-clastic transitions, and a final chapter on control of carbonate-clastic sedimentation systems by baroclinic coastal currents.The aim of the book is to emphasize that clastic and carbonate sedimentation are not separate but part of a continuum - a transition which needs to be more thoroughly investigated and better understood. The excellent research papers presented here will undoubtedly help to achieve this goal.