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Books in Hydrology

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Estimation Theory in Hydrology and Water Systems

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 42
  • June 10, 1993
  • K. Nacházel
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 3 3 - 5
Methodological procedures of the theory of estimation of statistical parameters of time series and their application to hydrology and water engineering, particularly the sphere of reservoir-controlled runoffs, are dealt with in this volume. For estimates use is made of random sequences generated for various probability properties. This methodological approach enables examination of the properties of random and systematic errors of the parameters estimated even for the asymmetrical probability distributions, which are frequent in hydrology and water engineering. This book will be of interest to stochastic hydrologists.

Statistical Methods in Water Resources

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 49
  • March 3, 1993
  • D.R. Helsel + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 5 0 8 - 8
Data on water quality and other environmental issues are being collected at an ever-increasing rate. In the past, however, the techniques used by scientists to interpret this data have not progressed as quickly. This is a book of modern statistical methods for analysis of practical problems in water quality and water resources.The last fifteen years have seen major advances in the fields of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and robust statistical methods. The 'real-life' characteristics of environmental data tend to drive analysis towards the use of these methods. These advances are presented in a practical and relevant format. Alternate methods are compared, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each as applied to environmental data. Techniques for trend analysis and dealing with water below the detection limit are topics covered, which are of great interest to consultants in water-quality and hydrology, scientists in state, provincial and federal water resources, and geological survey agencies.The practising water resources scientist will find the worked examples using actual field data from case studies of environmental problems, of real value. Exercises at the end of each chapter enable the mechanics of the methodological process to be fully understood, with data sets included on diskette for easy use. The result is a book that is both up-to-date and immediately relevant to ongoing work in the environmental and water sciences.

Shallow Water Hydrodynamics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 55
  • August 17, 1992
  • W.Y. Tan
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 9 3 - 9
Within this monograph a comprehensive and systematic knowledge on shallow-water hydrodynamics is presented. A two-dimensional system of shallow-water equations is analyzed, including the mathematical and mechanical backgrounds, the properties of the system and its solution. Also featured is a new mathematical simulation of shallow-water flows by compressible plane flows of a special virtual perfect gas, as well as practical algorithms such as FDM, FEM, and FVM. Some of these algorithms have been utilized in solving the system, while others have been utilized in various applied fields. An emphasis has been placed on several classes of high-performance difference schemes and boundary procedures which have found wide uses recently for solving the Euler equations of gas dynamics in aeronautical and aerospatial engineering. This book is constructed so that it may serve as a handbook for practicians. It will be of interest to scientists, designers, teachers, postgraduates and professionals in hydraulic, marine, and environmental engineering; especially those involved in the mathematical modelling of shallow-water bodies.

Water Resources Development in Developing Countries

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 41
  • March 5, 1991
  • M.S. Peterson + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 3 2 - 8
Water resources exploitation has been regarded as a way of initiating economic development in many countries. Planning concepts are now changing. Thorough environmental studies, sociological and economic studies now preceed project formulation. Justification solely on the basis of benefit cost studies is no longer sufficient for many development agencies. The broader approach is introduced in this book, but the real emphasis is on the situation in and needs of developing countries.Some of the problems experienced in building water resources in developing countries are described in this book, and methods of solution based on the limited experience of the authors, are offered. These range from use of unbiased common sense, coupled with a close understanding of people's requirements, to a comprehensive computer simulated planning model. Some types of water resources development are described in more detail. These include irrigation, hydro electric power and rural water supply. Sections on socio-economics and human resource development are also included, as well as on data collection, and project planning. Lessons from the failure of multimillion dollar projects are not hard to come by, and examples and pointers which will assist future planners are given. Attention is paid to the need for aid to include training and to stimulate local economies. However big water projects appear, they cannot escape the effects of the rest of the country's economy. Attention is also drawn to environmental problems, particularly soil erosion, often caused by water resources development. The fact that water resources development cannot be carried out by engineers only, is recognized. The input of many professions, and vast experience, is needed. Drawn on international case studies, much of the material has been presented in postgraduate courses by the authors.

Groundwater Resources Assessment

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 38
  • September 7, 1989
  • J. Balek
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 2 9 - 8
The development of environmentally sound groundwater resources has recently become a high priority throughout the world. Many countries are currently developing comprehensive regulations for the management of groundwater resources. Within this framework an assessment of renewable groundwater resources is one of the most important factors.This book is based on the author's many years of experience in the assessment of surface and subsurface water resources, field experiments and computer oriented work, in both developed and developing countries. An environmental approach is followed. Groundwater resources are seen as a part of the aquatic ecosystem in which not only geology but the whole lithosphere, vegetation, surface resources and atmosphere play an equally important role.Both simple and advanced models are presented, which can also be applied to complicated geological structures where standard groundwater models fail to operate. Conceptual and stochastic models are presented in a form which the reader can use as a guide for further model development - an approach much in demand in regions where many different features and a variety of data are available. Experimental work leading to the identification of groundwater resources is also broadly discussed.The book will prove valuable to students at university level, researchers, institutes, departments, and consultancies involved in water resources.

Groundwater Economics

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 39
  • April 1, 1989
  • E. Custodio + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 3 0 - 4
This book contains a selection of papers presented at the Symposium and Workshop on Groundwater Economics, held in Barcelona, Spain, 19-23 October 1987. The editors' aim was to produce a publication with useful contributions, containing basic concepts, general formulations, relevant specific studies usable as reference cases, and issues of interest for developing areas and countries.

Water Management in Reservoirs

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 33
  • February 1, 1989
  • L. Votruba + 1 more
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 2 4 - 3
This book introduces methods for solving the technical and economic problems posed by water reservoirs, so as to ensure they have the best possible economic and social effect. The significance of reservoirs and the development of their function in water management is assessed, and they are classified according to origin and placing. Among the methods for solving the reservoir's function, both graphical and numerical procedures are described, based on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. In the explanation of the supply function of the reservoirs, attention is paid to the processing of hydrological data, the respective probability distribution is assessed, the theory of stochastic processes is explained, and methods of modelling the sequence of mean annual and monthly discharges are mentioned. The demands of consumers and the reliability of water supply are analysed. All types of reservoir discharge control are presented, i.e. multi-year, annual, short-term and compensation. A solution is given for the discharge control in reservoir systems and in special cases of water management, as well as in individual reservoirs. To describe the flood control function of reservoirs, hydrological data are evaluated, the precision of the flood regime characteristics is assessed, the flood routing in a reservoir is resolved, and the question of flood control is discussed. Control of a reservoir is ensured by a special space, as well as by utilizing the supply and overflow components of the reservoir.A separate part is devoted to the water management operations of reservoirs, mentioning the rules for control of the discharge from reservoirs in permanent operation, mainly using central control, and for the study and evaluation of the water management function of reservoirs. The last part of the book describes solutions for new reservoir functions resulting from their incorporation into water management systems and their function in the environment. The basic types of water management systems are described, as well as conditions for their optimal operation. In a similar way, the distribution of investment and operation costs for the various parts of a complex water management project are discussed in detail, as well as the economic impact of the reliability of water supply and flood control. The physical, chemical, biological and social consequences of reservoirs and their significance in creating a cultural landscape are analysed.The book is mainly intended for those who are involved in the development, preparation and operation of water management schemes and students of graduate and post-graduate courses in the field of water management.

Groundwater Discharge Tests: Simulation and Analysis

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 37
  • November 1, 1988
  • D. Clarke
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 2 8 - 1
This book describes microcomputer programs which can be used to simulate or analyse water production well and aquifer discharge test data. Computer graphics are used to help visualise the data, and output to plotters is also catered for. Simple confined aquifers, leaky confined aquifers, unconfined aquifers and a variety of boundary conditions are dealt with.The book and the microcomputer programs it describes will allow the reader to apply very flexible computer techniques to the analysis of his well and aquifer discharge test data. The speed of the microcomputer analyses will give the user the opportunity of looking at his data in more ways than he would otherwise be able to, thus giving insights into the data that would not otherwise be possible. The simulation programs permit the production of type curve data, which can then be used in comparison with the real data, or used in becoming familiar with the operation of the analysis programs.Although primarily intended for practicing hydrogeologists and universities teaching hydrogeology, this book would also be of interest to anyone having an interest in the effects of groundwater extraction. The programs will run on IBM PCs and compatibles with colour graphics.

Analysis of Water Resource Systems

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 32
  • September 1, 1988
  • L. Votruba
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 2 3 - 6
Water resource systems research provides a basis for rational water management in large basins. The design and operation of water resource systems are both the most complicated and the most important tasks of water management. This book deals with the basic issues involved in the application of systems sciences to water management.A survey of the systems sciences (the general systems theory, cybernetics, systems engineering, operations research and systems analysis) is presented, as well as the methods for water resource systems analysis and for water resource systems analysis and for their evaluation. The mathematical methods used in systems theory have been given detailed treatment. Linear and dynamic programming have been used as models of optimal programming. Since many practical tasks require the simulation models of water resource systems, apart from their principles and a detailed description, the simulation language for computing programming has been included. Other methods of operations research and their application to water resource systems have been analysed and evaluated. Some of these are: models of inventory theory, models of queuing theory, graphs, network analysis, and some special methods like the out-of-kilter algorithm, the chance-constrained model and the chance-constrained model combined with the simluation model. One chapter is devoted to information and information systems in water management. The final part of the book deals with prospects for water resource systems development.The book is intended for engineers and decision-makers involved in projects, operation and research. However, it can be used by students in high schools, technical universities and by graduate students. It will serve as an up-to-date source of information about the principles and methodology of water resource analysis and design.

Water and Wastewater Systems Analysis

  • 1st Edition
  • Volume 34
  • July 1, 1988
  • D.J. Stephenson
  • English
  • eBook
    9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 7 0 2 5 - 0
This book provides a sound basis for analysing water supply schemes from the point of view of water quality. A systematic approach to decision making in water resources planning is presented with particular reference to wastewater re-use. Methods for deciding between recycling, purification or use of river water are given. The problems of poor quality water are documented and alternatives suggested, including management in a way to achieve objectives in the most economic manner.Various methods of system simulation and optimization are applied in a number of case studies. Methods of analysis and numerical methods are described, as well as the basis of pollution and water quality. The economics of desalination are also discussed. The examples studied range from regional supplies to internal re-circulation. Groundwater and artificial recharge are considered, and stormwater quality and sewerage systems are also covered. Computer applications exist throughout and a number of simulation and optimization programs in BASIC are presented. The necessity for scientific sampling procedures in monitoring water quality, an often ignored subject, was written by Professor Tom Sanders of Colorado State University.The theory and case studies should prove of value in many aspects of planning the use of water resources with quality constraints. Wastewater re-use and conservation are therefore promoted by the approach adopted.