Remote Sensing and GIS in Peri-Urban Research: Perspectives on Global Change, Sustainability and Resilience, Eleventh Edition provides the most recent methods and techniques, incorporating geoinformatics-based practices to map, evaluate, and model urban landscape attributes and changes. The book provides theory, methodology, and future perspectives of remote sensing and GIS techniques applied to peri-urban modelling, analysis and sustainability through the use of spatio-temporal geospatial datasets. It also includes case studies of real-world data sets, with applicable algorithms, techniques and methods for study.This will be a useful reference for researchers and academics in remote sensing, GIS, and spatial analysis, and environmental or urban scientists wanting to implement remote sensing technologies in their research.
Land Reclamation and Restoration Strategies for Sustainable Development: Geospatial Technology Based Approach, Volume Ten covers spatial mapping, modeling and risk assessment in land hazards issues and sustainable management. Each section in the book explores state-of-art techniques using commercial, open source and statistical software for mapping and modeling, along with case studies that illustrate modern image processing techniques and computational algorithms. A special focus is given on recent trends in data mining techniques. This book will be of particular interest to students, researchers and professionals in the fields of earth science, applied geography, and those in the environmental sciences.
Mapping the Epidemic: A Systemic Geography of COVID-19 in Italy provides a theoretical-methodological framework based on space-time analysis to map and interpret the set of factors that could have contributed to the spread of COVID-19, as well as a reflexive cartographic mapping visualizing the virus’s dynamics. After an introduction that constitutes the theoretical anchor of the work carried out both with respect to territorial analysis and the use of reflexive cartography, the book discusses the role played by reflexive cartography in research on the COVID-19 pandemic conducted by an Italian university working group dealing with reticularity and the territorial fragilities that have influenced the spread. The data, subjected to analysis, are translated into reflexive cartography as a tool for restitution and investigation of the territorial dynamics. Each chapter consists of detailed information in which the European context of data analysis is illustrated, to then investigate the Italian territory and focus on the case of Lombardy and, in particular, of Bergamo as the epicenter. The book addresses the theoretical and methodological approaches of mapping the epidemic in Italy and the importance of cartography in the outbreak response, as well as including data accounting for contributing factors such as atmospheric pollution and infection rate, population distribution and major mobility corridors, and measures adopted to contain the outbreak, by implementing mapping at the regional Lombard, national, and European levels. Mapping the Epidemic: A Systemic Geography of COVID-19 in Italy uses an interdisciplinary approach that highlights the key role of geography and cartography in providing usable data and conclusions on the virus outbreak and will be valuable for researchers and professionals in the fields of geography, GIS, and spatial mapping, as well as statisticians working on mapping outbreaks and epidemiological scientists needing mapping data on the virus.
Technological changes are revolutionising cartography and there is a growing convergence between geographic information systems and computer assisted cartography. This book describes in detail the relationship between geographic information systems and modern cartography and considers all aspects from data collection to presentation and applications. Written by some of the world's leading cartographers, the book examines the emergence of electronic mapping systems and stresses both analysis and visualisation.
Visualization in Modern Cartography explores links between the centuries-old discipline of cartography and today's revolutionary developments in scientific visualization. The book has three main goals: (1) to pass on design and symbolization expertise to the scientific visualization community - information that comes from centuries of pre-computer visualization by cartographers, and their more recent experiences with computerizing the discipline; (2) to help cartographers cope with the dramatic shift from print cartography to a dynamic virtual cartography for which their role is changing from that of map designer to one of spatial information display (and/or interface) designer; (3) to illustrate the expanded role for cartography in geographic, environmental, planning, and earth science applications that comes with the development of interactive geographic visualization tools. To achieve these goals, the book is divided into three parts. The first sets the historical, cognitive, and technological context for geographic/cartographic visualization tool development. The second covers key technological, symbolization, and user interface issues. The third provides a detailed look at selected prototype geographic/cartographic visualization tools and their applications.
Elements of Spatial Data Quality outlines the need and suggests potential categories for the content of a comprehensive statement of data quality that must be imbedded in the metadata that accompanies the transfer of a digital spatial data file or is available in a separate metadata catalog. Members of the International Cartographic Association's Commission on Spatial Data Quality have identified seven elements of data quality: positional accuracy, attribute accuracy, completeness, logical consistency, lineage, semantic accuracy and temporal information. In the book the authors describe: components of each data quality element, possible metrics that can be used to measure the quality of each criteria, possible testing and rating schemes, and how these parameters might differ from a producer or user point of view. Finally no volume of this nature would be complete without a chapter devoted to necessary future research in this subject area. The chapter points out areas in need of further investigation and speculates about the use and transfer of digital spatial data in tomorrow's electronic world and at developments in presenting specified data quality information in a visualization. This book will be of interest to all of those individuals involved in geographical information systems and spatial data handling.
Since the 1960's individuals and organisations throughout the world have been building geographic databases used in conjunction with geographic hardware and software systems to collect, analyse, display and archive digital data. Through the years it was recognised that efficiencies could be gained if the geographic database built by one group could be used by multiple users across different computer systems and formats. Therefore, it was acknowledged that spatial database transfer standards were needed to facilitate the exchange and transfer of digital geographic data.Throughout the 1980's several organisations worldwide began working on the problem of producing spatial database transfer standards. As this work was initiated, research workers began to informally compare notes and developments. The International Cartographic Association [ICA], recognising the worldwide importance of standards, organised a Standards Working Group. The initial goal of this working group was to produce a monograph reporting on the present state of development in digital database transfer standards.This book is a unique collection of reports by individual nations and international organisations that describe existing geographic standards and summarize efforts to develop geographic database transfer standards worldwide.
For generations, the map has been central to how societies function all over the world. Cybercartography is a new paradigm for maps and mapping in the information era. Defined as “the organization, presentation, analysis and communication of spatially referenced information on a wide variety of topics of interest to society,” cybercartography is presented in an interactive, dynamic, multisensory format with the use of multimedia and multimodal interfaces. Cybercartography: Theory and Practice examines the major elements of cybercartography and emphasizes the importance of interaction between theory and practice in developing a paradigm which moves beyond the concept of Geographic Information Systems and Geographical Information Science. It argues for the centrality of the map as part of an integrated information, communication, and analytical package.This volume is a result of a multidisciplinary team effort and has benefited from the input of partners from government, industry and other organizations. The international team reports on major original cybercartographic research and practice from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including the humanities, social sciences including human factors psychology, cybernetics, English literature, cultural mediation, cartography, and geography. This new synthesis has intrinsic value for industries, the general public, and the relationships between mapping and the development of user-centered multimedia interfaces.
Sophisticated interactive maps are increasingly used to explore information - guiding us through data landscapes to provide information and prompt insight and understanding. Geovisualization is an emerging domain that draws upon disciplines such as computer science, human-computer interactiondesign, cognitive sciences, graphical statistics, data visualization, information visualization, geographic information science and cartography to discuss, develop and evaluate interactive cartography.This review and exploration of the current and future status of geovisualization has been produced by key researchers and practitioners from around the world in various cognate fields ofstudy. The thirty-six chapters present summaries of work undertaken, case studies focused on new methods and their application, system descriptions, tests of their implementation, plans for collaboration and reflections on experiences of using and developing geovisualization techniques.In total, over 50 pages of color are provided in the book along with more than 250 color images on an enclosed CD-ROM.
This book examines a new trend affecting cartography and geographic information science. Presenting the work of over 30 authors from 16 different countries, the book provides an overview of current research in the new area of Internet Cartography. Chapters deal with the growth of this form of map distribution, uses in education, privacy issues, and technical aspects from the point of view of the map provider - including Internet protocols such as XML and SVG. Many see the Internet as a revolution for cartography. Previously tied to the medium of paper and expensive large-format color print technology, maps had a limited distribution and use. The Internet made it possible to not only distribute maps to a much larger audience but also to incorporate interaction and animation in the display. Maps have also become timelier with some maps of traffic and weather being updated every few minutes. In addition, it is now possible to access maps from servers throughout the world. Finally, the Internet has made historic maps available for viewing to the public that were previously only available in map libraries with limited access.