Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 97, the latest release in this serial that highlights new advances in the field, including comprehensive chapters written by an international board of authors.
Integrative Omics in Parkinson’s Disease provides a comprehensive understanding of the current literature on high-throughput technologies relating to discoveries for Parkinson's disease etiology. This emerging field uses large omics datasets to investigate the etiology of Parkinson’s disease and other forms of parkinsonism. The book traces the evolution of omics technologies from the discovery of monogenic Parkinson's disease forms. Chapters delve into genomics, transcriptomics, epigenomics, artificial intelligence, and gene-environment interactions. Furthermore, it examines the potential therapeutic applications of these advancements and provides insights into the future of omics research in Parkinson's disease.
Agroecology of Edible Weeds and Non-Crops: Ecology and Socio-Economic Potential of Plant Biodiversity is the first book to move beyond the ethnobotanical aspect of under-utilized non crops to explore how to optimize their potential. With case studies of edible weeds and non-crop plants from around the world, including Europe and North America, in urban as well as rural settings, the book highlights the global opportunities provided by these plants. The book includes much needed information for identifying, maintaining, and benefitting from these plant species. It is ideal for agricultural professionals, educators, researchers, and students.Those interested in increasing the diversity of the farming landscape and food systems by means of edible non-crop plants have access to a plethora of information on the ethnobotany of these species. Yet little to no information exists on the agroecological requirements and potential benefits of underutilized edible non-crop plants in the context of sustainable farming systems. This book fills that knowledge gap from identifying edible weeds and non-crop plants, to exploring the ways these plants can be used to economically improve nutrition.
A Practical Guide to Planning, Writing, and Reviewing Medical Device Clinical Evaluation Reports guides readers through clinical data evaluation of medical devices that is in compliance with the EU MDR requirements and other similar regulatory requirements throughout the world. This book brings together knowledge learned as the author constructed hundreds of CERs and taught thousands of learners on how to conduct clinical data evaluations. This book will support training for clinical engineers, clinical evaluation scientists, and experts reviewing medical device CERs, and will help individual writers, teams and companies to develop stronger, more robust CERs.
Neonatal Intensive Care for Extremely Preterm Infants: Japanese NICU Practices to Prevent Mortality and Morbidities presents the latest updates from top Japanese researchers at top Japanese institutions who come together to share their knowledge and implementation strategies globally. Utilizing the same drugs and devices found in NICUs worldwide, this title reviews how Japanese NICUs use them most effectively to improve outcomes in highest-risk infants.Chapters cover resuscitation and respiratory care, circulatory support, neurological care, fluid management, nutrition support, and infection control. Final chapters are devoted to sharing details of the Japanese NICU clinical environment as well as best practices for extremely preterm infant follow-up after NICU discharge. Researchers and clinicians worldwide will find this title to be an invaluable resource in improving outcomes for this most vulnerable population.
the latest release in this ongoing, well-regarded serial, provides invaluable information on the exciting and fast-moving field of cancer research, with this updated edition covering chapters on A bioinformatic-driven prediction of MDA9 transcriptional variants’ roles in cancer progression and treatment, Redox, cysteines, and kinases - A triad sustaining myeloid leukemia, The RAF cysteine-rich domain: structure, function, and role in disease , Membrane Potential: a new hallmark of cancer, Recent Advances and Progress in Immunotherapy of Solid Cancers, and much more.Other sections explore Precision Medicine: Non-Invasive Therapeutic Agent Delivery with Focused Ultrasound and Microbubbles and Anti-Cancer Activity of Capsaicin and its Analogs in Gynecological Cancers.
Encyclopedia of the Human Brain, Second Edition, Seven Volume Set builds on the success of the first edition, providing neuroscience researchers with the ideal ‘one-stop’ resource on all topics related to human brain understanding. Given the length of time since the first edition published, EHB2 is thoroughly revised, with substantial updates on many new and exciting topics, including areas such as human neuroimaging, non-invasive brain stimulation, molecular biology (including genetics and epigenetics), and the clinical diagnoses of brain disorders, along with chapters exploring the introduction of new theoretical and methodological ideas in areas ranging from cognitive neuroscience to evolution of the human brain.In total, there are 440 articles – a vast increase from 224 previously - thus reflecting the huge explosion in neuroscience research during the last 20 years. EHB2 provides a brand new generation of neuroscientists with the perfect tool with which to learn and master the fundamentals of how and why the human brain operates as it does.
Postharvest Technologies and Quality Control of Shrimp provides the most updated and comprehensive knowledge on conventional chemical additives, novel natural preservatives, innovative technologies, and packaging solutions employed to enhance the quality and safety of shrimp and shrimp products. The book disseminates current developments in natural preservatives as well as advancements in new technologies to extend the shelf-life of shrimp and their products during different storage conditions. Edited by experts in the field of fisheries and seafood science, this book provides its readership with a broad overview of shrimp postharvest quality losses.The authors have gathered a wealth of recent information and guidance on the utilization of natural preservatives and novel technologies for the quality control of shrimp. Subsequent chapters discuss the impact of handling, processing, and storage on shrimp postharvest quality, followed by various preservatives and technologies employed to retard described quality losses. The book concludes with a discussion of safety and regulation issues related to food additives.
Artificial Intelligence and Multimodal Signal Processing in Human-Machine Interaction presents an overview of an emerging field that is concerned with exploiting multiple modalities of communication in both Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction. The book not only provides cross disciplinary research in the fields of multimodal signal acquisition and sensing, analysis, IoTs (Internet of Things), Artificial Intelligence, and system architectures, it also evaluates the role of Artificial Intelligence I in relation to the realization of contemporary Human Machine Interaction (HMI) systems.Readers are introduced to the multimodal signals and their role in the identification of the intended subjects, mental state and the realization of HMI systems are explored, and the applications of signal processing and machine/ensemble/deep learning for HMIs are assessed. A description of proposed methodologies is provided, and related works are also presented. This is a valuable resource for researchers, health professionals, postgraduate students, post doc researchers and faculty members in the fields of HMIs, Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), Prosthesis, Computer vision, and Mental state estimation, and all those who wish to broaden their knowledge in the allied field.
Tyrosinase, Volume 56 in The Enzymes series, highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on a variety of timely topics, including Overview on tyrosinases (genetics, molecular biology, phylogenetic relationship), Catalytic mechanism of tyrosinases, Structural characterization of tyrosinases, Assay methods of tyrosinase activity and inhibition, Natural products as tyrosinase inhibitors, Drug design of tyrosinase inhibitors, Peptide and peptidomimetic tyrosinase inhibitors, Computational studies of tyrosinase inhibitors, Bacterial tyrosinases and their inhibitors, and Biomedical applications of tyrosinases and tyrosinase inhibitors.