Insect Anatomy: Structure and Function provides both morphological and anatomical descriptions of insect tissues and organs and the underlying genetic mechanisms of their function using updated methods. Insects play important roles in diverse ecosystems, with subsequent, tremendous impacts on human society through disease, agriculture effects, and more. Both beneficial and detrimental insect species continuously challenge agriculture and medicine. Written by international experts of insect morphology and anatomy, this book offers concise descriptions of all parts of an insect’s anatomy, including the brain and nervous system, tracheal system, blood, reproductive organs, and kidney system.
Invertebrate Embryology and Reproduction deals with the practical and theoretical objectives of the descriptive embryology of invertebrates, along with discussions on reproduction in these groups of animals. It explains several morphological and anatomical expressions in the field and covers the embryology of invertebrate animals, starting from the Protozoa, to the Echinodermata, the Protochordate and Tunicates. These groups include economically important aquatic invertebrates, such as crustaceans, as well as medically important invertebrates and economic arthropods. Each chapter is preceded by the taxonomy of the discussed phylum and/or the species to enable the reader to locate the systematic position.
The first and second editions of Medical and Veterinary Entomology, edited by Gary R. Mullen and Lance A. Durden, published in 2002 and 2009, respectively, have been highly praised and become widely used as a textbook for classroom instruction. This fully revised third edition continues the focus on the diversity of arthropods affecting human and animal health, with separate chapters devoted to each of the taxonomic groups of insects and arachnids of medical or veterinary concern, including spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks. Each chapter includes sections on taxonomy, morphology, life history, and behavior and ecology, with separate sections on those species of public-health and veterinary importance. Each concludes with approaches to management of pest species and prevention of arthropod-borne diseases. The third edition provides a comprehensive source for teaching medical and/or veterinary entomology at the college and university level, targeted particularly at upper-level undergraduate and graduate/postgraduate programs. In addition to its value as a student textbook, the volume has appeal to a much broader audience, specialists and non-specialists alike. It provides a key reference for biologists in general, entomologists, zoologists, parasitologists, physicians, public-health personnel, veterinarians, wildlife biologists, vector biologists, military entomologists, the general public and others seeking a readable, authoritative account on this important topic.
Advances in Insect Physiology provides readers with the latest interdisciplinary reviews on the topic. It is an essential reference source for invertebrate physiologists, neurobiologists, entomologists, zoologists, and insect chemists.
Physiology, Behavior, Genomics of Social Insects provides comprehensive information on the social insect groups described, including new and unique reviews on emerging model social organisms. The book's interdisciplinary approach integrates behavior, genomics, and physiology, providing readers with great insights into the present state of a rapidly expanding area of research. It also discusses areas where new research tools will bring hope to longstanding problems.
This volume of Advances in Insect Physiology contains comprehensive interdisciplinary reviews on basic and practical aspects relevant to Insect Midgut and Insecticidal Proteins.
Drawing on expertise from around the world, this volume identifies our current state of knowledge about the behavior and physiology of root herbivores. In particular, this work describes prevailing concepts and theories based on historical and current literature and identifies what new technologies and approaches are available to researchers in the field. Chapters address how root herbivore behavior and physiology is affected by the biotic and abiotic soil environment, cover case studies of globally significant pests and discuss advances in molecular techniques. Covering all aspects of behavioral and physiological responses of root herbivores to their environment, this will be valuable reading for researchers and professionals in agricultural entomology, plant science, ecology and soil science.
This latest volume in this series contains articles on Arachnid Physiology and Behaviour. The papers in this special issue give rise to key themes for the future.
This latest volume in this series contains articles on Arachnid Physiology and Behaviour.The papers in this special issue give rise to key themes for the future.