Fungi are among the most widespread microorganisms in insect habitats. They may serve as mutualistic elements in insect physiology (e.g., in digestion) or they may act as infectant agents, weakening or killing the host. This latter feature may be used for microbial pest control. Interactions of Entomopathogenic Fungi with Insects: From Physiological Effects to Applications will cover entomopathogenic fungi, as well as the physiological, immunological, and behavioral responses that they illicit in insects. The book will go on to explore the potential uses of these biopesticides against harmful insects such as parasitoids and disease vectors. Finally, it will cover potential harm to non-target insect populations and how these might be mitigated.Interactions of Entomopathogenic Fungi with Insects: From Physiological Effects to Applications is an interdisciplinary and solution-oriented book that will appeal to academics and professionals who do research or work on the sustainable development of agroecosystems, insect pathology and biocontrol, plant protection, and crop health. Graduate and post-graduate students studying entomology, agriculture, plant science, and ecology, especially those with a focus on sustainability, will also benefit from this work.
The Foraging Behavior of the Honeybee (Apis mellifera, L.) provides a scholarly resource for knowledge on the regulation, communication, resource allocation, learning and characteristics of honeybee foraging behavior at the individual and colony level. Foraging, in this context, is the exploration of the environment around a honey bee hive and the collection of resources (pollen, nectar, water, etc.) by bees in the worker caste of a colony. Honeybees have the unique ability to balance conflicting and changing resource needs in rapidly changing environments, thus their characterization as “superorganisms” made up of individuals who act in the interest of the whole. This book explores the fascinating world of honey bees in their struggle to obtain food and resources in the ecosystem and environment around the hive. Written by a team of international experts on honey bee behavior and ecology, this book covers current and historical knowledge, research methods and modeling used in the field of study and includes estimates of key parameters of energy utilization, quantities of materials collected, and identifies inconsistencies or gaps in current knowledge in the field.
The third edition of Insect Resistance Management: Biology, Economics, and Prediction expands coverage by including three new chapters on African agriculture, genetic control of pests, and fitness costs of resistance. All remaining chapters have been updated to cover key scientific findings published since 2013. The coauthors have expertise in evolutionary biology, ecology, economics, epizootiology, statistics, modeling, IPM, and genetics. The original themes demonstrating the importance of economics, IPM, pest behavior, and the behavior of humans implementing insect resistance management (IRM) are still relevant. Entomologists and others developing experiments, models, regulations, or public policy will benefit from this book that avoids reliance on dogma by analyzing and synthesizing knowledge about a wide variety of species, landscapes, and stakeholder problems.
Field Crop Arthropod Pests of Economic Importance presents detailed descriptions of the biology and ecology of important arthropod pest of selected global field crops. Standard management options for insect pest control on crops include biological, non-chemical, and chemical approaches. However, because agricultural crops face a wide range of insect pests throughout the year, it can prove difficult to find a simple solution to insect pest control in many, if not most, cropping systems. A whole-farm or integrated pest management approach combines cultural, natural, and chemical controls to maintain insect pest populations below levels that cause economic damage to the crop. This practice requires accurate species identification and thorough knowledge of the biology and ecology of the target organism. Integration and effective use of various control components is often enhanced when the target organism is correctly identified, and its biology and ecology are known. This book provides a key resource toward that identification and understanding. Students and professionals in agronomy, insect detection and survey, and economic entomology will find the book a valuable learning aid and resource tool.
Urban Landscape Entomology provides readers with the background needed to adequately understand and manage many of the complexities of urban landscape pest management. For those who need training in landscape entomology, this work serves as a practical guidebook and resource. Its chapters include quality color images of pests, along with pest management tactics, such as tree injection procedures. This topical arrangement facilitates easy extraction of information relevant to a particular situation (e.g., management of borers) and uses practical terms without oversimplifying the subject matter. This work is an invaluable resource for practitioners of landscape entomology, including technicians and operations that service local landscape management needs, such as horticultural and turfgrass management. In addition, it is also a useful reference for advanced courses in landscape entomology.
Nano-Biopesticides Today and Future Perspectives is the first single-volume resource to examine the practical development, implementation and implications of combining the environmentally aware use of biopesticides with the potential power of nanotechnology. While biopesticides have been utilized for years, researchers have only recently begun exploring delivery methods that utilize nanotechnology to increase efficacy while limiting the negative impacts traditionally seen through the use of pest control means. Written by a panel of global experts, the book provides a foundation on nano-biopesticide development paths, plant health and nutrition, formulation and means of delivery. Researchers in academic and commercial settings will value this foundational reference of insights within the biopesticide realm.
Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests of Tomato provides insight into the proper and appropriate application of pesticides and the integration of alternative pest management methods. The basis of good crop management decisions is a better understanding of the crop ecosystem, including the pests, their natural enemies, and the crop itself. This book provides a global overview of the biology and management of key arthropod pests of tomatoes, including arthropod-vectored diseases. It includes information that places tomatoes in terms of global food production and food security, with each pest chapter including the predators and parasitoids that have specifically been found to have the greatest impact on reducing that particular pest. In-depth coverage of the development of resistance in tomato plants and the biotic and abiotic elicitors of resistance and detailed information about the sustainable management of tomato pests is also presented.
Insect-Plant Interactions, the latest edition in the Advances in Botanical Research series, which publishes in-depth and up-to-date reviews on a wide range of topics in the plant sciences, features several reviews by recognized experts on all aspects of plant genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology, physiology, and ecology.
This volume of Advances in Insect Physiology contains comprehensive interdisciplinary reviews on basic and practical aspects relevant to major target receptors for crucial physiological functions and mechanisms in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, particularly insects. Chapters emphasize advanced genomic, molecular biology, chemical, and proteomic research on the receptors and their corresponding agonist and antagonist ligands. The book encompasses target systems such as sodium channels, octopamine/tyramine receptors, ABC transporters, acetylcholinesterase as a target enzyme, juvenile hormone receptors, and receptors targeted by neuropeptides.
Neither pest management nor resistance management can occur with only an understanding of pest biology. For years, entomologists have understood, with their use of economic thresholds, that at least a minimal use of economics was necessary for proper integrated pest management. IRM is even more complicated and dependent on understanding and using socioeconomic factors. The new edition of Insect Resistance Management addresses these issues and much more. Many new ideas, facts and case studies have been developed since the previous edition of Insect Resistance Management published. With a new chapter focusing on Resistance Mechanisms Related to Plant-incorporated Toxins and heavily expanded revisions of several existing chapters, this new volume will be an invaluable resource for IRM researchers, practitioners, professors and advanced students. Authors in this edition include professors at major universities, leaders in the chemical and seed industry, evolutionary biologists and active IRM practitioners. This revision also contains more information about IRM outside North America, and a modeling chapter contains a large new section on uncertainty analysis, a subject recently emphasized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The final chapter contains a section on insecticidal seed treatments. No other book has the breadth of coverage of Insect Resistance Management, 2e. It not only covers molecular to economic issues, but also transgenic crops, seed treatments and other pest management tactics such as crop rotation. Major themes continuing from the first edition include the importance of using IRM in the integrated pest management paradigm, the need to study and account for pest behavior, and the influence of human behavior and decision making in IRM.