Lockhart and Wiseman’s Crop Husbandry Including Grassland, Tenth Edition delivers the latest developments in crop varieties, crop protection products and environmental schemes. This new edition reflects the changing world around us, with sections covering the principles of crop production and chapters on plants, climate, soil management, fertilizers, manures, weeds and diseases that threaten farm crops. Other chapters focus on crop husbandry techniques and the integration of sustainability across the board in crop production. This update also includes an additional focus on the principles of plant breeding, seed production and certification considerations necessary for today’s agriculture.
Increased yields, markets, and profitability have led to changes in crop husbandry. Since its first publication in 1966, revised editions of Lockhart & Wiseman's Crop Husbandry Including Grassland have upheld and increased the book's good reputation. This ninth edition maintains its status as the standard textbook for many agricultural courses. Part one covers the principles of crop production with chapters concerning plants, climate, soil management, fertilizers, manures, weeds, and diseases threatening farm crops. Part two surveys crop husbandry techniques. Environmental impact has been addressed in greater detail in this edition. This section looks at issues such as sustainable crop management, precision farming, and organic crop husbandry. The way these general techniques apply to individual crops is explained in part three. This part considers a range of cereals, combinable break crops, root crops, industrial crops, and fresh produce crops. Part four looks at the use of grassland and forage crops, with chapters considering arable forage crops, the characteristics of grassland, and the corresponding methods for establishing and improving grassland. This part also includes information regarding equine grassland management and conservation of grass and forage crops. This ninth edition of Lockhart and Wiseman's Crop Husbandry Including Grassland is relevant for students throughout the United Kingdom and Europe. It is a useful reference book for agriculture National Diploma courses, Foundation Degrees, and BSc degrees, and is important for Masters level students entering agriculture from another discipline.
Developments in Crop Science, 10: Cultivating Edible Fungi covers the proceedings of the International Symposium on Scientific and Technical Aspects of Cultivating Edible Fungi (IMS 86), held on July 15-17, 1986. The book focuses on the methodologies, processes, and technologies involved in the cultivation of edible fungi. The selection first offers information on antitumor activities of edible mushrooms by oral administration; variability of fluorescent Pseudomonas populations in composts and casing soils used for mushroom cultures; and influence of microorganisms and fungistasis on sporophore initiation in Agaricus brunnescens. The text then elaborates on the kratovirulence determinant of wood-decay fungi in transfer of mycelia to, and basidiocarp formation on, wooden raw substrates; spent compost as a carrier for bacterial inoculant production; and effects of growth regulator compounds on yield and size of Agaricus bisporus. The manuscript examines the effect of benomyl application and spawnmate supplementation on yield and size of selected genotypes of Pleurotus spp; changes in free amino acid content of the compost during growth and development of Agaricus bisporus; and basidiospore number variation in Agaricus. The book then takes a look at the integrated control of pests and diseases in mushroom cultivation; status of pests in the cultivated mushroom in India; and laboratory and cropping tests with cyromazine for mushroom sciarid control in mushroom compost. The selection is a dependable source of data for researchers interested in the cultivation of edible fungi.
Twelve years' analysis of natural grassland and experimentally managed meadows have produced this unique set of data on the structures and physiological functions of primary producers, consumers and decomposers. Obtained during the 1973-1985 Ecosystem Study on Highland Meadows in Czechoslovakia, such original information is rare in scientific literature. The aim of the study was to define the functioning of these grasslands and their changes under different impact of man, and to examine the ecological function of those ecosystems in the intensively managed catchment area. Hence, this book contains deep analyses of soil microorganisms, their functions in decomposition and soil forming processes - leading to the evaluation of the whole carbon cycle - as well as dealing with nitrogen pathways in the experimental plots - resulting in precise determination of the full nitrogen cycle. Procedures used in practical agriculture, such as cutting, fertilization and renovation, have also been applied, producing evaluations from both ecological and economical view-points.The book's integrated ecosystem approach to grasslands, its deep professional analyses in each section, along with the synthesis on each particular level and across all levels, renders it an invaluable, informative text, comprising extensive figures and tables and a substantial bibliography of world-wide sources.
First published in 1966, Lockhart and Wiseman’s Crop Husbandry Including Grassland has established itself as the standard crop husbandry text for students and practitioners alike. Radically revised and expanded, and with a new team of authors, the eighth edition confirms and extends its reputation.Part one looks at the basic conditions for crop growth with chapters on plant structure and growth, soil analysis and management, and the use of fertilisers and manures. There is also a new chapter on the influence of climate and weather. Part two surveys general aspects of crop husbandry. As well as a discussion of cropping techniques, there are new chapters on the important new areas of integrated crop management and organic crop husbandry, as well as discussion of seed selection and production. Part three then looks at how these general techniques are applied to particular crops, with chapters on cereals, root crops, fresh harvested crops, forage crops and combinable break crops. Part four considers the use of grassland with chapters on classification, sowing and management, grazing and conservation for winter feed.Lockhart and Wiseman’s Crop Husbandry Including Grassland remains the standard text for general agriculture, land management and agri-business courses, and is a valuable practical reference for the farming industry.